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Everything posted by Hades03

  1. dude i get 1m error can you pls fix it?
  2. Hades03

    Poo Dog

    prontera.gat,155,182,5 script Poo Dog 81,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 60) { announce "Poo Dog: Pick up my poooo!",bc_map; set @j,0; while (@j <= 140) { set @i,0; while (@i <= 14) { makeitem 27213,1,"prontera.gat",149+@i,175-@j; set @i,@i+3; } set @j,@j+2; } } } i want this script but he drop 1 item only i want this script can drop all item i want or i type the id i want he drop like 607 if i dont want can i change to 7447 if i dont want TCG ill drop poison bottle hahaha
  3. the orig script is here payon,134,230,3 script Events Coordinator 752,{ //This is the variable that will be your reward id set throught this script //Default setting is 671 which is the gold coin set $rewarditem, 671;//Fugitive game variables so people can talk to this npc and be warped when the event is running if ($@fugiwins == 1) goto L_fugiwins; if ($@fuggame == 1){ if (getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_fugitive4;} if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ warp "pvp_y_8-4.gat",0,0; end;} if ($@fugistart == 1) goto L_fugitive2; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_GM;mes "I'm here to help GMs make events quickly and painlessly."; close; L_GM: mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How can I help you today?"; menu "Make an Event",L_Event,"Nevermind",L_end,"Reset Games",L_resetg;L_Event: mes "I see you want to create an event today."; mes "What type will it be?"; menu "Marin Event",L_Marin,"MVP Event",L_MVP,"Russian Roulette",L_russ,"Invasion",L_invade,"Juggernaut",L_jugger,"Fugitive",L_fugitive,"Loaded Super PVP",L_superpvp; //Here starts the Marin Event Script L_Marin: mes "I see you want a Marin Event."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not tnclude .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players."; input @place2$; mes "Are you sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; set $@marintok,rand(3,8); monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,1000; monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,$@marintok,"Events Coordinator::OnMarinKilledGlobal"; Announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has started a Marin event in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; Announce "Hurry and kill them for your prize!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;OnMarinKilledGlobal: set $MarinKilled,$MarinKilled+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has found 10 Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; if ($MarinKilled==$@marintok) goto L_Game; end; L_Game: announce "All Marins with Tokens have been killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $MarinKilled,0; killmonsterall @place$+".gat"; end;//Here starts the MVP Event L_MVP: mes "Let's start the event then."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not include .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players next."; input @place2$; next; mes "Want to make the rest random?"; menu "Yes",L_rMVP,"No",-; mes "Input the monster ID. You could use something other than an MVP."; input @id; next; mes "Next the monster name. It can be anything."; input $@name$; next; set $@num,1; mes "Is there a specific place you would like to put this monster?"; menu "Yes",L_yspec,"No",L_nspec; L_rMVP: mes "Send the monster to "+@place$+"?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; monster ""+@place$+"",0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce "A monster has found its way to "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;L_nspec: set @x,0; set @y,0; next; goto L_check; L_yspec: mes "Input the x coordinate."; input @x; mes "Input the y coordinate."; input @y; next;L_check: mes "Here's what you put in..."; mes "Place: "+@place$+""; mes "Id: "+@id+""; mes "Name: "+$@name$+""; mes "Coordinates: X = "+@x+" and Y = "+@y+""; mes "Is this all correct?"; menu "Yes",L_spawn,"No",L_MVP,"Quit",L_end; L_end: close;L_spawn: mes "Before starting, would you like to summon more than one?"; menu "No",L_spawn2,"Yes",L_num; L_num: mes "Input the number of spawns. Remember, 0,0 coordinates means both will spawn on different spots of the map."; input $@num;L_spawn2: if ($@num > 1) goto L_spawn3; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce ""+$@name$+" is on the loose in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; L_spawn3: set $@num2,$@num; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilled2Global";; announce "There are "+$@num+" "+$@name$+"'s rampaging in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;OnMVPKilledGlobal: set @rand,rand(1,3); if (@rand == 1) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has murdered the evil monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 2) { announce "The monster has been slain by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 3) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has slaughtered the monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; OnMVPKilled2Global: set $@num2,$@num2-1; if ($@num2 == 0) goto L_MVPOver; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed one "+$@name$+" leaving ("+$@num2+"/"+$@num+") left!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end;L_MVPOver: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished off the last "+@name$+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "The monsters have failed to hold up against our forces!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; //Here starts the Russian Roulette NPC L_russ: if ($@rron == 1) goto L_gamestart; mes "Will this be a set reward game, or a betting game?"; menu "Set Prize Game",-,"Betting Game",L_russbet; mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss,"No",L_end;L_sruss: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,0; announce "A Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Talk to the Russian Roulette NPC in Payon.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_russbet: mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Now you must decide the forced bet upon players."; mes "Recommended 20-50."; input $@forcebet; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss2,"No",L_end;L_sruss2: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,1; announce "A Betting Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "This game has a forced bet of "+$@forcebet+" Tokens.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_gamestart: mes "A game has already started. Would you like to stop or end it?"; menu "No",-,"Stop Game",L_sgame; close;L_sgame: announce "The GM has stopped this game. Only "+$@join+" players have joined.",3; set $@players,$@join; close; //Invasion Event starts here L_invade: mes "How many invasions do you want? Recommended 3-5."; input $@numinvade; if ($@numinvade<2) goto L_moreinvade; next; mes "Choose a Multiplier. This is the number that will define how many monsters are summoned during one round."; menu "1x",-,"2x",-,"3x",-,"4x",-; if (@menu == 1) { set $@multiply,1; } if (@menu == 2) { set $@multiply,2; } if (@menu == 3) { set $@multiply,3; } if (@menu == 4) { set $@multiply,4; } mes "Are you sure you want to start this invasion?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce "An invasion has begun in the Land of Magic!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@invasion,0; set $@invade,0; goto L_invade2;L_moreinvade: mes "You must have more invasions!!"; close; OnInvadeGlobal: set $@invade,$@invade+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; if ($@invade==(8 * $@multiply)){ announce "Here comes the next invasion!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; goto L_invade2;} end;L_invade2: set $@invasion,$@invasion+1; set $@invade,0; if ($@numinvade==$@invasion) goto L_endinvade; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; close; end; L_endinvade: announce "The Boss of this invasion has arrived! Someone save us!",bc_blue|bc_all; monster "geffen.gat",100,100,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeFinishGlobal";; end;OnInvadeFinishGlobal: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished the invasion! Thank the Hero!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,20; end; //Juggernaut Event starts here L_jugger: if ($@jon == 1) goto L_gamestart2; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Reward"; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jon,1; announce "A Juggernaut game has begun! Talk to the NPC in town related to this game to join.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Juggernaut"; enablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close;L_gamestart2: mes "A game has already started."; close; //Here is where the fugitive game begins L_fugitive: mes "Are you positive you want to start a fugitive game?"; menu "Begin Game",L_fugitive1,"Request A Game",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has requested a Fugitive game! Come to town to play!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;L_fugitive1: mes "Who's the Fugitive?"; mes "Here is a list of online players."; next; query_sql "SELECT `char`.`account_id` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN `login` ON `char`.`account_id` = `login`.`account_id` WHERE `char`.`online` = 1 && `login`.`level` = 0 ORDER BY `char`.`name`", @online; for(set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(@online); set @i, @i + 1){ mes rid2name(@online[@i]); } input $@fugitive$; next; mes "With this person, begin the game?"; mes "Fugitive: "+$@fugitive$; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has chosen "+$@fugitive$+" to be the Fugitive!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Speak to the Events Coordinator NPC to set your time.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@fugistart,1; close; L_fugitive2: if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$) goto L_nofugitive; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+". Since you're the fugitive, you get to choose you own time."; next; mes "It's simple, you will be given a menu of times to choose from."; next; mes "The higher the time you choose, the more tokens you can win in the end."; next; mes "Afterwards, you will be warped to one of the 8 spots in Prontera."; next; mes "So, choose the time you would like to be escaping for."; menu "2 minutes",L_2minute,"3 minutes",L_3minute,"4 minutes",L_4minute,"5 minutes",L_5minute;L_2minute: set $@time,2; goto L_fugitive3; L_3minute: set $@time,3; goto L_fugitive3;L_4minute: set $@time,4; goto L_fugitive3; L_5minute: set $@time,5; goto L_fugitive3;L_fugitive3: announce "The fugitive has selected to be on the run for "+$@time+" minutes!",bc_yellow|bc_all; set $@fuggame,1; close; L_fugitive4: Announce ""+$@fugitive$+" has crossed the fence! Speak to the Events Coordinator npc to be warped.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp pvp_y_8-4.gat 0 0 " +$@fugitive$; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_pvp; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; initnpctimer; enablenpc OnPCKillEvent; enablenpc OnPCDieEvent; set $@fuggame,0; set $@fugistart,0; set $@fugiwarp,1; end;OnTimer60000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "One minute has passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer90000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "Our satellite has shown the fugitive to be at coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer120000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 2) { announce "Two minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 2){ announce "Two minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer180000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 3) { announce "Three minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 3){ announce "Three minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer210000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "We have again located the fugitive at the coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer240000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 4) { announce "Four minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 4){ announce "Four minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer300000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "Five minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end; L_nofugitive: mes "You aren't the fugitive!"; close;L_varset: stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,1; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end; L_fugiwins: if ($@fugitive$ != strcharinfo(0)) end; mes "Good job on escaping!"; getitem $rewarditem,$@time * 60; set $@fugiwins,0; close;//Here is where the Loaded Super PVP game begins L_superpvp: if ($@jjon == 1) goto L_gamestartsuperpvp; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; announce "Loaded Super PVP Event has begun! You know what to do!",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; enablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; L_gamestartsuperpvp: mes "Loaded Super has already started."; close;//This defines what all gets reset when you use Reset Games on the main menu L_resetg: mes "This is for the purpose of resetting Russian Roulette and Juggernaut games and variables if complications occur."; next; mes "Would you like to reset the games?"; menu "No",L_end,"Yes",-; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@players,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; close; }payon,124,228,0 script Disabler 57,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; end; } payon,155,217,6 script Russian Roulette 52,{if ($@players == $@join) goto L_bullet; set @gm,0;if ($@join1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join11$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join12$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join13$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join14$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join15$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join16$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join17$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join18$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join19$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join20$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join21$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join22$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join23$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join24$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join25$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join26$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join27$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join28$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join29$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join30$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; if ($@join == 10) goto L_join11; if ($@join == 11) goto L_join12; if ($@join == 12) goto L_join13; if ($@join == 13) goto L_join14; if ($@join == 14) goto L_join15; if ($@join == 15) goto L_join16; if ($@join == 16) goto L_join17; if ($@join == 17) goto L_join18; if ($@join == 18) goto L_join19; if ($@join == 19) goto L_join20; if ($@join == 20) goto L_join21; if ($@join == 21) goto L_join22; if ($@join == 22) goto L_join23; if ($@join == 23) goto L_join24; if ($@join == 24) goto L_join25; if ($@join == 25) goto L_join26; if ($@join == 26) goto L_join27; if ($@join == 27) goto L_join28; if ($@join == 28) goto L_join29; if ($@join == 29) goto L_join30; L_join: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,1; set $@join1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 1"; close;L_join2: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,2; set $@join2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 2"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join3: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,3; set $@join3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 3"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join4: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,4; set $@join4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 4"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join5: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,5; set $@join5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 5"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join6: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,6; set $@join6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 6"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join7: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,7; set $@join7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 7"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join8: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,8; set $@join8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 8"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join9: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,9; set $@join9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 9"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join10: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,10; set $@join10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 10"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join11: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,11; set $@join11$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 11"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join12: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,12; set $@join12$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 12"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join13: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,13; set $@join13$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 13"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join14: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,14; set $@join14$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 