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Everything posted by johnbond

  1. I have enabled skull drops in player.conf: // Players' will drop a 'Skull' when killed? // 0 = Disabled // 1 = Dropped only in PvP maps // 2 = Dropped in all situations bone_drop: 1 But is there a way to disable skull drops ONLY ON SPECIFIC MAPS? Planned map to disable skulls is pvp_y_8-2. Can anybody make a code for me to achieve this? Thank you guys!
  2. No but I only want only in PVP MAPS not all maps. Thank you Sir.
  3. Same problem sir, when a guildmaster owns the castle he still cannot get through. Message is "You are not a Guild Master of this Castle"; It looks like it cannot see who the owner for the castle is. He should be allowed inside because he owns the castle. All other checks are working perfectly except this one. it seems the problem is somewhere here: if (getgmlevel() <= 1 && getguildmasterid( getcastledata( strnpcinfo(4),1 ) ) != getcharid(0)) Thank you Sir Capuche.
  4. Hello guys, Is there a way that when you are #1 rank in the PVP (number in lower right of screen) for 30 mins then a npc will give you prize? Is there a workaround for this to work? Maybe a source mod + scripting? Any ideas? Thanks.
  5. Its still not working sir. When the guild master owning the castle prtg_cas04 walks to it, the NPC still warps him out. Intended behavior is the guildmaster of that castle SHOULD BE ALLOWED. If the player does not own the castle then not allowed. Thank you Sir.
  6. Okay sir, I used this files and changed the lines to the one you gave me. I will run this on my main server on next maintenance so that I will know from players if it works already. Thank you sir!
  7. Sir, It is already working when GM below 97 walks to it, gm gets warped. Working when GM 99 walks to it, npc does not say anything. Correct. It is already working when a non-guild master walk to it, he gets warped. But not working when the player is guild master and owner of castle payg_cas03. He gets warped out also. I also loaded the NPC at payg_cas03. It seems it was not able to properly check who owns the castle and who the guildmaster owning. Thank you sir.
  8. Kindly show me how to prohibit pet looting on pvp maps. 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } Im not sure if this is just a db/ edit or an edit in SRC. Please show me how to. Thank you guys.
  9. Sorry sir but I still use 3ceam. Kindly modify to be compatible with 3ceam. Thank you very much for the help Sir Skorm. -----Edit----- I had the map console errors fixed by someone: But the problem is it does not work. The player going inside the map still has his original name. Thank you Sir Skorm.
  10. Sir, I cant seem to find the line: BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice Here is the supernovice_ex.txt I am using: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Expanded Super Novice Job Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Job Change quest for Expanded Super Novice class. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 All dialogue is custom, contains some incorrect behaviors. //= 1.1 Switched to a translated copy of the official script //= by Gennosuke Kouga, but vastly edited its content. [Euphy] //= 1.1a Replaced effect numerics with constants. [Euphy] //============================================================ function script Esseray_Ex { if (BaseLevel > 98 && JobLevel > 98) { if (EXSUPNOV_Q > 0 && EXSUPNOV_Q < 6) { mes "[Esseray]"; mes "A legend in the Novice world has disappeared to do something in Comodo."; mes "You should find him."; next; mes "[Esseray]"; mes "He can guide you along"; mes "the correct path..."; close; } mes "[Esseray]"; mes "Oh? Are you one of our Novice Society?"; mes "You're looking good."; next; mes "[Esseray]"; mes "You look full of energy..."; mes "You seem strong enough to endure the test."; next; mes "[Esseray]"; mes "I know a way to become stronger. Are you willing you try it?"; next; if(select("No, I'm okay now.:I want to be stronger!") == 1) { mes "[Esseray]"; mes "If you are satisfied with mediocrity, I can't help you."; mes "Live a normal life then."; close; } mes "[Esseray]"; mes "Good!"; mes "A legend in the Novice world has disappeared to do something in Comodo."; mes "You should find him."; next; setquest 5092; set EXSUPNOV_Q,1; mes "[Esseray]"; mes "He can guide you along"; mes "the correct path..."; close; } else return; } beach_dun2,119,92,4 script Fishing Novice#sp2 567,{ if (checkquest(5092) >= 0) { mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Sh --------- !!"; mes "Be quiet please."; mes "You'll scare the fish."; next; select("Hmm... 