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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/13 in Posts

  1. Hi guys UHUU! I'm a new morroc answered and I did ^ ^ I had done one before more was not as nice as I expected and I decided to make another ^ ^ this time I have detailed more took me a good time doing it ^ ^ hope you like it ^ ^ Ahh has 2 versions, one for summer and one I do not know '-' it is more ai ^ ^ hope you like it xD The link for download ^^ : http://www.mediafire.com/?84dd471k2aqvtzz case files are missing let me know and I'm kind of lay back ^ ^ messy kkkk ahh another thing the map shadows has not appeared in the screenshots above that by the time my hexed gave more problem here is the shady Screenshot: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/2272/screenflenionro055.jpg[/ img] they are clear not much like shadows on maps xD
    2 points
  2. Hi every rathena dev, Just want to ask you to put Judas and me on credit when you use our work. http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/17133/rathena and I know there is other one can't remember which rev. This come from the valhalla leak. Why I know this? Cause it's exactly the same update as valhalla. It's the same translation/item correction/ect... But you miss some src modification to make the statpoint.txt works fine. I don't care that you use our works but please put give us credit. I never remove any credit on the valhalla svn so please do the same for us.
    2 points
  3. Hello all! I finish this system for current revision. Full version features: Code updated. Solved problem, which crushing map server after @reloadfactiondb command. Corrected Faction Aura bonus ( SC_FACTION_AURA ). Now saving faction leader and relics of each faction. Now aura of each faction in faction_db.txt ( faction_aura_db.txt was deleted ) Multi - alliance support. Voting for faction leader ( some people's suggestion ). Logging Faction chat. ... The full version will not free. All news later
    2 points
  4. Hello all! Now i present to you my release : Faction system. Faction system settings: conf/battle/faction.conf Faction data base: db/faction_db.txt Faction alliances db: db/faction_alliance.txt New atcommands New Script commands New mapflag: fvf ( mf_fvf ) New map cell: nofvf ( cell_nofvf, cell_chknofvf ) Main Features: Faction versus Faction wars allowed only on FvF maps ( Min.lvl -> fvf_min_lvl: 55 ) Custom aura effects ( max is 3 by default, but you can increase it ) Aura can displaying for unit types in faction.conf: NPCs, Monsters, Pets, etc...( not only for Player ) Monster and other can change own base status to status from faction_db.txt ( race, element... ) If faction have Undead race or status faction members in this function can heal themselves ( if it allowed in faction_db.txt ) NPC shops can sell items to different factions at different prices. Now saving faction leader and relics of each faction. Multi - alliance support. Voting system ( voting for faction leader ). Relics support. Logging Faction chat. Youtube Preview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7q-ExosLa8 Price: FREE PATCH FOR RATHENA REV. 17310 Faction_System_Complete_1.4_rA17310.patch FACTION.SQL Old BETA version
    1 point
  5. I'm currently working on a custom client and wanted to share some screenshots about the progress. Some of you might wonder why there is again another project like this one with the same goal as the others, and why not just join the others to speed up development? In fact, I thought about this opportunity. However, I'm still learning to work with virtual reality and I want to learn as much as possible. And that's why this projects main goal is not to be finished as fast as possible. But still, it looks like I'm at good pace. I still don't have a "good" name for this project, even though there's a proto-name. One of the other goals of this project is to provide a stable client that runs on both, unix and windows systems. It is being developed in C/C++ and Ogre3D, takes advantage of multithreading where it is appropriate, uses atlas textures to reduce batch count and some other fancy algorithms to improve performance. Even though the complete terrain is being loaded instantly, it takes some milliseconds to finish the objects. That's why I'm currently working on further algorithms, allowing caching and paging of objects. I will release a working demo in the style of RagCam as soon as the new algorithms are finished and working. Here's a list of things that are implemented so far: GND (Terrain) Lightning Shadowmaps Colormaps (with reduced colors to match the original client) Vertex diffuse color Walls Smooth Normals RSM (Objects) Smooth Normals (with smooth groups) Animations Transparency Two Sided Triangle Faces (with correct normal vectors for both sides) RSW (World) Water (with texture and wave animation) Objects Ambient and diffuse lightning Performance is always a very important part for me. A lot of things are optimized as good as