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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/13 in Posts

  1. prontera,171,182,3 script Ranking MvP 857,{ if (getgmlevel() > 20) { if ( select( "Ranking", "Reset" ) -1 ) { query_sql "DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = 'MVPRank'"; dispbottom "MVP Ranking has been reset."; close; } } query_sql "SELECT `global_reg_value`.`value`, `char`.`name` FROM `global_reg_value` left join `char` on `global_reg_value`.`char_id` = `char`.`char_id` "+ "WHERE `global_reg_value`.`str`= 'MVPRank' ORDER BY ABS(value) DESC LIMIT 10", .@pontos_mvp, .@char_name$; dispbottom "Position. Player: MVPs Dead: "; dispbottom " "; if( !getarraysize( .@char_name$ ) ) dispbottom "*Empty List*"; else for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@char_name$ ) ; set .@i, .@i +1 ) dispbottom "["+ ( .@i +1 ) +"] Nome: ["+ .@char_name$[.@i] +"] [MVPs: "+ .@pontos_mvp[.@i]+"]"; close; OnInit: waitingroom "[ Ranking MVP ]",0; end; } if (getgroupid() < 20) end; //Put minimum GM level here getgroupid works only on rA and you don't use rA if I remember correctly
    2 points
  2. Some mismatch map_msg <--> map_msg_* rus: [101, 164, 267, 293, 694, 1323] idn: [172, 173, 253] chn: [334, 410, 411, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 620, 622]
    2 points
  3. Xantara's FluxCP Everyone knows of FluxCP. However, with the creation of rAthena, there became a need to support renewal changes and other features such as the new group system. This is where my Control Panel comes in. Xantara's FluxCP is a free and open source control panel to work with rAthena. Forked from FluxCP by Paradox924X and Byteflux at r1121. I will continually merge updates from the original FluxCP. Demo: http://web.artistic-coder.com/fluxcp-rA Note: this site is used to test new functionality and custom addons so it may not always be functioning properly Features The original/base FluxCP already comes with a lot of features. Here I will only highlight those that came after the fork. For a full list, click here. Updated Ragnarok Data Full Birthdate Functionality Working GM Group System Mob Skills SQLized Zeny Log Page Specific Item Drop Rates Toggle for Pre-Renewal or Renewal SQL Data Alchemist Ranking Blacksmith Ranking Paginated Item Shop Character/job images (static) WIP Account management system (link one or more in-game accounts to one CP account) Queued Accepted Suggestions (have suggestions? post them here!) Search in logs page Pin code functionality Character sprites with palettes (would replace static images) Requirements Apache webserver with PHP 5.2 or greater PDO extension with MySQL support (http://www.php.net/pdo) PHP GD2 for security images (Optional) Enabled Zip extension for exporting guild emblems (Optional) Apache/mod_rewrite for using the "Clean URLs" feature Download There are three ways to get a copy of this Control Panel. For detailed installation instructions, click here (TBD). 1. GIT Clone git clone https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra.git * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseGit with its friendly user interface. 2. SVN Checkout svn checkout https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/trunk/ * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseSVN with its friendly user interface. 3. ZIP Download https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/archive/master.zip Extra Downloads Extract to the root folder of your FluxCP system Job Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Jobs_Images_2012-04-28.zip Updated details: April 28, 2013 Credits: Xantara Monster Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Monsters_Eclage_14.2.zip Updated details: Mob ID #2380 of Eclage (Episode 14.2) Credits: Brynner Item Icon Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Icons_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Item Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Images_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Quick Links Wiki: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/wiki Bug/Suggestion Reports: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-rA/issues GitPage: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra Misc. Feel free to post any suggestions here. If suitable, they may be polled by general users before being decided to be implemented or not. If you have a feature already coded that you would like to share, please do send a GIT pull request or send me an SVN diff of the work - I'd love to take a look at it! Please note that working on this open-source project will furthermore serve as a learning opportunity for me. If you find that I've implemented something that could be improved, I urge you to let me know - your knowledge on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Like my work? Rep up the topic first post
