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Waker last won the day on July 10 2020

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About Waker

  • Birthday 05/18/1996

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Community Answers

  1. Found out what was wrong. For future refference, here's how I fixed it. Turns out that skilltree I had installed was probably outdated so I just replaced it with the newest one from llchrisll's translation. After that I got the same gravity error as before but I did read on Discord that if I go into the GRF (or DATA folder depending on your case) delete the skilltreeview.lub and rename skilltreeview 20180621.lub to the original file (so, skilltreeview.lub) Bear in mind that the name might change in the future, but if you have this error feel free to give it a try.
  2. Hi everyone, I've got my server up and running and just tested Dorams. They're working fine but when I looked into the skill tree I found 1 skill that has no name, no description whatsoever. I also get an error on the chat. This might be helpful info, when i first opened the game I got a gravity error whenever I opened the skill tree. I then found a skilltree lua(lub?) file on the forums (can't find it anymore) that I replaced on my *.grf file and now it's working but the skills are missing on doram's. Besides all this I also noticed that some skills, for instance Attention Concentrate, don't allow me to select a lower level. For example, if I have it at lvl 10 I can't scroll it back to lvl 7 or something to get on my hotkeys. Thanks
  3. Thank you both for your help, turns out it was just a mistake on my side ?
  4. Hi everyone, This is my first time trying to get a rAthena server to work on linux and Debian. I've got so far as to get the DB's ready and the server files setup and all that. However I've ran into a couple of issues. Whenever I write stuff on the conf/import files it doesn't change anything. I also now get this error: On windows I usually get 3 screens, one for each server (map, login and char) but on linux I just do ./athena-start start could that be it? I've been following the tutorial on github and running this I can see that login-server is not listening on any port. Does this mean that the server is not running?
  5. Actually on the same boat. Whenever I make changes on the import folder nothing happens... Had to go back to editing the files as before.
  6. Hi everyone, I do realize this post is a bit old but I've been following this tutorial and there are some things that are no longer up to date which I had to workaround so for future people having my issues here are some tips: (I've used Debian 9 too since debian 10 still has no compatible MySQL version that I was able to get working) While installing gcc I just used "sudo apt install build-essential" instead (without enabling unsecure sources) While installing phpmyadmin be careful because when "apache2" option shows up you have to click on the "spacebar" and then "Tab" and then "Enter" Otherwise it doesn't copy the necessary files. After installing phpmyadmin you won't be able to login with root user like on the tutorial anymore. You'll have to create a new access with admin user so you can login through phpmyadmin (code below) CREATE USER 'USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'USER'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; I'm still finding out stuff as I go so I'll update in the future if workaround something else. Currently stuck here: Already tried opening the ports. Map-server and char-server seem to be fine.
  7. Great tutorial, thank you. I've just followed this tutorial the other day and I don't have that error. I used the one on the tutorial files.
  8. Hi everyone, I've started following the guide on the github wiki and i'm facing an error on mysql while running the main.sql code. Whenever I run it whole I get: 18:13:28 `clan_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `master` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `mapname` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `max_member` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`clan_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=5 Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`clan_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) NOT NUL' at line 1 0.000 sec On discord I was told to remove the code from clans and then run it later. While removing the code makes it work when I try to run it afterwards I still get the same error. Is the code broken? I just cloned it. Here's the code I'm running:
  9. How to get the " packet_db_ver "?? I can't find it anywhere... on the kro client... Edit.: Found out, this post explains it well:
  10. Don't forget to select release from the debug dropdown. It optimizes the server. It may take longer but it's better Source and further info: https://rathena.org/wiki/Compiling
  11. HShield seems pretty useless to me. Among kRO exe's etc...
  12. Hey, I got the new prontera and I was wondering if there are new portal coordinates and walkable file etc. If there aren't I am still considering if I should update them myself (and if so, how do I do so) or if I should just revert to old prontera. Thank you
  13. Hey, I downloaded the latest kRO client but it's got a bunch of useless stuff. I'd like to now which files I shoud keep and which I should delete. Is there any guide/program that does it? Thank you. Here's my folder image:
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