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  1. Good afternoon ! Can anyone help me. I need a gold room npc that drop gold bars, and that can be exchanged for coins of platinum, gold and bronze, where these coins can be exchanged for zenys. thanks
  2. Hello and Good day, I need help regarding about adding a restriction to the Gold Room NPC we are currently working on. I would like that when the player is killed by another he loses all points gained and that the other player steals all the points of the player he killed Our server is currently running on rAthena. Thank you so much for the help! Here is the script: askald,104,205,5 script PvP Gold Room 4_F_KAFRA1,{ doevent "gold_room_main::OnTalk"; } // warp portal back prontera ordeal_3-2,123,123,0 warp gold_room_back_prt 1,1,prontera,155,181 // peco peco summon ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold 1954,100,60000,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" - script gold_room_main -1,{ OnInit: // gold room map .map$ = "ordeal_3-2"; // entrance fee .zeny_cost = 500000; // rate to get gold .rate = 100; // gold random amount setarray .gold_amount,1,5; setmapflag .map$,mf_noteleport; setmapflag .map$,mf_nobranch; setmapflag .map$,mf_nosave; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomemo; setmapflag .map$,mf_noreturn; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarp; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp; end; OnTalk: mes "Enter Gold Room ?"; if ( .zeny_cost ) mes F_InsertComma( .zeny_cost ) + " Zeny"; switch ( select( "Enter Gold Room","Exchange Gold Point","Information" )) { case 1: if ( Zeny < .zeny_cost ) { mes "Not enough Zeny."; } else { Zeny -= .zeny_cost; warp .map$,0,0; } next; break; case 2: mes "You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points"; input .@value,0,#GOLDPOINTS; if (.@value == 0) { mes "Exchange canceled."; close; } if ( checkweight( 969, .@value ) ) { #GOLDPOINTS -= .@value; getitem 969,.@value; mes "Gained "+.@value+" Gold."; } else { mes "You are overweight."; } break; case 3: mes "In this room you will have the chance to get 2 points for each monster killed, but if another player kills you you lose all your points! 1 point gets you 1 gold"; next; break; } close; OnKill: if ( .rate > rand( .100 ) ) { .@point = 2; #GOLDPOINTS += .@point; dispbottom "Gained "+.@point+" Point. You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points now."; } end; OnPCDieEvent: .@killerrid = killerrid; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .map$ && .@killerrid != getcharid(3) && getmonsterinfo( .@killerrid,MOB_NAME ) != "null" ) { #GOLDPOINTS = 0; dispbottom "You died, you lost all the point."; } end; }
  3. Hi, anyone has an idea or script on how to make public/private branch room in one npc? It should be like this. Thank you so much!
  4. Hello everyone, my name is Terran Bear. I'm somewhat new to the world of rAthena publicly. I've been working on some things here and there in the shadows, trying to create a great new server (almost a new game). Using Renewal I've only been running into a few problem lately. So far I've put 3 1/2 months of time into recreating the maps. Moving ALL mvp's to boss rooms inside of new custom dungeons, spread around the world ending with a boss on the bottom floor of each of these new dungeons. With new and old mobs defending the boss' room. (There will be no MVP's running loose on maps) I'm also recreating ALL the quests into a huge story questline and many side quests to follow for plenty of play time. As well as a tutorial to learn how the new system works. The whole job system is going to be turned off and the sprites clothing of other jobs will be available from purchase(Zeny) as a costume from special NPC's throughout the world. I'll also be turning the Novice into what I call "Adventurer"(Has a never before seen sprite). Through questlines and level/stat requirements to learn skills, making all skills available to anyone depending on how you play. I'm also trying to make some new skills. I want this server to be something never seen before. So I'm not going into further details other then, I'm looking for someone's help... honestly saying, I need a bit of guidance from you pro's out there... Also not trying to sound stupid, but if you do have answers to this please go into detail on what to do.... 1. How in the world do I disable ALL except Novice jobs....? (also would it be possible to delete job levels?) 2. How do i create custom skills with renewal? 3. How do I make sprites for armor and garments? (not costumes but the equipment (Valkyrie Armor, etc) Once I get a bit further and finish a majority of whats on my list, I'll create a video or group of Screenshots to present the world to you. I'll also update this post with information on how the story will play out. Thank you, Terran Bear Creator of Project Mayhem
  5. 1- DESCARGAR NUESTRO EMULADOR Lo primero que necesitaremos es nuestro emulador rAthena ultima revisión y para ello debemos descargar Tortoise SvN aqui: https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Una vez descargamos el Tortoise Svn nos vamos al escritorio y creamos una carpeta con nombre rAthena, a dicha carpeta le damos click derecho y elegimos la opcion SVN Checkout... Se abrirá la ventana de CheckOut y en el URL of repository colocamos https://github.com/rathena/rathena/trunk y en Revision ponemos HEAD Al darle Ok, el programa empezara a descargar el emulador a la carpeta rAthena, si todo salio bien habrás descargado con éxito tu emulador con la ultima revisión del repositorio. 2- CREAR NUESTRO SERVIDOR Una vez descargado el emulador, necesitaremos crear nuestra base de datos SQL en nuestro ordenador, con las credenciales del servidor, para ello vamos a necesitar el programa MySql Nos dirigimos a este link https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/ y elegimos la opción mas pesada de 420 MB. Al momento de instalarlo nos irán saliendo las opciones de configuración, en la de High Availability marcamos la primera opción, Standalone MySQL Server y le damos next En la Opcion Type and Networkimg elegimos Development Computer y NO TOCAMOS ABSOLUTAMENTE MAS NADA DENTRO DE ESTA CONFIGURACION! le damos Next y entraremos en el Methodo de Autenticacion, aqui solamente marcamos Use Legacy y le damos al Next En Account & Roles, para el password de Root pondremos como pasword ragnarok en minúsculas, ragnarok es la que contraseña que viene por defecto en el inter athena conf del emulador. En Windows Service dejamos todo como esta y le damos next En la siguiente ventana, le damos a EXECUTE para que se empiezen a aplicar todas las configuraciones, Cuando todos los ganchos están en verde indica que se instalo bien tu servidor, En este punto, tienes instalado tu servidor local en tu computadora y esta corriendo. 