    1 point
  4. Scripting Intermediário! - 1 Olá, meu nome é João Victor vulgo nick é Wolf, e estou criando este tutorial para aprendizado da linguagem script do emulador. São aulas que estavam desatualizadas antigamente no eAthena, que eu me propus a atualizar e adicionar comandos como while, e outros exemplos afim de ajudar a todos da comunidade. Primeiro assunto: - While No inglês o comando While significa enquanto, funciona da mesma forma que um if (verificação). Utilizando condição como base, ele criará um loop (laço) enquanto o valor que estiver nele for verdadeiro, vejamos um exemplo: set @i, 1; while (@i < 100) { mes "Estou aprendendo loopings em Script!"; set @i, @i +1; } Nesse caso, iniciamos o nosso contador que é o While, lembrando que primeiro atribuimos um valor a nossa variável que é igual a 1 (@i). Nosso While avalia se @i é menor que 100, caso for verdadeiro, a condição, ele executará o script, se não for, no caso a condição for falsa, ele sairá do loop (do laço). A primeira volta de nosso loop, a instrução é verdadeira, então dentro do loop escrevemos a mensagem e somamos +1 a variável @i, com o operador de incrementação (+). Após terminar, o loop volta e avalia @i com o vlaor 2, se for verdadeiro, rodará mais uma vez, e assim por diante, até que chegue a seu limite e delimite como falsa, para quebrar o loop. No caso se quisessemos fazer com if, fariamos dessa forma: Retornar: if (@i < 100) { mes "estou aprendendo loops em script!"; set @i, @i +1; callsub Retornar; } Como vimos, o comando while verifica primeiro a variável. Já o comando Do While, que iremos explicar agora, faz ao contrário. Mas porquê? Simples, ele executa o código primeiro, e só depois que verifica a variável, se ela for verdadeira, ele executará o código novamente, e não como o while que verifica primeiro para que depois possa executar ou não o script. Veja o exemplo: set @i, 1; do { mes "Estou aprendendo loops em script!"; set @i, @i +1; } while (@i < 100); Fim da aula de While! Segundo assunto desta aula: - For A sintaxe (comando) for funciona da mesma maneira que o While, em conjunto com um if. Utilizando uma ou mais variáveis como base, junto com uma condição. Ele cria um loop também, enquanto o valor for verdadeiro ele executa, porém em uma linha só, vejamos: for (set @i,1; //Como no While, setamos a variável e seu valor. Agora nesse mesmo For, iremos incrementar a condição, como no While, veja: for (set @i,1; @i <= 100; E como no final, iremos adicionar +1 a variável inicial, para que o for possa contar, até chegar o seu valor condicionalmente definido (100), como abaixo: for (set @i,1; @i <= 100; set @i, @i + 1) Isso não fará do script incorreto, mas se você fizer isso e não souber utilizar corretamente o script, fará um loop inifinito, ou seja, executará o script para sempre, sem que ele pare. Utilizamos desta forma quando o script acaba sendo baseado em uma variável inicial, ou mais variáveis. Veja: for (set @i,1; @i < 100; set @i, @i + 1) { mes "Estou aprendendo loops em script!"; } Neste caso ele executará o mes 100x até o valor 100 ser sanado, batido. Vejamos melhor como funciona, se eu utilizasse um if: set @i, 1; Retornar: if (@i < 100) { mes "Estou aprendendo Loopings em Script!"; set @i, @i + 1; callsub Retornar; } Mas pra que isso, se podemos transformar esse if em apenas uma linha? Veja: for (for set @i,1; @i < 100; set @i, @i +1) { mes "Estou aprendendo Loopings em Script!"; } set @i,0; É o valor inicial da variável base. @i < 100; É a condição para o loop se manter. set @i,@i+1; É o complemento da variável, a incrementação na variável @i, para que a condição seja atingida. Acabamos por aqui nossa primeira aula de script intermediário! Agradeço ao Keoy por ter me ajudado sempre, ser meu professor antigamente e me ensinar muito tudo que sei, e me ter dado aulas com base para criação destes tutoriais.
    1 point
  5. not realize that it was changed. well then, fixed on same link.
