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Everything posted by Hades03

  1. 1. Complete. When we say in the theater's 76 spectators, we use the number for ....................... 2. If intercalas a zero between digits of 72 415, you will get six-figure numbers. Write with numbers and letters all the numbers 724 105 → ........................................... → ..................................... ............ ...... → ..................................... ............ ...... → ..................................... ............ ...... 5. Write all even numbers between 20 979 and 21 001. ......................................... ......................................... 8.Contesta. a) How many hundred thousands are in twenty ten thousands? ........................... How many ten thousands are in thirty thousand units? .............................. c) How many tens of thousands make a hundred thousand? ........................................ d) How many units do a hundred thousand thousand? ....................................... 10. The exato number of books in the city is 26 LIBRARY 178. How many books are in round numbers? ......................................... 11. Answers. a) What is the greatest number of eight figures, all the same? ........................... How many digits is a number between one million and ten million? ......................................... c) How many thousands are in thirty-two million? .......................................
  2. 1. Completa. Cuando decimos que en el teatro hay 76 espectadores, utilizamos el numero para ....................... 2. Si intercalas un cero entre cifras del numero 72 415, obtendras numeros de seis cifras. Escribe con cifras y con letras todo los numeros 724 105 → ........................................… ............→ ........................................… ............→ ........................................… ............→ ........................................… 5. Escribe todos los numeros pares comprendidos entre 20 979 y 21 001. ......................................… ......................................… 8.Contesta. a) ¿Cuantas centenas de millar hay en veinte decenas de millar? ........................... ¿Cuantas decenas de millar hay en treinta unidades de mil? .............................. c) ¿Cuantas decenas de mil hacen una centena de mil? ........................................ d) ¿Cuantas unidades de mil hacen una centena de mil? ....................................... 10. El numero exato de libros que hay en la bibilioteca municipal es de 26 178. ¿Cuantos libros hay en numeros redondos? ......................................… 11. Contesta. a) ¿Cual es el mayor numero de ocho cifras, todas iguales? ........................... ¿Cuantas cifras tiene un numero comprendido entre un millon y diez millones? ......................................… c) ¿Cuantos millares hay en treinta y dos millones? .......................................
  3. Color : Red & Black Name : Jam Vashley Size : 420x60 Anime : Sura And high Priest Animation N / A
  4. Hello rathena member this is my broadcaster script Features: With 8 Color Red, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, Pink, Gray, Orange. you can set the payment here 100+ Downloads and no comment and no report omg No Bug!!! Wew 278 Downloads But still no reprot wew nice script Still no bug? broadcaster.txt
  5. - <tab>script<tab> Jam <tab>-1,{ you can add this below the header of the npc OnWhisperGlobal: like this script - script Jam -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: setarray .CoinID, 671, 670; setarray .Zeny, 5000000, 10000000; while( 1 ){ mes "What service you want ?"; next; switch( select("Zeny to Coin:Coin to Zeny") ){ Case 1: mes "What Coin you want ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@i]+"^000000 Zeny"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; if( Zeny < .Zeny[.@Coin] ){ mes "It seem like you didnt have Enough Zeny for this."; next; break; } mes "You can exchange to ^FF0000"+( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 ."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want ?"; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+@Amount+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000."; set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); getitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; next; break; Case 2: mes "Which Coin ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+countitem( .CoinID[.@i] )+"^000000 Available"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } do{ set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; }while( !countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) ); next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; mes "You can exchange ^0000FF"+countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+" "+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+( countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want to change into Zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,( ( 1000000000 - Zeny ) / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" Zeny."; delitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); next; break; } } }
  6. if you need spr and suits 3rd job just pm me ok
  7. What do you costume item or spr only???
  8. like this - script Jam -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: setarray .CoinID, 671, 670; setarray .Zeny, 5000000, 10000000; while( 1 ){ mes "What service you want ?"; next; switch( select("Zeny to Coin:Coin to Zeny") ){ Case 1: mes "What Coin you want ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@i]+"^000000 Zeny"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; if( Zeny < .Zeny[.@Coin] ){ mes "It seem like you didnt have Enough Zeny for this."; next; break; } mes "You can exchange to ^FF0000"+( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 ."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want ?"; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+@Amount+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000."; set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); getitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; next; break; Case 2: mes "Which Coin ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+countitem( .CoinID[.@i] )+"^000000 Available"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } do{ set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; }while( !countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) ); next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; mes "You can exchange ^0000FF"+countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+" "+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+( countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want to change into Zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,( ( 1000000000 - Zeny ) / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" Zeny."; delitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); next; break; } } }
  9. Emistry and this one i want to pm how? i need to put this one or what - script Jam -1,{ prontera,134,188,5 script Coin Exchanger 807,{ setarray .CoinID, 671, 670; setarray .Zeny, 5000000, 10000000; while( 1 ){ mes "What service you want ?"; next; switch( select("Zeny to Coin:Coin to Zeny") ){ Case 1: mes "What Coin you want ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@i]+"^000000 Zeny"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; if( Zeny < .Zeny[.@Coin] ){ mes "It seem like you didnt have Enough Zeny for this."; next; break; } mes "You can exchange to ^FF0000"+( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 ."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want ?"; input @Amount,0,( Zeny / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+@Amount+" ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000."; set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); getitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; next; break; Case 2: mes "Which Coin ?"; set .@CoinMenu$,""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+" : ^FF0000"+countitem( .CoinID[.@i] )+"^000000 Available"; set .@CoinMenu$,.@CoinMenu$ + getitemname( .CoinID[.@i] )+":"; } do{ set .@Coin,select( .@CoinMenu$ ) - 1; }while( !countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) ); next; mes "Selected : ^00FF00"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000"; mes "You can exchange ^0000FF"+countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+" "+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+( countitem( .CoinID[.@Coin] ) * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+"^000000 Zeny."; mes "How many ^0000FF"+getitemname( .CoinID[.@Coin] )+"^000000 do you want to change into Zeny ?"; input @Amount,0,( ( 1000000000 - Zeny ) / .Zeny[.@Coin] ); if( !@Amount ) close; mes "You gained "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] )+" Zeny."; delitem .CoinID[.@Coin],@Amount; set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@Coin] ); next; break; } } }
  10. Hades03

    Help Me.

