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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/23 in all areas

  1. Version 1.1.0


    Hi, Just dropping some random scripts on my drive. Enjoy! Script Info: https://maxion-1.gitbook.io/ragnarok-landverse-whitepaper/beginner-guide/pets-system NOTE: This is only a replication attempt. This doesn't have the pet combination UI as per the link showing. This will use NPC Shop UI instead. This is NOT limited to pet combination, you can be creative and change this to item tier combination if you wish. If you know how to read and basic scripting knowledge, then you can edit this script without problem. Use at your own risk.
    1 point
  2. Version 2.1


    Hello everynyan, this is a free release for all our event GMs out there This should help out in events with easier recalls, barricades, announcements and such! If you have any suggestions or bugs, please feel free to inform me. Commands as follows dispbottom "@event usage: "; dispbottom "------------------"; dispbottom "@event left (teleport left-side)"; dispbottom "@event right ((teleport right-side)"; dispbottom "@event recall (recall parties)"; dispbottom "@event debuff (debuff all)"; dispbottom "@event supply (give supply all)"; dispbottom "@event start (start event)"; dispbottom "@event stop (stop event)"; dispbottom "@event partycount (count online members)"; dispbottom "@event mode (selects Guild or Party mode)"; dispbottom "@event repot (announces for repots)"; dispbottom "@event winner (announces who's the winner)"; dispbottom "------------------";
    1 point
  3. This is going to be a blunt post. For some time now the rAthena staff have been actively working to reduce the number of reseller advertisements that crop up on our forums, our Discord server, Facebook, websites, etc. We strongly advise that rAthena users do not engage with resellers. The code/content isn’t theirs to sell. You receive little to no support. You are at risk of being scammed. You are not supporting the developers of their respective projects or original content creators. You are lining the pockets of thieves and scammers who have no idea what they’re doing. The original project authors begin to feel demotivated - this can cause them to stop working on this and upcoming projects altogether. The number of reports from our users who have been scammed has increased significantly over the last year. If you wish to hire the services of a known and trusted developer, please use https://rathena.org/board/thirdpartyservices/ - this list of members of our forum has been vetted and approved. This is a list of members who are not going to scam you. If you decide to give your money to some random idiot that claims to have “full working premade x, y, z” then that’s on you. We can’t stop you, but you’re certainly adding fuel to the fire and these idiots will continue to take advantage of other members of our community. If you receive a DM from anyone trying to sell content on rAthena’s Discord or forum and the person is not listed on the Third Party Services page, we suggest taking evidence and report the users to a member of staff. So, what should you do instead? Setting up rAthena and a working client is easy. You don’t need someone else to do it for you - that is not how you learn. Using any of the multitude of tutorials and wiki pages will help you get your rAthena server up and running. If you don’t do it yourself, you will not learn where the configurations are. You won’t learn how to modify an item/mob. You won’t know how to enable an NPC. If you’re now thinking “well, I don’t have time, that’s why I pay someone” then maybe running a game server is not for you. Reseller = Bad. Learning and Self-Betterment = Good. I’m hoping this post gets our point across loud and clear.
    1 point
  4. Afternoon all! Back in March this year, the staff had a few conversations regarding the Donation Goals we periodically created in order to keep the forums afloat. While the Goals did what they needed to do for the most part, there was still the other reason that the Goals were created that wasn't being fulfilled. This was for the Devs to earn some monetary recompense for their hard work. As the Donation Goal platform wasn't fulfilling that need, I went ahead and purchased an App for our forums that can do everything we need it to. Crowdfunding. We were going to leave the App offline until one of the Devs could create a code related goal, but since the discussion in https://rathena.org/board/topic/115859-multi-mod-auto-replies/ I thought we may as well go ahead and open up the platform now. You can find the link under "Supporting rA" in the navigation bar. Projects can only be created by staff for forum related apps/plugins/fees or for code projects/enhancements/features for the code itself on github. The project owner receives the donation values to their account credit, which they can then disperse to other staff if they want to share their funds. This platform gives the Devs all they need to get a little bit back. While some of the staff have voiced their thoughts on opening this platform up to regular members, i'm holding off on that until we can find a way of ensuring that project owners will complete their project once the goal has been met. We'll try a few small project goals and see how we go. If the platform does indeed do what we need it to, then we'll begin to think about releasing larger projects to it. Akky out~
    1 point
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