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  1. Hi, I neer our help. I've got a problem with the Voting. I added some Voting Banners (ALL WORKS FINE!) Klick the Spoiler to see the Images Okay fine! I added the Banners! Now ... I klicked to the Voting Button on my Flux Homepage. My problem is I get linked to this page: KLICK .... and I can't see the Voting Banners with my logged in Account Maybe I need a module, I don't know. Furthermore I need a script where I can add Items for a "Vote for Points Shop" Thanks in advance !
  2. Lenya

    Auto Killer

    It didn't work. Scripts stacks and kill monsters every 5 minutes without timer stop when a player joins to the room x.x //======================================== //Auto Cleaner =========================== //======================================== - script DBArenaCleaner -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( !compare( .map_checker$, strcharinfo(3) ) ) end; // Checkt ob ein Player auf der Map ist .@m$ = strcharinfo(3); if( getd( "."+ .@m$ +"$" ) =="1") end; // Checkt ob bereits ein Loop für die Map erstellt wurd setd "."+ .@m$ +"$", "1"; while( .timer_clean ) { sleep 5000; if( getmapusers( .@m$ ) ) .@count = 0; else { .@count++; // if( .@count == .timer_clean * 12 ) goto L_clean; if( .@count == .timer_clean * 12 ){ setd "."+ .@m$ +"$", "";setd "."+ .@m$ +"$", ""; killmonsterall .map_mvp$[.@s]; } } } L_clean: setd "."+ .@m$ +"$", 0; killmonsterall .map_mvp$[.@s]; end; OnInit: setarray .map_mvp$, "dbarena1","dbarena2","dbarena3","dbarena4","dbarena5"; .map_checker$ = implode( .map_mvp$, "|" ); for( ; .@i < getarraysize( .map_mvp$ ); .@i++ ) setmapflag .map_mvp$[.@i], mf_loadevent; .timer_clean = 5; // Hier stellt man den Timer ein. end; }
  3. Lenya

    Auto Killer

    Problem: The Timer don't stop if a player go to the map in the 5 MINUTES Please help x.x
  4. Hi, i've got a problem with my patcher. I run the patcher, it works fine but sometimes I get this message(s) and the patcher close himself :/ Just look: Okay, here check my neoncube.file / patchlist.txt and my new.html neoncube.ini ;############################################################################## ;## NEONCUBE - RAGNAROK ONLINE PATCH CLIENT ;## ;## http://openkore.sourceforge.net/neoncube ;## (c) 2005, 2006 Ansell Cruz a.k.a Meowmix ([email protected]) ;## ;## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;## (at your option) any later version. ;## ;## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;## GNU General Public License for more details. ;## ;## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;## ;############################################################################### ; neoncube.ini ; ; -- [server] section ; server_name = Server's name (EG: Korean Ragnarok Online, International Ragnarok Online, mRO, aeRO, etc) ; notice_url = URL of the HTML notice (without the http://) (EG: www.domain.com/notice.php) ; patch_site = hostname/IP of the HTTP patch server (where the files will be downloaded) (EG: www.patchserver.domain.com) ; patch_port = port number (1-65535). If omitted, defaults to 80. ; patch_list = absolute path to the patchlist text document, in patch_site (EG: /path/to/patchlist.txt, which forms the URL http://www.patchserver.domain.com/path/to/patchlist.txt) ; patch_folder = path to the folder which contains the patch files, in patch_site (EG: /path/to/folder/which/contain/patches/) ; executable = program to be launched when the "start game" button has been pressed (EG: ragexe.exe) ; registration_link = URL to launch when the user clicks the registration link (EG: http://www.domain.com/register.php). The associated program will be used to view the page. ; grf = grf file (EG: adata.grf) ; skin = skin to use (EG: default_skin). See the neoncube folder for a list of choices ; Backup_GRF = set to 1 if you want to backup the GRF file before applying the patch. 0 to disable. ; startup_option = [1] Can start the ragnarok client anytime. ; (patcher is still downloading files, patcher failed to connect, patcher failed to extract, etc). ; [2] Can start the ragnarok client only AFTER the patch process has completed ; (if it fails to connect/download a patch, it won't start). ; [3] Can start the ragnarok client only AFTER the patch process has completed ; (if it fails to connect/download a patch. it WILL start). *recommended* ; ; -- [general] section ; debug_mode = set to 1 to leave a the downloaded patch list as tmp.nc. If omitted, defaults to 0 ; keep_patches = <not implemented yet> ; archive_passphrase = archive passphrase, e.g. for RAR passworded files ; ; -- [network] section ; ; [server] server_name = Ascension of Ragnarok notice_url = ao-ro.de/patcher/news/new.html patch_site = ao-ro.de patch_port = 80 patch_list = /patcher/patchlist.txt patch_folder = /patcher/patches/ executable = AoRO.exe registration_link = http://ao-ro.de/Page/?module=account&action=create skin = skin_default grf_file = AoRO.grf Backup_GRF = 1 startup_option = 3 [general] ;debug_mode = 0 archive_passphrase = American Idiot patchlist.txt //1 FLD patch1-15-02-13.rar //2 FLD patch1-15-02-13.rar //3 FLD patch2-17-02-13.rar //4 FLD patch3-19-02-13.rar //5 FLD patch4-24-02-13.rar //6 FLD patch5-24-02-13.rar //7 FLD patch6-24-02-13.rar //8 FLD patch7-27-02-13.rar //9 FLD patch8-27-02-13.rar //10 FLD patch9-27-02-13.rar 11 FLD patch10-28-02-13.rar 12 FLD patch11-28-02-13.rar 13 FLD patch12-28-02-13.rar 14 FLD patch13-28-02-13.rar new.html </head><body bgproperties="fixed" background="http://ao-ro.de/patcher/news/bg.bmp"<body oncontextmenu="return false"><body onselectstart="return false"></style></head><body><div align="center"><b><i><u><font size="+2"><font color="#000000">Willkommen bei Ascension of Ragnarok</font></font></u></i></b></div><br><p><p><div align="center"><b><u><font color="#EC9E0F">Update 27. Februar 2013</font></b></u></div><p><p><font size="3"><b><font color="#191970"><div align="Center">Lighthalzen Dungeon 2.5 eingefügt</div></b></font></font> I use Windows 7. Some Players from my server told me that the patcher don't work on their Windows XP. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
  5. Lenya

