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  1. Hello Myzter, really nice script, amazing!! Just one question, the way to change let's say the "mn_item" is to directly edit the mySQL database or do I have to edit the .txt file? I tried to "add" new items by editing the .txt script, then delete all bk* and mn* tables in mySQL, finally run the server and it works, but this process is a bit complex, is there any better and quicker way?
  2. novice1204

    Skill Cast

    Hey, Stapo, have you solved the problem? I've encountered the same problem as you did, and would like to know the solution to it.
  3. It's still the same, I've done that, switching the bonus bracket to first. Why is it not working Hey, I figured it out, thanks anyway.
  4. Not sure why this is not working, can someone help me out here? 8170,Inverse_Scale,Strong katar,4,,10,10,80,,1,1,0x00001000,8,2,34,4,100,1,16,{},{ bonus bAtk,getrefine()*10; bonus bAspd,getrefine()/4; bonus3 bAutoSpell,2022,5,getrefine(); bonus2 bSkillAtk,2022,getrefine()/33; bonus bCritical,getrefine(); bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()*2; bonus bAtk,80; },{}
  5. Hi there, I just need a good example of custum enchant NPC that I can set the success rate and also set different types of enchant for different types of equipment. For example I want to add custum enchant effect specificlly for weapons only whereas all the other parts remain the same ( including headgear middle and bottom.) Lastly, I'd like it to be one NPC for one equipment type. While the players can only proceed if they're currently equiping the item they want to enchant, and if any player who possesses "item X", they will not be punished when enchant fails, however, for those who don't have X, the item they want to enchant will be destroyed if fails. Thanks.
  6. Hello everyone, I got a script from other forum that someone shared, but I'm not sure how to say it in English. Anyway it's like a MVP's spawning script in a certain maps, something like a MVP arena. the script is right below: //Author : Goddameit //Version : 2012/06/21 - 22:20 //Web : http://goo.gl/92vfA prontera,150,180,4 script MVPtower2 100,{ function fail { mes "^FF0000["+getarg(0)+"]^000000"; close; } if(select("[Play]:[Leave Game]")==2){ if(!instance_id(1)) fail("You don't have game now."); instance_warpall "prontera",155,180; instance_destroy instance_id(1); fail("Finish."); } if(instance_id(1)) fail("You have game now."); if(!getcharid(1)) fail("Need party."); if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)!=getcharid(0)) fail("You aren't leader."); set .@zenyneed,10000; if(Zeny<.@zenyneed) fail("Zeny isn't enough."); else set Zeny,Zeny-.@zenyneed; set .@partymemberneed,1; getpartymember(getcharid(1)); if($@partymembercount<.@partymemberneed) fail("You need "+.@partymemberneed+" member."); select("Easy","Normal","Hard","Crazy","Damn!"); set .@igid,instance_create("MVPtower:"+(@menu==1?"Easy":@menu==2?"Normal":@menu==3?"Hard":@menu==4?"Crazy":"Damn!"),getcharid(1)); instance_attachmap(set(.@t$,@menu+"@gvs"),.@igid); instance_set_timeout 3600,3600,.@igid; instance_init .@igid; instance_attach .@igid; set 'datalevel,0; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_noteleport; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_nomemo; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_nosave; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_nobranch; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_noloot; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_nomobloot; setmapflag has_instance(.@t$),mf_monster_noteleport; warpparty has_instance(.@t$),$@MVPtowerAdminX[@menu],$@MVPtowerAdminY[@menu],getcharid(1); end; OnPCLogOutEvent: if(!instance_id(1)) end; instance_warpall "prontera",155,180; instance_destroy instance_id(1); end; } 1@gvs,50,50,4 script MVPtower Administrator#1 100,{ function num { switch(getarg(0)) { case 1: case 2: if(getarg(2)<3) return 0; set .@b,getarg(1)+getarg(2); return .@b; default: return 0; } } function Onmvp { deletearray 'mvp[0],128; deletearray 'num[0],128; setarray 'mvp,1511,1647,1785,1630,1009,1039,1874,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1885 ,1802,1649,1651,1832,1492,1734,1251,1779,1980,1688,1646,1373,1147,1059,1150,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502 ,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658; switch(getarg(0)) { case 1: setarray 'num[1],1,1,1,1,2; return; case 2: setarray 'num[1],1,1,1,2,2; return; case 3: setarray 'num[1],1,1,2,2,2; return; case 4: setarray 'num[1],1,2,2,2,3; return; case 5: setarray 'num[1],2,2,2,3,3; return; } } function reward { getpartymember getarg(1),2; getpartymember getarg(1),1; set 'partymembercount,$@partymembercount; copyarray 'partymemberaid[0],$@partymemberaid[0],128; copyarray 'partymembercid[0],$@partymembercid[0],128; for(set .