14"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join15: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,15; set $@join15$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 15"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join16: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,16; set $@join16$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 16"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join17: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,17; set $@join17$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 17"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join18: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,18; set $@join18$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 18"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join19: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,19; set $@join19$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 19"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join20: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,20; set $@join20$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 20"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join21: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,21; set $@join21$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 21"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join22: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,22; set $@join22$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 22"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join23: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,23; set $@join23$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 23"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join24: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,24; set $@join24$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 24"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join25: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,25; set $@join25$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 25"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join26: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,26; set $@join26$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 26"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join27: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,27; set $@join27$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 27"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join28: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,28; set $@join28$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 28"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join29: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,29; set $@join29$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 29"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join30: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,30; set $@join30$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 30"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_notoken: mes "Get at least "+$@forcebet+" tokens to play!"; close;L_full: if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @fullbet,$@forcebet * $@players; announce "The game is now full with a full bet of "+@fullbet+".",2; close;} announce "The game is now full. Sorry, try again another time!",2; close; L_bullet: if(getgmlevel() > 10) goto L_bullet1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close;L_bullet1: mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost,"Stop the Game",L_rstop; if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; set @gm,1; set $@lcheck,2; L_bullet2: if (@death == ($@players - 1)) goto L_finish; mes "Pull the trigger?"; menu "Yes",-,"Stop the Game",L_rstop2;L_bullet3: set @rbullet,rand(1,$@join); if (@rbullet == 1){ set $@deadplayer,$@player1; set $@joinplayer$,$@join1$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 2){ set $@deadplayer,$@player2; set $@joinplayer$,$@join2$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 3){ set $@deadplayer,$@player3; set $@joinplayer$,$@join3$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 4){ set $@deadplayer,$@player4; set $@joinplayer$,$@join4$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 5){ set $@deadplayer,$@player5; set $@joinplayer$,$@join5$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 6){ set $@deadplayer,$@player6; set $@joinplayer$,$@join6$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 7){ set $@deadplayer,$@player7; set $@joinplayer$,$@join7$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 8){ set $@deadplayer,$@player8; set $@joinplayer$,$@join8$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 9){ set $@deadplayer,$@player9; set $@joinplayer$,$@join9$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 10){ set $@deadplayer,$@player10; set $@joinplayer$,$@join10$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 11){ set $@deadplayer,$@player11; set $@joinplayer$,$@join11$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 12){ set $@deadplayer,$@player12; set $@joinplayer$,$@join12$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 13){ set $@deadplayer,$@player13; set $@joinplayer$,$@join13$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 14){ set $@deadplayer,$@player14; set $@joinplayer$,$@join14$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 15){ set $@deadplayer,$@player15; set $@joinplayer$,$@join15$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 16){ set $@deadplayer,$@player16; set $@joinplayer$,$@join16$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 17){ set $@deadplayer,$@player17; set $@joinplayer$,$@join17$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 18){ set $@deadplayer,$@player18; set $@joinplayer$,$@join18$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 19){ set $@deadplayer,$@player19; set $@joinplayer$,$@join19$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 20){ set $@deadplayer,$@player20; set $@joinplayer$,$@join20$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 21){ set $@deadplayer,$@player21; set $@joinplayer$,$@join21$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 22){ set $@deadplayer,$@player22; set $@joinplayer$,$@join22$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 23){ set $@deadplayer,$@player23; set $@joinplayer$,$@join23$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 25){ set $@deadplayer,$@player25; set $@joinplayer$,$@join25$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 26){ set $@deadplayer,$@player26; set $@joinplayer$,$@join26$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 27){ set $@deadplayer,$@player27; set $@joinplayer$,$@join27$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 28){ set $@deadplayer,$@player28; set $@joinplayer$,$@join28$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 29){ set $@deadplayer,$@player29; set $@joinplayer$,$@join29$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 30){ set $@deadplayer,$@player30; set $@joinplayer$,$@join30$; goto L_bullet4;} L_bullet4: if ($@deadplayer == 1) goto L_bullet3; if (rand(1,$@lcheck) == 1){ set @phrase1,rand(1,4); if (@phrase1 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" finds that the gun did not fire...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" luckily survives this round...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dodges death by an inch...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" hears a click in the gun...",bc_blue|bc_all;} set $@lcheck,$@lcheck+1; goto L_bullet2;} set @phrase2,rand(1,6); if (@phrase2 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is definately not having a good day.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" got a shot in the face.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is done for.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" sees the reaper.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 5){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" just got pwned.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 6){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dies a nastly, horrible, discusting, vile death.",bc_blue|bc_all;} atcommand "@nuke "+$@joinplayer$; if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join1$) { set $@player1,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join2$) { set $@player2,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join3$) { set $@player3,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join4$) { set $@player4,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join5$) { set $@player5,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join6$) { set $@player6,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join7$) { set $@player7,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join8$) { set $@player8,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join9$) { set $@player9,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join10$) { set $@player10,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join11$) { set $@player11,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join12$) { set $@player12,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join13$) { set $@player13,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join14$) { set $@player14,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join15$) { set $@player15,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join16$) { set $@player16,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join17$) { set $@player17,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join18$) { set $@player18,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join19$) { set $@player19,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join20$) { set $@player20,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join21$) { set $@player21,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join22$) { set $@player22,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join23$) { set $@player23,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join24$) { set $@player24,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join25$) { set $@player25,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join26$) { set $@player26,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join27$) { set $@player27,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join28$) { set $@player28,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join29$) { set $@player29,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join30$) { set $@player30,1; } set @death,@death+1; goto L_bullet2; L_GMstart: mes "A GM has already started this game. Please don't interfere."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; set @gm,0; close;L_rstop: if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_rstop2: announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close;L_finish: set @tokena,($@players * 25); if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @tokena,$@forcebet * $@players;} if ($@player1 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join1$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player2 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join2$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player3 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join3$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player4 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join4$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player5 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join5$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player6 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join6$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player7 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join7$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player8 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join8$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player9 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join9$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player10 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join10$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player11 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join11$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player12 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join12$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player13 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join13$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player14 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join14$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player15 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join15$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player16 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join16$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player17 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join17$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player18 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join18$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player19 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join19$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player20 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join20$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player21 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join21$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player22 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join22$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player23 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join23$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player24 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join24$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player25 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join25$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player26 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join26$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player27 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join27$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player28 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join28$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player29 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join29$; goto L_finish1;} else { set $@winner$,$@join30$; goto L_finish1;} L_finish1: announce ""+$@winner$+" has won and gets "+@tokena+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#item "+$rewarditem+" "+@tokena+" "+$@winner$; atcommand "@raise"; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; goto L_setter; close;L_setter: set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; close; } payon,141,211,6 script Juggernaut 52,{if ($@jugbuff == 1) goto L_finishjug; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_jug1; announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room",155,88;L_jug1: if (getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat") == 1){ mes "Someone has already been chosen to be Juggernaut!"; close;} mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; if ($@jjoin == 0) goto L_force; switch(select(""+$@jjoin1$+"",""+$@jjoin2$+"",""+$@jjoin3$+"",""+$@jjoin4$+"",""+$@jjoin5$+"",""+$@jjoin6$+"",""+$@jjoin7$+"",""+$@jjoin8$+"",""+$@jjoin9$+"",""+$@jjoin10$+"")) { case 1: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player1,1; goto L_startjug; case 2: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player2,1; goto L_startjug; case 3: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player3,1; goto L_startjug; case 4: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player4,1; goto L_startjug; case 5: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player5,1; goto L_startjug; case 6: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player6,1; goto L_startjug; case 7: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player7,1; goto L_startjug; case 8: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player8,1; goto L_startjug; case 9: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player9,1; goto L_startjug; case 10: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player10,1; goto L_startjug; } L_nosignup: mes "There are no people found to be signed up at the Juggernaut Sign-up"; next; mes "Wait for someone to sign up or force someone to be juggernaut"; menu "Wait",-,"Force Juggernaut",L_force; close;L_force: mes "Input the name of the user to be Juggernaut."; input $@juggernaut$; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@juggernaut$)) { mes "That is not a valid user or that player is not online."; close; } goto L_startjug2; L_startjug: if ($@player1 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin1$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player2 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin2$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player3 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin3$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player4 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin4$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player5 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin5$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player6 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin6$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player7 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin7$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player8 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin8$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player9 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin9$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player10 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin10$; goto L_startjug2;}L_startjug2: announce ""+$@juggernaut$+" has been chosen to be the juggernaut.