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Euro last won the day on November 9 2020

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About Euro

  • Birthday 08/15/1997

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  1. View File FluxCP Theme: Brynhild A modern theme for rAthena Flux CP CSS Framework Used: Bootstrap 4 Installation: 1.) Extract all the contents of the zip file inside { fluxcp/themes } folder 2.) Modify fluxcp/config/application.php'ThemeName' => array('default', 'bootstrap'),to'ThemeName' => array('brynhild'), 3.) Done By downloading this file, you agree to the following terms: You are not allowed to remove my signature written inside the footer section of the theme. You are not allowed to sell, resell, or gain any form of money or incentives from using my work. You are not allowed to claim my work as yours. Terms stated above may be changed without prior notice. Submitter Euro Submitted 09/15/2018 Category Fully Coded Themes Video Content Author Kristian Espina  
  2. View File FluxCP Theme: Brynhild Blue A modern theme for rAthena Flux CP CSS Framework Used: Bootstrap 4 Installation: 1.) Extract all the contents of the zip file inside { fluxcp/themes } folder 2.) Modify fluxcp/config/application.php'ThemeName' => array('default', 'bootstrap'),to'ThemeName' => array('brynhild_blue'), 3.) Done By downloading this file, you agree to the following terms: You are not allowed to remove my signature written inside the footer section of the theme. You are not allowed to sell, resell, or gain any form of money or incentives from using my work. You are not allowed to claim my work as yours. Terms stated above may be changed without prior notice. Submitter Euro Submitted 09/18/2018 Category Fully Coded Themes Video Content Author Kristian Espina  
  3. Version 2.1


    A modern theme for rAthena Flux CP CSS Framework Used: Bootstrap 4 Installation: 1.) Extract all the contents of the zip file inside { fluxcp/themes } folder 2.) Modify fluxcp/config/application.php'ThemeName' => array('default', 'bootstrap'),to'ThemeName' => array('brynhild_blue'), 3.) Done By downloading this file, you agree to the following terms: You are not allowed to remove my signature written inside the footer section of the theme. You are not allowed to sell, resell, or gain any form of money or incentives from using my work. You are not allowed to claim my work as yours. Terms stated above may be changed without prior notice.
    25.00 USD
  4. Version 2.1


    A modern theme for rAthena Flux CP CSS Framework Used: Bootstrap 4 Installation: 1.) Extract all the contents of the zip file inside { fluxcp/themes } folder 2.) Modify fluxcp/config/application.php'ThemeName' => array('default', 'bootstrap'),to'ThemeName' => array('brynhild'), 3.) Done By downloading this file, you agree to the following terms: You are not allowed to remove my signature written inside the footer section of the theme. You are not allowed to sell, resell, or gain any form of money or incentives from using my work. You are not allowed to claim my work as yours. Terms stated above may be changed without prior notice.
    25.00 USD
  5. 1.) Need help. On our server, bragis poem has 20 secs effect and if i recast bragis poem after 15 secs, the effect will be reseted to 1 sec, so if i do it repeatedly the effect of bragis will not expire. 2.) On official RO, the effect of bragis poem is 20 secs and cannot be overlap. you should finish the 20 second-duration effect of bragi for bragis to effect again. I want to make the effect of bragis poem in our server same as in official RO servers. Thank you in advance.
  6. Whoah! Thanks KeyWorld for this XD Any ideas on how to make this compatible to harmony but will not expose the server to bots? XD
  7. at src/map/atcommand.c Find: info = get_atcommandinfo_byname(atcommand_checkalias(command + 1)); if (info == NULL) { if( pc_get_group_level(sd) ) { // TODO: remove or replace with proper permission sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd,153), command); // "%s is Unknown Command." clif_displaymessage(fd, output); atcommand_get_suggestions(sd, command + 1, *message == atcommand_symbol); return true; } else return false; } Replace With: info = get_atcommandinfo_byname(atcommand_checkalias(command + 1)); if (info == NULL) { //if( pc_get_group_level(sd) ) { // TODO: remove or replace with proper permission sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd,153), command); // "%s is Unknown Command." clif_displaymessage(fd, output); atcommand_get_suggestions(sd, command + 1, *message == atcommand_symbol); return true; //} else // return false; }
  8. If this could optimize the script commands, I hope this gets implemented soon.
  9. Have you added custom items? I think it's an error in your num2itemresnametable.txt
  10. Try this. 8170,Inverse_Scale,Strong katar,4,,10,10,80,,1,1,0x00001000,8,2,34,4,100,1,16,{ bonus bAtk,getrefine()*10; bonus bAspd,getrefine()/4; bonus3 bAutoSpell,2022,5,getrefine(); bonus2 bSkillAtk,2022,getrefine()/33; bonus bCritical,getrefine(); bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()*2; bonus bAtk,80; },{},{}
  11. add // at #define RENEWAL_CAST at src/config/renewal.h //#define RENEWAL_CAST
  12. update your svn to latest revision
  13. Hi, I was wondering how can I use this WeeDiff Plugin... I tried searching but I only found a similar topic.. Can somebody show me a little example of the dll?? ^^, Thx,
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