'scuse me..."); mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Aaaaaaak!!"; mes "What are you doing?"; mes "I told you be quiet!"; mes "They're swimmin' away bacause of the noise~"; next; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "(-- sh--aking --)"; mes "Who... are you?"; mes "Why are you disrupting my fishing?"; next; select("I have a delivery from Esseray..."); emotion e_hmm; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "What? Esseray? Esseray?"; mes "Hmm! I know him..."; mes "Esseray... Esseray... hmm."; next; emotion e_dots,1; emotion e_dots; mes ".................."; next; emotion e_gasp; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Ahhhh --- !! ----- Ahhhh ---!!"; mes "Got it! --- Got it!"; mes "^0000FFA member of Novice Society in Aldebaran.^000000"; mes "Esseray, right? Wrong?"; next; if(select("No he isn't:Yes, right") == 2) { mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Hu hu~ my sense is still alive..."; next; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "So what do you want from me?"; } else { mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "What?! He isn't?"; mes "Then where is Esseray from?"; next; emotion e_dots,1; emotion e_dots; mes ".... .... .... ...."; next; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "What -------- !!"; mes "That isn't important, right?"; next; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Then -------- !!"; mes "Why did you come here?"; } next; mes "- You explain why you're here. -"; next; emotion e_hmm; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Hmm... it is an easy and hard question at the same time."; next; mes "- You hear a voice complaining about something. -"; next; emotion e_an; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Esseray! Such a son of a %@&$# spoiling my vacation..."; next; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Haaaaa~"; mes "My poor life~"; mes "Ahhh~ so many problems."; next; emotion e_what; mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Too ~ hard. Hey, little kid!"; mes "What's your name?"; next; select(strcharinfo(0)+", how about you?"); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "My name is Nodor! Nodor."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes ".... .... ....."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey! I can see what you are thinking about in your face~"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Since my name is Nodor I've been made fun of my whole life."; mes "Condor and Odor..."; mes "Don't try to fool me."; next; changequest 5092,5093; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Whatever the reason is... you are here!"; mes "Let's get together to go further."; mes "Come again after a while~"; next; mes "- Talk to him again. -"; close; } else if (checkquest(5093) >= 0) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Emmhmm ----- !!"; next; mes "- Nodor gives you a suspicious look. -"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Didn't you know that the ^0000FFSuper Novice^000000 was excellent?"; next; mes "- Nodor asks with confidence. -"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey! Super Novice~"; mes "Do you know who I am?"; next; select("What are you talking about?!"); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Heh..."; mes "You've got a lot of nerve, don't you?"; next; select("... ..... ..."); mes "- This guy is a weirdo. -"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey! Super Novice ~"; mes "I will make you stronger!"; mes "So will you believe what I tell you?"; next; if(select("I won't follow you.:Why not? kehehe~") == 1) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Refusing? Don't you want to be strong?"; mes "I'd love to do nothing too."; mes "Just let me fish if you want to go."; close; } mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Emmhmm~ Do I sound harsh?"; mes "Hmm, I can't help using such words."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Don't sweat it."; mes "It's no problem for me to teach you to be stronger."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Great~!"; mes "What is your issue?"; mes "You don't know how to be stronger. Right?"; next; select("Yes, I can't get stronger."); emotion e_hmm; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hhhmmm ~!"; mes "There's a way to do it..."; mes "It is dangerous, but I can"; mes "tell you how."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "I'll only do this on one condition. You do not ask anything and you do everything I tell you!"; mes "How about it?"; mes "Are you willing to do this?"; next; if(select("No, I will not!:Let's do this!") == 1) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "To be strong is the only way to live!"; mes "Do you want to be a weakling forever?