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp guild_vs2.gat 50 50 " +$@juggernaut$; enablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_finishjug: if(getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_finishjug1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close;L_finishjug1: mes "Ready to send the other players in?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; npctalk "Ok, here go the players to fight the Juggernaut!"; mapwarp "arena_room","guild_vs2",0,0; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; initnpctimer; close; OnTimer300000: if ($@jon == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} if (getmapusers("guild_vs2.gat") == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} announce "5 minutes has passed and all the players and the juggernaut weren't killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "guild_vs2.gat","prontera.gat",156,187; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; }guild_vs2,55,55,4 script Jugger Buffer 739,{ if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)) goto L_loser; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,60; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,20; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; sc_start SC_PARRYING,300000,5; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,10; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,10; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; npctalk "I just know you will win for the sake of evil!"; set $@jugbuff,1; announce "The Juggernaut is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@players,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); set $@jugplayers,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; close;L_loser: mes "You aren't the juggernaut you moron!"; close; }force_1-1.gat,100,111,5 script Juggernaut Sign-up 904,{ if ($@jjoin == 10) { mes "Sorry. All positions for juggernaut are filled."; close; } mes "This is the Juggernaut sign-up. You can put in your name to be drawn when the juggernaut is chosen."; next; mes "Would you like to sign up to be the juggernaut? Notice I only take 10 names. It's a first come first serve basis."; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_noname; mes "Thank you for your interest in signing up.";if ($@jjoin1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; L_join: set $@jjoin,1; set $@jjoin1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join2: set $@jjoin,2; set $@jjoin2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join3: set $@jjoin,3; set $@jjoin3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join4: set $@jjoin,4; set $@jjoin4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join5: set $@jjoin,5; set $@jjoin5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join6: set $@jjoin,6; set $@jjoin6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join7: set $@jjoin,7; set $@jjoin7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join8: set $@jjoin,8; set $@jjoin8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join9: set $@jjoin,9; set $@jjoin9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join10: set $@jjoin,10; set $@jjoin10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_noname: mes "Remember that if no one signs up, then everyone is eligible to be juggernaut."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; }guild_vs2,45,55,6 script Reward 80,{ if ($@juggerwin == 0){ getitem $rewarditem,$@players * 25; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} if ($@juggerwin == 1){ sc_end SC_IMPOSITIO; sc_end SC_ASSUMPTIO; sc_end SC_BLESSING; sc_end SC_INCREASEAGI; sc_end SC_MAGNIFICAT; sc_end SC_PARRYING; sc_end SC_ANGELUS; sc_end SC_INCMHPRATE; sc_end SC_CP_WEAPON; sc_end SC_CP_SHIELD; sc_end SC_CP_ARMOR; sc_end SC_CP_HELM; sc_end SC_ENDURE; sc_end SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS; sc_end SC_INTRAVISION; getitem $rewarditem,$@jugplayers * 50; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} L_setter2: set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; close2; warp "prontera.gat",155,174;} //This is where the events will be when it comes to the Juggernaut and Fugitive game - script OnPCDieEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ set $@fugidead,1;}} if ($@jugbuff == 0) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; end;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut was killed!",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat"); set $@juggerwin,0; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; end;} }- script OnPCKillEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$){ if ($@fugidead == 1){ announce "The fugitive was killed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!",bc_all,0xFF0000; getitem $rewarditem,20/$@time; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;}}} if ($@jugbuff != 1) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ announce "A player has been killed.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut has murdered a player.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@players==0){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the event as Juggernaut!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@juggerwin,1; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; end;} }- script OnPCLoadMapEvent -1,{ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; if ($@mapname$ == "pvp_y_8-4.gat") end; announce "The fugitive has changed map and is disqualified.",0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;} } guild_vs2 mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag nomemo guild_vs2 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs2 mapflag noreturn guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag pvp_noguild guild_vs2 mapflag nogo guild_vs2 mapflag nocommand 60 guild_vs2 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs2 mapflag restricted 7 pvp_y_8-4 mapflag restricted 7 prt_in.gat,34,114,6 script Loaded Super PvP 52,{ if(getgmlevel() <= 39) goto L_superplayer1; if(getgmlevel() >= 40) goto L_supergm1;L_superplayer1: announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room.gat",64,132; L_supergm1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "What do you want to do next?"; next; menu "Warp the players to the PvP Room",warp1,"Enable the Reward NPC",reward1,"None",cancel1; warp1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to warp the players to the Super PvP Room?"; next; menu "No",nope1,"Yes",yes1; nope1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope2,"Yes",yes2; close; nope2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; announce "Let's get ready to rumble!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "arena_room","pvp_n_3-5",0,0; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; reward1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to enable the Loaded Super Reward NPC?"; next; menu "No",nope3,"Yes",yes3; nope3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope4,"Yes",yes4; close; nope4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; enablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; close; cancel1: close; } //Here's the Loaded Super Buffer for the Loaded Super PVP arena_room.gat,64,138,5 script Loaded Super Buffer 121,{ announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,500000,50; sc_start SC_GLORIA,500000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,500000,50; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,50; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,300000,20; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,50; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,50; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; }//Here's the Loaded Super Reward for the Loaded Super PVP pvp_n_3-5.gat,104,113,3 script Loaded Super Reward 80,{ getitem $rewarditem,15; announce "And the winner of our Loaded Super PvP Event is [ " + strcharinfo(0) + " ]",bc_blue|bc_all; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; atcommand "@die "; atcommand "@alive "; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; }//Here's the Waiting Room for the Juggernaut Event arena_room.gat,162,88,3 script Juggernaut Waiting Room 754,{ mes "[Juggernaut Waiting Room]"; mes "Please wait until a GM picks a Juggernaut from you guys."; close; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //End of Cool Events================================ //------------------------------------------------------- and i seperate the Russian Roulette script here gonryun,165,142,5 script Events Coordinator 752,{ //This is the variable that will be your reward id set throught this script //Default setting is 12103 which is the Gold Coin set $rewarditem, 12103;//Fugitive game variables so people can talk to this npc and be warped when the event is mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How can I help you today?"; menu "Make an Event",L_Event,"Nevermind",L_end,"Reset Games",L_resetg;L_Event: mes "I see you want to create an event today."; mes "What type will it be?"; menu ""Russian Roulette",L_russ; //Here starts the Russian Roulette NPC L_russ: if ($@rron == 1) goto L_gamestart; mes "Will this be a set reward game, or a betting game?"; menu "Set Prize Game",-,"Betting Game",L_russbet; mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss,"No",L_end;L_sruss: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,0; announce "A Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Talk to the Russian Roulette NPC in Payon.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_russbet: mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Now you must decide the forced bet upon players."; mes "Recommended 20-50."; input $@forcebet; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss2,"No",L_end;L_sruss2: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,1; announce "A Betting Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "This game has a forced bet of "+$@forcebet+" Tokens.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_gamestart: mes "A game has already started. Would you like to stop or end it?"; menu "No",-,"Stop Game",L_sgame; close;L_sgame: announce "The GM has stopped this game. Only "+$@join+" players have joined.",3; set $@players,$@join; close; L_resetg: mes "This is for the purpose of resetting Russian Roulette and Juggernaut games and variables if complications occur."; next; mes "Would you like to reset the games?"; menu "No",L_end,"Yes",-; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@players,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; close; } gonryun,170,142,5 script Disabler 57,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Reward"; end; } gonryun,164,137,5 script Russian Roulette 52,{if ($@players == $@join) goto L_bullet; set @gm,0;if ($@join1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join11$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join12$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join13$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join14$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join15$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join16$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join17$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join18$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join19$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join20$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join21$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join22$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join23$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join24$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join25$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join26$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join27$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join28$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join29$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join30$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; if ($@join == 10) goto L_join11; if ($@join == 11) goto L_join12; if ($@join == 12) goto L_join13; if ($@join == 13) goto L_join14; if ($@join == 14) goto L_join15; if ($@join == 15) goto L_join16; if ($@join == 16) goto L_join17; if ($@join == 17) goto L_join18; if ($@join == 18) goto L_join19; if ($@join == 19) goto L_join20; if ($@join == 20) goto L_join21; if ($@join == 21) goto L_join22; if ($@join == 22) goto L_join23; if ($@join == 23) goto L_join24; if ($@join == 24) goto L_join25; if ($@join == 25) goto L_join26; if ($@join == 26) goto L_join27; if ($@join == 27) goto L_join28; if ($@join == 28) goto L_join29; if ($@join == 29) goto L_join30; L_join: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,1; set $@join1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 1"; close;L_join2: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,2; set $@join2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 2"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join3: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,3; set $@join3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 3"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join4: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,4; set $@join4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 4"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join5: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,5; set $@join5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 5"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join6: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,6; set $@join6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 6"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join7: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,7; set $@join7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 7"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join8: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,8; set $@join8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 8"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join9: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,9; set $@join9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 9"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join10: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,10; set $@join10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 10"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join11: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,11; set $@join11$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 11"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join12: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,12; set $@join12$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 12"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join13: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,13; set $@join13$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 13"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join14: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,14; set $@join14$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 14"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join15: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,15; set $@join15$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 15"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join16: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,16; set $@join16$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 16"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join17: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,17; set $@join17$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 17"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join18: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,18; set $@join18$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 18"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join19: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,19; set $@join19$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 19"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join20: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,20; set $@join20$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 20"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join21: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,21; set $@join21$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 21"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join22: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,22; set $@join22$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 22"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join23: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,23; set $@join23$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 23"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join24: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,24; set $@join24$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 24"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join25: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,25; set $@join25$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 25"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join26: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,26; set $@join26$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 26"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join27: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,27; set $@join27$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 27"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join28: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,28; set $@join28$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 28"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join29: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,29; set $@join29$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 29"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join30: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(12103)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 12103,$@forcebet;} set $@join,30; set $@join30$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 30"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_notoken: mes "Get at least "+$@forcebet+" tokens to play!"; close;L_full: if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @fullbet,$@forcebet * $@players; announce "The game is now full with a full bet of "+@fullbet+".",2; close;} announce "The game is now full. Sorry, try again another time!",2; close; L_bullet: if(getgmlevel() > 10) goto L_bullet1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close;L_bullet1: mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost,"Stop the Game",L_rstop; if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; set @gm,1; set $@lcheck,2; L_bullet2: if (@death == ($@players - 1)) goto L_finish; mes "Pull the trigger?"; menu "Yes",-,"Stop the Game",L_rstop2;L_bullet3: set @rbullet,rand(1,$@join); if (@rbullet == 1){ set $@deadplayer,$@player1; set $@joinplayer$,$@join1$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 2){ set $@deadplayer,$@player2; set $@joinplayer$,$@join2$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 3){ set $@deadplayer,$@player3; set $@joinplayer$,$@join3$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 4){ set $@deadplayer,$@player4; set $@joinplayer$,$@join4$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 5){ set $@deadplayer,$@player5; set $@joinplayer$,$@join5$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 6){ set $@deadplayer,$@player6; set $@joinplayer$,$@join6$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 7){ set $@deadplayer,$@player7; set $@joinplayer$,$@join7$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 8){ set $@deadplayer,$@player8; set $@joinplayer$,$@join8$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 9){ set $@deadplayer,$@player9; set $@joinplayer$,$@join9$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 10){ set $@deadplayer,$@player10; set $@joinplayer$,$@join10$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 11){ set $@deadplayer,$@player11; set $@joinplayer$,$@join11$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 12){ set $@deadplayer,$@player12; set $@joinplayer$,$@join12$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 13){ set $@deadplayer,$@player13; set $@joinplayer$,$@join13$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 14){ set $@deadplayer,$@player14; set $@joinplayer$,$@join14$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 15){ set $@deadplayer,$@player15; set $@joinplayer$,$@join15$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 16){ set $@deadplayer,$@player16; set $@joinplayer$,$@join16$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 17){ set $@deadplayer,$@player17; set $@joinplayer$,$@join17$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 18){ set $@deadplayer,$@player18; set $@joinplayer$,$@join18$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 19){ set $@deadplayer,$@player19; set $@joinplayer$,$@join19$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 20){ set $@deadplayer,$@player20; set $@joinplayer$,$@join20$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 21){ set $@deadplayer,$@player21; set $@joinplayer$,$@join21$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 22){ set $@deadplayer,$@player22; set $@joinplayer$,$@join22$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 23){ set $@deadplayer,$@player23; set $@joinplayer$,$@join23$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 25){ set $@deadplayer,$@player25; set $@joinplayer$,$@join25$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 26){ set $@deadplayer,$@player26; set $@joinplayer$,$@join26$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 27){ set $@deadplayer,$@player27; set $@joinplayer$,$@join27$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 28){ set $@deadplayer,$@player28; set $@joinplayer$,$@join28$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 29){ set $@deadplayer,$@player29; set $@joinplayer$,$@join29$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 30){ set $@deadplayer,$@player30; set $@joinplayer$,$@join30$; goto L_bullet4;} L_bullet4: if ($@deadplayer == 1) goto L_bullet3; if (rand(1,$@lcheck) == 1){ set @phrase1,rand(1,4); if (@phrase1 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" finds that the gun did not fire...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" luckily survives this round...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dodges death by an inch...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" hears a click in the gun...",bc_blue|bc_all;} set $@lcheck,$@lcheck+1; goto L_bullet2;} set @phrase2,rand(1,6); if (@phrase2 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is definately not having a good day.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" got a shot in the face.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is done for.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" sees the reaper.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 5){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" just got pwned.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 6){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dies a nastly, horrible, discusting, vile death.",bc_blue|bc_all;} atcommand "@nuke "+$@joinplayer$; if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join1$) { set $@player1,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join2$) { set $@player2,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join3$) { set $@player3,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join4$) { set $@player4,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join5$) { set $@player5,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join6$) { set $@player6,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join7$) { set $@player7,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join8$) { set $@player8,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join9$) { set $@player9,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join10$) { set $@player10,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join11$) { set $@player11,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join12$) { set $@player12,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join13$) { set $@player13,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join14$) { set $@player14,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join15$) { set $@player15,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join16$) { set $@player16,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join17$) { set $@player17,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join18$) { set $@player18,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join19$) { set $@player19,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join20$) { set $@player20,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join21$) { set $@player21,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join22$) { set $@player22,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join23$) { set $@player23,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join24$) { set $@player24,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join25$) { set $@player25,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join26$) { set $@player26,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join27$) { set $@player27,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join28$) { set $@player28,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join29$) { set $@player29,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join30$) { set $@player30,1; } set @death,@death+1; goto L_bullet2; L_GMstart: mes "A GM has already started this game. Please don't interfere."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; set @gm,0; close;L_rstop: if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_rstop2: announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close;L_finish: set @tokena,($@players * 25); if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @tokena,$@forcebet * $@players;} if ($@player1 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join1$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player2 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join2$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player3 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join3$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player4 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join4$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player5 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join5$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player6 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join6$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player7 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join7$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player8 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join8$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player9 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join9$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player10 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join10$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player11 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join11$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player12 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join12$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player13 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join13$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player14 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join14$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player15 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join15$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player16 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join16$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player17 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join17$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player18 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join18$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player19 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join19$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player20 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join20$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player21 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join21$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player22 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join22$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player23 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join23$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player24 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join24$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player25 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join25$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player26 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join26$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player27 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join27$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player28 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join28$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player29 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join29$; goto L_finish1;} else { set $@winner$,$@join30$; goto L_finish1;} L_finish1: announce ""+$@winner$+" has won and gets "+@tokena+" Bloody Branch!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem, @tokena, getcharid(3, $@winner$ ); atcommand "@raise"; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; goto L_setter; close;L_setter: set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; close; } and i get this error pls fix it and pls add auto prize 2 TCG ty
  4. Hades03


    n one can seperate this fucking events wew
  5. Hades03

    Inventory NPC

    error i have 2 npc zeny and TCG and said i dont have money to buy bla bla but i have tcg and zeny hahahaha - shop custom_seller1 -1,501:50 morocc,159,97,5 script Inventory NPC [ TCG ] 60,{ mes "Welcome to my shop!"; for(set .@i,0; getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+.@i+"]"); set .@i,.@i+1){ mes getitemname(getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+.@i+"]"))+" ("+(getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+.@i+"]")?"^007700In-Stock":"^CD0000Out-of-Stock")+"^000000) ["+getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+.@i+"]")+"]"; } callshop "custom_seller1",1; npcshopattach "custom_seller1"; end; OnBuyItem: for(set @i,0; getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"); set @i,@i+1) { for(set @d,0; @d<getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @d,@d+1){ if(@bought_nameid[@d]==getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]")){ if(countitem(.itemid) >= (getd(".price_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]")*@bought_quantity[@d])) { if(checkweight(getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"),((@bought_quantity[@d]>getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))?getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"):@bought_quantity[@d]))){ if(getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]")>0){ delitem .itemid,getd(".price_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]")*((@bought_quantity[@d]>getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))?getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"):@bought_quantity[@d]); getitem @bought_nameid[@d],((@bought_quantity[@d]>getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))?getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"):@bought_quantity[@d]); setd ".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]",getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]")-((@bought_quantity[@d]>getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))?getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"):@bought_quantity[@d]); } else { dispbottom "I'm sorry but we're currently out of "+getitemname(getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))+"s."; } } else { dispbottom "I'm sorry but you can't hold that many "+getitemname(getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))+"s."; } } else { dispbottom "I'm sorry you don't have enough money for "+getitemname(getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+@i+"]"))+"s."; } } } } deletearray @bought_quantity, getarraysize(@bought_quantity); deletearray @bought_nameid, getarraysize(@bought_nameid); close; OnHour0000: OnInit: //=================Configuration================ set .itemid,7227; //Itemlist setarray .shop_list0,12114,12115,12280,12117,12116; //Sunday setarray .shop_list1,12117,12114,12115,12116,12280; //Monday setarray .shop_list2,12280,12117,12114,12115,12279; //Tuesday setarray .shop_list3,12279,12280,12117,12114,12115; //Wednesday setarray .shop_list4,12280,12279,12116,12117,12114; //Thursday setarray .shop_list5,12279,12116,12280,12115,12114; //Friday setarray .shop_list6,12116,12279,12114,12117,12115; //Saturday //Pricelist setarray .price_list0,10,10,10,10,10; //Sunday setarray .price_list1,10,10,10,10,10; //Monday setarray .price_list2,10,10,10,10,10; //Tuesday setarray .price_list3,10,10,10,10,10; //Wednesday setarray .price_list4,10,10,10,10,10; //Thursday setarray .price_list5,10,10,10,10,10; //Friday setarray .price_list6,10,10,10,10,10; //Saturday //Stock setarray .amount_list0,100,100,100,100,100; //Sunday setarray .amount_list1,100,100,100,100,100; //Monday setarray .amount_list2,100,100,100,100,100; //Tuesday setarray .amount_list3,100,100,100,100,100; //Wednesday setarray .amount_list4,100,100,100,100,100; //Thursday setarray .amount_list5,100,100,100,100,100; //Friday setarray .amount_list5,100,100,100,100,100; //Saturday //================================================= OnTimer10000: npcshopitem "custom_seller1",0,0; // Don't touch any coding beyond here for(set .i,0; getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+.i+"]"); set .i,.i+1){ if(getd(".amount_list"+.day+"["+.i+"]")){ npcshopadditem "custom_seller1",getd(".shop_list"+.day+"["+.i+"]"),getd(".price_list"+.day+"["+.i+"]"); } } initnpctimer; end; } TCG NPC
  6. Hades03


    me too want this hahaha
  7. TrojanWorm i want this script only in 1 map the script will be this right? - script pvpheal -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_01"){ percentheal 100,100; end; } end; }
  8. prontera,102,102,5 script Dead Branch Room 100,{ setarray $@maps$[1], "morocc", "geffen", "prontera", "alberta", "comodo", "aldebaran", "amatsu"; for(set .@b,1; .@b < getarraysize($@maps$); set .@b,.@b + 1) { if(.@b==1){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Public- "+((getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])>=30)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } else { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Private["+(.@b-1)+"]- "+((getmapusers(""+$@maps$[.@b]+"")>=5)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } } if(select(.@menu$)) { callfunc "GRfunction",$@maps$[@menu],@menu; } } function script GRfunction { if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=30&&getarg(1)==1){ warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(!getmapusers(getarg(0))){ mes "Input a new password."; input($password$[getarg(1)]); next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=5&&getarg(1)!=1) { mes "This room is password protected please input the password now."; input(@name$); if(@name$==$password$[getarg(1)]){ mes "correct!"; next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } else { mes "Incorrect!"; close; } } else { mes "I'm sorry this room is full."; close; } } Just modify the array setarray $@maps$[1], "morocc", "geffen", "prontera", "alberta", "comodo", "aldebaran", "amatsu"; and remember that the first map will always be public everything after will not be public.