3- DESIGNAR EL NOMBRE CORRECTO DE NUESTRO SERVIDOR ROOT EN LOS COMPONENTES DEL SERVIDOR Ya que tenemos nuestro servidor Root en la computadora, nos vamos a nuestro folder de emulador rAthena, buscamos la carpeta conf, y dentro encontraremos el archivo inter_athena, como este es un archivo de texto le damos a editar, y nos vamos a la parte de Global SQL Settings En la linea 31, en login_server_id reemplazamos ragnarok por root, pues root es el servidor SQL que instalamos en nuestro ordenador, y deberá quedar así: // MySQL Login server login_server_ip: login_server_port: 3306 login_server_id: root login_server_pw: ragnarok login_server_db: ragnarok login_codepage: login_case_sensitive: no En la parte de ipban_db_id también cambiamos el ragnarok y ponemos root, debera quedar asi: ipban_db_ip: ipban_db_port: 3306 ipban_db_id: root ipban_db_pw: ragnarok ipban_db_db: ragnarok ipban_codepage: En el char_server_id reemplazamos ragnarok y ponemos root, debera quedar asi: // MySQL Character server char_server_ip: char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: ragnarok char_server_db: ragnarok El map_server_id también le reeplazamos el ragnarok y le ponemos el nombre root ya que este es el nombre dado por nuestro servidor sql, deberá quedar asi: // MySQL Map Server map_server_ip: map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: ragnarok map_server_db: ragnarok Por ultimo pero no menos importantes los logs, en log_db_id reemplazamos ragnarok por root, debiendo quedar así: // MySQL Log Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: ragnarok log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog CHAR_ATHENA Ya que terminamos de ajustar el inther athena conf, nos vamos al char_athena conf, esta parte es importante porque aquí seteamos el mapa de inicio de nuestros personajes creados. Eliges el mapa de inicio de tus novice para renewal o pre renewal.. Te recomiendo usar una data renewal si vas a usar un punto de partida renewal, NO PUEDES ser renewal sin data renewal pues se te pondra la pantalla negra cuando logees tu char... mas adelante te enseñare como configurar tu emulador para renewal o pre-renewal Dentro de char_athena también desactivamos algo bastante molesto llamado pincode, solo basta encontrar la linea que dice pincode_enabled y ponemos no, deberá quedar así: //=================================== // Pincode system //=================================== // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse. // Default: yes pincode_enabled: no LOGIN_ATHENA Aquí solo necesitamos ajustar una sola cosa! y es el poder Habilitar la creación de nuestro personaje con _M o _F En la linea 54 de este file ponemos yes en la opcion "//Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts o the server? Debera quedar así: // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? // Note: This only works if client side password encryption is not enabled. new_account: yes terminamos las configuraciones del emulador por ahora. 4- GESTIONAR NUESTRA BASE DE DATOS Una vez configurado el inter_athena.conf char_athena.conf y login_athena.conf necesitaremos un programa para crear nuestra BASE DE DATOS, yo recomiendo altamente el programa HeidiSQL por su facilidad de uso, este es el primero que use cuando empece a crear servers, y nunca me ha fallado. Link de descarga aqui: https://www.heidisql.com/download.php Una vez tenemos Instalado Heidi!, procedemos a crear la base de datos de nuestro servidor, elegimos Nueva, Aquí Lo importante es mantener el usuario root ya que ese es el nombre de nuestro servidor de datos sql, en contraseña debemos poner ragnarok en minuscula, pues es la clave que elegimos al instalar mysql y son las claves de los componentes que vienen por defecto en el inter_atena.conf. Al nombre de la sesión le puedes poner el que mas te guste, yo lo dejare en unnamed para guiarlos mejor. Cuando la tenemos creada le damos a abrir, hacemos click derecho sobre Unnamed o el nombre de sesion que le hayas dado, eliges crear nuevo, y le das click a base de datos. Es MUY MUY IMPORTANTE que el nombre de la base de datos sea ragnarok pues es el mismo nombre que tienen los componentes del server en el inter_atena.conf que previamente configuramos ok? Una vez creada la base de datos ragnarok la seleccionamos y nos vamos a la pestaña archivo Al abrir la pestaña archivo seleccionamos cargar archivo SQL, y se nos abrirá la ventana de exploración, en la cual elegimos rAthena, luego sql-files y elegimos main y logs con control, una vez seleccionados main y logs le damos a abrir. Una vez abiertas dirígete a la pestaña main, y ejecutala dandole click al triangulo azul, veras como se van cargando las tablas en la base de datos ragnarok Una vez terminada de cargar las main, selecciona la de logs y procede con lo mismo, click al triangulo para ejecutar, la tabla logs es importante ya que esta registra los movimientos de items, objetos comandos, en fin es como una bitacora que ni so se carga el emulador se la pasara enviando warnings. Otros sql-files que podrias cargar dentro de la db ragnarok serian el roulette_default_data por si quieres implementar la ruleta en tu servidor, pero los premios y requisitos de la ruleta se configuran en esa misma tabla y no en scripts. Cuando se ha cargado todo, presiona f5, esto recargara las tablas, en pocas palabras actualizara o refrescara heidi y MAGIA puedes ir a la tabla login, y luego a la pestaña datos, la account_id 1 es del sistema y esa no la puedes ocupar para tu char, alli van a parar los chars que creas en tu server, para ser ADMIN con todos los comandos debes ponerte 99 el el group id. Ya tenemos servidor, y base de datos. 