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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/13 in Posts

  1. well you know what happens to messengers JK
    3 points
  2. "Other than english ^^" It's a bitmask we use that type of configuration on lot of other conf....anyway: LANG_RUS = 0x01, LANG_SPN = 0x02, LANG_GRM = 0x04, LANG_CHN = 0x08, LANG_MAL = 0x10, LANG_IDN = 0x20, LANG_FRN = 0x40, 1st) you can't disable english it's extra lang you add by enable them or not. (We could change default english but it's not supported) so here few example of how it work : #define LANG_ENABLE 0x00 //english only #define LANG_ENABLE 0x01 //english + russian #define LANG_ENABLE 0x03 //english + russian + spanish #define LANG_ENABLE 0x43 //english + russian + spanish + french #define LANG_ENABLE 0x10 //english + malansian So basically take LANG_ENABLE and add the value you want enable on it.
    2 points
  3. Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears EDIT : All scripts and wiki can be found here : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther DL : https://code.google.com/archive/p/aerie-pinkpanther/downloads?page=1 Description : This is a kind of Stand-Alone, a new continent, independant of the rest of Rune-Midgard (except for the access quest at Alberta). So no conflict with your own modifications. The aim is to increase the quest's interest in Ragnarök, by instancied quests, animated NPC, a true scenario, exploration of new horizons ... Created for a party of 4-5 players, you can't do it alone, it's more like a basic RPG. The Continent of Arsinoé is a single scenario with various quests. You have Four independant campaigns : The Goblin King, UnderWorld, Sidon and The Rana's Empire where you are leading an army in a succession of instances in differents battlefields. See also the second mod compatible with Arsinoé one : Schallmar Islands Contains : - 120+ Maps - 140+ Monsters - 75+ Items - 65+ Quests English Version : A new translation in English by Mirabell and TrueNoir ! Spanish Version : Yatadaid, Racing~, darknessx, Ijct, GMKira, Destiny and Celsius ! Players now you can change directly IG your language (French / English / Spanish), Data files must be gives by Administrators. Administrators choose the main language for announces, you can choose to display one or more languages. (Check Configuration.txt) All services are earned with your quest's level, like : - Savepoints (long trip before found a place for rest) - Teleportation (You need to unlock the map before and by a quest of course) - Healer (Donations to the Church for increase the % of rest) - Train's Stations (For cross quickly a part of the continent) - Shops (A big compagny hold all the commerce, if you help them, they'll give you more interesting supplies) - In other regions, you can found Boatmen. - An Arena system (Look to the screenshots), with different modes of game for won prices. - Integrated Mini-Games in quest. - Snow, Desert, Forest, Swamp Jungle, Volcano, Town, UnderWorld, different types of environnement - 10 Titles, With your name in a Hall of Fame ! - A New Kind of WoE, a mix between GvG and PvE. - Questlog system and also emoticons for help you in your adventure ! - An Introduction for your server who takes place in Arsinoé - Fishing system - A Marathon - Many others games, accessible without quest requierement. Guide : The Guide is done, you can report here : http://code.google.com/p/aerie-pinkpanther/wiki/Sommaire?wl=en Now it's avaible in the svn, you can found here images for put in your website the Guide : Arsinoé Guide - Images Pack v.1.00 Configuration : - Easy system for configurate rewards, for adapting them to your server. (check npc/arsinoe/Configuration.txt) and minimum requiered players in Arena and Instances. - You can choose between local or global annunce when an Instance began. - Easy to install, no source modifications, all explications for install in script archive. - You need a client with the episode 14 (some textures and models used) - For using Introduction just change char_athena.conf by [start_point: ars_fild41,30,54]. The Continent : Map by Elandor. Download : - Scripts files : Here the SVN for scripts : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther - Maps files : Download(Current version 2.00) For get the last upgrade without download the full archive, use this patch list : Download (only for Map Pack version more than 1.50). You'll recieve separate upgrades in *.gpf format. - BGM files : Download (Current version 1.40) Changelog : //================= //Maps //================= v. 1.00 = Public version v. 1.10 = - ars_fild04 (gat revision) - ars_dun13 / ars_dun14 / ars_dun15 (add map) - ars_in02 (New Zone) - ars_fild22 (gat revision) v. 1.20 = - Fix cliping effect v. 1.30 = - Lightmaps fix for all maps / New Mini-maps - Add ars_dun16 / ars_in08 v. 1.40 = - Add Soulavein's War, Hylarheim and UnderWorld Extension. (+15 maps) v. 1.45 = - Add Introduction maps (+5 maps) v. 1.50 = - Add Sidon, Kargah extension maps (+15 maps) - Add Alberta Modification - Modification of : ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 / ars_fild17 / ars_fild33 / ars_fild36 v. 1.55 = - ars_fild01 / ars_fild04 / coppa / tantale_ile = complete revision v. 1.56 = - ars_fild05 / ars_fild06 / ars_in01 = complete revision - Add ars_dun31 v. 1.57 = - Add quest illustrations and icons - Reduction of mini-maps size v. 1.60 = - ars_in02 / ars_fild51 = revision - Add Neraka maps extension : (+15 maps) v. 1.65 = - ars_fild01 / ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 = fix freezing effects - Add ars_fild56 / ars_fild57 = Gondar extension - ars_dun25 / ars_fild09 / ars_fild23 = complete revision - Water texture change on many maps - Missing minimaps added v. 1.66 = - ars_dun01 / ars_dun02 / ars_fild16 / ars_fild20 / ars_in08 / ars_in10 = complete revision - new models / textures (some from Arcturus) v. 2.00 = - Add ars_fild58 / ars_fild59 / ars_fild60 / ars_fild61 / ars_fild62 / ars_in15 / ars_in16 / ars_in17 / ars_dun40 - ars_fild07 / ars_fild08 / ars_in10 / ars_dun30 = complete revision - new models / textures (some from Arcturus) //================= //BGM //================= v. 1.00 = Public version v. 1.10 = Add Introduction BGM v. 1.20 = Add Sidon and Kargah BGM v. 1.30 = Add Neraka BGM (and some fix) v. 1.40 = Add Abysses BGM (and some fix) How configure the multi-language ? If you have use a previous version, they're compatible but take care all will be in french, you must talk to a Tyr Order member and choose your main language. No problems if the introduction is installed. ~ I hope you'll appreciate my work ! ~ Screenshoots :
    1 point
  4. Xantara's FluxCP Everyone knows of FluxCP. However, with the creation of rAthena, there became a need to support renewal changes and other features such as the new group system. This is where my Control Panel comes in. Xantara's FluxCP is a free and open source control panel to work with rAthena. Forked from FluxCP by Paradox924X and Byteflux at r1121. I will continually merge updates from the original FluxCP. Demo: http://web.artistic-coder.com/fluxcp-rA Note: this site is used to test new functionality and custom addons so it may not always be functioning properly Features The original/base FluxCP already comes with a lot of features. Here I will only highlight those that came after the fork. For a full list, click here. Updated Ragnarok Data Full Birthdate Functionality Working GM Group System Mob Skills SQLized Zeny Log Page Specific Item Drop Rates Toggle for Pre-Renewal or Renewal SQL Data Alchemist Ranking Blacksmith Ranking Paginated Item Shop Character/job images (static) WIP Account management system (link one or more in-game accounts to one CP account) Queued Accepted Suggestions (have suggestions? post them here!) Search in logs page Pin code functionality Character sprites with palettes (would replace static images) Requirements Apache webserver with PHP 5.2 or greater PDO extension with MySQL support (http://www.php.net/pdo) PHP GD2 for security images (Optional) Enabled Zip extension for exporting guild emblems (Optional) Apache/mod_rewrite for using the "Clean URLs" feature Download There are three ways to get a copy of this Control Panel. For detailed installation instructions, click here (TBD). 1. GIT Clone git clone https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra.git * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseGit with its friendly user interface. 2. SVN Checkout svn checkout https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/trunk/ * For Windows, you can take a look at using TortoiseSVN with its friendly user interface. 3. ZIP Download https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/archive/master.zip Extra Downloads Extract to the root folder of your FluxCP system Job Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Jobs_Images_2012-04-28.zip Updated details: April 28, 2013 Credits: Xantara Monster Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Monsters_Eclage_14.2.zip Updated details: Mob ID #2380 of Eclage (Episode 14.2) Credits: Brynner Item Icon Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Icons_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Item Image Files: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra/downloads/FluxCP_Item_Images_2012-04-08.zip Updated details: April 8, 2013 Credits: Latheesan's Extractor Quick Links Wiki: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/wiki Bug/Suggestion Reports: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-rA/issues GitPage: http://missxantara.github.io/fluxcp-ra Misc. Feel free to post any suggestions here. If suitable, they may be polled by general users before being decided to be implemented or not. If you have a feature already coded that you would like to share, please do send a GIT pull request or send me an SVN diff of the work - I'd love to take a look at it! Please note that working on this open-source project will furthermore serve as a learning opportunity for me. If you find that I've implemented something that could be improved, I urge you to let me know - your knowledge on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Like my work? Rep up the topic first post
    1 point
  5. Here's a guide for it. http://ragnarok.levelupgames.ph/main/guide-for-high-density-refining-items/ Requesting a NPC that works as the link above. Thank you!