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "I will give you a tip."; mes "You can't always be right."; mes "Sometimes you need to check your ego and listen to others."; emotion e_an; close; } mes "[Nodor]"; mes "All right --------- !!"; mes "Your passion will make you stronger."; mes "You calm?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "What I want you to do is..."; mes "Hunt 1,000 monsters."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Do you know what this is for?"; next; setarray .@Monsters$[0],"Poring","Lunatic","Fabre","Picky"; set .@i, rand(4); changequest 5093,5094+.@i; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You know what a ^FF0000"+.@Monsters$[.@i]+"^000000 monster is, right?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hunt 1,000!"; mes "Do not say you can't do this!"; mes "I know that's a lot of monsters, but they're so weak!"; next; select("Are you kidding me?"); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Huh huh~!"; mes "Rembember, no questions!"; mes "Don't come back until you've hunted 1,000."; close; } else if (checkquest(5094) >= 0 || checkquest(5095) >= 0 || checkquest(5096) >= 0 || checkquest(5097) >= 0) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hey, Nodor!"; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Oh my god!"; mes "So frightened... let me see?"; next; if (checkquest(5094,HUNTING) != 2 && checkquest(5095,HUNTING) != 2 && checkquest(5096,HUNTING) != 2 && checkquest(5097,HUNTING) != 2) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey! Super Novice!"; mes "Didn't I say to hunt 1,000?"; mes "Don't come back until you have."; close; } mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Have you hunted all 1,000 already?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You are better than I thought."; mes "Anyway, what was the monster that I told you to hunt?"; next; set .@i, select("Poring:Lunatic:Fabre:Picky:Baphomet")-1; if (.@i == 4) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Heheh? Can you seriously hunt Baphomet alone?"; mes "Don't tell a lie!! I will hit you!!"; close; } if (checkquest(5094+.@i,HUNTING) != 2) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Don't tell a lie!"; mes "I didn't tell you to hunt this!"; close; } changequest 5094+.@i,5098; emotion e_heh; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "keheheheheheh~"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You annoyed me so I made you do this task..."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Wow! You actually hunted all 1,000?"; mes "I guess I can't question your passion to be stronger."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Okay! So far so good."; mes "I will let you know how to overcome your strength deficiencies."; close; } else if (checkquest(5098) >= 0) { if (rand(10) != 1) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Oh! You already came here?"; mes "Didn't you say you have something to handle?"; mes "You have enough passion but..."; mes "you need to learn patience."; close; } emotion e_gg; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hhhhhhhhhh~"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Oh sorry! Sorry!"; mes "I got a letter from my brother a long time ago, will you read my letter for your information?"; next; if(select("Yes, I will:No, I won't") == 2) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You should read more!"; next; } else { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Tsk*... Ok..."; next; } mes "- He throws a bundled letter at you. -"; next; mes "Dear Bro. Nodor,"; mes " "; mes "Hey Bro, it's your brother Nudor. How have you been? The reason I'm writing this letter is..."; mes "I need money for food. You've got so much money, so help me out."; next; mes "If you don't... Remember last time you %$&*@*&%$..."; mes "- The letter is crumpled, so you can't read more. -"; mes "I'm still in the Schwaltzvalt Republic."; mes "~ Nudor"; next; mes "- You get an uneasy feeling from reading this letter. -"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hu~u~"; mes "Hmm, I only have one brother and he's always asking for money."; mes "It's got to be my fame... T_T"; next; mes "- Now you really have an uneasy feeling. -"; next; changequest 5098,5099; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey- Super Novice "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You can give some to my bro. He's up in the airship."; close; } else if (checkquest(5099) >= 0) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Have you visited already?"; next; select("How much money shoud I give?"); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Oh, you didn't go there yet?"; mes "Give him a little, ya~"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "100,000 zeny is okay~"; mes "1,000,000 zeny is okay~"; mes "10,000,000 zeny is okay~"; close; } else if (checkquest(5100) >= 0) { if (EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3) set .