5- COMPATIBILIZAR EL EJECUTABLE Y COMPILAR NUESTRO EMULADOR Antes de Encender nuestro emulador debemos configurarlo y luego compilarlo. El cliente o ejecutable que recomiendo es 2018-06-20eRagexeRE.exe pues es el que considero mas estable, este ejecutable lo puedes descargar en el post de MathReaper Para compatibilizar el exe con el emulador debes ir a tu carpeta rAthena y elegir la carpeta SCR, (ya estamos en territorios de alto riesgo), dentro de la carpeta scr nos vamos a la carpeta config y abrimos packets.hpp Para tener una mejor experiencia editando estos archivos, recomiendo el programa notepad++ lo puedes descargar aqui: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ al abrir packets.hpp encontraremos la linea que tiene asignada la versión del exe #ifndef PACKETVER /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead: /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.hpp file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD #define PACKETVER 20200401 #endif en el #define PACKETVER 20200401 debemos cambiar y asignar el exe que les recomendé en este caso el 20180620 el texto deberá quedar así #ifndef PACKETVER /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead: /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.hpp file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD #define PACKETVER 20180620 #endif Para Evitar la Black Screen del Exe al seleccionar tu personaje deberás editar y agregar tu packet version en el siguiente archivo: SCR/CUSTOM/ defines_post.hpp defines_pre.hpp si lo vas a hacer pre renwal editas el defines_pre.hpp si lo vas a hacer renewal entonces edintas el defines_post.hpp // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #define PACKETVER 20180620 #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP */ RENEWAL O PRE? El emulador viene RENEWAL por defecto, si queremos ser pre renewal tenemos que ir a la carpeta SCR de nuestro rAthena, luego a la carpeta config y abrimos renewal.hpp Una vez abierto lo único que debemos hacer es comentar la parte que dice #define Renewal, comentar no es mas que colocar dos slashes // al inicio del define de renewal! como muestra la imagen para deshabilitar todas las características de renewal solo basta con dejar el texto asi: //#define Renewal COMPILACION Una vez hecho todos estos cambio debemos compilar nuestro emulador! Para compilar el emulador necesitas tener instalado el Visual Studio Community, lo podrás conseguir en este link: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/es/downloads/ Al momento de instalarlo deberás elegir las herramientas C+ yo recomiendo la universal windows platform development y desktop developtment with C++. el resto nisiquiera la vamos a mirar. Una vez tenemos el Visual Instalado nos vamos a la carpeta de nuestro emulador y abrimos la solución, de nombre rAthena.sln Una vez Abierta la solución!, ASEGURATE DE ELEGIR RELEASE como lo muestro en la IMAGEN y no Debug, luego click derecho en Solución rAthena y click a Compilar Solución, ahora deberás esperar que se compilen todos los proyectos Si tu compilación fue exitosa tendrás correctos todos los resultados Ya puedes abrir tu emulador, para ello ve a la carpeta rAthena y abre individualmente los proyectos loginserv charserv y mapserv Si quieres ahorrarte el trabajo de abrir siempre los 3 componentes del server cada vez que inicies tu emulador, abre solamente runserver, lamentablemente esto viene bugeado, y no se ha corregido, por lo cual tuve que editarlo para que funcionara, si lo quieres, PUEDES DESCARGAR ESTOS CON TODA CONFIANZA Y METERLOS EN TU CARPETA RATHENA, Reemplazando los que vienen por defecto, con esto podras abrir el emulador usando solo runserver. pero necesitaras estos 2 archivos que voy a poner aqui abajo: runserver.bat y serv.bat Si seguiste bien todas las indicaciones, tendrás abierto un emulador optimo y sin ningún error!. 6- CREAR NUESTRO CLIENTE Y DIFFEAR NUESTRO EXE PARA EMPEZAR A JUGAR NUESTRO EMULADOR Antes que nada necesitas el KRO COMPLETO, EL JUEGO RAGNAROK , Lo puedes descargar aquí mismo, Nuestro administrador Akkarin nos compartió el ultimo cliente en este topic: Una ves terminado de descargar y extraer el KRO Limpio, necesitaras crear los archivos de tu propio cliente, Estos archivos del cliente son los GRF y la Data Traducida que tiene Archivos Luas, Descripcion de Objetos, Quests, Entre Otros, y son los que deberás exportar a tu Ragnarok Limpio. Tengo a Disposición un RAR Limpio, con los archivos necesarios y básicos para un cliente, consta de 2 GRF's uno llamado Custom y Otro llamado Pal, tambien tiene un exe pre difeado que puedes usar para ir testeando tu servidor. Si tu servidor va a ser Pre Renewal, con los items, mapas, y descripciones de pre renewal deberas bajar este rar de mi unidad Drive: - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8gvEWnumjPwNwzXLrACBYYAqE3ptoRp/view?usp=sharing Si tu servidor va a ser RENEWAL con la descripcion de items, y mapas renewal deberas bajar este rar de mi unidad Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Pn4Zw0q_-yBTkE9n30JN8hGLGmL6iyo/view?usp=sharing Al descargar y extraerse, lo único que deberás hacer copiarlo todo y pegarlo a la carpeta del ro limpio. TODO LO QUE TE PIDA REEMPLAZAR LO REEMPLAZAS! estos archivos podrás editarlos o preservarlos por si quieres crear un instalador para tu usuarios. Si tienes el emulador encendido, puedes intentar entrar a tu servidor ejecutando el exe pre diffeado que acabas de pegar en tu ragnarok limpio, el de nombre 2018-06-20eRagexeRE_patched que te incluí en el RAR, Si te sale THE EXE HAS CHANGED al principio, cierra y vuelve a abrir, esto pasa una sola vez y te indica que el ejecutable que se usa es el de tu servidor y no el de Kro, Cuando abras podrás crear tu personaje, lo que indica que estas en el servicio correcto. Si quieres diffear tu propio ejecutable deberás descargar nemo Patcher en este Link: https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo/ En imput exe file subes el ejecutable que hayas descargado, recuerda que debe ser la misma versión que definiste en tu emulador, en output es donde se va a generar el ejecutable diffeado, pones Load Client y se cargaran todos los parches posibles para el exe. Algunos diff Recomendados y Otros necesarios para que el cliente arranque sin problemas son: @ Bug Fix (Recommended) Allow close cutin by pressing esc key Allow space in guild name Always Load Client Plugins [Experimental] Always Show Resurrection Button Always Use Email for Char Deletion Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file Cancel to Login Window (Recommended) Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path aqui escribes system\OngoingQuestInfoList Change character display deletion time from actual date to relative date Change minimal screen resolution limit Change new char name field height AQUI PONES 17 esto muestra el nombre correctamente al momento de crear tu personaje Chat Flood Remove Limit Custom Window Title aqio pones el nombre que le quieres dar a tu ventana de ragnarok Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) Disable Swear Filter Disconnect to Login Window Enable /who command (Recommended) Enable DNS Support (Recommended) Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental] Enable Emblem hover for BG Enable Monster Tables Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) solo el recommended Enable Shortcut All Item Enable Title Bar Menu botones en tu ventana de ragnarok Enable guild while in clan si quieres guild mientras estas en clan, deberas modificar el script de clans en rathena para pasar este filtro Enforce Official Login Background Extend Chat Box Extend Chat Room Box Extend Npc Dialog