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Everything posted by hikashin-rae

  1. You can try this. set .@time,gettimetick(1); if( .@time < #GOLDROOM_CD ){ mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "You can only re-enter after ^FF0000"+(#GOLDROOM_CD - gettimetick(0))+"^000000 seconds."; mes "Time Gold Room : "+#GOLDROOM_CD; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else if (Zeny < .zeny) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry, but you can't enter the room."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else { set #GOLDROOM_CD,( .@time + ( 3600 * 12 ) ); // 12 hours cooldown. deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; addtimer (300 * 60 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; } Zeny -= .zeny; warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154; end;
  2. i think it is not here on if else what else do you implement?
  3. Did you compile your server before running those?. clear compile then recompile.
  4. You can do also. // Settings set .mode, 1; // Set it as following: 0 - 2nd to 3rd class suits ; set .@price, 1000; // Zeny required if (.mode == 0) goto normal; if (Zeny < .@price) goto Nozeny1; normal: mes "[suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to Third class suit",thirdclass,"Reset appearance",reset; Nozeny1: mes "[suit Provider]"; mes "You need zeny to talk to me."; close; thirdclass: if(class == Job_Knight) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4060; close; end; } if(class == Job_Assassin) {Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4065; close; end; } if(class == Job_Crusader) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4073; close; end; } if(class == Job_Blacksmith) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4064; close; end; } if(class == Job_Alchemist) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4078; close; end; } if(class == Job_Rouge) {Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4079; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sage) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4074; close; end; } if(class == Job_Dancer) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4076; close; end; } if(class == Job_Monk) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4077; close; end; } if(class == Job_Hunter) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4062; close; end; } if(class == Job_Bard) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4075; close; end; } if(class == Job_Wizard) { Zeny -= .@price; changebase 4061; close; end; }
  5. Someone posted a corrected warp on academy. the link is. npc/re/warps/cities/izlude.txt
  6. The explanation on the status.cpp here. stat += (int)(((float)level + status->vit) / 2 + (bl->type == BL_PC ? ((float)status->agi / 5) : 0)); //base level + (every 2 vit = +1 def) + (every 5 agi = +1 def)
  7. You could use && or || Example if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg ) && getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp)) { TODO!:do. }
  8. mes(F_MesItemInfo(607)); display yggdrassil This are the example's
  9. You need to update skillinfo in lua. https://github.com/coookie1010/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Skill Updates/3rdJobBundle
  10. if (.@txt$ != .@str$) { mes "[ ^C6A518Bot Checker^000000 ]"; mes "You have not inputted Correct."; mes "Captcha"; next; atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); close2; cutin "",255; end; } if (gettimetick(0) < #GOLDROOM_CD) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "You can only re-enter after "+(#GOLDROOM_CD - gettimetick(0))+" seconds."; close2; cutin "",255; end; }else { #GOLDROOM_CD = gettimetick(0) + (12 * 60 * 60); // 12 hours cooldown. deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; addtimer (300 * 60 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154; } close; Here
  11. If someone looking for a working diff on latest rA. https://github.com/coookie1010/Server-Patches/blob/main/rA-whosell.diff
  12. https://github.com/coookie1010/Server-Patches/blob/main/rA-whosell.diff i ported it for latest rA maybe it helps the nobody is selling.
  13. Yes it does read a character name between space no need to add "".
  14. https://github.com/coookie1010/Server-Patches/blob/main/NPC/rA/viewcash.txt here i make it works perfect now thanks to 15peaces for the script.
  15. You can get after break the emperium post the complete code then we will check. Position | Player | Points | Guild
  16. I think this will still trigger close function because of the end; and the close; is in the end of switch he need to remove it first. just a simple fix is this as i mention on my reply. This is what exact should be. guildhall,95,72,3 script Breaker Points Shop 512,{ query_sql("SELECT `count` FROM `breaker_ladder` WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@count); cutin "woe_2020",2; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Hey sir!"; mes " "; mes "Breaker Points: ^1DCE63 "+#EMPBREAKERPTS+" Points^000000 "; mes "Did you enjoy the WoE today?, Hows your day?"; next; switch(select("I want to check shop","I'm good thank you..")) { case 1: callshop "EmpBreakerShop", 4; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Every and of the month the shop"; mes "Will have a new headgears manually"; mes "picked by the Players!"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: Please choose wisely"; break; case 2: mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Thats good to hear!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; break; } OnInit: // how much points gained per emp break? $@empbreakpoints = 1; query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `breaker_ladder` (`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ( `char_id` )) ENGINE=InnoDB"); } - pointshop EmpBreakerShop -1,#EMPBREAKERPTS,12202:1,12203:1,12207:1,12206:1,12205:1,12204:1,13517:1,14004:2 guildhall mapflag loadevent Thus always break; a statement on switch case because it will continues until end of function.
  17. You dont need to reimplement this it is already implemented thus it was changed to better yaml. be9babee3213ba8b19ef3fa42b4a4ecafd6680c4
  18. Check skill.cpp battle.cpp Not sure about it i will check on it.
  19. remove this close; from line 27. replace the end; to break; line 19. case 1: callshop "EmpBreakerShop", 4; mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Every and of the month the shop"; mes "Will have a new headgears manually"; mes "picked by the Players!"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: Please choose wisely"; break; case 2: mes "[ ^C6A518WoE Points Staff^000000 ]"; mes "Thats good to hear!"; close2; cutin "",255; end; }
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