    1 point
  6. File Name: Account Bound Items File Submitter: Xantara File Submitted: 16 Sep 2012 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Xantara, Zephyrus, RO Information This system would allow (non-stackable, non-pet-egg) items to be bounded onto a player's account. This means that the bounded items cannot be traded, dropped, auctioned, nor mailed. But, they can be storaged so that it can be shared among the characters of that account. Features: - Item coloration to distinguish bounded items and non-bounded ones (see screenshot) - Script commands (getitembound, getitembound2, equipisbounded) to create and check for bounded items - At commands (@itembound, @itembound2) to create bounded items - New group permission (can_trade_bounded) to allow the group to distribute these bounded items if enabled (mostly just for High GMs / Admins) - Changes to the SQL files to track bounded items. This would effect cart, inventory, and storage databases. Tested on rAthena revision 17294 (using v1.5.1). Script Command Documentations At Commands Documentations Known Issues - When moving a bounded item to storage, item colouration is gone. However, re-opening the storage or re-logging will fix this issue.1 - When moving a bounded item to the cart inventory, item colouration is gone. However, re-logging will fix this issue.1 1 If you are able to find these packets (ie. PACKET_ZC_ADD_ITEM_TO_STORE3 and/or PACKET_ZC_ADD_ITEM_TO_CART3), please let me know! Credits Created by @Xantara Popularized by Zephyrus Idea by Ragnarok Online License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Like my work? Rate/vote this download Rep up my support topic post Do not mirror without my consent. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I was a little confused, corrected thanks In your for() version, you are using a goto + jump_zero, when I just use a jump_nonzero. So no it's not better.
    1 point
  8. Are you sure that the original code for 'for' isn't like this? <a>; __FR%x_J: jump_zero( <b>, __FR%x_FIN ); goto __FR%x_BGN; __FR%x_NXT: <c>; goto __FR%x_J; // <---- __FR%x_BGN: <d>; goto __FR%x_NXT; __FR%x_FIN: My suggestion is to use a forced jump instead using the jump_nonzero: <a>; __FR%x_J: jump_zero( <b>, __FR%x_FIN ); <d>; __FR%x_NXT: <c>; goto __FR%x_J; __FR%x_FIN: And in your proposal for the 'while', why are you checking the <b>? Isn't the check routine is in <a>? Sorry to bother you with these newbie questions (=_=') Thanks KeyWorld
    1 point
  9. I've been in a web industry and yet still a student. Good to know you want to learn HTML and CSS. 1. As a web developer the first thing you must do is to create a wrapper that will center the whole website so that even the user zoom-in or zoom-out the webpage it will not mess up. In your case try to zoom out your webpage and the background will divided into chunks although your web contents are centered. 2. I saw your cascading style sheets here http://shiftro.com/styles.css on the html style why don't you use no-repeat for the background so that it will not be divided in to chunks when zoomed out. On the body part, why you use margin: 0 0; where you can actually put margin: 0; and the rest are good. But i will credit your css because you consider cross-browser compatibility codes. Anyway since you are just starting off with web development. I will assume this is a good start. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  10. I would just read the corresponding conf file in the main directory or if it lies in re/pre re will be precompiled. All of the parameters I pointed out are basically names of conf files. It wouldnt work out for warps or monsters inside of other script files though
    1 point
  11. I was wondering if anyone has a SPR to Animated GIF tool or could point me in the right direction for coding one up. (This is for working regarding my FluxCP project). Please and thank you~
    1 point
  12. Muchas gracias, me sirvió de mucho
    1 point
  13. Hi - Mariel, You need to visit your site by browsing to the domain you have registered for your webhost. According to WHOIS records, the domain of "conspiracy-ro.com" is not registered or purchased. AsuraHosting provides you with 2 options for your webhosting. To use an already existing domain which you purchased/own, or to use a free sub-domain (*.ragnarok.so) provided by us. In order to use "conspiracy-ro.com", you have to purchase it from an authorized domain reseller such as GoDaddy, DynaDot, or NameCheap. Then set the nameservers of your purchased domain name to 'ns1.asurahosting.com' and 'ns2.asurahosting.com'.
    1 point
  14. They'll be given out soon, working out some last-minute issues. (Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger!)
    1 point
  15. Versión en Español Spanish version - Latino América version. (Yet missing a part)
    1 point
  16. Ru localization http://pastebin.com/sap6wqVG +I found some typos:
    1 point
  17. Latest Stable Client Latest Stable LUB Latest Stable Data Files/GRF Clean RO Folder PM Judas if you have any useful content to add, suggestions, or information to make this setup process much easier! Thanks!
    1 point
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