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Everything posted by stealth62

  1. a latest revision from sir Borf thank you so much https://github.com/Borf/browedit
  2. For anyone having bug on homunculus skill try this in skill.c find this ************************************************* // Hansip Protection [Kichi] if(battle_config.hansip_protection) if (sd->state.hs_skill_check_double){ time = hs_skill_delay_penalty(skill_id); sd->state.hs_skill_check_double = 0 ; } ************************************************** replace to ************************************************** // Hansip Protection [Kichi] struct homun_data *pilipindev = BL_CAST(BL_HOM, bl); if (battle_config.hansip_protection) { if (pilipindev){ time = hs_skill_delay_penalty(skill_id); } else { if (sd->state.hs_skill_check_double){ time = hs_skill_delay_penalty(skill_id); sd->state.hs_skill_check_double = 0; } } } ************************************************** this will fix the issue.
  3. Mine working +1 for this spamm protector
  4. +20 for this any update of this npc? query_sql "select timestampdiff( hour, completion, now() ), unix_timestamp( date_add( completion, interval "+ .@redo_delay +" hour ) ) from player_mission where cid = "+ getcharid(0) +" and mission_id = "+ .@id[.@i] +" order by completion desc limit 1", .@diff_delay, .@deny_time; that line of code might conflict so that npc says "You cant pick this mission, you have mission redo delay isnt finish yet."
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