    i only want is the russian roulette can you separate and fix is the auto prize and fix the max players i want 0 to 50
  11. Hades03

    Help Me.

    whats wrong in this script the script is auto prize but if i start didn´t give the prize //------------------------------------------------------------ //Start of Cool Events================================ //------------------------------------------------------------ //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Event Script //===== By: ================================================== //= Toons //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 4.5 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Custom Events //===== Edited by: ========================================= //= Janice of LoadedRO.com - Added another Event, Loaded Super PvP //============================================================ payon,134,230,3 script Events Coordinator 752,{ //This is the variable that will be your reward id set throught this script //Default setting is 671 which is the Gold Coin set $rewarditem, 671; //Fugitive game variables so people can talk to this npc and be warped when the event is running if ($@fugiwins == 1) goto L_fugiwins; if ($@fuggame == 1){ if (getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_fugitive4;} if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ warp "pvp_y_8-4.gat",0,0; end;} if ($@fugistart == 1) goto L_fugitive2; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_GM; mes "I'm here to help GMs make events quickly and painlessly."; close; L_GM: mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How can I help you today?"; menu "Make an Event",L_Event,"Nevermind",L_end,"Reset Games",L_resetg; L_Event: mes "I see you want to create an event today."; mes "What type will it be?"; menu "Marin Event",L_Marin,"MVP Event",L_MVP,"Russian Roulette",L_russ,"Invasion",L_invade,"Juggernaut",L_jugger,"Fugitive",L_fugitive,"Loaded Super PVP",L_superpvp; //Here starts the Marin Event Script L_Marin: mes "I see you want a Marin Event."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not tnclude .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players."; input @place2$; mes "Are you sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; set $@marintok,rand(3,8); monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,1000; monster ""+@place$+".gat",0,0,"Marin",1242,$@marintok,"Events Coordinator::OnMarinKilledGlobal"; Announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has started a Marin event in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; Announce "Hurry and kill them for your prize!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; OnMarinKilledGlobal: set $MarinKilled,$MarinKilled+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has found 10 Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; if ($MarinKilled==$@marintok) goto L_Game; end; L_Game: announce "All Marins with Tokens have been killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $MarinKilled,0; killmonsterall @place$+".gat"; end; //Here starts the MVP Event L_MVP: mes "Let's start the event then."; mes "Input the name of the map. Do not include .gat"; input @place$; next; mes "You can input a name that will be displayed to the players next."; input @place2$; next; mes "Want to make the rest random?"; menu "Yes",L_rMVP,"No",-; mes "Input the monster ID. You could use something other than an MVP."; input @id; next; mes "Next the monster name. It can be anything."; input $@name$; next; set $@num,1; mes "Is there a specific place you would like to put this monster?"; menu "Yes",L_yspec,"No",L_nspec; L_rMVP: mes "Send the monster to "+@place$+"?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; monster ""+@place$+"",0,0,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce "A monster has found its way to "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; L_nspec: set @x,0; set @y,0; next; goto L_check; L_yspec: mes "Input the x coordinate."; input @x; mes "Input the y coordinate."; input @y; next; L_check: mes "Here's what you put in..."; mes "Place: "+@place$+""; mes "Id: "+@id+""; mes "Name: "+$@name$+""; mes "Coordinates: X = "+@x+" and Y = "+@y+""; mes "Is this all correct?"; menu "Yes",L_spawn,"No",L_MVP,"Quit",L_end; L_end: close; L_spawn: mes "Before starting, would you like to summon more than one?"; menu "No",L_spawn2,"Yes",L_num; L_num: mes "Input the number of spawns. Remember, 0,0 coordinates means both will spawn on different spots of the map."; input $@num; L_spawn2: if ($@num > 1) goto L_spawn3; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilledGlobal";; announce ""+$@name$+" is on the loose in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; L_spawn3: set $@num2,$@num; monster ""+@place$+".gat",@x,@y,"Event Monster",@id,$@num,"Events Coordinator::OnMVPKilled2Global";; announce "There are "+$@num+" "+$@name$+"'s rampaging in "+@place2$+"!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; OnMVPKilledGlobal: set @rand,rand(1,3); if (@rand == 1) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has murdered the evil monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 2) { announce "The monster has been slain by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } if (@rand == 3) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has slaughtered the monster!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; } set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; OnMVPKilled2Global: set $@num2,$@num2-1; if ($@num2 == 0) goto L_MVPOver; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed one "+$@name$+" leaving ("+$@num2+"/"+$@num+") left!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; L_MVPOver: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished off the last "+@name$+"!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set @rtoken,rand(1,4); if (@rtoken == 1) set @atoken,5; if (@rtoken == 2) set @atoken,10; if (@rtoken == 3) set @atoken,15; if (@rtoken == 4) set @atoken,20; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+@atoken+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "The monsters have failed to hold up against our forces!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,@atoken; end; //Here starts the Russian Roulette NPC L_russ: if ($@rron == 1) goto L_gamestart; mes "Will this be a set reward game, or a betting game?"; menu "Set Prize Game",-,"Betting Game",L_russbet; mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss,"No",L_end; L_sruss: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,0; announce "A Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Talk to the Russian Roulette NPC in Payon.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_russbet: mes "How many players do you want in this game? It can be a max of 30."; input $@players; next; if ($@players < 2) { mes "Needs more players!"; close;} if ($@players > 30) { mes "Too many players!"; close;} mes "Now you must decide the forced bet upon players."; mes "Recommended 20-50."; input $@forcebet; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",L_sruss2,"No",L_end; L_sruss2: set $@rron,1; set $@rrbet,1; announce "A Betting Russian Roulette Game has started for "+$@players+" players!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "This game has a forced bet of "+$@forcebet+" Tokens.