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Everything posted by Vali

  1. Vali

    Custom txt db

    The sugestion comes from the last updated of this file. Was deleted and added to other site. This can cause problems to the configuration of the custom items (being deleted). If a custom txt is created there not will be that problems and all will be more organized. Vali~
  2. Vali

    Custom txt db

    Hi, rAthena has already some txt db to manage the customs items or monsters, but other ones that (i think) are necessary are not there, for example item_trade2.txt to manage the properties of that custom items. This will help to avoid conflicts when the SVN update the files. Vali~
  3. True... there is not sprite for it... my mistake then. Thank you danker.
  4. Hi, I'm having some problems with that item, because is not showing. I tried diffing a client with the "Avoid missing sprites/files" disabled to check if there was an error with that sprite, but nothing appears. Anyone have the same problem? How can I fix it? Thank you. Vali~
  5. Achievement system working.

  6. Do you have the patch for the latest rev? Thank you!
  7. Installing localhost RO workbench.

  8. I will check this next Saturday after the mainteinance. Thx!
  9. Rankings finished and Live Market system at 80% :D

  10. Thank you Syouji! That was what i was looking for!
  11. That is just what i want, a global broadcast (but only launched in a certain map, that is easy to know). In the other hand my server only have ~15 players that is not a problem.
  12. Im looking to check if its possible. I know that is possible do a broadcast directly adding it to the dead branch script, but how to do this only if the monster summoned is a miniboss? Thank you!
  13. Hi, In my server the airship stops working when the invasion must start. I dont know how to fix it. I already posted it as a bug in the bug tracker, but nobody answer for 11 days. The script is not modified and its exactly the same that is in the svn. https://rathena.svn....ts/airships.txt NPC: YunoIzl_Airship OnTimer15000: set .mobinv, .mobinv+1; if(.mobinv >= 9 && rand(1,3) == 3) { stopnpctimer; enablenpc "Airship#airplane02"; donpcevent "Airship#airplane02::OnInvasion"; } mapannounce "airplane_01","We are heading to Izlude.",bc_map,0x00FF00; end; Anyone has the same problem? How can i fix it. Thanks!
  14. Done. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5247-eden-group-missing-or-wrong-variables/
  15. The problem continues. Its strange, because it works fine when im moving items from cart to inventory, but not if I move the items from inventory to cart (and of course if i drop the items to the floor).
  16. @lakasmonk123 and how can we fix it?
  17. 1-Delete the files in your RO installation in the forlder _tmpEmblem (the .emb files). 2 & 3 no idea.
  18. Same problem here. Some of my players with level 80 cant take the nexts quest. After finish sme of the quest before.
  19. Is that a bug then? I tested it again and the script launchs when i use @reloadscript.
  20. Yes its what i want, Its are being truncate when I use @reloadscript too.
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