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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/18 in Posts

  1. The rAthena have changed the default PACKETVER to 20180620 because we support all required features or have them on some pull requests in the Git repository and because of that I'm releasing this client. That's all. Important Note: This client uses sclientinfo.xml instead of clientinfo.xml. Download link: 2018-06-20eRagexeRE.exe (MediaFire).
    1 point
  2. The topic has been removed because of rAthena staff double standards and hypocrisy things. (rA staff blame me that I made a money on this topic while it's not and never was) All that I did for the last 2.5 years with around ~1k answers from my side is help for free for newbies here, but to rA staff, my topic is a pain in the ass. Sorry guys, but the topic can't be maintained on such a community anymore because of its admins. Bye
    1 point
  3. Point in the right direction: Open doc/script_commands.txt and read it from start to the end, each command, and what it doing. Download sublime text or VSCode and read how to use different shortcuts, always use one of these editors while you work with NPC script code. Always set C syntax highlight. It will help you hell a lot of times. That why it is very important to know different shortcuts like removing a line, duplicate line, select several lines at once, etc. Without a good editor, you will fail or will be very restricted. Create your own server what you will offer for players to play, prepare features what you wish to create, and start to do it 1 by 1, via copypasting it from script releasing and editing for your own needs, but please read what it is doing and what you change Now open doc/atcommands.txt and read available commands for you, most used commands are: @reloadscript, @reloadnpc, @unloadnpc, @loadnpc, @refresh, @go 0 Create a custom folder in npc/myfolder for example, and create custom scripts_myscripts.conf and put all your custom scripts what will be automatically loaded to the server Tune, edit, write your own code. With time you will be more and more bounded to script_commands for reading what do each command, and what you need to use to create your own type of scripts. Script learning I can divide by next parts: You MUST read from the first line to the last line whole script_commands.txt, this is MUST HAVE thing, without it you will not be able to write anything. Read around 5 chapters in Kernighan and Ritchie C programming language before pointers, arrays, and other complicated stuff. Just to understand syntax, if, while, do, for, vars. Nothing more. At first step, you should understand how to use simple vars, arrays, loops, and how to go through array elements for editing data inside or accessing it Then you need to understand how to use dynamic NPC menus (from arrays) to creating dynamic NPC's scripts. Just use an example what is provided by many scripts writes on the board Then start to play with timers, OnClock labels, OnTime labels, etc. Then write just scripts with goto at the first time, and later start to use more advanced if/else/switch. Do not try to write your code perfect from the start, just try to write it to make it just works, this is super important to know about scripting, do not even try to optimize something, or write in "super-duper true way", do not listen anyone and do not try to copy-paste someone style of code writing, try your own, try to do your own mistakes, and errors. Then after a few months or more, you will be enough (if you will try to create your own scripts) to write own versions of scripts released in a script session. That it. Than start learn C (if you wish to go deeper)
    1 point
  4. delay_dependon_dex: no delay_dependon_agi: no
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. View File Custom NPC Sprite for Card Remover Here is 1 of some sprite that lately I make to my server. Credits: Idea: AvonRO. Image: Gravity Interactive (Box & Smoke) w0wzukubg (Cards Image) (I don't know who own the Guy image since I can't find it or the source no longer available) It's just my experiments about sprite editing to improve my experience about it. Do remain any credits of respective author if you know. Submitter mralchemia Submitted 11/08/2018 Category NPC Sprites Video Content Author Unknown  
    1 point
  7. - script maxlevelrewards -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: OnPCJobLvUpEvent: if(BaseLevel == 99 && JobLevel == 70){ .@class$ = Class; if(getd("#" + .@class$) == 0){ for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.class_id); .@i++){ if(Class != .class_id[.@i]){ continue; } getitem .weapon_id[.@i],1; break; } for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item_reward); .@i += 2){ getitem .item_reward[.@i],.item_reward[.@i + 1]; } setd("#" + .@class$,1); dispbottom "Here is your rewards for the " + jobname(Class) + " job."; } } end; OnInit: setarray .class_id,4008,4009,4010,4011,4012,4013,4015,4016,4017,4018,4019,4020,4021; //= Trans Class ID setarray .weapon_id,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513; //= Weapon ID For Class setarray .item_reward,501,20,502,20; //= Item ID , Amount end; } Just add your plus things I don't know just copy in the doc or somewhere
    1 point
  8. #define RENEWAL_CAST change it to ///#define RENEWAL_CAST and recompile
    1 point
  9. edit this file. data/itemmoveinfov5.txt
    1 point
  10. I tested the problem only happens if you have more than one food for the pet in inventory ... if you have only one not of crash, but displays the following message from msgstringtable.txt: #Edit: To fix open your msgstringtable.txt, and change the line: Feeding the pet. %d '%s' remaining# for: Feeding the pet. %s %d remaining# Finished.
    1 point
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