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_gamestart: mes "A game has already started. Would you like to stop or end it?"; menu "No",-,"Stop Game",L_sgame; close; L_sgame: announce "The GM has stopped this game. Only "+$@join+" players have joined.",3; set $@players,$@join; close; //Invasion Event starts here L_invade: mes "How many invasions do you want? Recommended 3-5."; input $@numinvade; if ($@numinvade<2) goto L_moreinvade; next; mes "Choose a Multiplier. This is the number that will define how many monsters are summoned during one round."; menu "1x",-,"2x",-,"3x",-,"4x",-; if (@menu == 1) { set $@multiply,1; } if (@menu == 2) { set $@multiply,2; } if (@menu == 3) { set $@multiply,3; } if (@menu == 4) { set $@multiply,4; } mes "Are you sure you want to start this invasion?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce "An invasion has begun in the Land of Magic!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@invasion,0; set $@invade,0; goto L_invade2; L_moreinvade: mes "You must have more invasions!!"; close; OnInvadeGlobal: set $@invade,$@invade+1; getitem $rewarditem,10; if ($@invade==(8 * $@multiply)){ announce "Here comes the next invasion!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; goto L_invade2;} end; L_invade2: set $@invasion,$@invasion+1; set $@invade,0; if ($@numinvade==$@invasion) goto L_endinvade; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",111,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",118,133,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",132,89,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",130,84,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",67,88,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",70,83,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",77,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; monster "geffen.gat",84,131,"--ja--",-1,$@multiply,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeGlobal";; close; end; L_endinvade: announce "The Boss of this invasion has arrived! Someone save us!",bc_blue|bc_all; monster "geffen.gat",100,100,"--ja--",-3,1,"Events Coordinator::OnInvadeFinishGlobal";; end; OnInvadeFinishGlobal: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished the invasion! Thank the Hero!",bc_blue|bc_all; getitem $rewarditem,20; end; //Juggernaut Event starts here L_jugger: if ($@jon == 1) goto L_gamestart2; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Reward"; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jon,1; announce "A Juggernaut game has begun! Talk to the NPC in town related to this game to join.",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Juggernaut"; enablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close; L_gamestart2: mes "A game has already started."; close; //Here is where the fugitive game begins L_fugitive: mes "Are you positive you want to start a fugitive game?"; menu "Begin Game",L_fugitive1,"Request A Game",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has requested a Fugitive game! Come to town to play!",bc_blue|bc_all; close; L_fugitive1: mes "Who's the Fugitive?"; mes "Here is a list of online players."; next; query_sql "SELECT `char`.`account_id` FROM `char` LEFT JOIN `login` ON `char`.`account_id` = `login`.`account_id` WHERE `char`.`online` = 1 && `login`.`level` = 0 ORDER BY `char`.`name`", @online; for(set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(@online); set @i, @i + 1){ mes rid2name(@online[@i]); } input $@fugitive$; next; mes "With this person, begin the game?"; mes "Fugitive: "+$@fugitive$; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has chosen "+$@fugitive$+" to be the Fugitive!",bc_blue|bc_all; announce "Speak to the Events Coordinator NPC to set your time.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@fugistart,1; close; L_fugitive2: if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$) goto L_nofugitive; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+". Since you're the fugitive, you get to choose you own time."; next; mes "It's simple, you will be given a menu of times to choose from."; next; mes "The higher the time you choose, the more tokens you can win in the end."; next; mes "Afterwards, you will be warped to one of the 8 spots in Prontera."; next; mes "So, choose the time you would like to be escaping for."; menu "2 minutes",L_2minute,"3 minutes",L_3minute,"4 minutes",L_4minute,"5 minutes",L_5minute; L_2minute: set $@time,2; goto L_fugitive3; L_3minute: set $@time,3; goto L_fugitive3; L_4minute: set $@time,4; goto L_fugitive3; L_5minute: set $@time,5; goto L_fugitive3; L_fugitive3: announce "The fugitive has selected to be on the run for "+$@time+" minutes!",bc_yellow|bc_all; set $@fuggame,1; close; L_fugitive4: Announce ""+$@fugitive$+" has crossed the fence! Speak to the Events Coordinator npc to be warped.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp pvp_y_8-4.gat 0 0 " +$@fugitive$; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_pvp; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; setmapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; initnpctimer; enablenpc OnPCKillEvent; enablenpc OnPCDieEvent; set $@fuggame,0; set $@fugistart,0; set $@fugiwarp,1; end; OnTimer60000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "One minute has passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer90000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "Our satellite has shown the fugitive to be at coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer120000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 2) { announce "Two minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 2){ announce "Two minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer180000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 3) { announce "Three minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 3){ announce "Three minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer210000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; announce "We have again located the fugitive at the coordinates "+$@fugix+","+$@fugiy+".",bc_blue|bc_all; end; OnTimer240000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; if ($@time == 4) { announce "Four minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end;} if ($@time != 4){ announce "Four minutes have passed.",bc_blue|bc_all; end;} OnTimer300000: if ($@fugiwarp == 0) goto L_varset; announce "Five minutes have passed and the fugitive escaped.",bc_yellow|bc_all; goto L_varset; end; L_nofugitive: mes "You aren't the fugitive!"; close; L_varset: stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,1; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end; L_fugiwins: if ($@fugitive$ != strcharinfo(0)) end; mes "Good job on escaping!"; getitem $rewarditem,$@time * 60; set $@fugiwins,0; close; //Here is where the Loaded Super PVP game begins L_superpvp: if ($@jjon == 1) goto L_gamestartsuperpvp; mes "Are you sure you want to start this event?