@str$,"300,000"; else if (EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4) set .@str$,"1,000,000"; else set .@str$,"100,000"; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hey, have you gone there?"; mes "I got another message from my bro."; next; mes "Bro, someone gave me..."; mes .@str$+" Zeny."; mes "You do care about me..."; mes "~ Nudor"; next; select("He seemed so hungry..."); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "By the way..."; mes .@str$+" Zeny is so little considering my celebrity status, don't you think?"; next; select("Eh....."); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Anyway~"; mes .@str$+" Zeny..."; mes "Don't you think you gave him too little? My reputation is gonna take a hit now."; next; select("Hey..."); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Wow, you've got my point already?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "I think you are right."; mes "This test is about your ability to open someone else's sympathy."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "I mean your consuming habit and your gut..."; mes "Hahahaha!"; next; select("Hey, that's not my..."); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Hmm? Ah..."; mes "I almost forgot to tell"; mes "you how to exceed your limit,"; mes "didn't I?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Eh-hem! I was not just killing time after I sent you!!"; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "What the? --- ah? --- !!"; next; select("??????"); emotion e_swt; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Watch out!! A bunch of Golems are running after us!"; mes "We... have to run...!!!"; next; emotion e_omg,1; if(select("What?!:Um?") == 2) { mes "- You look around, and -"; mes "- there is nothing behind you. -"; mes "- When you are about to doubt... -"; } else { mes "- You ask Nodor once -"; mes "- again in your fright... -"; } next; if (SkillPoint) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You've still got some skill points that aren't used up."; mes "I can't make you stronger until you use those points."; close; } specialeffect2 EF_LORD; specialeffect2 EF_SIGHTRASHER; specialeffect2 EF_STORMGUST; erasequest 5100; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Haha ------------- !!"; mes "----- uhhahaha----- !!"; mes "------------ yay -- !!"; next; nude; callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; // -- Clears all job variables for the current player jobchange roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD); set EXSUPNOV_Q,5; emotion e_heh; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Puhahahahahahahahahahah!!"; mes "Good! You scared yet?"; next; select("... ... ..."); emotion e_dots,1; emotion e_sry; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Sorry for scaring you!"; mes "I think our duty and mission as Novices is to make days joyful."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Well then, don't you feel something just changed?"; mes "Feel your body lighter than before...?"; mes "Or more powerful?"; next; select("...? ...? ...?"); emotion e_what,1; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Oh--- My--- (tut,tut,tut)!!"; next; emotion e_hmm; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Mr. Sieu Ngu --"; mes "Not to be mean, but"; mes "you are a little dull..."; mes "Don't you feel different now?"; next; if(select("What are you talking about?:I got it!") == 1) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Eh--- right, you are dull, aren't you?"; mes "You already exceeded your limit."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "You can be stronger than before."; mes "Wasn't it your dream?"; next; } mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Ok~!"; mes "Now march to the world and live as a Novice and enjoy your free, happy life!"; mes "That's it!"; close; } else if (EXSUPNOV_Q == 5) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "(Pouting) ------------- !!"; mes "So you're finally back."