@i,0;.@i<'partymembercount;set .@i,.@i+1) { if(attachrid('partymemberaid[.@i])) { if('partymembercid[.@i]!=getcharid(0))continue; getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,0); if(.@m$==getarg(2)) callfunc "MVPTower2_Reward_"+getarg(0); } } return; } set 't,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); if(!instance_id()) end; if(getmapmobs("this")) end; set 'datalevel,'datalevel+1; if('datalevel<=getarraysize('num[1])){ instance_announce instance_id(1),"[System]Level."+'datalevel+"!!",0; Onmvp('t); for(;'num['datalevel]>0;set 'num['datalevel],'num['datalevel]-1) { set 'p,'mvp[rand(getarraysize('mvp))]; areamonster "this",$@MVPtowerSpawnMX['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnMY['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnMX['t]+5,$@MVPtowerSpawnMY['t]+5,"--ja--",'p,1,instance_npcname("MVPtower Administrator#"+'t,instance_id(1))+"::OnKill"; } if(num(1,'datalevel,'t)) areamonster "this",$@MVPtowerSpawnNX['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNY['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNX['t]+5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNY['t]+5,"--ja--",1829,num(1,'datalevel,'t),instance_npcname("MVPtower Administrator#"+'t,instance_id(1))+"::OnKill"; if(num(2,'datalevel,'t)) areamonster "this",$@MVPtowerSpawnNX['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNY['t]-5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNX['t]+5,$@MVPtowerSpawnNY['t]+5,"--ja--",1830,num(1,'datalevel,'t),instance_npcname("MVPtower Administrator#"+'t,instance_id(1))+"::OnKill"; }else{ instance_announce instance_id(1),"[System]You win!!",0; sleep2(1000); getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,0); reward('t,getcharid(1),.@m$); instance_warpall "prontera",155,180; instance_destroy instance_id(1); } end; OnKill: if(getmapmobs("this")-1) instance_announce instance_id(1),"[System]Last:"+getmapmobs("this")+" monsters.",0; else instance_announce instance_id(1),"[System]You pass this level.",0; end; OnInit: set .t,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); getmapxy(.@m$,$@MVPtowerAdminX[.t],$@MVPtowerAdminY[.t],1,strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 2@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Administrator#1) MVPtower Administrator#2 100 3@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Administrator#1) MVPtower Administrator#3 100 4@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Administrator#1) MVPtower Administrator#4 100 5@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Administrator#1) MVPtower Administrator#5 100 1@gvs,50,50,4 script MVPtower Spawn_Normal#1 139,{ OnInit: set .t,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); getmapxy(.@m$,$@MVPtowerSpawnNX[.t],$@MVPtowerSpawnNY[.t],1,strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 2@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_Normal#1) MVPtower Spawn_Normal#2 139 3@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_Normal#1) MVPtower Spawn_Normal#3 139 4@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_Normal#1) MVPtower Spawn_Normal#4 139 5@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_Normal#1) MVPtower Spawn_Normal#5 139 1@gvs,50,50,4 script MVPtower Spawn_MVP#1 139,{ OnInit: set .t,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); getmapxy(.@m$,$@MVPtowerSpawnMX[.t],$@MVPtowerSpawnMY[.t],1,strnpcinfo(0)); end; } 2@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_MVP#1) MVPtower Spawn_MVP#2 139 3@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_MVP#1) MVPtower Spawn_MVP#3 139 4@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_MVP#1) MVPtower Spawn_MVP#4 139 5@gvs,50,50,4 duplicate(MVPtower Spawn_MVP#1) MVPtower Spawn_MVP#5 139 So it works just fine, but it's just I fear that if anyone can trigger the MVP to spawn may cause some arguments... And the other part is this: OnPCLogOutEvent: if(!instance_id(1)) end; instance_warpall "prontera",155,180; instance_destroy instance_id(1); end; My understanding of this is that when any team member logs out (including leave the party???) will cause the whole team gets warp back to Prontera in order to destroy the instance. If so, I'd like to know how to change it into the instance will be destroyed only if the last player in that map leaves the map or logs out. I hope it's not too much to ask, thanks.
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