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Everything posted by Erba

  1. waaaa little bit confuse with your statement.. sorry.. can you show me your cmd(mapserver,logserver,charserver)?
  2. can you please post any screenshot of your problem.. especially your CMD of charserver,logserver,mapserver? so that we can see what is wrong?
  3. any error that is being shown in your cmd(mapserver,logserver,charserver)?
  4. yea change mmo.h in your src folder... change packetversion into your clients date... then edit your login_athena edit that.. and make it like this // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ? check_client_version: no so that even if you put any version in your clientinfo.xml it wont affect you your game u can place packet_db_version:30 instead of "default" if you are using 2012-04-10 client
  5. maybe you input wrong password..
  6. http://rathena.org/board/topic/71586-windows-rathena-revision-16797/ there you go!
  7. can you show me a screen shot of your cmd while running it your inter_athena, map_athena, login_athena
  8. include "luafile514" folder (which includes "lua files" folder inside it) inside the data folder.. latest client especially 2012-04-10a read grf i guess not a data folder..
  9. i am using 2012-04-10aRagexeRE client... and using r16797
  10. it has nothing to do with the data aie4rie... MAYBE the problem is in your revision
  11. http://rathena.org/wiki/Clientinfo.xml http://rathena.org/wiki/Connecting follow those guide
  12. you have to select all of it... then rebuild
  13. Oooops! this is as far as i could help you.. hehe lets wait for other PRO^^
  14. if you are able to compile it without errors then you have nothing to worry
  15. place "lua files" folder in a folder named "luafile514".. then copy luafile514 folder in the data folder
  16. check your ip.. if they are all correct
  17. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>Server Name</display> <balloon>None</balloon> <desc>None</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>29</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb>http://www.google.com</registrationweb> </connection> </clientinfo> there edit it
  18. "nevero" is the schema right?? check for the tables then login... the first id user/pass there must be the same with your server communication user/password..
  19. okay thanks.. ^^, i better make a different guild house for every guild in my server T_T hehe.. or can i reproduce that map? for example the izlude can i reproduce izlude and just change the name of izlude? so that i can use the same design for all guild houses? ^^
  20. thanks!! will be checking it later! what if they dont have folders like that??? i only have archers folder
  21. char_athena map_athena interathena your username password in your login sql... which is the "S" the server communication user pass your password for your root@localhost or if you make a new connection inside the root@localhost post your user pass here.. CHANGE THE USERNAME/PASSWORD before posting it ...
  22. you must have a clientinfo.xml which is found in your data folder or Grf file... right click then edit
  23. *how to check if it has 2010 patch/data you will be able to compile your server file if you have the 2010patch/data of visual 2010 if you are using 2012.. but if you dont it will only show various errors
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