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "To celebrate this new Novice comrade, I've prepared some equipment to give you --"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Don't forget to make sure that you have enough ^FF0000inventory^000000 to take these items from me."; mes "And don't say I didn't warn you either."; next; if(select("Yes, let me check my inventory.:I'm good, show me.") == 1) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Well, well!"; mes "You know! Have no regrets."; close; } mes "[Nodor]"; mes "There are what I used to wear when I was younger,"; mes "but they are still good."; if (EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 3) getitem 2522,1; // Undershirt else if (EXSUPNOV_Q_ == 4) { getitem 2628,1; // Novice Armlet [1] getitem 2113,1; // Novice Shield [1] getitem 2416,1; // Novice Shoes [1] getitem 5119,1; // Super Novice Hat [1] getitem 2512,1; // Novice Manteau [1] getitem 2340,1; // Novice Breastplate [1] } else getitem 2340,1; // Novice Breastplate [1] next; select("Second-hand stuff, huh?"); mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Give them back to me."; mes "How can you react like that when I offer you my possessions?"; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "I..."; mes "I can't take back what I already gave away."; next; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Now I am going to say greetings again."; next; specialeffect2 EF_RECOVERY; mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Let Super Novice "+strcharinfo(0)+" be blessed with the Super Novice Guardian!"; set EXSUPNOV_Q,6; close; } else if (EXSUPNOV_Q > 5) { mes "[Nodor]"; mes "Don't forget that you are a Novice."; mes "Be a Novice always!"; mes "The aim of life is to have a nice and normal time!"; close; } mes "[Fishing Novice]"; mes "Hush!"; mes "Please be quiet because you'll"; mes "scare all the fish away."; close; } airplane,33,47,5 script Nudor#sp2 729,{ if (checkquest(5099) >= 0) { mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Ahhh~ I have no money to buy any food."; mes "I'm hungry, but I have no idea when Brother is coming..."; next; select("Hey, are you... Mr. Nudor?"); mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Eeeeeh?! Who wants to know?"; mes "Do I know you?"; next; mes "- You explain to Nudor why you have come to see him. -"; next; mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Aha! You've come to give me some pocket money in place of my bro~"; next; mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Wowowow~~ How much did he give you?"; next; mes "- Nudor stares with twinkling -"; mes "- eyes, holding out his hands. -"; mes "- How much do you want to give? -"; next; set .@i, select("I have no money:Give 100,000 Zeny:Give 300,000 Zeny:Give 1,000,000 Zeny:Give all the money you have"); mes "[Nudor]"; if (.@i == 1) { mes "- crying -"; mes "I hate Nodor --- !"; mes "I hate you too --- !"; close2; warp "airplane",70,93; end; } else if (.@i < 5) { switch(.@i) { case 2: set .@str$,"100,000"; set .@n,100000; break; case 3: set .@str$,"300,000"; set .@n,300000; break; case 4: set .@str$,"1,000,000"; set .@n,1000000; break; } mes "Lovely~~ Did he give you "+.@str$+" Zeny? That's pretty much!"; next; if (Zeny < .@n) { mes "[Nudor]"; mes "What? But where is "+.@str$+" Zeny?"; close; } } else { mes "Oh... oh my gosh, are you really giving me all the Zeny you have? Really?"; next; if(select("No, not really...:Give it all") == 1) { mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Pshaw! How disappointing!"; close; } if (!Zeny) { mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Eh? But you don't have any money. You're so poor, huh?"; close; } set .@n,Zeny; } mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Woa~!! "+.@n+" Zeny! This helped me so much~ Tehee~"; mes "I can't believe it..."; changequest 5099,5100; set Zeny, Zeny - .@n; if (.@i < 5) set EXSUPNOV_Q_, .@i; else { if (.@n > 1000000) set EXSUPNOV_Q_,4; else if (.@n > 300000) set EX_SUPNOV_Q_,3; else set EXSUPNOV_Q_,2; } next; mes "[Nudor]"; if (Sex) mes "Did you know? You're really handsome~"; else mes "I need to tell you, you are really... really~ beautiful."; next; mes "[Nudor]"; mes "- You feel like you're being -"; mes "- tricked, so go back to Nodor. -"; close; } else if (checkquest(5100) >= 0) { mes "[Nudor]"; mes "I cannot believe that my bro sent me money... I love it~"; next; mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Ooooops!"; mes strcharinfo(0)+", hush --- !!"; next; mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Don't tell Nodor about this~~"; close; } mes "[Nudor]"; mes "Ahhh~ I have no money to buy any food."; mes "I'm hungry, but I have no idea when Brother is coming..."; close; } Hope to hear from you Sir. Thank you Sir.