  9. Hades03


    can you pls edit this script 1 week rent only and the payment change to this item id 20000 prontera,110,353,4 script Landlord 833,{ set .@n$,"[Landlord]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(getgdskilllv(.@GID,10000) < 1) goto L_GSTL; if(strcharinfo(0)!=getguildmaster(.@GID)) goto L_NGM; query_sql "SELECT `guild_lv`,`max_member` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id`="+getcharid(2)+"",@glvl,@max_member; if(@glvl < 10 || @max_member < 5) goto L_GLTL; mes .@n$; mes "Hello and Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "I rent Guildhouses to Guilds and their Members."; mes "Are you interessted?"; next; menu "Yes, i am!",-,"More Infos please.",L_I,"No, thanks.",L_C; if(.@GID == $FlagID1 || .@GID == $FlagID2 || .@GID == $FlagID3 || .@GID == $FlagID4 || .@GID == $FlagID5 || .@GID == $FlagID6) goto L_GGH; L_next2: mes .@n$; mes "Allright, then please tell me for how long you would like to rent a Guildhouse? (In Months)"; mes "You can't rent a Guildhouse for longer then 2 Months.!"; input .@months; if(.@months<1)goto L_M; if(.@months>2)goto L_M; mes "Allright, so you would like to rent a Guildhouse for "+.@months+" Months, is that correct?"; next; menu "Jes, rent for "+.@months+" Months",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_next2,"Cancel",L_C; set .@cost,.@months*1000000; L_CLP: mes .@n$; mes "Which Password would you like to use?"; mes "^FF0000IMPORTANT! THIS PASSWORD IS MEANT ONLY FOR YOU, THE GUILD LEADER!!!"; mes "WITH THIS PASSWORD YOU CAN MANAGE THE GUILDHOUSE!^000000..."; input .@gh_lpw$; if(.@gh_lpw$=="")goto L_NP; mes "Allright, so you would like to use this password "+.@gh_lpw$+" as Leaderpassword?"; next; menu "Yes, use "+.@gh_lpw$+" as ^FF0000LEADER^000000 Password!",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_CLP,"Cancel",L_C; L_CMP: mes .@n$; mes "Which Visitor-Password would you like to use?"; mes "This is the Password your Guildmembers get to enter the House!!!"; input .@gh_mpw$; if(.@gh_mpw$=="")goto L_NP; next; menu "Yes, use "+.@gh_mpw$+" as Visitor-Password!",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_CMP,"Cancel",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Allright, now let me see which Guildhouse is free."; next; if($house1_rent!=1)goto L_rent1; if($house2_rent!=1)goto L_rent2; if($house3_rent!=1)goto L_rent3; if($house4_rent!=1)goto L_rent4; if($house5_rent!=1)goto L_rent5; if($house6_rent!=1)goto L_rent6; mes .@n$; mes "I'm sorry to tell you, but all Guildhouses are being used."; mes "Why don't you just come back again in a few Days and try it again."; close; L_rent1: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 1 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house1_rent,1; set $house1_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house1_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house1_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house1_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house1_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house1_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID1,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 1."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_rent2: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 2 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house2_rent,1; set $house2_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house2_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house2_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house2_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house2_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house2_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID2,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 2."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_rent3: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 3 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house3_rent,1; set $house3_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house3_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house3_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house3_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house3_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house3_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID3,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 3."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_rent4: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 4 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house4_rent,1; set $house4_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house4_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house4_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house4_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house4_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house4_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID4,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 4."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_rent5: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 5 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house5_rent,1; set $house5_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house5_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house5_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house5_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house5_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house5_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID5,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 5."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_rent6: mes .@n$; mes "House Nr. 6 is free."; mes "Renting Fee: "+.@cost+" for "+.@months+" Months."; mes "LEADER Password: "+.@gh_lpw$+""; mes "Visitor-Password(for your Guildmembers): "+.@gh_mpw$+""; mes "Would you like to buy the Guildhouse now?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, i've changed my mind.",L_C; mes "Ok I'll make the papers ready."; next; if(zeny<.@cost)goto L_NEZ; set zeny,zeny-.@cost; set $house6_rent,1; set $house6_leader$,strcharinfo(0); set $house6_guild$,strcharinfo(2); set $house6_lpw$,.@gh_lpw$; set $house6_mpw$,.@gh_mpw$; set $house6_buy_day,gettime(5); set $house6_buy_month,gettime(6)+.@months; set $FlagID6,.@GID; mes .@n$; mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the Guildhouse now belongs to you and your Guild "+strcharinfo(2)+"!"; mes "Your Guildhouse Number is Nr 6."; mes "Have Fun!"; close; L_I: mes .@n$; mes "In my possession are 6 houses + land."; mes "You can rent them (as long as they're free) from me."; mes "The price depends on the time that you rent the house."; mes "Each Month you have to pay me 1'000'000 Zeny."; mes "If the time expires, the house is released and you have to re-rent it from me if you want it again."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, only the Guildleader can rent Guildhouses from me!"; close; L_GSTL: mes "Sorry, but without the Guildskill 'Guild Approval' you can't rent a Guildhouse!"; close; L_GLTL: mes "Sorry, but i only rent Guildhouses to Guilds which are participating active in WoE!"; mes "And your Guild does not have 5 Member or a Guildlevel of 10."; mes "Come back again if your Guild has grown!"; close; L_M: mes .@n$; mes "You must rent a Guildhouse for at least 1 Month and you can't rent it over 2 Months, remind that!"; close; L_NP: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but because of safety reasons you have to choose a password!"; close; L_NEZ: mes .@n$; mes "I'm sorry but you're not having enough Zeny to rent a Guildhouse."; mes "Come back again when you got enough Zeny!"; close; L_GGH: mes .@n$; mes "Your Guild already posseses a Guildhouse from me!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Allright, then come back again when you've changed your mind."; close; OnClock0001: if(($house1_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house1_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house1_rent,0; set $house1_leader$,0; set $house1_guild$,0; set $house1_lpw$,"closed"; set $house1_mpw$,"closed"; set $house1_buy_day,0; set $house1_buy_month,0; set $FlagID1,0; } if(($house2_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house2_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house2_rent,0; set $house2_leader$,0; set $house2_guild$,0; set $house2_lpw$,"closed"; set $house2_mpw$,"closed"; set $house2_buy_day,0; set $house2_buy_month,0; set $FlagID2,0; } if(($house3_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house3_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house3_rent,0; set $house3_leader$,0; set $house3_guild$,0; set $house3_lpw$,"closed"; set $house3_mpw$,"closed"; set $house3_buy_day,0; set $house3_buy_month,0; set $FlagID3,0; } if(($house4_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house4_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house4_rent,0; set $house4_leader$,0; set $house4_guild$,0; set $house4_lpw$,"closed"; set $house4_mpw$,"closed"; set $house4_buy_day,0; set $house4_buy_month,0; set $FlagID4,0; } if(($house5_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house5_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house5_rent,0; set $house5_leader$,0; set $house5_guild$,0; set $house5_lpw$,"closed"; set $house5_mpw$,"closed"; set $house5_buy_day,0; set $house5_buy_month,0; set $FlagID5,0; } if(($house6_buy_day==gettime(5)) && ($house6_buy_month==gettime(6))){ set $house6_rent,0; set $house6_leader$,0; set $house6_guild$,0; set $house6_lpw$,"closed"; set $house6_mpw$,"closed"; set $house6_buy_day,0; set $house6_buy_month,0; set $FlagID6,0; } } maintown,133,372,1 script House Nr. 1 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 1]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if($house1_rent==1)goto L_ST; if(.@GID != $FlagID1) goto L_NGM; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house1_leader$+" from the "+$house1_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house1_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house1_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house1_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house1_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house1_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house1_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID1,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } maintown,115,372,1 script House Nr. 2 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 2]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(.@GID != $FlagID2) goto L_NGM; if($house2_rent==1)goto L_ST; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house2_leader$+" from the "+$house2_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house2_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in2",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house2_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house2_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house2_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house2_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house2_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID2,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } maintown,99,366,1 script House Nr. 3 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 3]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(.@GID != $FlagID3) goto L_NGM; if($house3_rent==1)goto L_ST; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house3_leader$+" from the "+$house3_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house3_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in3",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house3_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house3_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house3_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house3_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house3_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID3,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } maintown,85,364,1 script House Nr. 4 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 4]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(.@GID != $FlagID4) goto L_NGM; if($house4_rent==1)goto L_ST; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house4_leader$+" from the "+$house4_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house4_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in4",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house4_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house4_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house4_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house4_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house4_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID4,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } maintown,69,366,1 script House Nr. 5 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 5]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(.@GID != $FlagID5) goto L_NGM; if($house5_rent==1)goto L_ST; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house5_leader$+" from the "+$house5_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house5_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in5",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house5_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house5_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house5_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house5_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house5_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID5,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } maintown,57,365,1 script House Nr. 6 111,{ set .@n$,"[House Nr. 1]"; set .@GID,getcharid(2); if(.@GID != $FlagID6) goto L_NGM; if($house6_rent==1)goto L_ST; mes .@n$; mes "This Guildhouse is empty and free for rent.."; close; L_ST: mes .@n$; mes "This is the Guildhouse from "+$house6_leader$+" from the "+$house6_guild$+" Guild."; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Enter",-,"Manage",L_E,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Guildhouse Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house6_mpw$) goto L_WPW; mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" please come in."; next; warp "rent_in6",20,5; close; L_E: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert the Leader Password."; input .@pw$; if(.@pw$ != $house6_lpw$)goto L_WPW; mes "What can i do for you?"; next; menu "Change Leader Password",-,"Change Member Password",L_CMPW,"Change Guildemblem",L_CGE,"Nothing",L_C; mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Leader Password."; input .@newlpw$; set $house6_lpw$,.@newlpw$; mes "Your new Leader Password is now: "+$house6_lpw$+"."; close; L_CMPW: mes .@n$; mes "Please insert now the new Visitor Password."; input .@newmpw$; set $house6_mpw$,.@newmpw$; mes "Your new Member Password is: "+$house6_mpw$+"."; close; L_CGE: mes .@n$; mes "Would you like to change the current Emblem on the Flag with your current one?"; next; menu "Yes, please.",-,"No, thanks.",L_C; set $FlagID6,getcharid(2); mes "Change was successfull."; close; L_NGM: mes .@n$; mes "Sorry, but you're not belonging to this Guild!"; close; L_WPW: mes .@n$; mes "Incorrect Password!"; close; L_C: mes .@n$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } boom up
