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Everything posted by Vali

  1. Gepard explained me how to make it work. I will change it during the next weekend.
  2. month? That is the interesting part
  3. I changed the luas to the corresponding ones. The problem still happens. Really I do not know what more do. Brainstorm of possible causes? Even if that causes may be stupid things, I need ideas. Thx.
  4. Yes, I have all the books inside the folder data/book/ At least, anyone knows how to translate it? I modified my client to 2011-11-02 and the error still appears. Then the error is in my grf, but I do not know where. The skill of dancer and bard don't work either, maybe for the same reason. Thank you in advance. Vali~ I tried re-patching the books into my GRF and also putting them into the data folder. No way, nothing changes. If anyone has a way to translate that error i think will be more easy for me to know the reason of this bug. Vali~
  5. Hi, Are you uing GRF then? Diff your client and do not select the option Read Data berfore GRF. Vali~
  6. If you have the option "Read folder data before Grf" then the client try to get the information from data/SaveData/OptionInfo.lua Try copying the SaveData into the data folder. Vali~
  7. 2011-12 have that diff? Im using 2011-11-02 and that diff is not there.
  8. True, I'm having exactly the same problem.... I will take a look to check if I found the reason. Vali~
  9. Ok. I found the problem: In http://sourceforge.n...changeset/15657 the source changed to request the information of the guilds before the scripts are loaded. This will cause that if you use GetCastleData(strnpcinfo(2),1); with OnInterIfInitOnce: or OnInterIfInit: will not get that information correctly because the map server do not has it. The TEMPORAL patch until this is fixed is do a sleep after OnInterIfInitOnce or OnInterIfInit to wait until that info is loaded. I already reported it: http://rathena.org/b...e-data-loading/ With this patch the flags and the castles will be ready 30 second after the server is launched. I will upload the correct code when this bug is fixed. Vali~ WoE_Setter_3.4.4.rar
  10. Hi, I'm having the next error trying to read a book ingame, but I do not know what it means... anyone can help me? Vali~
  11. I will try to fix that problems, but as I said I do not know if I will success. For me is important because I use this script too. Vali~
  12. I checked and its working well. That fine do not control the emblem in the flags. The one that control the emblems are aldeg_cas01.txt, aldeg_cas02.txt, etc. Vali~
  13. I'm using the client 2011-06-22aRagexeRE. Maybe is a bug in the server? Anyone with that client can test it please? Vali~
  14. I did not touch that flags. Try going out the range and come in again. If this do not work, delete the content in your emblem folder and launch the game again. Vali~
  15. Hi, I checked if that both files are in my data folder, and they are. But once I use that skills the texts don't appears. Anyone have or had the same problem. Thank you.
  16. Version 3.4.4


    New version of WoE Setter 3 that works without problem with the newest version of rAthena. Modified by Vali~ Original from [GM]Xeon.
  17. Here is. It seems work well. I tested it and no problems. Adapted to work with rAthena r15658 and greater. Vali~ File deleted until new advise, temporal woe setter more down! \/\/\/\/
  18. Hi, I modified the code and seems work. Tomorrow I will upload it. Vali~
  19. I'm interested in this too. I will try during next days to adapt it, but I'm not sure if I will success. Vali~
  20. Its for the drop penalty. It was fixed on the last days, now the MVPs do not have that drop penalty. About the @mi giving that has 100% chance and is not true I posted in the Bug Tracker: http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5295-mobinfo-iteminfo-not-showing-the-correct-information-depending-the-level/ Only wait until it's changed.
  21. In the last revision of rAthena Sorcerer and Genetic are the only two classes without the skills implemented. If you have other classes with that problem update to a recent revision. Vali~
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