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_end; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; announce "Loaded Super PVP Event has begun! You know what to do!",bc_blue|bc_all; enablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; enablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; L_gamestartsuperpvp: mes "Loaded Super has already started."; close; //This defines what all gets reset when you use Reset Games on the main menu L_resetg: mes "This is for the purpose of resetting Russian Roulette and Juggernaut games and variables if complications occur."; next; mes "Would you like to reset the games?"; menu "No",L_end,"Yes",-; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@players,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; set $@fugiwins,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; close; } payon,124,228,0 script Disabler 57,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; disablenpc "OnPCLoadMapEvent"; disablenpc "Reward"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; end; } payon,155,217,6 script Russian Roulette 52,{ if ($@players == $@join) goto L_bullet; set @gm,0; if ($@join1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join11$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join12$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join13$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join14$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join15$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join16$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join17$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join18$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join19$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join20$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join21$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join22$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join23$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join24$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join25$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join26$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join27$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join28$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join29$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join30$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; if ($@join == 10) goto L_join11; if ($@join == 11) goto L_join12; if ($@join == 12) goto L_join13; if ($@join == 13) goto L_join14; if ($@join == 14) goto L_join15; if ($@join == 15) goto L_join16; if ($@join == 16) goto L_join17; if ($@join == 17) goto L_join18; if ($@join == 18) goto L_join19; if ($@join == 19) goto L_join20; if ($@join == 20) goto L_join21; if ($@join == 21) goto L_join22; if ($@join == 22) goto L_join23; if ($@join == 23) goto L_join24; if ($@join == 24) goto L_join25; if ($@join == 25) goto L_join26; if ($@join == 26) goto L_join27; if ($@join == 27) goto L_join28; if ($@join == 28) goto L_join29; if ($@join == 29) goto L_join30; L_join: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,1; set $@join1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 1"; close; L_join2: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,2; set $@join2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 2"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join3: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,3; set $@join3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 3"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join4: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,4; set $@join4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 4"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join5: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,5; set $@join5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 5"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join6: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,6; set $@join6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 6"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join7: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,7; set $@join7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 7"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join8: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,8; set $@join8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 8"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join9: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,9; set $@join9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 9"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join10: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,10; set $@join10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 10"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join11: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,11; set $@join11$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 11"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join12: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,12; set $@join12$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 12"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join13: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,13; set $@join13$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 13"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join14: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,14; set $@join14$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 14"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join15: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,15; set $@join15$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 15"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join16: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,16; set $@join16$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 16"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join17: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,17; set $@join17$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 17"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join18: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,18; set $@join18$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 18"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join19: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,19; set $@join19$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 19"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join20: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,20; set $@join20$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 20"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join21: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,21; set $@join21$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 21"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join22: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,22; set $@join22$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 22"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join23: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,23; set $@join23$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 23"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join24: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,24; set $@join24$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 24"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join25: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,25; set $@join25$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 25"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join26: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,26; set $@join26$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 26"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join27: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,27; set $@join27$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 27"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join28: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,28; set $@join28$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 28"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join29: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,29; set $@join29$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 29"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_join30: if ($@rrbet == 1) { if(countitem(671)< $@forcebet) goto L_notoken; delitem 671,$@forcebet;} set $@join,30; set $@join30$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has joined as Player 30"; if ($@players == $@join) goto L_full; close; L_notoken: mes "Get at least "+$@forcebet+" tokens to play!"; close; L_full: if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @fullbet,$@forcebet * $@players; announce "The game is now full with a full bet of "+@fullbet+".",2; close;} announce "The game is now full. Sorry, try again another time!",2; close; L_bullet: if(getgmlevel() > 10) goto L_bullet1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close; L_bullet1: mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost,"Stop the Game",L_rstop; if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; set @gm,1; set $@lcheck,2; L_bullet2: if (@death == ($@players - 1)) goto L_finish; mes "Pull the trigger?"; menu "Yes",-,"Stop the Game",L_rstop2; L_bullet3: set @rbullet,rand(1,$@join); if (@rbullet == 1){ set $@deadplayer,$@player1; set $@joinplayer$,$@join1$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 2){ set $@deadplayer,$@player2; set $@joinplayer$,$@join2$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 3){ set $@deadplayer,$@player3; set $@joinplayer$,$@join3$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 4){ set $@deadplayer,$@player4; set $@joinplayer$,$@join4$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 5){ set $@deadplayer,$@player5; set $@joinplayer$,$@join5$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 6){ set $@deadplayer,$@player6; set $@joinplayer$,$@join6$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 7){ set $@deadplayer,$@player7; set $@joinplayer$,$@join7$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 8){ set $@deadplayer,$@player8; set $@joinplayer$,$@join8$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 9){ set $@deadplayer,$@player9; set $@joinplayer$,$@join9$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 10){ set $@deadplayer,$@player10; set $@joinplayer$,$@join10$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 11){ set $@deadplayer,$@player11; set $@joinplayer$,$@join11$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 12){ set $@deadplayer,$@player12; set $@joinplayer$,$@join12$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 13){ set $@deadplayer,$@player13; set $@joinplayer$,$@join13$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 14){ set $@deadplayer,$@player14; set $@joinplayer$,$@join14$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 15){ set $@deadplayer,$@player15; set $@joinplayer$,$@join15$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 16){ set $@deadplayer,$@player16; set $@joinplayer$,$@join16$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 17){ set $@deadplayer,$@player17; set $@joinplayer$,$@join17$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 18){ set $@deadplayer,$@player18; set $@joinplayer$,$@join18$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 19){ set $@deadplayer,$@player19; set $@joinplayer$,$@join19$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 20){ set $@deadplayer,$@player20; set $@joinplayer$,$@join20$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 21){ set $@deadplayer,$@player21; set $@joinplayer$,$@join21$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 22){ set $@deadplayer,$@player22; set $@joinplayer$,$@join22$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 23){ set $@deadplayer,$@player23; set $@joinplayer$,$@join23$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 24){ set $@deadplayer,$@player24; set $@joinplayer$,$@join24$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 25){ set $@deadplayer,$@player25; set $@joinplayer$,$@join25$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 26){ set $@deadplayer,$@player26; set $@joinplayer$,$@join26$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 27){ set $@deadplayer,$@player27; set $@joinplayer$,$@join27$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 28){ set $@deadplayer,$@player28; set $@joinplayer$,$@join28$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 29){ set $@deadplayer,$@player29; set $@joinplayer$,$@join29$; goto L_bullet4;} if (@rbullet == 30){ set $@deadplayer,$@player30; set $@joinplayer$,$@join30$; goto L_bullet4;} L_bullet4: if ($@deadplayer == 1) goto L_bullet3; if (rand(1,$@lcheck) == 1){ set @phrase1,rand(1,4); if (@phrase1 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" finds that the gun did not fire...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" luckily survives this round...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dodges death by an inch...",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase1 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" hears a click in the gun...",bc_blue|bc_all;} set $@lcheck,$@lcheck+1; goto L_bullet2;} set @phrase2,rand(1,6); if (@phrase2 == 1){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is definately not having a good day.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 2){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" got a shot in the face.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 3){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" is done for.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 4){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" sees the reaper.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 5){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" just got pwned.",bc_blue|bc_all;} if (@phrase2 == 6){ announce ""+$@joinplayer$+" dies a nastly, horrible, discusting, vile death.",bc_blue|bc_all;} atcommand "@nuke "+$@joinplayer$; if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join1$) { set $@player1,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join2$) { set $@player2,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join3$) { set $@player3,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join4$) { set $@player4,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join5$) { set $@player5,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join6$) { set $@player6,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join7$) { set $@player7,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join8$) { set $@player8,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join9$) { set $@player9,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join10$) { set $@player10,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join11$) { set $@player11,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join12$) { set $@player12,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join13$) { set $@player13,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join14$) { set $@player14,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join15$) { set $@player15,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join16$) { set $@player16,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join17$) { set $@player17,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join18$) { set $@player18,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join19$) { set $@player19,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join20$) { set $@player20,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join21$) { set $@player21,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join22$) { set $@player22,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join23$) { set $@player23,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join24$) { set $@player24,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join25$) { set $@player25,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join26$) { set $@player26,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join27$) { set $@player27,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join28$) { set $@player28,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join29$) { set $@player29,1; } if ($@joinplayer$ == $@join30$) { set $@player30,1; } set @death,@death+1; goto L_bullet2; L_GMstart: mes "A GM has already started this game. Please don't interfere."; close; L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; set @gm,0; close; L_rstop: if (@gm == 1) goto L_GMstart; announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_rstop2: announce "The GM has ended this game.",3; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; close; L_finish: set @tokena,($@players * 25); if ($@rrbet == 1) { set @tokena,$@forcebet * $@players;} if ($@player1 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join1$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player2 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join2$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player3 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join3$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player4 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join4$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player5 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join5$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player6 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join6$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player7 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join7$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player8 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join8$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player9 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join9$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player10 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join10$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player11 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join11$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player12 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join12$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player13 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join13$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player14 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join14$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player15 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join15$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player16 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join16$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player17 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join17$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player18 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join18$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player19 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join19$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player20 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join20$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player21 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join21$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player22 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join22$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player23 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join23$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player24 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join24$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player25 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join25$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player26 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join26$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player27 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join27$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player28 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join28$; goto L_finish1;} if ($@player29 != 1) { set $@winner$,$@join29$; goto L_finish1;} else { set $@winner$,$@join30$; goto L_finish1;} L_finish1: announce ""+$@winner$+" has won and gets "+@tokena+" Gold Coins!",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#item "+$rewarditem+" "+@tokena+" "+$@winner$; atcommand "@raise"; disablenpc "Russian Roulette"; goto L_setter; close; L_setter: set @death,0; set @gm,0; set $@rron,0; set $@join,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@player10,0; set $@player11,0; set $@player12,0; set $@player13,0; set $@player14,0; set $@player15,0; set $@player16,0; set $@player17,0; set $@player18,0; set $@player19,0; set $@player20,0; set $@player21,0; set $@player22,0; set $@player23,0; set $@player24,0; set $@player25,0; set $@player26,0; set $@player27,0; set $@player28,0; set $@player29,0; set $@player30,0; set $@join1$,""; set $@join2$,""; set $@join3$,""; set $@join4$,""; set $@join5$,""; set $@join6$,""; set $@join7$,""; set $@join8$,""; set $@join9$,""; set $@join10$,""; set $@join11$,""; set $@join12$,""; set $@join13$,""; set $@join14$,""; set $@join15$,""; set $@join16$,""; set $@join17$,""; set $@join18$,""; set $@join19$,""; set $@join20$,""; set $@join21$,""; set $@join22$,""; set $@join23$,""; set $@join24$,""; set $@join25$,""; set $@join26$,""; set $@join27$,""; set $@join28$,""; set $@join29$,""; set $@join30$,""; close; } payon,141,211,6 script Juggernaut 52,{ if ($@jugbuff == 1) goto L_finishjug; if(getgmlevel() >= 20) goto L_jug1; announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room",155,88; L_jug1: if (getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat") == 1){ mes "Someone has already been chosen to be Juggernaut!"; close;} mes "Ready to start?