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Shio Devs

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Everything posted by Shio Devs

  1. What data files are you using? is your client diffed?
  2. i'm not 100% sure on this, but i believe you can refine something equipped to a character, that might be your best method, via sql.
  3. Here is a link to a battleground script by : goddameit. Link: http://rathena.org/board/topic/73334-custom-battle-ground/
  4. So what your asking is how to de-refine everything that's currently refined in your server? And as for skill what are you asking? to add and item requirement to use the skill?
  5. The battleground your looking for is from eAmod i believe, You may find more information here. http://www.zephysoft.com/eamod/
  6. Excuse me correct me if i'm wrong but The Skils actual effect is Correct. Source : http://irowiki.org/wiki/Harmonize
  7. I'm not 100% sure if this is possible but if it is, I don't think it would be by script.
  8. @Emistry i have a question about the random announcement, is it possible the script wiil repeat the same announcement?
  9. mines not displaying the feed at all but it seems its installed correctly, and the feeds exported, any ideas?
  10. any solution here? sorry to ressu a dead topic but i think its a little easier than making a new one D;
  11. I need help understanding item scripts, Say i wanted to do 1% per refine, It would be getrefine() so say i wanted to do something like 3% or something how would i write this out ?
  12. Do you load this script twice ?? i agree with emist... Its true, i've tested the script two different times on two different svns. @ Farron You have to have this script somewhere else in your npc folder.
  13. But are u sure you changed the format on your notepad? And also, if you could show us your mapserver error?
  14. That works, but i get unknown function errors, Im looking to have it unhide annouce be played then re hide ;o if thats possible. thanks for the reply - Kevin
  15. like this? //example prontera,155,122,4[tab]script[tab]Putty#2[tab] 71,{ then again if it was that it would most likely show the error on your mapserv, can you reset and post another shot of your mapserver error? And are you sure you didn't somehow add this on another file with a different name?
  16. Are you trying to make the effect stay after you log out, or are you trying to make it go away on log out?
  17. Do you have another npc with the same name? try to change to something like pt2 and restart.
  18. I have a script i need assistance with the script is cluckers. the crazy chicken event. here's what i got. turbo_room,89,123,4 script Cluckers#cluk 800,{ hideonnpc "Cluckers#cluk"; end; if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck; cluckcluck: if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto cluckadmin; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?"; mes "Cluck...."; close; cluckadmin: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000"; mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000"; switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) { case 1: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000"; emotion 33; close2; goto L_cluckannounce; case 2: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000"; next; goto cluckadmin; case 3: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $cluck_item_id; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $cluck_item_amount; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; emotion 33; next; goto cluckadmin; case 4: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck cluck..."; close; } L_cluckannounce: announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in sRO Mall!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: announce "Please hurry below the Pet Store NPC if you want to play with the crazy chicken!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer20000: announce "Cluckers has eaten my 5x TCG! I'm too scared to retrieve it!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Click the insane chicken and try squeeze out the item, if you're lucky you'll win! Are you ready?",bc_blue; end; OnTimer40000: announce "GO! Click the chicken to get the prize!",bc_blue; if (!$cluck_item_id) set $cluck_item_id,512; if (!$cluck_item_amount) set $cluck_item_amount,1; set .startcluck,1; end; OnMinute10: hideoffnpc "Cluckers#cluk"; if (gettime(3)%2 || .startcluck) end; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in Schenberg!!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; L_playcluck: specialeffect2 2; switch( rand(15) ) { case 0: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 1: npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~"; break; case 2: unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 3: sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0; break; case 4: npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 5: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 6: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; break; case 7: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 8: npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 9: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 10: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 11: npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!"; break; case 12: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 13: unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; default: if( rand(50) < 3 ) { npctalk "WOOF!..........."; specialeffect2 72; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] " + strcharinfo(0) + " Squeezed out the prize! Well done!",0; getitem $cluck_item_id,$cluck_item_amount; set $@startcluck,0; } else { npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; } break; } } Trying to make it hide and appear on event time
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