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Everything posted by Erba

  1. thank you for this one sir.. will try it later! thanks!
  2. Hello Rathena, can someone help me how to script this kind of event? This is my idea.. The NPC will only give specified items to first 50 players who will be able to talk to it, then once this npc is able to give items to 50 players the NPC will tell players this chat "YOURE TOO LATE SORRY the first 50Players already claimedthe items". Announce every name who claimed the item and their IP address ( if possible ) NPC will Announce that all those first 50 players were able to gain the items. One account claim only.. Thank youuuuuu bump bumpplease
  3. how about deleting 1 column only?
  4. does it have a limitations in items that can be disabled?
  5. only for 2013 clients or this is possible to be used with 2012-04-10 client?
  6. http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/16567/rathena
  7. Should i put this under the OnClock2020: ?
  8. How to disable any automated events during woe? its like Automated events with Broadcast will not Broadcast that the start of event and it will not spawn the NPC as it starts. thank you
  9. does this script also restrict equipment items? and does it have a number limitation of items to be restricted?
  10. thanks for the replies! ^^
  11. thank you sir.. im gonna try this one^^ btw, how can i make the points to be use in a shop?
  12. Requesting a script that requires a player to kill monsters in any maps they wanted.. every time they kill a monster(specified by a gm) they obtain 1 hunting point and only a maximum of 1000 hunting points to be obtain per character GM automated: @monsterhunt a gm lvl 25 can change the Monster to be killed inorder to obtain poring point
  13. Mam annie how can i make this script to be bg_emp? cause the one i am using right now is your bg_emp_0.3 and it doesnt broadcast when someone entered the waitingroom and doesnt give reward to losing team
  15. SG LOV and PARRYING: Go to your trunk/src/map/pc.c and look for: for( i = 0; i < MAX_SKILL; i++ ) { if( sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED && sd->status.skill[i].flag != SKILL_FLAG_PERM_GRANTED ) //Don't touch these sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; //First clear skills. /* permanent skills that must be re-checked */ if( sd->status.skill[i].flag == SKILL_FLAG_PERM_GRANTED ) { switch( i ) { case NV_TRICKDEAD: if( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) != MAPID_NOVICE ) { sd->status.skill[i].id = 0; sd->status.skill[i].lv = 0; sd->status.skill[i].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; } break; } } } Add this Lines below: if( sd->sc.count && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_STAR) { sd->status.skill[85].id = 85; sd->status.skill[85].lv = 10; sd->status.skill[85].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; sd->status.skill[356].id = 356; sd->status.skill[356].lv = 10; sd->status.skill[356].flag = SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT; } LK PARRYING USING 1 Hand: Look for this at the trunk/src/map/skill.c bool skill_check_condition_castend(struct map_session_data* sd, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { struct skill_condition require; struct status_data *status; int i; int index[MAX_SKILL_ITEM_REQUIRE]; Then Add this line below: struct status_change *sc = &sd->sc; 2nd step: Look for this at trunk/src/map/skill.c: if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) { there are 2 same lines of it and change it to this: if( require.weapon && !(pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) || (skill_id = LK_PARRYING && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT && sd->status.weapon == W_1HSWORD) || (skill_id = LK_PARRYING && sc && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_STAR && sd->status.weapon == W_BOOK) ) ){
  16. kindly post the compiling error
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