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PvP, GvG, WoE, Battleground

Scripts pertaining to any of the subjects above can be found under this category.
Examples: PvP Rank Ladders, Guild Rankings, WoE Controllers, WoE modifications, Capture the Flag

40 files

  1. Free

    Rotative PvP Room

    A PvP room which changes maps. Nothing else is required to the description, I guess.
    - You can use @pvp command to enter the room. However, you can't use it if you're inside an instance of in middle of a battle.
    - Anti repeating system. You can avoid the same map being repeated again and again.
    - Some little effects when you're warped.



  2. Free

    Rune War - Battleground

    Rune Config:
    // ============= // Rune Settings // ============= // Rune names (in-order) setarray .Rune$[1], "Invisibility", "Haste", "Double Damage", "Illusion", "Regeneration"; // NPC View ID if server in renewal mode setarray .npc_view_re[1], 2450, 2696, 2697, 2702, 2703; // NPC View ID if server in pre-renewal mode setarray .npc_view_pre[1], 1120, 1096, 1582, 1388, 1031; // Rune effect duration (seconds) .duration = 20; // Respawn time of rune after being pick-ed up (minutes) .respawn_time = 1; Main Config:
    // ============= // Game Settings // ============= // How many players to start? // default = 4 (2v2) .minplayers = 4; // How long, in mins, for players to register_time // default = 3 mins .register_time = 3; // How many mins before rune is spawned // default : 1 min .runespawn = 1; // Event duration in minutes.. // default : 10 mins .duration = 10; // Reward settings setarray .rwd[0], 501, 10, // win team reward 501, 5; // lose team reward  
    Hi guys, This is originally my Ragnarok Event v2 which was supposed to be a paid script.. but... I changed my mind.. I renamed it to Rune War.. Enjoy! 



  3. Free

    Team vs Team

    Archive contents: Script.txt + Diff.patch
    More info:
    We have a registration NPC. Both sides can register 5 players, not more.
    After that our PvP Event starts and players need to kill the enemies from other side.
    Red team vs Blue Team
    You need >999 point for mercy.
    It may be your custom Battleground script.
    Good luck!



  4. Free

    The Lord of the Ring

    Main information here:
    1. Aragorn says about new monsters at the location woth Crystal (Emperium)
    " [Aragorn] : Orc's attack the location ... "
    2. All players can play this nearWoE Event. The side of players is human side
    Orc's defends and try to kill all of the humans.
    You need to kill all of Orc's an location.
    After that you need to broke the Crystal and LOTR said:
    " [Lord of the Ring] : Humans got the Crystal! "
    After that, your team must defend the Crystal and receive a prize.
    Orc's spawns at location and move to broke the Crystal at the center of the map.
    Defend the Crystal and kill all walls of Orc's.
    Good luck!



  5. Free

    Time-based WoE participation reward

    This script rewards your player if they participated in a WoE longer than the time set in the script.
    This script works with my modified version of Euphy's WoE Controller (which is included in this package), or you can use the static map version which is also included in this package.
    Use Case
    Encourage your players to participate in the WoE with this method of rewarding them.
    By downloading this script, you agree to these terms:
    You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. I still retain all rights to this script. You will not get any support if you are using an old build of rAthena from 6 months ago or earlier. Your rights to receive free supports may be revoked at my discretion if you are being abusive. Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Copyright © - Secrets 2017 - All Rights Reserved



  6. Free

    TouchDown - Battelground Addon

    A Battleground Addon based over S4 League TouchDown mode, where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
    You'll earn points by killing players, or by bringing the Poring Ball to the Goal of the opposite team.
    The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.
    Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
    Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
    Command: allowing use of @tdboard, to get a score board for each player in game
    Special Warning: This content was first designed on Hercules Emulator. While being tested, there must be some error or bugs. Feel free to report them so I can fix them.