  11. well add getguildmasterid( getcastledata( strnpcinfo(4),1 ) ) != getcharid(0) getcastledata( strnpcinfo(4),1 ) return the castle owner guild id getguildmasterid return the char id of the guild master of the guild if (getgmlevel() > 98 || getguildmasterid( getcastledata( strnpcinfo(4),1 ) ) != getcharid(0) ) Its working! But I made a little modification based on my needs: //5x5 area around the npc prtg_cas04,160,150,1 script gmwarpouttreasure -1,5,5,{ OnTouch: set @GID,getcharid(2); if (getgmlevel() <= 1 && (strcharinfo(0)!=getguildmaster(@GID)) ) { mes "You are not a Guild Master of this Castle"; close2; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } if ((getgmlevel() >= 2) && (getgmlevel() <= 98)) { mes "GAME MASTER, you are not allowed here."; close2; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } end; } But how to make checks to warp him out if he is guild master but does NOT own that castle . If guild master owning that same castle then he will NOT be warped. If not guild master then warp out also. Let's say "prtg_cas04", then I will just make copies of this script per castle. Please also optimize what I did above. Thank you Sir Capuche! You are a great help.
  12. Oh nice thank you for this! I will test this later. Umm what if I just want that all players will only have a name "Player" and not a random name? Thank you Sir Skorm!
  13. This is great! I will test this and let you know. Btw, what if I also want the non-guild masters to be warped out of the treasure room? What script line to add? Thanks for the reply!
  14. Hello guys, Is there a way script-wise that all players entering one of my pvp maps (pvp_y_8-1) will have a randomly generated fake name? Or everyone entering will have the same name like "ABC". My intention is so players will not know who is who while inside the pvp map. Upon death and being kicked out of the pvp map or reconnection will make things back to normal. Anyone kind enough to script me this will be a great help. Thank you guys.
  15. I would like to request a php script I would put in my webhost that could insert an item in a guild storage. Basically what I want is just a page I can access that I can put the itemID and amount of an item and will automatically be inserted to the Guild storage of Guild ID #1. Just 1 guild, my GM guild. No other guild. It will first ask for my in game login and password and only a GM lvl 99 can access it. Thank you guys.
  16. Is there a way to script that GMs below level 80 will be warped back to savepoint if they respawn in a certain set of cells of a map? This is because I would want my game masters to be warped back to savepoint if they try to enter the "treasure box room" of castles. The problem is the "treasure box room" map name is the same with the castle so using OnPCLoadMapEvent is I think not appropriate here. I want Gms to be able to go inside castles but NOT in treasure rooms. Maybe if there is some way that respawning within certain coordinates of a given map will warp them to savepoint. Can somebody do this for me? I would like to be able to add several coordinates for all my treasure rooms. I can set cells of the treasure rooms manually within the script. Kindly anyone knowledgeable please help. Thank you.
  17. Anyway, I tried this new mobdb but unfortunately the custom mob can still be trapped and is moved 1 cell at a time everytime the thorn trap traps it. It's like it is sucked in by the thorn trap making it move 1 cell everytime. Anyone? Thanks.
  18. Actually it is an event mob. 1 damage only, cannot move and no skill can affect it like emperium. But the problem is the thorn trap can make it move when the skill traps the mob 1 cell at a time so I want it not to be able to be trapped like emperium. Thanks. Please try this one, test thorn trap on it if they can move it.. MONSTER ID,TESTMONSTER,TESTMONSTER,TESTMONSTER,98,999999999,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,17,1,80,126,20,10,12,2,7,80,0x120,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,00,0,0,0 Can you explain what was added in this mob_db? So I can also put it in my custom mod mob_db. Thanks!
  19. Actually it is an event mob. 1 damage only, cannot move and no skill can affect it like emperium. But the problem is the thorn trap can make it move when the skill traps the mob 1 cell at a time so I want it not to be able to be trapped like emperium. Thanks.
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