Box Extend PM Box Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) Fix Homunculus attack AI Fix achievement counters for each type of achievement Por si habilitaras achievements Fix act delay for act files with many frames Fix item description bug Hide build info in client (Recommended) Hide packets from peek (Recommended) Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window Ignore /account: command line argument Ignore Lua Errors --- esto lo puedes desactivar cuando tengas tu cliente terminado Ignore Missing Palette Error --- esto lo puedes desactivar cuando tengas tu cliente terminado Ignore Resource Errors --- esto lo puedes desactivar cuando tengas tu cliente terminado Increase Headgear ViewID Ponle 4000, asumiento que meteras hat custom, ragnarok ya supero las 2000 IDS Increase Zoom Out 75% o max como quieras Increase hair style limit for human only in game (old) Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) aqui debes poner System/iteminfo.lua Only First Login Background Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) Remove Serial Display (Recommended) Remove wrong chars from cash shop Restore Cash Shop Icon Restore Login Window (Recommended) Show Register Button boton de redireccion al enlace de registro de chars que hayas puesto en tu sclientinfo Show Replay Button aqui se reproduciran las partidas que grabes en tu ragnarok Skip License Screen Skip some hidden menu icon buttons si desactivaste botones este parche hara que se acomoden los espacios vacios entre botones ocultos Translate Client (Recommended) Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop Use Default Web Browser for URL Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) Use Official Cloth Palettes Necesario para que se muestren las paletas de colores Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) Use Ragnarok Icon Use Tilde for Matk Los Diff que de ningún modo debes activar: Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended) Aunque Diga recomended NO LO HABILITES Change Walk To Delay Incomodo, acelera la resuesta de clicks hara que camines hacia un npc aun despues de abrir su dialogo HKLM To HKCU NO LO HABILITES Skip Service Selection Screen NO LO HABILITES si rompes el protocolo de seleccion de servicio no podras abrir el select char window EDICIÓN DE GRF Y SCLIENTINFO El programa para editar tu grf sera GRF EDITOR de Tokei, este programa es el equivalente a un arma forjada por el mismo Hefesto, así recuerda darle un upvote si llegas a descargarlo Con este programa abres tu Custom.grf y podrás visualizar los archivos del GRF de tu servidor, recuerda que siempre que vayas a aplicar un cambio, deberás tener el exe del ragnarok cerrado. En la carpeta data de tu Custom.grf se encuentra el sclientinfo.xml, en el campo Display editas El nombre del servidor que se mostrara cuando abras tu ejecutable, podrás asignar o remover las ropas de game master, tambien podrás cambiar el link del web de registro al que te dirige el boton register. Si vas a subir tu emulador a un host deberas editar el sclientinfo y poner la ip en donde esta montado tu servidor. El orden de lectura de los GRF se asigna en un archivo llamado Data.ini y el orden debera ir asi: [Data] 1=custom.grf 2=palette.grf 3=rdata.grf 4=data.grf Como ha notado, el grf de palettes está aislado, si bien no es muy pesado, esta lleno de miles de archivos pals, si llegaras a descargar las paletas de kamishi te recomiendo usar un grf exclusivo de paletas y no mezclarlo con tu custom pues estanos hablado de mas de 40mil archivos que tomaran bastante tiempo en empaquetarse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montar el Servidor a un Host Hasta Este Punto de la guía! ya tienes tu Servidor Local, Tu Emulador Funcional sin errores, Tu cliente con Exe y GRF custom. Para Montar tu emulador a un host recomiendo el programa WinSCP https://winscp.net/eng/download.php Abres Winscp y colocas las credenciales que te entrego tu proveedor de servicios Host Pasas el Emulador a la carpeta raiz de tu host Cambias los datos de tu char_athena.conf en este file editas el // Login Server IP y el // Character Server IP pones la ip del host. Edita tambien el // Server Communication username and password. Porque el default S1 Y P1 todos lo conocen, este debe coinicidir con la de tu main sql. En login_athena.conf no se editan ips. pero puedes volver a habilitar o deshabilitar la creacion de chars usando _M o _F, esto por si quieres que los registros sean únicamente por Control Panel // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? // Note: This only works if client side password encryption is not enabled. new_account: no En map_athena.conf Colocas el mismo server comunication username y password que tienes en tu sql y en tu char_athena.conf, el default es S1 y P1 pero tu elige uno que nadie conozca. // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: passwd: En inter_athena.conf Aqui no se editan ips ni puertos, aquí solamente se se colocan las credenciales de las _db: y _pw: correspondientes a las que tienes creadas en la base de datos de tu proveedor de servicios. // MySQL Login server login_server_ip: login_server_port: 3306 login_server_id: root login_server_pw: login_server_db: login_codepage: login_case_sensitive: no ipban_db_ip: ipban_db_port: 3306 ipban_db_id: root ipban_db_pw: ipban_db_db: ipban_codepage: // MySQL Character server char_server_ip: char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: char_server_db: // MySQL Map Server map_server_ip: map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: map_server_db: // MySQL Log Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: log_db_db: log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog Abrir y Compilar tu emulador remotamente Para abrir tu emulador cargado al host, necesitaras un programa llamado Putty que puedes descargar aqui https://www.putty.org/ Al abrirlo en el campo Host Name or IP adress colocas la Ip de tu host y le das OPEN Ya estas dentro de tu vps, y el te va a solicitar el user y el password que te proporciono el Host, debes tener cuidado al colocar el password porque no se van a mostrar los typing en la consola. Al entrar exitosamente tendras un display de los comandos preparados por su proveedor, generalmente son ON, OFF, PREPARAR, COMPILAR etc. Con los que puedes arrancar, detener, reiniciar o compilar el emulador que tienes cargado en el host. Deberas compilar y iniciar el emulador después de haber editado los confs con los datos del host. Aqui vemos el trabajo de compilación mediante vps Aqui vemos como ha iniciado el servidor, debe estar lleno de status y no errores Aqui un logeo exitoso Recuerda editar tu sclientinfo y ponerle la ip de tu provedor de host.