  10. Yup but can you make it better hehe
  11. I know that but i want all in 1 script hehehe
  12. Dota sound with 1 st blood and massacre 30 kill and the player get that will be color red and the size will be changed to size2 hehehe Sorry bad english hahahaha
  13. Color : Red & Black Name : Jam Vashley Size : 520x100 Anime : Sura And high Priest Animation : strawberry Avatar Too plss
  14. error getitem 7227, callfunc( "F_RandMes", 5, 10,15,20,25,30 ), getcharid(3, $@winner$ ); ok getitem $rewarditem, @tokena, getcharid(3, $@winner$ ); but the prize is not a random T.T
  15. Ty but i meed auto prize And can you seperate it or get only russian roulette
  16. I want the russian roulette Annie make it auto prize if i active it and random prize 10,15,20,25,30 ty
  17. i want this script automatic give prize, give TCG random to 10-15-20-25-30 i'm using eathena ty payon,134,230,3 script Events Coordinator 752,{ //This is the variable that will be your reward id set throught this script //Default setting is 671 which is the Gold Coin set $rewarditem, 671;//Fugitive game variables so people can talk to this npc and be warped when the event is running if ($@fugiwins == 1) goto L_fugiwins; if ($@fuggame == 1){ if (getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_fugitive4;} if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ warp "pvp_y_8-4.gat",0,0; end;} if ($@fugistart == 1) goto L_fugitive2; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_GM;mes "I'm here to help GMs make events quickly and painlessly."; close; L_GM: mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How can I help you today?"; menu "Make an Event",L_Event,"Nevermind",L_end,"Reset Games",L_resetg;L_Event: mes "I see you want to create an event today."; mes "What type will it be?"; menu "Marin Event",L_Marin,"MVP Event",L_MVP,"Russian Roulette",L_russ,"Invasion",L_invade,"Juggernaut",L_jugger,"Fugitive",L_fugitive,"Loaded Super PVP",L_superpvp; //Here starts the Marin Event Script L_Marin: mes "I see you want a Marin Event."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not tnclude .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players."; input @place2$; mes "Are you sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; set $@marintok,rand(3,8); monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,1000; monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,$@marintok,"Events Coordinator::OnMarinKilledGlobal"; Announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has started a Marin event in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; Announce "Hurry and kill them for your prize!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;OnMarinKilledGlobal: set $MarinKilled,$MarinKilled+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has found 10 Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; if ($MarinKilled==$@marintok) goto L_Game; end; L_Game: announce "All Marins with Tokens have been killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $MarinKilled,0; killmonsterall @place$+".gat"; end;//Here starts the MVP Event L_MVP: mes "Let's start the event then."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not include .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players next."; input @place2$; next; mes "Want to make the rest random?"; menu "Yes",L_rMVP,"No",-; mes "Input the monster ID. You could use something other than an MVP."; input @id; next; mes "Next the monster name. It can be anything."; input $@name$; next; set $@num,1; mes "Is there a specific place you would like to put this monster?"; menu "Yes",L_yspec,"No",L_nspec; L_rMVP: mes "Send the monster to "+@place$+"?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; monster ""+@place$+"",0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce "A monster has found its way to "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;L_nspec: set @x,0; set @y,0; next; goto L_check; L_yspec: mes "Input the x coordinate."; input @x; mes "Input the y coordinate."; input @y; next;L_check: mes "Here's what you put in..."; mes "Place: "+@place$+""; mes "Id: "+@id+""; mes "Name: "+$@name$+""; mes "Coordinates: X = "+@x+" and Y = "+@y+""; mes "Is this all correct?"; menu "Yes",L_spawn,"No",L_MVP,"Quit",L_end; L_end: close;L_spawn: mes "Before starting, would you like to summon more than one?"; menu "No",L_spawn2,"Yes",L_num; L_num: mes "Input the number of spawns. Remember, 0,0 coordinates means both will spawn on different spots of the map."; input $@num;L_spawn2: if ($@num > 1) goto L_spawn3; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce ""+$@name$+" is on the loose in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; L_spawn3: set $@num2,$@num; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilled2Global";; announce "There are "+$@num+" "+$@name$+"'s rampaging in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;OnMVPKilledGlobal: set @rand,rand(1,3); if (@rand == 1) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has murdered the evil monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 2) { announce "The monster has been slain by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 3) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has slaughtered the monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; OnMVPKilled2Global: set $@num2,$@num2-1; if ($@num2 == 0) goto L_MVPOver; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed one "+$@name$+" leaving ("+$@num2+"/"+$@num+") left!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end;L_MVPOver: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished off the last "+@name$+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "The monsters have failed to hold up against our forces!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; //Here starts the Russian Roulette NPC L_russ: if ($@rron == 1) goto L_gamestart; mes "Will this be a set reward game, or a betting game?"; menu "Set Prize Game",-,"Betting Game",L_russbet; mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss,"No",L_end;L_sruss: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,0; announce "A Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Talk to the Russian Roulette NPC in Payon.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_russbet: mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Now you must decide the forced bet upon players."; mes "Recommended 20-50."; input $@forcebet; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss2,"No",L_end;L_sruss2: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,1; announce "A Betting Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "This game has a forced bet of "+$@forcebet+" Tokens.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_gamestart: mes "A game has already started. Would you like to stop or end it?"; menu "No",-,"Stop Game",L_sgame; close;L_sgame: announce "The GM has stopped this game. Only "+$@join+" players have joined.",3; set $@players,$@join; close; //Invasion Event starts here L_invade: mes "How many invasions do you want? Recommended 3-5."; input $@numinvade; if ($@numinvade<2) goto L_moreinvade; next; mes "Choose a Multiplier. This is the number that will define how many monsters are summoned during one round."; menu "1x",-,"2x",-,"3x",-,"4x",-; if (@menu == 1) { set $@multiply,1; } if (@menu == 2) { set $@multiply,2; } if (@menu == 3) { set $@multiply,3; } if (@menu == 4) { set $@multiply,4; } mes "Are you sure you want to start this invasion?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce "An invasion has begun in the Land of Magic!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@invasion,0; set $@invade,0; goto L_invade2;L_moreinvade: mes "You must have more invasions!!"; close; OnInvadeGlobal: set $@invade,$@invade+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; if ($@invade==(8 * $@multiply)){ announce "Here comes the next invasion!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; goto L_invade2;} end;L_invade2: set $@invasion,$@invasion+1; set $@invade,0; if ($@numinvade==$@invasion) goto L_endinvade; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; close; end; L_endinvade: announce "The Boss of this invasion has arrived! Someone save us!",bc_blue|bc_all; monster "geffen.gat",100,100,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeFinishGlobal";; end;OnInvadeFinishGlobal: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished the invasion! Thank the Hero!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,20; end; //Juggernaut Event starts here L_jugger: if ($@jon == 1) goto L_gamestart2; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Reward"; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jon,1; announce "A Juggernaut game has begun! Talk to the NPC in town related to this game to join.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Juggernaut"; enablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close;L_gamestart2: mes "A game has already started."; close; //Here is where the fugitive game begins L_fugitive: mes "Are you positive you want to start a fugitive game?"; menu "Begin Game",L_fugitive1,"Request A Game",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has requested a Fugitive game! Come to town to play!",bc_blue|bc_all; close;L_fugitive1: mes "Who's the Fugitive?"; mes "Here is a list of online players."; next; query_sql "SELECT `char`.`account_id` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN `login` ON `char`.`account_id` = `login`.`account_id` WHERE `char`.`online` = 1 && `login`.`level` = 0 ORDER BY `char`.`name`", @online; for(set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(@online); set @i, @i + 1){ mes rid2name(@online[@i]); } input $@fugitive$; next; mes "With this person, begin the game?"; mes "Fugitive: "+$@fugitive$; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has chosen "+$@fugitive$+" to be the Fugitive!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Speak to the Events Coordinator NPC to set your time.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@fugistart,1; close; L_fugitive2: if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$) goto L_nofugitive; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+". Since you're the fugitive, you get to choose you own time."; next; mes "It's simple, you will be given a menu of times to choose from."; next; mes "The higher the time you choose, the more tokens you can win in the end."; next; mes "Afterwards, you will be warped to one of the 8 spots in Prontera."; next; mes "So, choose the time you would like to be escaping for."; menu "2 minutes",L_2minute,"3 minutes",L_3minute,"4 minutes",L_4minute,"5 minutes",L_5minute;L_2minute: set $@time,2; goto L_fugitive3; L_3minute: set $@time,3; goto L_fugitive3;L_4minute: set $@time,4; goto L_fugitive3; L_5minute: set $@time,5; goto L_fugitive3;L_fugitive3: announce "The fugitive has selected to be on the run for "+$@time+" minutes!",bc_yellow|bc_all; set $@fuggame,1; close; L_fugitive4: Announce ""+$@fugitive$+" has crossed the fence! Speak to the Events Coordinator npc to be warped.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp pvp_y_8-4.gat 0 0 " +$@fugitive$; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_pvp; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; initnpctimer; enablenpc OnPCKillEvent; enablenpc OnPCDieEvent; set $@fuggame,0; set $@fugistart,0; set $@fugiwarp,1; end;OnTimer60000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "One minute has passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer90000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "Our satellite has shown the fugitive to be at coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer120000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 2) { announce "Two minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 2){ announce "Two minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer180000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 3) { announce "Three minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 3){ announce "Three minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer210000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "We have again located the fugitive at the coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer240000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 4) { announce "Four minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 4){ announce "Four minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer300000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "Five minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end; L_nofugitive: mes "You aren't the fugitive!"; close;L_varset: stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,1; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end; L_fugiwins: if ($@fugitive$ != strcharinfo(0)) end; mes "Good job on escaping!"; getitem $rewarditem,$@time * 60; set $@fugiwins,0; close;//Here is where the Loaded Super PVP game begins L_superpvp: if ($@jjon == 1) goto L_gamestartsuperpvp; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; announce "Loaded Super PVP Event has begun! You know what to do!",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; enablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; L_gamestartsuperpvp: mes "Loaded Super has already started."; close;//This defines what all gets reset when you use Reset Games on the main menu L_resetg: mes "This is for the purpose of resetting Russian Roulette and Juggernaut games and variables if complications occur."; next; mes "Would you like to reset the games?"; menu "No",L_end,"Yes",-; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@players,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; close; }payon,124,228,0 script Disabler 57,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; end; } payon,155,217,6 script Russian Roulette 52,{if ($@players == $@join) goto L_bullet; set @gm,0;if ($@join1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join11$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join12$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join13$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join14$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join15$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join16$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join17$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join18$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join19$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join20$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join21$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join22$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join23$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join24$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join25$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join26$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join27$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join28$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join29$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join30$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; if ($@join == 10) goto L_join11; if ($@join == 11) goto L_join12; if ($@join == 12) goto L_join13; if ($@join == 13) goto L_join14; if ($@join == 14) goto L_join15; if ($@join == 15) goto L_join16; if ($@join == 16) goto L_join17; if ($@join == 17) goto L_join18; if ($@join == 18) goto L_join19; if ($@join == 19) goto L_join20; if ($@join == 20) goto L_join21; if ($@join == 21) goto L_join22; if ($@join == 22) goto L_join23; if ($@join == 23) goto L_join24; if ($@join == 24) goto L_join25; if ($@join == 25) goto L_join26; if ($@join == 26) goto L_join27; if ($@join == 27) goto L_join28; if ($@join == 28) goto L_join29; if ($@join == 29) goto L_join30; L_join: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,1; set $@join1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 1"; close;L_join2: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,2; set $@join2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 2"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join3: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,3; set $@join3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 3"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join4: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,4; set $@join4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 4"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join5: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,5; set $@join5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 5"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join6: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,6; set $@join6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 6"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join7: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,7; set $@join7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 7"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join8: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,8; set $@join8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 8"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join9: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,9; set $@join9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 9"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join10: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,10; set $@join10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 10"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join11: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,11; set $@join11$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 11"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join12: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,12; set $@join12$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 12"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join13: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,13; set $@join13$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 13"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join14: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,14; set $@join14$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 14"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join15: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,15; set $@join15$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 15"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join16: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,16; set $@join16$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 16"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join17: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,17; set $@join17$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 17"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join18: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,18; set $@join18$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 18"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join19: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,19; set $@join19$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 19"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join20: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,20; set $@join20$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 20"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join21: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,21; set $@join21$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 21"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join22: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,22; set $@join22$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 22"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join23: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,23; set $@join23$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 23"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join24: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,24; set $@join24$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 24"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join25: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,25; set $@join25$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 25"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join26: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,26; set $@join26$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 26"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join27: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,27; set $@join27$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 27"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join28: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,28; set $@join28$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 28"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join29: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,29; set $@join29$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 29"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close;L_join30: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,30; set $@join30$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 30"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_notoken: mes "Get at least "+$@forcebet+" tokens to play!"; close;L_full: if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @fullbet,$@forcebet * $@players; announce "The game is now full with a full bet of "+@fullbet+".",2; close;} announce "The game is now full. Sorry, try again another time!",2; close; L_bullet: if(getgmlevel() > 10) goto L_bullet1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close;L_bullet1: mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost,"Stop the Game",L_rstop; if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; set @gm,1; set $@lcheck,2; L_bullet2: if (@death == ($@players - 1)) goto L_finish; mes "Pull the trigger?"; menu "Yes",-,"Stop the Game",L_rstop2;L_bullet3: set @rbullet,rand(1,$@join); if (@rbullet == 1){ set $@deadplayer,$@player1; set $@joinplayer$,$@join1$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 2){ set $@deadplayer,$@player2; set $@joinplayer$,$@join2$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 3){ set $@deadplayer,$@player3; set $@joinplayer$,$@join3$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 4){ set $@deadplayer,$@player4; set $@joinplayer$,$@join4$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 5){ set $@deadplayer,$@player5; set $@joinplayer$,$@join5$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 6){ set $@deadplayer,$@player6; set $@joinplayer$,$@join6$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 7){ set $@deadplayer,$@player7; set $@joinplayer$,$@join7$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 8){ set $@deadplayer,$@player8; set $@joinplayer$,$@join8$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 9){ set $@deadplayer,$@player9; set $@joinplayer$,$@join9$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 10){ set $@deadplayer,$@player10; set $@joinplayer$,$@join10$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 11){ set $@deadplayer,$@player11; set $@joinplayer$,$@join11$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 12){ set $@deadplayer,$@player12; set $@joinplayer$,$@join12$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 13){ set $@deadplayer,$@player13; set $@joinplayer$,$@join13$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 14){ set $@deadplayer,$@player14; set $@joinplayer$,$@join14$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 15){ set $@deadplayer,$@player15; set $@joinplayer$,$@join15$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 16){ set $@deadplayer,$@player16; set $@joinplayer$,$@join16$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 17){ set $@deadplayer,$@player17; set $@joinplayer$,$@join17$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 18){ set $@deadplayer,$@player18; set $@joinplayer$,$@join18$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 19){ set $@deadplayer,$@player19; set $@joinplayer$,$@join19$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 20){ set $@deadplayer,$@player20; set $@joinplayer$,$@join20$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 21){ set $@deadplayer,$@player21; set $@joinplayer$,$@join21$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 22){ set $@deadplayer,$@player22; set $@joinplayer$,$@join22$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 23){ set $@deadplayer,$@player23; set $@joinplayer$,$@join23$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 25){ set $@deadplayer,$@player25; set $@joinplayer$,$@join25$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 26){ set $@deadplayer,$@player26; set $@joinplayer$,$@join26$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 27){ set $@deadplayer,$@player27; set $@joinplayer$,$@join27$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 28){ set $@deadplayer,$@player28; set $@joinplayer$,$@join28$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 29){ set $@deadplayer,$@player29; set $@joinplayer$,$@join29$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 30){ set $@deadplayer,$@player30; set $@joinplayer$,$@join30$; goto L_bullet4;} L_bullet4: if ($@deadplayer == 1) goto L_bullet3; if (rand(1,$@lcheck) == 1){ set @phrase1,rand(1,4); if (@phrase1 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" finds that the gun did not fire...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" luckily survives this round...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dodges death by an inch...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" hears a click in the gun...",bc_blue|bc_all;} set $@lcheck,$@lcheck+1; goto L_bullet2;} set @phrase2,rand(1,6); if (@phrase2 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is definately not having a good day.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" got a shot in the face.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is done for.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" sees the reaper.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 5){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" just got pwned.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 6){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dies a nastly, horrible, discusting, vile death.",bc_blue|bc_all;} atcommand "@nuke "+$@joinplayer$; if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join1$) { set $@player1,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join2$) { set $@player2,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join3$) { set $@player3,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join4$) { set $@player4,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join5$) { set $@player5,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join6$) { set $@player6,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join7$) { set $@player7,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join8$) { set $@player8,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join9$) { set $@player9,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join10$) { set $@player10,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join11$) { set $@player11,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join12$) { set $@player12,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join13$) { set $@player13,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join14$) { set $@player14,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join15$) { set $@player15,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join16$) { set $@player16,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join17$) { set $@player17,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join18$) { set $@player18,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join19$) { set $@player19,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join20$) { set $@player20,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join21$) { set $@player21,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join22$) { set $@player22,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join23$) { set $@player23,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join24$) { set $@player24,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join25$) { set $@player25,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join26$) { set $@player26,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join27$) { set $@player27,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join28$) { set $@player28,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join29$) { set $@player29,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join30$) { set $@player30,1; } set @death,@death+1; goto L_bullet2; L_GMstart: mes "A GM has already started this game. Please don't interfere."