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Everything posted by johnbond

  1. Yes this is what I also got from him. If I use robrowser with gepard, eventually bots will be able to bypass it because of the robrowser capability.
  2. Will this Robrowser work with servers with gepard?
  3. I saw that there is a Singapore servers which offers a ddos protection (and good ping to Philippines since they're nearer than USA) but it is very expensive. Yes but its too expensive in singapore. So servers in LA USA is 2nd choice.
  4. I cant find these lines. if( ud->skill_id >= SL_SKE && ud->skill_id <= SL_SKA && target->type == BL_MOB ) { if( ((TBL_MOB*)target)->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM ) break; }
  5. I need a server hoster for a dedicated server. Do you guys have an idea where to get a good and value-for-money hoster which can do 200gbps anti-ddos protection? I want it in west coast USA because it gives best ping towards Philippines. I understand that there are singapore servers which will give good ping being in asia as well but the problem is they do not have good ddos protections. Any advice guys? Thank you.
  6. I think this I use is older. How to make it restrict to players?
  7. Hi guys, I want to ask maybe somebody knows how I can make the eske skill of soul linkers to only be castable to MONSTERS and not to players. 471,9,6,1,0,0x1,0,3,1,no,0,0,0,magic,0,0x0, SL_SKE,Eske Is it a DB modification or a SRC mod? Kindly anyone please show me how we can do this. Thank you.
  8. It is now fixed. Thank you. +1 for you sir!
  9. Same problem sir. I changed the 509:0 to 509:1. The only difference is that now the shop allows "discounts" or at least shows tha discount values: And I have zeny 500k but I still cannot buy from it. I also have #ONLINEPOINTS. Thank you sir.
  10. Oh thank you. I loaded the NPC and there are no errors in console. But the thing is what is the 509:0 part for? Because I tried to buy from the NPC and it did not allow me to buy and printed this message in main chat: And it also said "not enough zeny" while I have zeny. But I want #ONLINEPOINTS to purchase from it. Thanks.
  11. I would like to request a sample "pointshop" NPC and I will fill in the rest. I just want a pointshop NPC that requires #ONLINEPOINTS to buy from it ... BUT before the shop opens the NPC should display a message window first and after clicking next the shop will be displayed. I will just edit the rest. Thank you dear Sirs/Maam.
  12. Oops sorry my mistake I think the revision I gave is wrong. Where can I see the current rathena revision I am using? I just got this a few months ago.
  13. Hmm that is odd. I tested this same script (http://pastebin.com/raw/rLfPGv84) at my main server and it does not give anything more than super novice. Here is SS: I am super novice 99 with job 99 and all skill points used. I am using Rathena SVN Revision: '12427'. Maybe there was an edit in SRC that fixed this problem on newer versions? Please help guys. Thanks.
  14. Guys please help me put an EXPANDED Super Novice job in the jobmaster.txt I have from rathena. 4190 Ex. Super Novice 4191 Ex. Super Baby\n" I use the default jobmaster.txt script but with some minor mods like prohibit changing from 2nd job direcdtly to third job (they should pass trans job). Here is my script: http://pastebin.com/raw/rLfPGv84 May I request to anyone to edit this script for me and put an EXPANDED SN option after the Super Novice change job. Thank you in advance guys.
  15. You might be using cash foods, try this out. conf/battle/items.conf Find: // How much time must pass between cash food uses? Default: 60000 (1 min) cashfood_use_interval: 60000 Then replace: // How much time must pass between cash food uses? Default: 60000 (1 min) cashfood_use_interval: 0 You might be using cash foods, try this out. conf/battle/items.conf Find: // How much time must pass between cash food uses? Default: 60000 (1 min) cashfood_use_interval: 60000 Then replace: // How much time must pass between cash food uses? Default: 60000 (1 min) cashfood_use_interval: 0 Thank you working! +1 to you.
  16. Thanks for this. Where can i put the list of maps this script will check?
  17. Is there a way to prohibit multiple client in battelgrounds or in any other map? Maybe a script that can sense multi-client and warp player out if came from the same PC? I use gepard and it has an added row in login table named `last_unique_id` which is somewhat similar to mac address on the last row. Maybe we can incorporate this to the script and use this to check multi-client? Can somebody make this script for me? Let us not use IP screening because most of my players play in a single IP. Thank you guys.
  18. What modifications? hwo can we set the time and which castles are open at a time?
  19. I think the problem is the page wherein you could config the script from that page.
  20. I am interested in making my Server available for browsers. I am looking for a paid dev that can do this for me. Thank you.
  21. My players complain that when using +10 stat foods and player dies, the player had to reconnnect first before being able to re-use stat foods again. Anybody know a fix for this in SRC so that there is no need to reconnect to be able to use foods again after death. I use: [info]: SVN Revision: '14712' Thank you guys.
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