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Everything posted by Erba

  1. what do you mean data block?? http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/ this link???
  2. if you use a latest revision, use the stable client which is 2012-04-10aRagexeRe, download alexandria's data folder "data_v3", then download latest lua files at the translation project.. now.. the answer ^^ too much endorsement... make sure your "lua files" folder is inside the folder named "luafile514" then copy "luafile514" in the data folder. then recompile.. try playing again what i mean recompile is to repack or gawin mo ng grf ult
  3. hmm.. how can i duplicate a map? sorry im a newbie.. and still running my server on a lan before i publish it ^^
  4. yea same poster.^^ I place your name in the maker of the script.. ^^ thanks for your help.. now my concern now is to make 1 map to be use by all guilds but a guildmember of the same guild will only meet and will not meet other member from other guilds ^^ does instances have something to do with my idea?^^,
  5. yea.. follow what Vanyrl has just said... but you must not place a comma on the last item you will place in the accname.lua and accessoryid.lua.. like this accessoryid.lua: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_PINKBUNNY_HAIRBAND] = "_ÇÎÅ©Åä³¢¸Ó¸®¶ì", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_GREENBUNNY_HAIRBAND] = "_±×¸°Åä³¢¸Ó¸®¶ì", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_OLD_ELFEAR] = "_°í´ë¿äÁ¤ÀDZÍ", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_THA_MAERO_MASK] = "_Ÿ³ªÅ佺Àǽ½ÇÄ°¡¸é", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_THANATOS_MAI_MASK] = "_Ÿ³ªÅ佺ÀÇÁõ¿À°¡¸é", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_FISHPIN] = "_¹°°í±âÇÉ", [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_CUSTOM_HAT] = "_Sprite_Name_Here" } if you will notice there is no comma on the last item which is the "_Sprite_Name_Here"
  6. Bro... Take a look at this link... http://i45.tinypic.com/51yikj.jpg you wrongly place 22012 instead of 22013
  7. yes.. change the password for your security and post your config here
  8. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //=HouseWarper //===== By =================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Version ============================================== //= 0.1 //===== Compatible With ====================================== //= rAthena //===== Description ========================================== //= //===== Comments ============================================= //= //============================================================ new_1-4,130,178,6 script GuildBaseWarper 777,{ .@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(1); mes .@npcname$; mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "Do you want to go in your Guild Base?"; next; if ( select( "guild 1's Base", "guild2's Base", "No" ) == 3 ) close; .@s = @menu; mes .@npcname$; mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "Please enter your guild password"; next; if ( input( .@tmp$, 2, 70 ) ) close; if ( .@tmp$ != .password$[.@s] ) { mes .@npcname$; mes "Invalid password. Try again."; close; } announce strcharinfo(0) +": "+ strcharinfo(0), 0; // LOL ? I'm just replicating -> atcommand "@broadcast "+strcharinfo(0); warp getd( ".guildbase"+ .@s +"$[0]" ), atoi( getd( ".guildbase"+ .@s +"$[1]" ) ), atoi( getd( ".guildbase"+ .@s +"$[2]" ) ); close; OnInit: setarray .password$[1], "1234", "4321"; setarray .guildbase1$, "lou_fild01", "180", "180"; setarray .guildbase2$, "lou_fild01", "180", "180" ; end; } can i make the 2 maps be different from others if they are warp in with different password? for exmple a member in guild1 enter the password for guild1's base and be warped in lou_fild01 180 180 while the member from guild2 enter the password for guild2's base be warp in lou_fild01 180 180 but they will not meet in the same place.. the npc will just be copied but not the players.. >>>> if 3 members insert a password in guild1's base they will meet in lou_fild01 same with the members from guild2's base but the members from guild1 and guild2 will not meet even they are in the same map... ^^ help if my imagination can be done! thanks in advance
  9. that means incorrect password believe me^^ i experienced that error before when im typing the password quickly
  10. maybe the player is sitting before you recall him/her or before he uses @warp/@go
  11. you need a visual studio.. 2010 visual studio.. or even 2012 but it must have a 2010 patch/data... http://rathena.org/wiki/Compiling follow this guide ^^
  12. try to diff your client with skippacketheader... use data folder.. which was posted by alexandria. http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/ and download latest lua folder
  13. then make #define packetver 20100730 into #define packetver 20120410 then in packet_db_ver make it "default"
  14. Erba

    Help in Texture

    what i mean is like all things i want to change like in basic interference.. log in interference.. all of it ^^
  15. its too broad .. i will not edit any lua files anymore? in judas bible[giude] there is a specific folder for archer weapon.. how about other job's weapon?
  16. Erba

    Custom item help

    check your id2numres,numres.. and especially your texture, make sure you place the correct name in your accessoryid.lua and accname.lua, then check if you correctly placed the desired bmp for collection and item..
  17. How to change the texture in game? like the login screen? can i just paste all the desired texture plus the thumbs.db? or just the desired texture?
  18. sir.. how to add custom weapons?? ^^ i did edit the .lua file.. i didnt convert it to lub file but still works hehe thanks
  19. waaa.. this will be my last reply ill go out now, will be checking your post/reply later... try putting the lua files in a folder.. luafiles514/lua files/............ make a folder "luafiles514" then paste "lua files" folder inside the "luafiles514" folder... hows your server? still getting error?
  20. because of your lua files.. is this what youre doing? open luafile514> then copy "lua files" then paste it in your data folder then make a grf? if that the way you do it you might probably get that error.. you must copy luafile514 instead of lua files inside it..
  21. YOURE mmo.h you must set define packetver into your clients date which is 2011-03-15 #definepacketver 20110315 then packet_db_ver: default then copy luafile514 in to the data folder and make a new grf
  22. still you will make use of SQL data base and edit your clientinfo.xml into
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