  7. Free

    TouchDown v2.0 (Original author Alayne)

    // Config starts here ---------------------- $maxTDMemberCount = 8; // Max players to start (if 4v4, settings should be = 8) $TDEntryPrice = 10000; // Zeny entry fee .pointPerKill = 1; // Points gained per kill $pointPerTouchDown = 5; // Points gained per touch down .pointPerVictory = 10; // Points gained per victory .reward = 7773; // Reward ID setarray .rewardMin[0], 5, 1; // Reward amt <WIN TEA>, <LOSE TEAM> setarray .rewardCnt[0], 10, 20; // Reward count setarray $TDDuration[0], 1, 10, 15; // Game time in minutes .buffs = 1; // Buff after death ( 1 = on ; 0 = off ) .redteam_color = 412; // Red team cloth color .blueteam_color = 300; // Blue team cloth color set $delayBetweenRounds, 2; // Delays between rounds (in seconds) // Config ends here --------------------------  
    DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN OR HAVE THE RIGHTS IN THIS SCRIPT. I am just a mere fan of the author and decided to fix problems I encountered when installing the script. Original Author is @Alayne, this is modified and posted with permission from author herself. 



  8. Free

    Vampire Bal - PvP Addon

    Join the Vampire Bal and be the last Guest to survive
    A PvP Addon where players may fight until the end of the delay configured to earn as much points as possible.
    The highest points rate will be rewarded, others will too but in a lowest range.The only thing to notice is that dying will make you lose points, while killing others will steal them points, and ensure you a full healing! That's what it is to become a Vampire!
    Enables first player to configure the game duration at will (5, 10 or 15 minutes), and diffuse announce for players attraction.
    Configuration enabled: Price to enter, number of player to start the game, duration enabled
    Command: allowing use of @vbboard, to get a score board for each player in game
    Credits: Do not claim my work as yours.
    Feel free to use it, even modify it, but leave the credit on file header

    Special Warning: This content was first designed on Hercules Emulator. While being tested, there must be some error or bugs. Feel free to report them so I can fix them.



  9. Free

    Woe Ranking List ( GvG, Emp Break, Guild Rank ) with Points and Shop

    In response to this post : 
    By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service:
    • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files.
    • You are not allowed claim my work as yours.
    If you like it, give me a ?



  10. Free

    WoE Rewards & Statistics

    This file is a different version from WoE rewards depending on time spent in castle. It has all the features listed there, plus a statistic rundown on each WoE, And the ability to track the damage dealt by each player during WoE.
    Can reward players for every minute they spend inside a WoE castle Can reward players for every kill in WoE castle, and will also display the name of the killed/killer. Can reward players for every emperium break during WoE Can reward players depending on the damage dealt during WoE Excludes AFK players and players who are not in a guild. Announces kills with different colors depending on the killer's castle Can set a modifier for certain classes to gain more points than others Displays the number and names of all the guilds who participated in the last WoE Displays a top 10 ranking of players with the most kills, K/DA, and Damage dealt during WoE



  11. Free

    WoE rewards depending on time spent in castle

    This script rewards players for each minute spent on WoE castle.
    Can reward players for every minute they spend inside a WoE castle Can reward players for every kill in WoE castle, and will also display the name of the killed/killer. Excludes AFK players and players who are not in a guild. Announces kills with different colors depending on the killer's castle Can set a modifier for certain classes to gain more points than others Settings:
    setarray .maps$ ,"schg_cas03", "prtg_cas01"; //maps where the system is active .points_per_minute = 1; //number of points earned for each minute you spend in the castle for (.@i = 0 ; .@i < getarraysize(.maps$) ; .@i++) if (!getmapflag(.maps$[.@i],mf_loadevent)) setmapflag .maps$[.@i],mf_loadevent; .s_idle_time = 180; // time before player is considered idle (in seconds) .rewardId = 909; // ID of the reward item .announce = 0; // Announce kills (0 = no announcement, 1 = map announcement, 2 = global announcement) .color_defenders$ = "0xffff00"; // Announcement color when a defending player kills an attacking player .color_attackers$ = "0x99ccff"; // Announcement color when an attacking player kills a member of the castle's owner .kill_reward = 1; // Amount of points earned for every kill, set to 0 to disable it setarray .class_modifier[0],4063,3,4076,2; // Modifier for certain classes [Id, Modifier, Id, Modifier....] This script is a part of a larger rewards script that includes a WoE ranking,  emperium breaking rewards, and rewards depending on the damage dealt during WoE. I might release the entire script in the future.



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