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; if ($@jjoin == 0) goto L_force; switch(select(""+$@jjoin1$+"",""+$@jjoin2$+"",""+$@jjoin3$+"",""+$@jjoin4$+"",""+$@jjoin5$+"",""+$@jjoin6$+"",""+$@jjoin7$+"",""+$@jjoin8$+"",""+$@jjoin9$+"",""+$@jjoin10$+"")) { case 1: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player1,1; goto L_startjug; case 2: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player2,1; goto L_startjug; case 3: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player3,1; goto L_startjug; case 4: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player4,1; goto L_startjug; case 5: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player5,1; goto L_startjug; case 6: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player6,1; goto L_startjug; case 7: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player7,1; goto L_startjug; case 8: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player8,1; goto L_startjug; case 9: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player9,1; goto L_startjug; case 10: mes "You sure?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_jug1; set $@player10,1; goto L_startjug; } L_nosignup: mes "There are no people found to be signed up at the Juggernaut Sign-up"; next; mes "Wait for someone to sign up or force someone to be juggernaut"; menu "Wait",-,"Force Juggernaut",L_force; close; L_force: mes "Input the name of the user to be Juggernaut."; input $@juggernaut$; if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@juggernaut$)) { mes "That is not a valid user or that player is not online."; close; } goto L_startjug2; L_startjug: if ($@player1 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin1$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player2 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin2$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player3 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin3$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player4 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin4$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player5 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin5$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player6 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin6$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player7 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin7$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player8 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin8$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player9 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin9$; goto L_startjug2;} if ($@player10 == 1){ set $@juggernaut$,$@jjoin10$; goto L_startjug2;} L_startjug2: announce ""+$@juggernaut$+" has been chosen to be the juggernaut.",bc_blue|bc_all; charcommand "#warp guild_vs2.gat 50 50 " +$@juggernaut$; enablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; disablenpc "Juggernaut Sign-up"; close; L_nohost: mes "When you're ready, just talk to me again."; close; L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; L_finishjug: if(getgmlevel() >= 50) goto L_finishjug1; mes "I need a GM to talk to me to finish the game."; close; L_finishjug1: mes "Ready to send the other players in?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_nohost; npctalk "Ok, here go the players to fight the Juggernaut!"; mapwarp "arena_room","guild_vs2",0,0; disablenpc "Juggernaut"; initnpctimer; close; OnTimer300000: if ($@jon == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} if (getmapusers("guild_vs2.gat") == 0){ stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end;} announce "5 minutes has passed and all the players and the juggernaut weren't killed.",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "guild_vs2.gat","prontera.gat",156,187; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; end; } guild_vs2,55,55,4 script Jugger Buffer 739,{ if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)) goto L_loser; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,60; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,20; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; sc_start SC_PARRYING,300000,5; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,30; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,10; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,10; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,10; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; npctalk "I just know you will win for the sake of evil!"; set $@jugbuff,1; announce "The Juggernaut is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@players,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); set $@jugplayers,getmapusers("arena_room.gat"); disablenpc "Jugger Buffer"; close; L_loser: mes "You aren't the juggernaut you moron!"; close; } force_1-1.gat,100,111,5 script Juggernaut Sign-up 904,{ if ($@jjoin == 10) { mes "Sorry. All positions for juggernaut are filled."; close; } mes "This is the Juggernaut sign-up. You can put in your name to be drawn when the juggernaut is chosen."; next; mes "Would you like to sign up to be the juggernaut? Notice I only take 10 names. It's a first come first serve basis."; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_noname; mes "Thank you for your interest in signing up."; if ($@jjoin1$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin2$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin3$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin4$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin5$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin6$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin7$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin8$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin9$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@jjoin10$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto L_signed; if ($@join == 1) goto L_join2; if ($@join == 2) goto L_join3; if ($@join == 3) goto L_join4; if ($@join == 4) goto L_join5; if ($@join == 5) goto L_join6; if ($@join == 6) goto L_join7; if ($@join == 7) goto L_join8; if ($@join == 8) goto L_join9; if ($@join == 9) goto L_join10; L_join: set $@jjoin,1; set $@jjoin1$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join2: set $@jjoin,2; set $@jjoin2$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join3: set $@jjoin,3; set $@jjoin3$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join4: set $@jjoin,4; set $@jjoin4$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join5: set $@jjoin,5; set $@jjoin5$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join6: set $@jjoin,6; set $@jjoin6$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join7: set $@jjoin,7; set $@jjoin7$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join8: set $@jjoin,8; set $@jjoin8$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join9: set $@jjoin,9; set $@jjoin9$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_join10: set $@jjoin,10; set $@jjoin10$,strcharinfo(0); npctalk ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has signed up to be juggernaut"; close; L_noname: mes "Remember that if no one signs up, then everyone is eligible to be juggernaut."; close; L_signed: mes "You're already in! Don't try to slip it passed me!"; close; } guild_vs2,45,55,6 script Reward 80,{ if ($@juggerwin == 0){ getitem $rewarditem,$@players * 25; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} if ($@juggerwin == 1){ sc_end SC_IMPOSITIO; sc_end SC_ASSUMPTIO; sc_end SC_BLESSING; sc_end SC_INCREASEAGI; sc_end SC_MAGNIFICAT; sc_end SC_PARRYING; sc_end SC_ANGELUS; sc_end