possible. This project will stay closed-source providing plug-in functionality in the future. Most of the information that has been used in this project has been discovered through reverse engineering of the original client. Rendering a map is almost completely done using the same and some improved approaches done by the original client itself. The main focus after this will be the visual improvement of the maps themself, like BumpMapping, Cel Shading support, etc. blah blah. When this is done also, I will focus on implementing network functionality and a GUI. I have started in november and worked effectively 5-6 weeks on this project. I had to stop at the end of december and started to work again two days ago. Enough talked, here are some screenshots using OpenGL as renderer (the results in DirectX are the same): Vertex color mapping: Each tile can have a diffuse color. This color, however, is not being applied to all four corners of a tile, but only to the bottom left vertex and all vertices that share the same coordinate. Textures have been disabled in this image to show that diffuse colors are being applied correctly. The border of a map is also being rendered correctly when vertex diffuse colors are applied. Shadowmaps: Some devs are still wondering why their shadowmaps look a bit weird. The reason is plain simple: A lightmap consists (most of the time) of 8x8 tiles, where only the 7x7 pixels in the center are used. Nothing new. However, the tiles are combined into a large texture. If texture filtering is being applied, then the borders of the different textures interpolate into each other, fatal for colormaps when they have different colors. This is called texture bleeding. Because of this, Gravity added a padding of 1 pixel to each tile (resulting in 8x8, instead of 7x7) and filled them with colors that still look nice when they are interpolated. The image below shows the correct display of shadowmaps. Colormaps: They are the same as shadowmaps, but use RGB colors instead. When applied to the terrain, they look smooth. If you look into a dungeon, you will notice that colormaps are not smooth at all. In fact, they look like the colors were reduced. This process is also called posterization. The best result are done with 16 levels. The idea is basically to use float colors, multiply them with the amount of levels, convert the result to an integer (and so dropping the decimal part) and divide the result by the amount of levels. Done. This image displays correct colormaps. Notice the borders of the lightning. Prontera indoor: Transparency: I've used BrowEdit to compare my results and found an issue that was the same as in my project. Some models had wrong depth writing. Using the correct order, it is possible to render objects regardless of their transparency. You can try to open BrowEdit and compare dicastes01 with this image. Instancing: A lot of objects in a map reference the same model, so it makes common sense to combine them for reducing the batch count. This image shows pretty could FPS, even though all objects of yuno are rendered. Instancing in prontera: I would also like to show animations, but am too lazy to upload a video. I am not generating MipMaps yet, since this will be part 2 of this project. As you can see from the screenshots, rendering itself is almost complete. Only some minor issues that have to be done. If you want to see a screenshot of a specific map, don't hesitate to ask. I will upload one. I let you guess which of the posted screenshots are made on linux and which on windows.
    1 point
  6. Inds CeresCP Featuring KeyWorld's Theme. As you may know I'm the new head developer of the Ceres Control Panel, and I've been writing a completely new CP from the ground up. This thread is meant to introduce the project properly and to receive feedback and suggestions, make yourself comfortable to post all your thoughts. Inds CeresCP : Features Some of the highlights Accounts One account can create subaccounts and manage all of them with a single login. Optional "Create Forum Account" checkbox on registration page, works for most popular forum software (ipb/vb/smf/phpbb/others) [*]Administration Features All CP settings (except db connection ones) and features can be managed from the webpage, no ftp/file editing required, this includes theme settings and languages (you can edit languages and add new language sets directly from the admin pages). New themes and modifications can be installed from the webpage as well by uploading their zip/rar file (no ftp required), the cp will process and install them accordingly. [*]System Features The whole control panel backend was written with a single thing in mind "performance". It uses as little queries as it can use and caches all it can in static files for the fastest available page load. It's faster than any control panel out there including the previous version of ceres and uses much less memory. All features of the previous version of ceres were redesigned and are also included.