    Auto Killer

    Thank you, it works fine! But what's this?
  6. Lenya

    Auto Killer

    Do the timer stop if a player join into the room? I waited 5 Minutes but the mvp wasn't deafeated Look: //======================================== // Auto Cleaner ========================== //======================================== - script DBArenaCleaner -1,{ .@s = select( implode( .map_mvp$, ":" ) ) -1; warp .map_mvp$[.@s], 0, 0; while( .timer_clean ) { sleep 5000; if( getmapusers( .map_mvp$[.@s] ) ) .@count = 0; else { .@count++; if( .@count == .timer_clean * 12 ) goto L_clean; } } L_clean: killmonsterall .map_mvp$[.@s]; end; OnInit: setarray .map_mvp$, "dbarena1","dbarena2","dbarena3","dbarena4","dbarena5"; .timer_clean = 5; // Hier stellt man den Timer ein. end; }
  7. Hello rA ! Today I tried to make a autokiller script for my 5 MvP rooms. This script should kill all monsters in the map if no player is there with a 5 minute timer. Example: I summon a gloom under night -> I'm gonna leave the room with @go 0 or logout. -> The script should start automaticly and if 5 minutes are over all monsters in the area should be killed. What I know: - I need a timer function - I need a player on map checker - I need a killmonster2 trigger after 5 minutes thanks in advance
  8. Lenya


    Hi, I want to increase the max. Homunculus level to 150. But what I've to change for this and so that it won't crash? x.x
  9. Lenya


    Thank you, I hope it will work
  10. Lenya


    Uhm no, I just use a windows root with a 17up revision. The Players play normal and it happens 2 times while the game.
  11. Lenya