    1 point
  6. prontera,147,174,6 script Buff 750,{ if( @delay_buff ) end; percentheal 100,100; skilleffect 384,0; sc_start SC_MELTDOWN,360000,5; skilleffect 383,0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,360000,5; skilleffect 378,0; sc_start SC_EDP,360000,5; skilleffect 465,0; sc_start SC_KAITE,360000,7; skilleffect 464,0; sc_start SC_KAUPE,360000,3; skilleffect 463,0; sc_start SC_KAAHI,360000,7; skilleffect 462,0; sc_start SC_KAIZEL,360000,7; skilleffect 8,0; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10; skilleffect 33,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10; skilleffect 45,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,360000,10; skilleffect 74,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5; skilleffect 75,0; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5; skilleffect 459,0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,360000,1; skilleffect 66,0; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; skilleffect 67,0; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,3; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; skilleffect 112,0; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,360000,10; skilleffect 113,0; sc_start SC_OVERTHRUST,360000,5; skilleffect 114,0; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,360000,5; skilleffect 357,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATION,360000,5; skilleffect 355,0; sc_start SC_AURABLADE,360000,5; skilleffect 155,0; sc_start SC_LOUD,360000,1; skilleffect 157,0; sc_start SC_ENERGYCOAT,360000,1; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0; sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10; skilleffect 380,0; sc_start SC_TRUESIGHT,360000,5; skilleffect 361,0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,5; switch ( basejob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; } @delay_buff++; sleep2 1000; @delay_buff = 0; end; } EDIT: 2 replies before me lol
    1 point
  7. prontera,150,150,5 script Caster 811,{ percentheal 100,100; skilleffect 384,0; sc_start SC_MELTDOWN,360000,5; skilleffect 383,0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,360000,5; skilleffect 378,0; sc_start SC_EDP,360000,5; skilleffect 465,0; sc_start SC_KAITE,360000,7; skilleffect 464,0; sc_start SC_KAUPE,360000,3; skilleffect 463,0; sc_start SC_KAAHI,360000,7; skilleffect 462,0; sc_start SC_KAIZEL,360000,7; skilleffect 8,0; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10; skilleffect 33,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10; skilleffect 45,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,360000,10; skilleffect 74,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5; skilleffect 75,0; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5; skilleffect 459,0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,360000,1; skilleffect 66,0; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; skilleffect 67,0; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,3; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; skilleffect 112,0; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,360000,10; skilleffect 113,0; sc_start SC_OVERTHRUST,360000,5; skilleffect 114,0; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,360000,5; skilleffect 357,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATION,360000,5; skilleffect 355,0; sc_start SC_AURABLADE,360000,5; skilleffect 155,0; sc_start SC_LOUD,360000,1; skilleffect 157,0; sc_start SC_ENERGYCOAT,360000,1; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0; sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10; skilleffect 380,0; sc_start SC_TRUESIGHT,360000,5; skilleffect 361,0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,5; close; }
    1 point
  8. what client version are you using. if its > 2012-04-10a then txt files are no longer supported (iteminfo.lua is used).... unless you are using ragexe.
    1 point
  9. i noticed that the skill crashed for the 2012-06-18aRagexe is fixed. unlike for 2012-06-18aRagexeRE client crashed after using quagmire then move to another map.
    1 point
  10. You can add it anywhere before the end of the script. You can add it below OnInit.
    1 point
  11. Sa data folder mo ilalagay ang clientinfo then i bubuild mo sya as GRF un lang yun.
    1 point
  12. Try this one Find: B9 58 08 9B 00 75 59 Replace: B9 58 08 9B 00 EB 59
    1 point
  13. File Name: Harmony Logs Viewer for FluxCP File Submitter: clydelion File Submitted: 21 Nov 2012 File Category: Web Resources Content Author: clydelion What it does? This addon for FluxCP enables the control panel to display harmony's log. Requirements: 1. FluxCP 2. Harmony Patterned from default fluxcp pages. Nothing fancy. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. salam bro. bukan ke by default memang dah on ? gune je la job change yang di sediakan. ok
    1 point
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