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  1. [info]: GM 'admin' logged in. (AID/CID: '2000000/150001', Packet Ver: '26', IP: '', GM Level '99'). [info]: GM Character 'admin' logged off. this one for map server, and others seems fine.
  2. this happen when i try to log-in for the first time.
  3. this one for what client ? i mean, which date ?
  4. which data folder would you recommended ? can i gave the download link ? thank you.
  5. someone mind help me with this error ?
  6. Which client and data folder(lub) are stable and good to use ? can someone give me the downloadable link for that ? am using the http://3ceam.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ for my setting. really appreciate it. thanks.
  7. wadepak


    what is your suggestion for client and lua files ? can you give me the link and details for it ? much thank you from me.
  8. wadepak


    hello, can ssomeone help me with this error ? see attach.
  9. well, all seems to be correct, when i try at my own pc with localhost, all run with no error. but, after i change to dedicated ip and run it in dedicated server, that error appear.
  10. ah, i see. okay then, thank you. [info]: Attempt to connect to login-server... [status]: Connecting to serverip:6900 [Error]: make_connection: connect failed (socket #2, code 10061)! i try to run to dedicated server, but this error appear. can someone help me with this error ?
  11. well, i use svn checkout to get all luafiles.
  12. YOURE mmo.h you must set define packetver into your clients date which is 2011-03-15 #definepacketver 20110315 then packet_db_ver: default then copy luafile514 in to the data folder and make a new grf how about that chatbox ? why all the text seems not to be appear ? http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lua%20files/ < how about this one ? for lua files. http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Packets/Packet_db/ < this one for client. which one would i choose ?
  13. 2011-03-15aRagexeRE.exe lua files here.
  14. well, yea. that error already fixed. but now got new error, can anyone take a look at it ?
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