    1 point
  7. File Name: New Main Chat system without source File Submitter: Snow File Submitted: 11 Feb 2013 File Category: Utilities Content Author: StaR-o Since I personally prefer rAmods #main chat system instead of the @main chat system, we tried a simple script to emulate this. Players can whisper to npc:main (instead of #main) and use it as normal. GMs can message two commands (as of now, more could be added) .ban (charname) mutes target character's account from #main indefinitely .unban (charname) removes ban. System is turned off by sending "off" to npc:main. Send any other (non-command) message or "on" to activate. Suggest any other commands if you have them Click here to download this file
    1 point
  8. rAthena yes you have to add Michieru and Judas credit on all valhalla code ! not just steal it ! and wow new updates
    1 point
  9. ooohh T_T... please release it
    1 point
  10. У тебя логин сервер ругается на базу данных. А на счет пакетов - в клиентинфо выставь пакетверсию и в бд пакетов тоже. +проверь есть ли пакеты к данному ехе в пакетверсии, если нет - добавляй.
    1 point
  11. It's fun to see just one check to detect proxy base on a facultative http header that the proxy can omit to send So yeah you can definitively remove this check, I don't think a lot of proxy send it anymore since a long time.
    1 point
  12. Hello, everyone. I come from Taiwan, this is my first post of script here. 0_o My English is not well. If you read hardly, I'm so sorry ;( //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musical Performance System Version: Ver1.0 Script: 小鮭魚 (Salmon - grass0916) Players can compose and then choose a different musical note is divided into three major points: 1.Clef (G/C/F-Clef) 2.Solfege (Do, Re, Mi ...) 3.Note Time (whole note, half note ...) Sheet music can be modified, deleted, named after the transaction. Can choose to play a single play or multiplayer ensemble and select different timbre of the instrument for playing or ensemble. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download : Script -> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-QdugwA5s0MSC1KeHF1R2dIWjA/edit?usp=sharing Client(wav) -> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-QdugwA5s0MWTR2Z3NSdGpJa1U/edit?usp=sharing -> password : 09166
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Use this script snippet: You could create a new menu within the NPC, or trigger that script snippet with an OnTime label, or make a separate GM npc that GMs could click or PM to reset the ladder -- however you want to do it. http://rathena.kpaste.net/60f0ec?raw Actually I misread the original request and forgot to make it "just the last one who broke the emp". Currently, the script records every empbreak.PS: another way (that allows resetting the ladder while the server is online) is store the "emp break points" in a new column in the `char` SQL table like this: http://trac.assembla.com/raijero/changeset/536/#file1 query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `empbreak` = `empbreak`+1 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0);
    1 point
  15. I just thought of another way: trunk/conf/battle/monster.conf // Respawn rate of monsters on a map. 50 would make mobs respawn twice as fast (half delay time) (Note 2) //Note: This does not affects mobs with inmediate respawn (most normal mobs) mob_spawn_delay: 100 plant_spawn_delay: 100 boss_spawn_delay: 100 You could change boss_spawn_delay to 0, but this would affect all boss monsters (monsters with the MD_BOSS mode).
    1 point
  16. since it only happen during PK...why not try add this mapflag ? trunk/conf/mapflag/nightmare.txt //===== Description: ========================================= //= Players drop items/equipment on death. //= pvp_nightmaredrop id,type,percent //= id: Drop a specific item ID or "random" //= type: "inventory", "equip", or "all" //= percent: Rate of item drop.