  6. Hi everyone. Is it possible to create like an "unpassable" set of cells in a map (like a wall) but only for monsters? It's to keep them inside the supposed "cage" in my leveling room (if that makes any sense >.< ). Players should be able to get inside and attack from outside the cage (skills and ranged attacks). Any input is greatly appreciated, thank you!
  7. I didn't test it, but this should give you an idea how to achieve what you want: askald,104,205,5 script PvP Gold Room 4_F_KAFRA1,{ doevent "gold_room_main::OnTalk"; } // warp portal back prontera ordeal_3-2,123,123,0 warp gold_room_back_prt 1,1,prontera,155,181 // peco peco summon ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold 1954,100,60000,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" - script gold_room_main -1,{ OnInit: // gold room map .map$ = "ordeal_3-2"; // entrance fee .zeny_cost = 500000; // rate to get gold .rate = 100; // points per kill .points_per_kill = 2; // gold random amount setarray(.gold_amount, 1, 5); setmapflag .map$,mf_noteleport; setmapflag .map$,mf_nobranch; setmapflag .map$,mf_nosave; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomemo; setmapflag .map$,mf_noreturn; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarp; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp; end; OnTalk: mes "Enter Gold Room?"; next; if(.zeny_cost) { mes F_InsertComma(.zeny_cost) + " Zeny"; close; } switch(select("Enter Gold Room","Exchange Gold Point","Information")) { case 1: if (Zeny < .zeny_cost) { mes "Not enough Zeny."; break; } Zeny -= .zeny_cost; warp .map$,0,0; end; case 2: mes "You got " + F_InsertComma(#GOLDPOINTS) + " Points"; input .@value,0,#GOLDPOINTS; if (.@value == 0) { mes "Exchange canceled."; break; } if(checkweight(969, .@value)) { #GOLDPOINTS -= .@value; getitem(969, .@value); mes "Gained " + .@value + " Gold."; break; } break; case 3: mes "In this room you will have the chance to get " + .points_per_kill + " points for each monster killed, but if another player kills you you lose all your points! 1 point gets you 1 gold"; break; } close; OnKill: if(rand(100) < .rand) { #GOLDPOINTS += .points_per_kill; dispbottom "You gained " + .points_per_kill + " Points. You do have " + F_InsertComma(#GOLDPOINTS) + " Points now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) != .map$) end; .@killer_name$ = strcharinfo(0); .@killed_name$ = rid2name(killedrid); .@killed_char_id = getcharid(0, .@killed_name$); .@killed_gold_points = getvar("#GOLDPOINTS", .@killed_char_id); #GOLDPOINTS += .@killed_gold_points; dispbottom("You killed " + .@killed_name$ + " and got all his points. You do have " + F_InsertComma(#GOLDPOINTS) + " Points now."; attachrid(killedrid); #GOLDPOINTS = 0; dispbottom("You died and lost all your points to " + .@killer_name$ + "."); }
  8. Congratulations on the first days of spring! I present to your attention one of the houses from the game Animal Crossing New Horizons, carefully recreated in RO ... ... directly on the Nintendo Switch OLED Animal Crossing Edition with custom painted controllers! .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. ns_ac_br Following the theme of the game, I wanted to explore new horizons of the mapping again! The entire location exists only on the console screen, which fits perfectly with the player’s point of view. As you can see, in the video, the console has two modes, which are activated by real buttons on the console. And even a button to turn off the console screen has been implemented, which should lead to the player returning to the place where the console was activated. The architecture of the map and all textures was created entirely by hand in a 3D editor. The console was created literally with a ruler in hand, from the moment of purchase. The appearance is made in the official style of the Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing Edition, but on the OLED version and with a custom paint job. However, the main goal was to ensure that flowers were collected from Ragnarok assets to match the game world. Therefore, this map contains almost all the beautiful flowers that have been found in the official game. In the second part of the video you can see the mods in action: 1) Quiet mode - a mode without monsters (also I can easily add an additional pvp mode if you want) 2) Battle mode - 36 waves of almost all pre-re monsters of the Plant and Insect race and the final 37th wave is a battle with a random boss of the Plant or Insect race (Golden Thief Bug, Mistress, Maya or Lady Tanee). The map is a pocket mini instance in which you can fight in a team on low-level servers (other players will need to go online from their own consoles) or fight solo on high-level servers. You can write what next location you want to see from the games on the Switch or any source (This series can be continued...) The map was made in the Browedit 1 program without rms2 models. P.S.
  9. Iam looking a simple warper wich could send me to a pvp room, but all i find send me to BG's or doesn't work. What happened? In addition, dunno why commands like @duel doesnt work. Help me pls Edit: solved. Is possible to delete my own post?
