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Everything posted by Hades03

  1. prontera,164,166,4 script Private PvP Room 935,{ setarray $@maps$[1], "06guild_01", "06guild_02", "06guild_03", "06guild_04", "06guild_05", "06guild_06", "06guild_07"; for(set .@b,1; .@b < getarraysize($@maps$); set .@b,.@b + 1) { if(.@b==1){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Public- "+((getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])>=30)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } else { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Private["+(.@b-1)+"]- "+((getmapusers(""+$@maps$[.@b]+"")>=5)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } } if(select(.@menu$)) { callfunc "GRfunction",$@maps$[@menu],@menu; } } function script GRfunction { if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=30&&getarg(1)==1){ warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(!getmapusers(getarg(0))){ mes "Input a new password."; input($password$[getarg(1)]); next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=5&&getarg(1)!=1) { mes "This room is password protected please input the password now."; input(@name$); if(@name$==$password$[getarg(1)]){ mes "correct!"; next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } else { mes "Incorrect!"; close; } } else { mes "I'm sorry this room is full."; close; } }
  2. if i set to 0 i cant talk to the npc wew can you fix it?
  3. Emistry i want to remove the normal card i need to see to 0 or what?
  4. bahmut if i want ot change it again to color purple i put bc_purple I bc_all
  5. and can you change the color announce bcoz the announce is color yellow i want to change to color blue
  6. prontera,147,157,5 script Guild Master Changer 993,{ if( GetGuildMaster(getcharid(2)) != strcharinfo(0)) mes "Only the Guild Master is allowed to use this service."; else if( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) mes "Cannot change GM, WoE is in progress"; else { mes "Input the name of the new Guild Master."; next; input .@name$; if( !isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) mes "Character not online."; else if( getcharid(2,.@name$) != getcharid(2)) mes "The selected character does not belong to your guild."; else { mes "Is " + .@name$ + " correct?"; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 2) close; atcommand "@changegm " + .@name$; mes "GM Changed."; mes "Both you and the new GM must relog to confirm the changes."; announce [ .@name$ + " ] is now the new Guild Master of guild [ " + GetGuildName(getcharid(2)) + " ]", 0; } } close; }
  7. min boss card = 90 TCG Boss Card = 180 TCG
  8. why error if i put this waitingroom "There are : "+getusers(1),Players Currently Connected0;
  9. How to edit the vend i put 100m and i see my vendors only sell the item for 10m
  10. uhmmm error script i have 100 YGG and i type 1 nothing happen
  11. can you edit the script pls and can you remvoe the i dont wanna se it again //Variable for the number guess zeny bet set @betnum, 1000; //1000 Zeny
  12. cmd_in02,181,98,2 script Dicer 57,{ //These variables allow you to set the amount of zeny people can bet set @betzeny1,500; //500 zeny set @betzeny2,1000; //1000 zeny set @betzeny3,2000; //2000 zeny set @betzeny4,10000; //10000 zeny //Variable for the number guess zeny bet set @betnum, 1000; //1000 Zeny mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Welcome to the Revolution Dice Game.You wanna check your luck with dices?Remember I am the dice expert and rarely someone was able to beat me."; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; menu "Play",L_play,"Info",L_info,"Go away",L_go; L_go: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please come again when you are ready."; close; L_info: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please choose one of the following options for more informations:"; next; menu "Main Rules",L_main,"Bets and Wins",L_bet,"Extra Games",L_extra,"Go away",L_go; L_main: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "^0080FFRoll A Dice^000000 is a very simple game.The game allows you and the NPC to throw 3 dices.Whoever gets a higher total number wins."; next; goto L_info; L_bet: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "You have 4 zeny amounts to choose for your bet.If you choose a high bet your win will also be higher,it is that simple.Also various extra games can increase your win."; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Example:"; mes "^0080FFBet^000000 ^0080FFWin^000000"; mes "500 1000"; mes "1000 2000"; mes "2000 4000"; mes "10000 20000"; next; goto L_info; L_extra: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "You can also try increasing your win by playing extra games like guessing your total number at the end of the game.It will cost you an extra amount of zeny but if you guess the number your win will be tripled instead of doubled."; next; goto L_info; L_play: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Ok,please choose the amount of zeny you want to bet:"; next; menu ""+@betzeny1+" Zeny",L_zeny1,""+@betzeny2+" Zeny",L_zeny2,""+@betzeny3+" Zeny",L_zeny3,""+@betzeny4+" Zeny",L_zeny4,"Too rich for my blood...",L_go; L_zeny1: if(Zeny < @betzeny1) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny1; goto L_gamea; L_zeny2: if(Zeny < @betzeny2) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny2; goto L_gamea; L_zeny3: if(Zeny < @betzeny3) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny3; goto L_gamea; L_zeny4: if(Zeny < @betzeny4) goto L_nzeny; set @bet, @betzeny4; goto L_gamea; L_nzeny: mes "[Dicer]"; emotion 20; mes "Sorry but it seems you don't have enough zeny!"; close; L_gamea: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Would you like to try to increase your win by trying to guess the number you will get?"; mes "It will cost you another ^0080FF"+@betnum+"^000000 zeny."; next; menu "Yes",L_gamec,"No",L_gameb; L_gamec: if(Zeny < @betnum + @bet) goto L_nzeny; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Please input the number you think you will get (3-18)."; input @numg; if(@numg<3) message strcharinfo(0),"Number is too low, input again."; if(@numg>18) message strcharinfo(0),"Number is too high, input again."; if(@numg<3||@numg>18) goto L_gamec; set Zeny, Zeny - @betnum; next; goto L_gameb; L_gameb: set @dea1, rand(1,6); set @dea2, rand(1,6); set @dea3, rand(1,6); set @pla1, rand(1,6); set @pla2, rand(1,6); set @pla3, rand(1,6); set @deatot, @dea1+@dea2+@dea3; set @platot, @pla1+@pla2+@pla3; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "I will be the first one to roll the dices,and after that you will throw them.I am feeling lucky today, so you better go away before I take every zeny you have."; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 1st Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing first dice!"; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; emotion 58; mes " "; mes "First throw: ^0080FF"+@dea1+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 2nd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing second dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Second throw: ^0080FF"+@dea2+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFDicer 3rd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing third dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Third throw: ^0080FF"+@dea3+" ^000000"; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Now it's your turn to throw the dices.I bet you can't get higher numbers then me."; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 1st Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing first dice!"; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; emotion 58; mes " "; mes "First throw: ^0080FF"+@pla1+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 2nd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing second dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Second throw: ^0080FF"+@pla2+" ^000000"; next; mes "[^0080FFPlayer 3rd Turn^000000]"; mes "Throwing third dice!"; emotion 58; mes ".....roll.....roll....roll...."; mes " "; mes "Third throw: ^0080FF"+@pla3+" ^000000"; next; mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Let's look at our total numbers:"; mes " "; mes "Dicer Total: ^0080FF"+@deatot+" ^000000."; mes "Player Total: ^0080FF"+@platot+" ^000000."; next; if (@platot < @deatot) goto L_lose; if (@platot == @deatot) goto L_again; if (@platot > @deatot && @platot == @numg) goto L_win2; if (@platot > @deatot) goto L_win1; L_lose: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny - @bet; emotion 39; mes "I got a higher number!!!"; mes "See I told you nobody can beat me!"; mes " "; mes "You lost ^0080FF"+@bet+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_again: mes "[Dicer]"; emotion 54; mes "It seems it's a draw.Let's play again."; next; goto L_play; L_win1: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny + @bet*2; set @wona, @bet*2; emotion 36; mes "I can't belive I lost. Here take your money."; mes " "; mes "You won ^0080FF"+@wona+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_win2: mes "[Dicer]"; set Zeny, Zeny + @bet*3; set @wonb, @bet*3; emotion 36; mes "You even guessed the total number you got.I can't belive I lost. Here is your money."; mes " "; mes "You won ^0080FF"+@wonb+"^000000 Zeny."; next; goto L_againa; L_againa: mes "[Dicer]"; mes "Would you like to play again?"; next; menu "Yes",L_play,"No",L_go; } 5 gold coin = 10goldcoins 10 gold coins = 20goldcoins 30gold coins = 60 Gold coins 40gold coins = 80 gold coins
  13. make it every 55mins ok ty Eathena.txt
  14. uhmmm my script didt give 1 ygg box for 100 ygg the script give 100 ygg box i want to do 100 ygg drasill to 1 ygg drasill box still w8ting
  15. prontera,159,232,5 script Fast-Type Event 757,{ if( .String$ == "" ){ mes "There is no Event right now."; }else{ mes "Type the Correct Sentences."; mes "^FF0000"+.Strings$+"^000000"; input .@Type$; if( .String$ == .@Type$ ){ mes "Gratz..you type the correct string."; getitem 607,1; set .String$,""; }else{ mes "Sry there is already other person win this round."; } } close; OnClock0200: OnClock0400: //etc.. set .String$,""; while( getstrlen( .String$ ) < .Length ){ set .String$,.String$ + .List$[ rand( getarraysize( .List$ ) ) ]; } announce "Round Started.",0; end; OnInit: set .Length,6; setarray .List$,"A","B","C","D","E","F","G"; end; } and can you pls fix it the Sentences doesnt show wew
  16. 100 YGG = 1 YGG Box YGGX.txt
  17. uhmmm how to put npc or conf?
  18. tang ina gago putang ina mga ganyan hlp me pls
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