    1 point
  17. This topic seems to satisfy your request and more http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=231474
    1 point
  18. Extended War of Emperyum Castles by Olrox Briefing Hello. Let me introduce myself. I'm Olrox, that guy you might remember that has to do with all it comes about "mapping". First of all, I was not sure to post this thread in this area of the forum. I was more about posting it into the "map showcase". But since it is a -long time- project that consist of more than realising a single map (so as it has to do with adding new scripts and maybe new source patchs), I thought it would be fine here. Back to the thread... you might ask. What is this "Extended Castles" stuff??? Well. Maybe all of you have wondered for ex. Why Morroc doesn't have a castle in all those realms we have as "Prontera", "Aldebaran", "Payon", and so on. Morroc is my favorite city. I have been allways wondered why Morroc didn't deserve a WoE Castle by default? (alpha RO doesn't counts ) I don't know... but what I'm sure it is that this idea has crossed my mind since ever. It was only some days ago that I was thinking what could be awesome to share as a free release to the whole community. Actually I don't run a server as most of the people around, but I believe I have to be thankfull by some way to all here. Then, this Idea crossed my mind. How about making that Morroc WoE Castle I have allways dreamed for? .. but hey -I said to myself-, why we can't give other cities in ragnarok the same chance as morroc too? Okay, but WoE Castles are for me, the most complex maps of all. It requires a lot of time, effort, and well... motivation. A map of this kind for me are almost priceless and seriously I must be crazy to think about doing this kind of work for Free! even when my time to work on this kind of works is very limited .... but as I said before I want to do something really good in exchange to all. Basic Features This project is about making a set of High Quality WoE 2.0 castles. We will begin with Morroc City, but other cities are crossing my mind to being in the list: Brasilis, Amatsu, Glast Heim, Gonryun. Those are glorious cities that it can be possible to recreate a WoE 2.0 area based on those of course. It is a matter of imagination and conceptualization of developing ambience and recreation for each to make them sucessfull. I'm sure a set of castles of this kind would be a very attractive PLUS to all the private servers out there. Just try to remember those old days when we knew that new 2.0 castles were comming from gravity. I was so excited. The idea is to make only one WoE 2.0 castle per realm. But in addition, this WoE Castle will recreate the most representative areas of the realm it is about. Let me explain with an example. This is arug_cas03 map sketch that is intented to be a guide of what I'm doing. In the case of Morroc: - Pink area: Morroc Interiors style - Red area: A mix between Sphinx/Pyramids ambience style - Blue area: Sograt dessert ambience. - Yellow area: Throne area, inspired in the Morroc city central structure (before satan morroc) - Green area: Assasins Guild inspired. - Orange area: Rogue Guild inspired Remaining areas are still in my mind. But for now, this idea is very promising. At least for enclosing what it is "All Morroc" about in only 1 castle. Changelog and Progress I'm still in my initial state of this idea. My free time to even think about invest my time for something for free is very limited, due to the high amount of requests from my customers that I have. However, I took my time the past weeks to begin building the initial idea of the pink and red area of the sketch that corresponds to the first main area, so as the entrance of the castle. The following screens are from a scratch -under development- map stage: Lights, structures, empty areas, textures, objects... might be are only for reference and take this as a far teaser of the final work. It shows roughly how the entrance with the morroc interior style, so as the pyramid/sphinx ambience applied with some sort of a small maze in the entrance. Maze style that is common in the sphinx dungeon area The idea is becoming good. Being an initial state of a work of some days it is getting really promising. The entrance maze is somewhat the idea of the sphinx area. Some hieroglyphics, some sphinx tombs. At the time we will work with effects, there will be better lights, torch effects etc. This is like provisional, and not the serious thing, But I had to show something more than words here, so there you have it. My intention is that when the castle is ready, they will be posted in the Map Showcase Forum. Until that time I will ask for help from scripters/database editors around to adapt the castle and release the scripts and maps bundled up in the download module of rathena forum. People that might be interested into the database/script area are welcome. But only at the time the first map is ready.(I don't want to waste your time with something that is still in the initial state). Consider to Support this! This is a LONG TERM project. I have to say it again.... this is a LONG TERM Project seriously! Please consider that my free time to work on this is very limited, as also doing a map takes a lot of time... more with the castle style ones. To have even the first woe castle will take 2,3 months, more or less, no one knows. Updates will be really sporadics. I will appreciate to not ask very often when it will be ready. Remember this is a Free Release project made for the community. Easily I could make this first castle and the other ones in the future with the only intention to make a profit... or well, I could invest this time on this in my current paid requests. But I'm not doing that!. If you like the idea, if you think this worths the time... consider post your feedback. Follow this thread, rate it with starts. Motivation takes a big part in this cases. Reading all your feedback here is for me, the only motivation I need to make this possible. I believe there are people out there that appreciate a lot my work. Private or Free ones all counts... For those people that might be interested, you can go far and try this userbar I did with my limited photoshop abilities but with all my heart on it! Thank you all. And have a nice day.
    1 point
  19. trunk/conf/char_athena.conf // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed. // Default: 86400 (24 hours) // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer. char_del_delay: 86400 remove the time...
    1 point
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