  10. View File Battleground Extended 2020 ! With Bomberman/Poring Ball Mystic Project is about to open its last opus. For the occasion, Mystic Project has decided to make a gift to the community of rAthena and release one of its contents ! We've chosen the Battleground Extended, a memorable feature created by the eAmod and adapted for the new version of rAthena 2020. What are Battleground Extended ? They are an upgrade of the official Battleground made by the eAmod years ago and enhanced overtime. Battleground guide Name Description Flavius Same as official. The Goal is to destroy each's crystal. Flavius Capture The Flag The objective of the Flavius Battle CTF is to score 3 points before your enemy, by capture their Flag. To capture a Flag you need to take the enemy flag, and bring it to your base flag. If your base flag is captured too, you need to kill the flag carrier and take the flag back to your base. Flavius Death Match Each team has a certain number, Kill all the enemy players to let their Team without points. Protect your army. Flavius Stone Control Take the Stones in the middle of the battlefield and put in on your base, in the Stone Points. Each Stone will give points to your team. First team reach 99 points wins the game. Protect your stones from to be captured by the enemy. Tierra Eye of Storm There are two bases, North and South which teams can capture by holding position on the Base more than the other team. Each base will give you points each 5 seconds of Domination. If your Team control both bases the amount of points increases. To get additional points, in the middle there is a Flag spawn, capture it and put it on any of your team Bases. The first Team reach 99 points wins the match. Tierra Bossnia Attack the enemy base and destroy each MVP Guardian. To do damage to the guardian your team must capture the Balance Flag in the middle base. Each team have 5 guardian to be protected or killed. Tierra Domination There are three bases, North, Center and South which teams can capture by holding position on the Base more than the other team. Each base will give you points each 5 seconds of Domination. The first Team reach 99 points wins the match. Krieger Von Midgard (KVM) Same as official, regular PVP. Double Inferno There are 2 teams in the battlefield, your team and the opposite enemies. Kill the enemy players, collect the skulls and bring them to the Sacrifice Totem to win points. You can collect your own team skulls and bring then to your Sacrifice Totem to avoid other teams to score but it won't count as points. If you get killed all your skulls will be drop to the floor, including your own skull. First Team to get 80 points wins the battle. Conquest If you are Attacking, destroy the enemy defenses and it's Flag. If you are Defending, protect your castle defenses and the Flag. Rush Fight to capture the Castle and organize your team to defend it. If you fail on the first capture, kill the defender and take it for your team. Poring Ball It is a soccer game, a poring (the ball) will be in the middle of the field. The match lasts 5min. The team that has the most goals win the game. Super Bomberman The classic game specially made in Ragnarok Online. The goal is to defeat the enemies by putting bombs that will explode on them. It is a 2vs2 version of the game. Peco Peco Racer Coming soon... Mario Kart - RO version : New Battleground Queue System Battleground Commands @joinbg will warp you only to the battleground room. (Use interface UI Battleground to join any running BG or create one) @leavebg will warp you out of the the current battleground you're in. @listenbg display or not the battleground explanations. @order is only for the leader, an huge announce will be displayed to the team. @reportafk is only for the leader, expulsing someone who is AFK. @bginfo will display all curent running BGs + amount of players + scores for each team and remaining time of the BG Battleground Skills @bgskill is used by the leader. I left it there as a memory but you better use the guild interface alt + g -> guild skill tree The leader can use the following skills: - Emergency Recall: Warp everyone from the team to the leader. - Battle Orders: All guild members visible on the guild leader screen will receive +5 STR, DEX, INT. (Now having a status icon on the right) - Regeneration: All guild members visible on the guild leader screen will increase their HP and SP regen rate. (Now having a status icon on the right) - Restore: All guild members visible on the guild leader screen will have their HP and SP restored to 90% of the respective maximum. - Chargeshout Flag: The leader will summon a guild flag. - Chargeshout Beating: Anyone in the guild can use this skill, it will warp to the guild flag IF you are on the same map as the flag. - Emergency Move: All guild members visible on the guild leader screen will receive the effect of speed potion, increasing walking speed by 25%. Kill Count Each person killed on a battlefield will be counted in your guild information. This is like a rank. In bg_common.txt, you will find this. If you already use OnPCKillEvent, I recommend you to remove this code and add it to yours. Red / Blue Teams Upon your arrival on the battlefield, you are going to see yourself in a clan (alt + g) and a guild (ctrl + g). Blue Team : http://mysticprojectro.com/wiki/images/d/d1/Clan_emblem01.jpg Red Team : http://mysticprojectro.com/wiki/images/a/a9/Clan_emblem02.jpg Each team-mate will have this emblem by their character's name. Enemies will be displaying the opposite emblem. Some battlefields will change your cloth dye as well for the attributed color but don't worry, you will get yours back as soon as the game is over. You can communicate with your team through the guild chat. When you leave the battlefield, the clan will be removed and you will be back in your actual guild. Battleground Happy Hours Battleground happy hours happen everyday from 4pm to 8pm during which, rewards obtained are increased by 60%. (Configurable in npc/battleground/bg_common.txt) Battleground Rewards Telma/Erundek NPCs from the official battleground are there to exchange Consumables / Stuff. However, some of you rather customize the rewards. It's up to you to remove Telma/Erundek. If you want to customize Rewards, here is a frame (located in bg_common.txt) made to buy stuff directly with badges. Poring Ball Youtube Video Demonstration : Ragnarok Online - DaRO : BattleGround Extended + - YouTube The original Poring Ball Map was created by us 14 years ago. (On the left). At the time, we had poor experience in mapping so my apologies if you don't find it attractive. However, you can always purchase the beautiful rework done by Olrox (on the right): https://olroxgraphics.com/index.php?