    Hi, I need a announcer how much mushrooms are left and if all Mushrooms are killed the Event should end. Something like this from my old script: prt_vilg,122,128,5 script Mushroom 1084,{ mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; if (!.Status) mes "Im moment ist kein Event!"; else { mes "Es sind "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms übrig "+.Map$+"!"; mes "Finde und töte die mushrooms um "+getitemname(.Prize)+" zu gewinnen!"; } if (.Status || getgmlevel() < .GM) close; mes "Event starten?"; next; if(select("- Nein:- Ja") == 1) close; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinute10"; mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; mes "Event wurde gestartet!"; close; OnInit: set .Prize,7539; // Reward item ID set .Amount,1; // Reward item amount set .GM,99; // GM level required to access NPC setarray .Maps$[0],"morocc","prt_vilg","prontera","aldebaran"; // Possible maps end; OnMinute10: // Start time (every hour) if (.Status) end; set .Status,1; set .Spawn,rand(4,8); // How many Mushrooms should spawn? set .Map$,.Maps$[rand(getarraysize(.Maps$))]; killmonster .Map$,"All"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Töte mich!",1084,.Spawn,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled"; announce "Finde den Mushroom : Es wurdem insgesamt "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms in "+.Map$+" gespawnt!",0; sleep 2500; announce "Finde den Mushroom : Für jeden Mushroom, den du tötest erhälst du einen "+getitemname(.Prize)+"!",0; end; OnMobKilled: set .Spawn, .Spawn - 1; getitem .Prize, .Amount; if (.Spawn) announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] killed a Mushroom. "+.Spawn+" Mushrooms are left.",bc_map; else { announce "The Find the Mushroom Event is over. All Mushrooms are killed.",0; set .Status,0; } end; } Here is the up to date script: prt_vilg,122,128,5 script Find the Mushroom 1084,{ mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; if(getgmlevel() <99) { if(.mushroomEvent==0) mes "Im moment ist kein Event!"; else { mes "Das Find the Mushroom Event läuft gerade."; mes "Ort: "+ .Map$; mes "Preis: " + getitemname(.itemID); mes "Anzahl der Mushrooms: " + .Mushrooms; } close; } mes "Hallo "+strcharinfo(0)+"! Bitte bitte nehmen sie ihre Einstellungen vor:"; Main: next; mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; switch(select("Event starten:Event beenden")) { case 1: mes "Das Event wird nun gestartet..."; set .mushroomEvent,1; close2; goto OnStart; case 2: mes "Das Event wird nun beendet..."; if(.mushroomEvent) announce "Find the Mushroom : Das Find the Mushroom Event wurde beendet!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; killmonster .Map$,"All"; stopnpctimer; set .mushroomEvent,0; close; } //OnMinute01: //means the event will be active in @time result is hh:01:ss //OnMinute31: //means the event will be active in @time result is hh:31:ss //OnMinute01: //OnMinute06: //OnMinute11: //OnMinute16: //OnMinute21: //OnMinute26: OnMinute31: //OnMinute36: //OnMinute41: //OnMinute46: //OnMinute51: //OnMinute56: OnStart: announce "Find the Mushroom : Es ist wieder Zeit Find the Mushroom zu Spielen und "+getitemname(.ItemID)+"s zu gewinnen!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; sleep2 1000; set $@ran, rand(1,22); if ($@ran == 22) set .Map$,"lighthalzen"; if ($@ran == 21) set .Map$,"amatsu"; if ($@ran == 20) set .Map$,"rachel"; if ($@ran == 19) set .Map$,"veins"; if ($@ran == 18) set .Map$,"amatsu"; if ($@ran == 17) set .Map$,"gonryun"; if ($@ran == 16) set .Map$,"louyang"; if ($@ran == 15) set .Map$,"niflheim"; if ($@ran == 14) set .Map$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 13) set .Map$,"umbala"; if ($@ran == 12) set .Map$,"jawaii"; if ($@ran == 11) set .Map$,"ayothaya"; if ($@ran == 10) set .Map$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"xmas"; if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"prt_vilg"; if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera"; sleep2 1000; set $@ran2, rand(1,11); if ($@ran2 == 11) set .Mushrooms,"15"; if ($@ran2 == 10) set .Mushrooms,"14"; if ($@ran2 == 9) set .Mushrooms,"13"; if ($@ran2 == 8) set .Mushrooms,"12"; if ($@ran2 == 7) set .Mushrooms,"11"; if ($@ran2 == 6) set .Mushrooms,"10"; if ($@ran2 == 5) set .Mushrooms,"9"; if ($@ran2 == 4) set .Mushrooms,"8"; if ($@ran2 == 3) set .Mushrooms,"7"; if ($@ran2 == 2) set .Mushrooms,"6"; if ($@ran2 == 1) set .Mushrooms,"5"; sleep2 1000; announce "Find the Mushroom : Ihr habt 20 Minuten um " + .Mushrooms + " Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" zu töten!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; sleep2 1000; monster .Map$,0,0,"Bitte töte mich nicht!",1084,.Mushrooms,"Find the Mushroom::OnMobKilled"; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer900000: //5 minutes before end //OnTimer5000: announce "Find the Mushroom : Ihr habt noch 5 Minuten um die Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" zu töten!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; end; OnTimer1200000: //Event active in 20 minutes //OnTimer10000: killmonster ""+.Map$+"","Find the Mushroom::OnMobKilled"; announce "Find the Mushroom : Alle verbleibenden Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" wurden getötet.!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; set .mushroomEvent,0; stopnpctimer; end; OnMobKilled: mapannounce .Map$,"Find the Mushroom: " + strcharinfo(0) + " hat ein Mushroom getötet. Glückwunsch! Weiter suchen!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; set zeny,zeny+100000; getitem .ItemID,.ItemAmt; set .mushroomEvent,1; end; OnInit: set .ItemID,7539; set .ItemAmt,1; // auto announcement while(1) { npctalk "Das Find the Mushroom Preis ist "+.ItemAmt+" x "+getitemname(.ItemID)+""; sleep 3600000; } end; }
  12. Lenya


