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  1. Story Time: A lot of players run into problems. They disconnected in an instance, they bought the wrong item, someone is being a nuisance in battlegrounds. After cursing, they usually type `@request`. But alas, none of the GMs you hired are online! You need to dock their pay. The message is lost in the void. Until now. Discord has support for webhooks, which is a way to associate callbacks to HTTP requests. Their developer docs for webhooks can be found here. Basically, you can send a POST to your discord webhook url, and the contents will be printed to the associated channel. "So?" When someone uses `@request`, the message is sent from the map server to the character server, which then sends it back to all map servers, and the map servers send the message to all connected GMs. Because it sends it to the character server, we're able to send the POST request from the character server. This helps performance, since the map server is constantly doing things and the character server generally uses less resources. "That's great! But how do we send this POST request? Do I need a stamp?" If you're on Linux, there's a great command line tool called `curl`. It's mostly used to download files from a server, but it also has support for all other HTTP methods. "Command line? How do we put it in rathena?" Curl also comes with a library called libcurl that we can use in c/c++ programs! "I see, so we use libcurl to send the message to the discord webhook!" Exactly! How it looks: Installation: Two config options are added in this patch: gm_whisp_webhook and gm_whisp_webhook_url This makes a change to configure, and adds a new flag. You need to add --with-lcurl to your arguments. Example: ./configure --enable-prere --enable-vip --enable-packetver=20170614 --with-lcurl Disclaimers: This only works on linux. I don't run rAthena servers on windows, and neither should you. (personal opinion) You need to install libcurl-devel. On some OSes it could be called something else; on Ubuntu, it's libcurl4-openssl-dev. Don't ask me for a lot of help if you can't get it to work. This is supposed to be a showcase, but I'm giving the code out. I made this in a day, it's not the greatest code. Initializing curl and cleaning up on every call is not the greatest, but unless you are getting 100 requests a minute, it should be ok for now. Eventually, I want to add it to src/common or something. But that'll happen in a future weekend. Code: The code is here: https://pastebin.com/Z82M9ssf
    3 points
  2. Version 1.0.1


    I don't know the reason but on my Fluxcp the system "UPLOAD ITEMINFO.LUA" never worked and so I took the file "itemInfo.lua" file translated by @zackdreaver (GIT repo) with all the descriptions of the translated items formatted in HTML and I have made a SQL file that inserts the data in the `cp_itemdesc` table which should be enabled on the Fluxcp "Add Item Info" page. The option to activate the description of the items is the following in the file "/config/application.php": 'ShowItemDesc' => true, // Displays generated item descs from parsed itemInfo.lua It depends on the configuration of your "phpmyadmin" (if you use it), but it is very likely that you will need to split this SQL file into several parts to avoid timing out during the query run. if you want to thank me, you can give me a "LIKE"! ;D p.s.: the first 8 items on the list are custom of my server!
    1 point
  3. Please be guided by this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/connecting
    1 point
  4. FROM 'enablerss' => false, TO 'enablerss' => true,
    1 point
  5. Your best bet would be to clean up the misplaced lua files, textures, sprites, etc first; Removing maps would require you to also redo your map cache which could possibly throw up error messages in your server for missing NPCs/maps
    1 point
  6. Version 2.0.0


    CHEST CUSTOM MONSTER Greetings again, rAthena! I'm Haziel, you might know me from the work I've done for the past years, I'm back again with new releases every week. And, to begin with, I'm bringing back my old freebies which had their links broken for quite a while now. But, I couldn't do that without improving them and bringing them to the current level of skill I have nowadays. Chest is a Custom Monster, made with the intention of being used as a reward crate or box, it has the static pose, receiving damage pose and the dying pose, where it opens up. This package contains 10 Colours for you to pick whenever suits your script or event best.. I hope you enjoy the final product! If you're interested on my work, Contact me on hyering or through one of the channels below! By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: • YOU WILL NOT remove my signature from any of the included files. • YOU WILL NOT alter, edit, recolour any of my files unless for your personal use. • YOU WILL NOT repost, repass or mirror my work nor edited versions of it anywhere. • YOU WILL NOT sell, resell or in any manner, ask money or rewards using my work as exchange. • YOU WILL NOT claim my work as yours.
    1 point
  7. It would be easier to make this server side via plugin, because the server knows when an announce happens. All you need to do is wire this to a discord server of your choosing. Making it the way you intended via players that receive the announce the discord server would get the message n times the player count.
    1 point
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