/store/product/107-soccer-stadium/ Depending on which map you will pick, you need to configurate the Poring Ball. I assume you already have Olrox's map so by default, it is this configuration. If you want the free map that is included in this pack, you need to comment /* */ Olrox Poring Ball Map and remove the comment of Grenat Poring Ball Map (See orange sign) Bomberman Video Demonstration : Super Bomberman Ragnarok Online YouTube Video I've read a lot of times people asking about it ! We are releasing the new Bomberman Battleground Version with 3 bomberman maps (two of them are made by us) In bg_bomberman.txt, you will find this code. Make sure to remove it and add it to your OnPCStatCalcEvent, otherwise just leave it there. Some newer rAthena version doesn't have OnPCStatCalcEvent anymore, you may need to reinstall it. Installation : In this package, you will find : - BattlegroundExtended.diff : You will need to apply this patch. (cmd -> cd rathena -> git apply BattlegroundExtended.diff ) It has been created in 2020 and work with the latest rAthena. (Possibly working on previous version from 2018+). - NPC folder: I strongly recommend to delete all BG NPCs and only install the ones that are in this folder. It is compatible with the new BG Queue Systeme. Please review Poring Ball.txt to configurate your poring ball as well as bg_common for the happy hour rate. - DB: I did put items in txt and yml files since I don't know which version you guys are using. DO NOT copy paste in your db folder. Only take what's inside each files. - Client: Contains items/maps/texture/files/lua (for the new BG queue system)/bomberman music etc... Extract the contents inside your RO client folder. This patch modifies a lot of files, you may need to install the diff manually depending on your rAthena version. Once installed, please recompile your map_cache with the client data installed in the directory/grf the server reads to compile it. Configuration : Your server might be different than ours. This is why, it is important to configurate well the system. conf/battle/battleground.conf -> Search for battleground eAmod and configure them. db/battleground.xml -> "Color" represents the clothes palette given upon arrival on the battlefield. The player's Palette will come back to the original one when the BG is over. If you don't want players to have different cloth color, just put 0 or do not put anything at all. In our server, Color : 6 is blue, and 22 is red. Therefore, this is our configuration. I let you configure yours. Additional New Script Commands : * getnpcinfo <type>{,<char_id>} type: NPC_X: X, NPC_Y: Y * setporingball; (When activated, it would be like an OnClickedCell, almost ;), it calls a script for the poring ball (Or other things if you want to add things there). * getporingballx() / getporingbally(); (Get coordination of a clicked cell) * removeporingball; (Remove poring ball mode (Clickable cell calling a script) * getunitdir <unit_id/account_id>; (Get direction the unit is looking) * ispcsit <account_id> (Get information if a pc is sit or not) * unitpush <unit_id/account_id>,<dir>,<cells>; (Push (knockback) a specific target in a specific direction) * areaeffect( effect id, x, y); Any Questions ? You can contact me on Discord: Grenat#5220 for support regarding the installation. Support post : Release: Battleground Extended 2020 ! With Bomberman/Poring Ball - Source Releases - rAthena Team Mystic Project. Submitter grenat50 Submitted 02/04/2021 Category Source Modifications Video Content Author Grenat
  11. Can someone check for me what went wrong to this script? Problem: 1. If I kill the Elu mob it also gives chance Ori drops. Due to this, it re-summon the Ori mobs instead the Elu and eventually all mobs in the dungeon becomes monsterid:1951 maintown,169,189,6 script Ore Dungeon Warper 95,{ mes "[ ^0065DFOre Dungeon Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Welcome Adventurer!!!"; mes "I Can Help You Warp To Ore Dungeon"; next; mes "[ ^0065DFOre Dungeon Warper^000000 ]"; mes "In this dungeon, you can farm Rough Oridecon and Elunium with a slim chance of Elunium and Oridecon"; mes "The cost would be 5 event ticket per enter."; next; mes "[ ^0065DFOre Dungeon Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Shall we?"; switch(select("~ Yes:~ No")) { case 1: if (countitem(7711) < 5) { mes "You don't have enough Event Ticket."; close; } delitem 7711,5; warp .map$,0,0; close; end; case 2: close; } OnMobKill: if( rand(100) < 20 ) getitem 756,1; //drop r.ori if( rand(1000) < 5 ) { getitem 984,1; //drop Ori announce "(Ore Dungeon) : "+strcharinfo(0)+" Got Oridecon.",0; } monster .map$,0,0,"Oridecon",1951,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; end; OnMobKill1: if( rand(100) < 20 ) getitem 757,1; //drop r.elu if( rand(1000) < 5 ) { getitem 985,1; //drop Elu announce "(Ore Dungeon) : "+strcharinfo(0)+" Got Elunium.",0; } monster .map$,0,0,"Elunium",1954,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; end; OnMobKill2: monster .map$,0,0,"Guardian",1949,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill2"; end; OnInit: set .map$, "jor_ab02"; setmapflag .map$, mf_loadevent; monster .map$,0,0,"Oridecon",1951,100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill"; monster .map$,0,0,"Elunium",1954,100,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill1"; monster .map$,0,0,"Guardian",1949,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKill2"; waitingroom "Ore Dungeon",0; end; } jor_ab02 mapflag novending jor_ab02 mapflag nosave jor_ab02 mapflag nodrop jor_ab02 mapflag notrade jor_ab02 mapflag nomobloot jor_ab02 mapflag nobranch jor_ab02 mapflag loadevent
  12. this is example of my currently use OnInit: waitingroom "Waiting Room",20,"Peter S. Alberto#job_league::OnStartArena",1; enablewaitingroomevent; end; OnStartArena: warpwaitingpc "job_prist$",24,44; attachrid $@warpwaitingpc; if (BaseJob == Job_Priest) { goto OnStart; }else if(BaseJob == Job_Acolyte){ donpcevent "Zombie_Generator#job_league::OnEnable"; } disablewaitingroomevent; end; OnStart: enablewaitingroomevent; end; This Code is worked... But it's wrong order because this code already trigger after you got trigger "warpwaitingnpc" and then you "attachrid" later I would like to make a room condition right after they enter the chatroom as if when you enter the room if(BaseJob == Job_Priest) or if(BaseJob == Job_Acolyte) or if(BaseJob == XXXX) I mean I want it check in the begining of when player enter the ChatRoom And I would like command to click the player that not met condition out of that Room too Is it possible ? I mean i want to make a room that people who met Condition only who can enter ? Thank you and sorry for my bad endlish
  13. Does anyone have a working Emperium Breaking Room or Emperium Breaking Test. I've seen so many breaker rooms and all of them don't work anymore. Emistry's script was nice but it does not work on latest svn's anymore. It would be cool if the breaker room has a Breaker Ladder too . thanks in advance