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; set @gm,0; close;L_rstop: if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_rstop2: announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close;L_finish: set @tokena,($@players * 25); if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @tokena,$@forcebet * $@players;} if ($@player1 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join1$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player2 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join2$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player3 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join3$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player4 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join4$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player5 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join5$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player6 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join6$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player7 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join7$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player8 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join8$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player9 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join9$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player10 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join10$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player11 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join11$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player12 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join12$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player13 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join13$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player14 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join14$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player15 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join15$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player16 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join16$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player17 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join17$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player18 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join18$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player19 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join19$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player20 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join20$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player21 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join21$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player22 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join22$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player23 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join23$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player24 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join24$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player25 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join25$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player26 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join26$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player27 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join27$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player28 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join28$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player29 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join29$; goto L_finish1;} else { set $@winner$,$@join30$; goto L_finish1;} L_finish1: announce ""+$@winner$+" has won and gets "+@tokena+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#item "+$rewarditem+" "+@tokena+" "+$@winner$; atcommand "@raise"; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; goto L_setter; close;L_setter: set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; close; } payon,141,211,6 script Juggernaut 52,{if ($@jugbuff == 1) goto L_finishjug; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_jug1; announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room",155,88;L_jug1: if (getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat") == 1){ mes "Someone has already been chosen to be Juggernaut!"; close;} mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; if ($@jjoin == 0) goto L_force; switch(select(""+$@jjoin1$+"",""+$@jjoin2$+"",""+$@jjoin3$+"",""+$@jjoin4$+"",""+$@jjoin5$+"",""+$@jjoin6$+"",""+$@jjoin7$+"",""+$@jjoin8$+"",""+$@jjoin9$+"",""+$@jjoin10$+"")) { case 1: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player1,1; goto L_startjug; case 2: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player2,1; goto L_startjug; case 3: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player3,1; goto L_startjug; case 4: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player4,1; goto L_startjug; case 5: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player5,1; goto L_startjug; case 6: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player6,1; goto L_startjug; case 7: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player7,1; goto L_startjug; case 8: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player8,1; goto L_startjug; case 9: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player9,1; goto L_startjug; case 10: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player10,1; goto L_startjug; } L_nosignup: mes "There are no people found to be signed up at the Juggernaut Sign-up"; next; mes "Wait for someone to sign up or force someone to be juggernaut"; menu "Wait",-,"Force Juggernaut",L_force; close;L_force: mes "Input the name of the user to be Juggernaut."; input $@juggernaut$; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@juggernaut$)) { mes "That is not a valid user or that player is not online."; close; } goto L_startjug2; L_startjug: if ($@player1 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin1$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player2 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin2$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player3 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin3$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player4 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin4$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player5 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin5$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player6 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin6$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player7 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin7$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player8 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin8$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player9 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin9$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player10 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin10$; goto L_startjug2;}L_startjug2: announce ""+$@juggernaut$+" has been chosen to be the juggernaut.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp guild_vs2.gat 50 50 " +$@juggernaut$; enablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_finishjug: if(getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_finishjug1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close;L_finishjug1: mes "Ready to send the other players in?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; npctalk "Ok, here go the players to fight the Juggernaut!"; mapwarp "arena_room","guild_vs2",0,0; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; initnpctimer; close; OnTimer300000: if ($@jon == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} if (getmapusers("guild_vs2.gat") == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} announce "5 minutes has passed and all the players and the juggernaut weren't killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "guild_vs2.gat","prontera.gat",156,187; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; }guild_vs2,55,55,4 script Jugger Buffer 739,{ if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)) goto L_loser; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,60; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,20; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; sc_start SC_PARRYING,300000,5; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,10; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,10; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; npctalk "I just know you will win for the sake of evil!"; set $@jugbuff,1; announce "The Juggernaut is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@players,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); set $@jugplayers,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; close;L_loser: mes "You aren't the juggernaut you moron!"; close; }force_1-1.gat,100,111,5 script Juggernaut Sign-up 904,{ if ($@jjoin == 10) { mes "Sorry. All positions for juggernaut are filled."; close; } mes "This is the Juggernaut sign-up. You can put in your name to be drawn when the juggernaut is chosen."; next; mes "Would you like to sign up to be the juggernaut? Notice I only take 10 names. It's a first come first serve basis."; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_noname; mes "Thank you for your interest in signing up.";if ($@jjoin1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; L_join: set $@jjoin,1; set $@jjoin1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join2: set $@jjoin,2; set $@jjoin2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join3: set $@jjoin,3; set $@jjoin3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join4: set $@jjoin,4; set $@jjoin4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join5: set $@jjoin,5; set $@jjoin5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join6: set $@jjoin,6; set $@jjoin6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join7: set $@jjoin,7; set $@jjoin7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join8: set $@jjoin,8; set $@jjoin8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join9: set $@jjoin,9; set $@jjoin9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close;L_join10: set $@jjoin,10; set $@jjoin10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_noname: mes "Remember that if no one signs up, then everyone is eligible to be juggernaut."; close;L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; }guild_vs2,45,55,6 script Reward 80,{ if ($@juggerwin == 0){ getitem $rewarditem,$@players * 25; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} if ($@juggerwin == 1){ sc_end SC_IMPOSITIO; sc_end SC_ASSUMPTIO; sc_end SC_BLESSING; sc_end SC_INCREASEAGI; sc_end SC_MAGNIFICAT; sc_end SC_PARRYING; sc_end SC_ANGELUS; sc_end SC_INCMHPRATE; sc_end SC_CP_WEAPON; sc_end SC_CP_SHIELD; sc_end SC_CP_ARMOR; sc_end SC_CP_HELM; sc_end SC_ENDURE; sc_end SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS; sc_end SC_INTRAVISION; getitem $rewarditem,$@jugplayers * 50; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} L_setter2: set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; close2; warp "prontera.gat",155,174;} //This is where the events will be when it comes to the Juggernaut and Fugitive game - script OnPCDieEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ set $@fugidead,1;}} if ($@jugbuff == 0) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; end;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut was killed!",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat"); set $@juggerwin,0; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; end;} }- script OnPCKillEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$){ if ($@fugidead == 1){ announce "The fugitive was killed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!",bc_all,0xFF0000; getitem $rewarditem,20/$@time; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;}}} if ($@jugbuff != 1) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ announce "A player has been killed.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut has murdered a player.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@players==0){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the event as Juggernaut!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@juggerwin,1; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; end;} }- script OnPCLoadMapEvent -1,{ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; if ($@mapname$ == "pvp_y_8-4.gat") end; announce "The fugitive has changed map and is disqualified.",0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;} } guild_vs2 mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag nomemo guild_vs2 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs2 mapflag noreturn guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag pvp_noguild guild_vs2 mapflag nogo guild_vs2 mapflag nocommand 60 guild_vs2 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs2 mapflag restricted 7 pvp_y_8-4 mapflag restricted 7 prt_in.gat,34,114,6 script Loaded Super PvP 52,{ if(getgmlevel() <= 39) goto L_superplayer1; if(getgmlevel() >= 40) goto L_supergm1;L_superplayer1: announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room.gat",64,132; L_supergm1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "What do you want to do next?"; next; menu "Warp the players to the PvP Room",warp1,"Enable the Reward NPC",reward1,"None",cancel1; warp1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to warp the players to the Super PvP Room?"; next; menu "No",nope1,"Yes",yes1; nope1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope2,"Yes",yes2; close; nope2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; announce "Let's get ready to rumble!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "arena_room","pvp_n_3-5",0,0; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; reward1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to enable the Loaded Super Reward NPC?"; next; menu "No",nope3,"Yes",yes3; nope3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope4,"Yes",yes4; close; nope4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; enablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; close; cancel1: close; } //Here's the Loaded Super Buffer for the Loaded Super PVP arena_room.gat,64,138,5 script Loaded Super Buffer 121,{ announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,500000,50; sc_start SC_GLORIA,500000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,500000,50; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,50; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,300000,20; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,50; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,50; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; }//Here's the Loaded Super Reward for the Loaded Super PVP pvp_n_3-5.gat,104,113,3 script Loaded Super Reward 80,{ getitem $rewarditem,15; announce "And the winner of our Loaded Super PvP Event is [ " + strcharinfo(0) + " ]",bc_blue|bc_all; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; atcommand "@die "; atcommand "@alive "; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; }//Here's the Waiting Room for the Juggernaut Event arena_room.gat,162,88,3 script Juggernaut Waiting Room 754,{ mes "[Juggernaut Waiting Room]"; mes "Please wait until a GM picks a Juggernaut from you guys."; close; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //End of Cool Events================================ //-------------------------------------------------------
  18. said i dont have acces to see this
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