    Hi, sometimes my mapserver stops to work. Then I've to restart mapserver-sql.bat .... Why this happens? This happened 2 times but it's not good for the players x.x
  13. Hi, I have got a FindTheMushroom script. prt_vilg,122,128,5 script Find The Mushroom 1084,{ mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; if(getgmlevel() < 99) { if(.mushroomEvent==0) mes "Im moment ist kein Event!"; else { mes "Das Find the Mushroom Event läuft gerade."; mes "Ort: "+ .Map$; mes "Preis: " + getitemname(.itemID); mes "Anzahl der Mushrooms: " + .Mushrooms; } close; } mes "Hallo "+strcharinfo(0)+"! Bitte bitte nehmen sie ihre Einstellungen vor:"; Main: next; mes "[ Find The Mushroom ]"; switch(select("Event starten:Event beenden")) { case 1: mes "Das Event wird nun gestartet..."; set .mushroomEvent,1; close2; goto OnStart; case 2: mes "Das Event wird nun beendet..."; if(.mushroomEvent) announce "Find the Mushroom : Das Find the Mushroom Event wurde beendet!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; killmonster .Map$,"All"; stopnpctimer; set .mushroomEvent,0; close; } //OnMinute01: //means the event will be active in @time result is hh:01:ss //OnMinute31: //means the event will be active in @time result is hh:31:ss //OnMinute01: //OnMinute06: //OnMinute11: //OnMinute16: //OnMinute21: //OnMinute26: OnMinute31: //OnMinute36: //OnMinute41: //OnMinute46: //OnMinute51: //OnMinute56: OnStart: announce "Find the Mushroom : Es ist wieder Zeit Find the Mushroom zu Spielen und "+getitemname(.ItemID)+"s zu gewinnen!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; sleep2 1000; set $@ran, rand(1,22); if ($@ran == 22) set .Map$,"lighthalzen"; if ($@ran == 21) set .Map$,"amatsu"; if ($@ran == 20) set .Map$,"rachel"; if ($@ran == 19) set .Map$,"veins"; if ($@ran == 18) set .Map$,"amatsu"; if ($@ran == 17) set .Map$,"gonryun"; if ($@ran == 16) set .Map$,"louyang"; if ($@ran == 15) set .Map$,"niflheim"; if ($@ran == 14) set .Map$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 13) set .Map$,"umbala"; if ($@ran == 12) set .Map$,"jawaii"; if ($@ran == 11) set .Map$,"ayothaya"; if ($@ran == 10) set .Map$,"hugel"; if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"yuno"; if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"comodo"; if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"xmas"; if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"aldebaran"; if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude"; if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"prt_vilg"; if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen"; if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc"; if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera"; sleep2 1000; set $@ran2, rand(1,11); if ($@ran2 == 11) set .Mushrooms,"15"; if ($@ran2 == 10) set .Mushrooms,"14"; if ($@ran2 == 9) set .Mushrooms,"13"; if ($@ran2 == 8) set .Mushrooms,"12"; if ($@ran2 == 7) set .Mushrooms,"11"; if ($@ran2 == 6) set .Mushrooms,"10"; if ($@ran2 == 5) set .Mushrooms,"9"; if ($@ran2 == 4) set .Mushrooms,"8"; if ($@ran2 == 3) set .Mushrooms,"7"; if ($@ran2 == 2) set .Mushrooms,"6"; if ($@ran2 == 1) set .Mushrooms,"5"; sleep2 1000; announce "Find the Mushroom : Ihr habt 20 Minuten um " + .Mushrooms + " Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" zu töten!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; sleep2 1000; monster .Map$,0,0,"Bitte töte mich nicht!",1084,.Mushrooms,"Find the Mushroom::OnMobKilled"; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer900000: //5 minutes before end //OnTimer5000: announce "Find the Mushroom : Ihr habt noch 5 Minuten um die Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" zu töten!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; end; OnTimer1200000: //Event active in 20 minutes //OnTimer10000: killmonster ""+.Map$+"","Find the Mushroom::OnMobKilled"; announce "Find the Mushroom : Alle verbleibenden Mushrooms in "+ .Map$ +" wurden getötet.!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; stopnpctimer; end; OnMobKilled: mapannounce .Map$,"Find the Mushroom: " + strcharinfo(0) + " hat ein Mushroom getötet. Glückwunsch! Weiter suchen!",bc_all,0xcc99ff; set zeny,zeny+100000; getitem .ItemID,.ItemAmt; set .mushroomEvent,0; end; OnInit: set .ItemID,7539; set .ItemAmt,1; // auto announcement while(1) { npctalk "Das Find the Mushroom Preis ist "+.ItemAmt+" x "+getitemname(.ItemID)+""; sleep 3600000; } end; } If I kill a mushroom my console say this:
  14. Thank you both. I used the first post :3
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