SC_INCMHPRATE; sc_end SC_CP_WEAPON; sc_end SC_CP_SHIELD; sc_end SC_CP_ARMOR; sc_end SC_CP_HELM; sc_end SC_ENDURE; sc_end SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS; sc_end SC_INTRAVISION; getitem $rewarditem,$@jugplayers * 50; mes "Thanks for playing!"; goto L_setter2;} L_setter2: set $@jon,0; set $@jjoin,0; set $@player1,0; set $@player2,0; set $@player3,0; set $@player4,0; set $@player5,0; set $@player6,0; set $@player7,0; set $@player8,0; set $@player9,0; set $@jjoin1$,""; set $@jjoin2$,""; set $@jjoin3$,""; set $@jjoin4$,""; set $@jjoin5$,""; set $@jjoin6$,""; set $@jjoin7$,""; set $@jjoin8$,""; set $@jjoin9$,""; set $@jjoin10$,""; close2; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; } //This is where the events will be when it comes to the Juggernaut and Fugitive game - script OnPCDieEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ set $@fugidead,1;}} if ($@jugbuff == 0) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; end;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut was killed!",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,getmapusers("guild_vs3.gat"); set $@juggerwin,0; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; percentheal 100,100; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; disablenpc "OnPCDieEvent"; end;} } - script OnPCKillEvent -1,{ if ($@fugiwarp == 1){ if (strcharinfo(0) != $@fugitive$){ if ($@fugidead == 1){ announce "The fugitive was killed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!",bc_all,0xFF0000; getitem $rewarditem,20/$@time; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;}}} if ($@jugbuff != 1) end; if ($@juggernaut$ != strcharinfo(0)){ announce "A player has been killed.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@juggernaut$ == strcharinfo(0)){ announce "The Juggernaut has murdered a player.",bc_all,0xFF0000; set $@players,$@players-1;} if ($@players==0){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the event as Juggernaut!",bc_blue|bc_all; set $@juggerwin,1; enablenpc "Reward"; set $@jon,0; set $@jugbuff,0; disablenpc "OnPCKillEvent"; end;} } - script OnPCLoadMapEvent -1,{ if (strcharinfo(0) == $@fugitive$){ if (getmapxy($@mapname$,$@fugix,$@fugiy,0,$@fugitive$)) end; if ($@mapname$ == "pvp_y_8-4.gat") end; announce "The fugitive has changed map and is disqualified.",0; set $@fugidead,0; set $@fugitive$,""; set $@fugiwarp,0; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_gvg; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nomemo; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noteleport; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_nowarpto; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_noexppenalty; removemapflag "pvp_y_8-4.gat",mf_loadevent; end;} } guild_vs2 mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag nomemo guild_vs2 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs2 mapflag noreturn guild_vs2 mapflag noteleport guild_vs2 mapflag pvp_noguild guild_vs2 mapflag nogo guild_vs2 mapflag nocommand 60 guild_vs2 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs2 mapflag restricted 7 pvp_y_8-4 mapflag restricted 7 prt_in.gat,34,114,6 script Loaded Super PvP 52,{ if(getgmlevel() <= 39) goto L_superplayer1; if(getgmlevel() >= 40) goto L_supergm1; L_superplayer1: announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has joined as a player.",bc_blue|bc_all; warp "arena_room.gat",64,132; L_supergm1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "What do you want to do next?"; next; menu "Warp the players to the PvP Room",warp1,"Enable the Reward NPC",reward1,"None",cancel1; warp1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to warp the players to the Super PvP Room?"; next; menu "No",nope1,"Yes",yes1; nope1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope2,"Yes",yes2; close; nope2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes2: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; announce "Let's get ready to rumble!!!",bc_blue|bc_all; mapwarp "arena_room","pvp_n_3-5",0,0; disablenpc "Loaded Super Buffer"; close; reward1: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Ready to enable the Loaded Super Reward NPC?"; next; menu "No",nope3,"Yes",yes3; nope3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes3: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; menu "No",nope4,"Yes",yes4; close; nope4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "Just tell me when you're ready."; close; yes4: mes "[Loaded Super PvP]"; mes "OK, done."; enablenpc "Loaded Super Reward"; close; cancel1: close; } //Here's the Loaded Super Buffer for the Loaded Super PVP arena_room.gat,64,138,5 script Loaded Super Buffer 121,{ announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " is ready with buffs.",bc_blue|bc_all; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,500000,50; sc_start SC_GLORIA,500000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,500000,50; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,300000,50; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,50; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,50; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,300000,20; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,300000,50; sc_start SC_INCMHPRATE,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_WEAPON,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_SHIELD,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_ARMOR,300000,50; sc_start SC_CP_HELM,300000,50; sc_start SC_ENDURE,300000,50; sc_start SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,300000,1; sc_start SC_INTRAVISION,300000,1; percentheal 100,100; } //Here's the Loaded Super Reward for the Loaded Super PVP pvp_n_3-5.gat,104,113,3 script Loaded Super Reward 80,{ getitem $rewarditem,15; announce "And the winner of our Loaded Super PvP Event is [ " + strcharinfo(0) + " ]",bc_blue|bc_all; disablenpc "Loaded Super PvP"; atcommand "@die "; atcommand "@alive "; warp "prontera.gat",155,174; } //Here's the Waiting Room for the Juggernaut Event arena_room.gat,162,88,3 script Juggernaut Waiting Room 754,{ mes "[Juggernaut Waiting Room]"; mes "Please wait until a GM picks a Juggernaut from you guys."; close; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //End of Cool Events================================ //------------------------------------------------------- i want auto give prize and can you pls change the prize to Russian roulet 5 to 10 gold coins in other event 1 gold coin ty
  12. http://pastebin.com/vFKezCXG
  13. use Emistry script http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=QhatSLL3
  14. Mooka can you make it in english pls
  15. i want to do 1 ip on this maps schg_cas06 schg_cas07 schg_cas08 only can enter 1 ip if same ip will go @ prontera ty
  16. SlashGeeGee error with your script
  17. if i use @monster commands how can be announce that like this one GM Jam Has Been Summoned map how many bla bla
  18. no killed no i mean gm jam has summoned soccer ball you know fullro right? or no?
  19. can you make itif i spaw a monster will be announce GM Jam bla bla bla 25 monster blabla bla
  20. like this one but in txt version http://rathena.org/board/topic/59557-request-npc-131/
  21. can you make 1 but txt i not using sql pls make 1 for txt ty
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