January Digest 2016 The following digest covers the month of January, 2016.
Staff Changes
@Stolao is now a Script/DB Developer
Development Highlights
Constants migration to source exports: Status Icon, Element, Race, Class, Size, BF, ATF, Emoticon, Send target, Mercenary guild, Item type, Add skill type, Bonus script flag, Binding, Quest check and Parameter, Weapon and Ammunition type, Getpetinfo, Getmonsterinfo, Font Weight, Look, Boolean (2b00879, 7565dcc, f558f85, 2eb8b93, 43d9445, 3929f7a, 00057d7, 5b78941, a2a13ee, b1e97ce, d37e895, 087a0f4, 6532f74, d30b250, 90dcd84, a68ab0c, 28e3371, 958b6cd, 33729eb, 6534704)
Fixed source file novice_skill not found (80f5d1b)
Fixed compilation error and warnings (8d152e9, d909601, 9643230, 0d0c144, 5c30116, 79d6eb2)
Fixed Map server crash (f2bad5e, ec14901)
Constant removed: Job_Alchem and Job_Baby_Alchem (5ea3f30)
Constant replaced: EQI_COSTUME_TOP/MID/LOW into EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP/MID/LOW (d32c857)
Randomized Start Point implemented (a54bb65)
Updated packet size for newer clients (a636732)
Added support for Body style for newer clients (d70b173)
Fixed Callshop bug and Buying (01ba54c)
Added support for Mechanic Outfit (8413ae9)
Fixed monster/MVP target selection (4fdcb2e)
Addes support for client 2015-10-01 / 2015-10-29 (e3c274a)
Monster random walk code optimized (78419ba)
Item DB update (a3877ab, 1abb02c, 7757882, 8655913, 3f26c3d, 1d2dc2a)
Fixed error in /db/pre-re/skill_require_db.txt (7cfd0df)
Updated skills: Throw Kunai, Spread Shot, Ground Drift, Soul Exhale, Chain Lightning animation, Comet, Adoramus, Hover, Water Screen, Makibishi, Soul Destroyer, Water Ball, Jupitel Thunder, Mystical Amplification, Benedictio, Volcanic Ash, Vulture's Eye, Snake's Eye, Tarot Card, Warg skills, Blacksmith skills, NPC_EVILLAND, Sanctuary, Pneuma, Arrow Shower, Charge Attack, Waterball, Sightblaster, Land Mine, Blast Mine, Claymore Mine, Knuckle Arrow, Spear Stab, Illusion Bewitch, Chorus skills, Flash Combo, Kaahi, Miracle (8ab031f, c699304, 9b48263, 45aab55, 9db667c, e4a3811, b85885c, 88d2cd7, bbe9601, 6ebcb67, 5d7d994, 4c2d515, 20e4029, cccd149, 4068266, 8e6a65f, e12fb64, 9721dc9, 4fd4c1d, 41e6b4a, 5971745, 45936c7, d170b55, 5afc620, 497cca1, fc68007, 92bf61c, 78e8147)
Mob DB update (f987f1b, 3011639, 3f78f16)
Fixed issue with Driller NPC item check (9046e7e)
Fixed Eden Quest (6a62aab)
Updated .gitignore, /tools/convert_sql.pl, install.sh and uninstall.sh (dbf2916, e368b5f, 1352b46)
Added a unique index for aegis name to the item tables (09a8730)
Updated mob mode in documentation (dfb5665)
Updated Renewal map cache (918ef96)
11 authors have pushed 124 commits during this period.
On master, 92 files have changed.
There have been 7,001 additions and 4,377 deletions.
There are 9 merged Pull Requests and 0 Proposed Pull Requests.
There are 19 new Issues and 81 Closed Issues.
List of Contributors
@admkakaroto, @aleos89, @anacondaqq, @Atemo, @Badarosk0, @CairoLee, @csnv, @cydh, @Dark8008, @ernestfegarido, @exneval, @icxbb-xx, @julia40124009, @ksallberg, @lelouch22, @Lemongrass3110, @lighta, @mrdiablo, @mrjnumber1, @nanakiwurtz, @panko11, @Paoly28, @Playtester, @RagnarokNova, @reunite-ro, @Rytech, @secretdataz, @stmarier, @Sweet520, @zackdreaver
Show your support to rAthena by submitting your Issue or Pull Requests!
[spoiler=You can help us too! (Yes, YOU! )]Currently rAthena uses GitHub Issues to handle bugs, server crash, pull requests, etc.. Most of the reports are fine, but some posts on our GitHub Issues are lacking of information needed to identify the possible cause, therefore it will make the dev to ask the same questions over and over again. So, I'm here to show you a small tutorial on how to improve rAthena's GitHub Issues ^^ First of all, it will helps the devs a lot if the issue reporter put decent information on the top of the report. You can copy paste the text below, and put it on top of your report: [spoiler=GitHub Header Format]
Git Hash/Date:
Client Date:
Server Mode: Pre-RE/Renewal
Source/Script Mods:
How To Replicate:
Now I will explain what does the above lines means. - Git Hash/Date = It means the referrence for each commits in GitHub, it can be used to identify which code has been changed/added. If you can't provide the Git Hash, at least you can use the date where you pulled/clone the repository. If you are still using SVN (which is not recommended anymore), you can provide the Revision Number instead. [spoiler=Here I will show you how to get your current Git Hash] 1. Open up your Command Line Prompt' if you are on Windows, or 'Terminal' if you are on Linux. Navigate to your repository folder. For example if your rAthena folder is on F:\Folder\rAthena and currently you are on C:\, then you can type F:(enter)cd folder\rathena(enter). If your folder name contains space, enclose your folder name inside the "". After you navigate to your repository folder, type: git show (Actually you can use another commands like: git rev-parse HEAD or git rev-parse --short HEAD) 2. You will see your current Git Hash number which can be pasted using the short version (only it's first 7 characters). For example: 5a0f8dc12ae1d0b2c3bf0a9fecc085719a28622b can be safely written as 5a0f8dc. 3. On the screenshot, I used a Git application (SmartGit), and it shows the same Git Hash number like the one on Command Line Prompt. There are lots of Git applications available, you can use whichever you want. 4. "master <3 origin" here is not "master loves origin" D: It means that currently my local repo is '3 commits behind' from the master repo. In other words, someone has pushed some new commits (in this case, 3 commits) and I haven't pulled/fetch them. If I made some modification on my local repo but haven't pushed my commit to the master repo, it means that my local repo is 'ahead' of master repo. 5. Those dots are the commits details which is already pushed to the master repo. 6. HEAD means our 'current local repo'. After reading the above explanations, I hope that no one will use the word 'latest git/hash/version/revision' anymore, because it's incorrect and confusing
- Client Date = Put with the client date you are using. - Server Mode: Pre-RE/Renewal = Choose one, by deleting the unneeded one. - Source/Script Mods = If you ever edited or applied some diffs from other sources, or you have edited the corresponding script, please describe it here. Because sometimes the report is invalid because of this reason. - Descriptions = Describe your report here, if it's a server crash or compilation warning (or the others), please include the screenshot or the debug data too. - How To Replicate = If you can, please describe on how to replicate the bugs you found, so it can be identified easier. We are thankful if all issue reporters could follow the above format.