  14. im having this on my console [Debug]: Source (NPC): Breaker Ladder at prontera (171,179) [Error]: buildin_sleep2: no unit is attached [Debug]: Source (NPC): Emperium Breaker at prontera (173,176) [Error]: buildin_sleep2: no unit is attached here is the script i used prontera,173,176,4 script Emperium Breaker 743,{ // What Map will be used set .Map$,"job3_arch01"; // How many Top Breaker will be Recorded set .TopRank,10; // Message to Inform Players while inside the Room setarray .Instruction$[0], "Please Listen here carefully.", "This is Emperium Breaker Test Room , which is use to test your Breaking Time.", "Prepare youself...and do your best to Break it...", "Okay that's All i want to say , get Ready yourself and it will Start Soon."; while( 1 ){ mes "This is Emperium Breaker test Room. "; mes "You are able to calculate your Emperium Breaking Speed in this Room."; next; switch( select( ( getmapusers( .Map$ ) )?"^FF0000NOT Available":"^0000FFAvailable^000000", "Top ^FF0000"+.TopRank+"^000000 Breaker Ladder", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Room", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Ladder" )){ Case 1: if( getmapusers( .Map$ ) ){ mes "There is another player inside it now."; next; break; } warp .Map$,0,0; killmonster .Map$,"All"; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReady"; end; Case 2: mes "^ED1ADCLatest Record^000000 : "+LatestRecord/1000+"."+LatestRecord%1000+" Seconds."; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( !$TopRankTime[.@i] ) break; mes "^FF0000Top "+( .@i + 1 )+" : ^0000FF"+$TopName$[.@i]+" "; mes "^FF0000Time Taken : ^ED1ADC[ "+$TopRankTime[.@i]/1000+"."+$TopRankTime[.@i]%1000+" Sec. ]^000000 "; } next; break; Case 3: mapannounce .Map$,"A GM has RESET the Breaker Test Room.",0,0x00FF00; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep2 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; mes "Done Reset. and Player who are inside are warped out."; next; break; Case 4: switch( select( "^0000FFAll Player^000000:^FF0000One Player^000000" ) ){ Case 1: deletearray $TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime ); deletearray $TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); mes "RESETED WHOLE LADDER."; break; Case 2: mes "Please input the ^FF0000EXACT NAME^000000 of player you want to delete."; input .Name$; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Name$ == $TopName$[.@i] ){ deletearray $TopName$[.@i],1; deletearray $TopRankTime[.@i],1; mes "Removed ^FF0000"+.Name$+"^000000 from the List."; } } } next; break; } } OnReady: sleep2 3000; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Instruction$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$,.Instruction$[.@i],0,0x00FF00; sleep2 2500; } for( set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Count Down : "+.@i+" Seconds.",0,0x00FF00; sleep2 1000; } //mapannounce .Map$,"Hit the Emperium Now and Skills Disabled.",0,0x00FF00; setmapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; monster .Map$,29,27,"Breaker Test",1288,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked"; set .Record,0; sleep2 500; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer600000: if( !mobcount( .Map$,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked" ) ) end; mapannounce .Map$,"You spent too much time. i think you are AFK , so you are out.",0,0xED1ADC; sleep2 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; stopnpctimer; end; OnBreaked: set .Time,getnpctimer(0); copyarray .@tempName$[0],$TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); copyarray .@tempRecord[0],$TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime[0] ); set LatestRecord,.Time; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Time < $TopRankTime[.@i] || !$TopRankTime[.@i] ){ set $TopRankTime[.@i],.Time; set $TopName$[.@i],strcharinfo(0); copyarray $TopRankTime[.@i + 1],.@tempRecord[0],getarraysize( .@tempRecord ); copyarray $TopName$[.@i + 1],.@tempName$[0],getarraysize( .@tempName$ ); announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Achieved Top "+( .@i + 1 )+" in Emperium Breaking with "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" Seconds !!!",bc_all,0xED1ADC; break; } } stopnpctimer; announce "Current Time Taken : "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" Seconds. ",bc_self,0xED1ADC; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; sleep2 5000; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",156,175; end; } job3_arch01 mapflag nocommand 50 job3_arch01 mapflag gvg on job3_arch01 mapflag gvg_castle job3_arch01 mapflag monster_noteleport job3_arch01 mapflag nosave SavePoint im trying to figure out whats wrong but i cant #TIA
  15. Hi. Try this one if you do not want to use instance system, modified from AnnieRuru' Private MVP & Branch Room in \npc\custom\etc\mvp_room.txt //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Private MVP & Branch Room //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Allows players to rent an MVP room for personal use, //= or for a party or guild. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version, edited. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,148,174,5 script DB Room Manager 4_F_RUSGREEN,{ mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "How are thing with you?", " "; mes "I offer two types of DB Room. Choose what best suits your need."; switch(select("Public DB Room", "Private DB Room", "Buy Branches", "Cancel")) { case 1: .@room = select( "Enter Room 1 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_01") +"]", "Enter Room 2 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_02") +"]", "Enter Room 3 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_03") +"]", "Enter Room 4 ["+ getmapusers("06guild_04") +"]"); warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0; end; case 2: clear; mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; if ( getvariableofnpc( .rentcost, "DB Room Helper" ) ) mes "The cost to rent a room for "+ getvariableofnpc( .timeout, "DB Room Helper" ) +" minutes is "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma", getvariableofnpc( .rentcost, "DB Room Helper" ) ) +"z."; else mes "You can only use the room for only "+ getvariableofnpc( .timeout, "DB Room Helper" ) +" minutes."; mes " "; .@menu$ = ""; for ( .@i = 5; .@i <= 8; .@i++ ) { if ( getvariableofnpc( .renttime[.@i], "DB Room Helper" ) ) { //mes "Room #"+ .@i +" = "+ .color$[ .type[.@i] ] + .whoinuse$[.@i] +"^000000"; .@menu$ += "Enter Room " + .@i + " ["+ .color$[ .type[.@i] ] + .whoinuse$[.@i] +"^000000]:"; } else .@menu$ += "Rent Room " + .@i + ":"; } next; .@room = select(.@menu$)+4; if ( getvariableofnpc( .renttime[.@room], "DB Room Helper" ) ) { if ( .inuseid[.@room] == getcharid( .type[.@room] ) ) { warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0; close; } else { mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "This room is reserved for "; mes .color$[ .type[.@room] ] + .whoinuse$[.@room] +"^000000."; mes "Please select another."; close; } } mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "Reserve this room for..."; next; .@type = select( "For my party members", "For my guild members", "For personal account use" ); if ( !getcharid(.@type) ) { mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "You do not own a "+( ( .@type == 1 )? "Party" : "Guild" )+"."; close; } else if ( Zeny < getvariableofnpc( .rentcost, "DB Room Helper" ) ) { mes "You don't have enough zeny to rent a room."; close; } else if ( getvariableofnpc( .renttime[.@room], "DB Room Helper" ) ) { mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "I'm sorry, somebody else has already registered this room faster than you."; close; } for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 8; .@i++ ) { if ( ( getvariableofnpc( .renttime[.@i], "DB Room Helper" ) ) && .@type == .type[.@i] && getcharid(.@type) == .inuseid[.@i] ) { mes "[^EFCC00 DB Room Manager ^000000]"; mes "You already rented Room#"+ .@i +". Use that room instead."; close; } } set .type[.@room], .@type; set .inuseid[.@room], getcharid(.@type); set .whoinuse$[.@room], strcharinfo( ( .@type == 3 )? 0 : .@type ); Zeny -= getvariableofnpc( .rentcost, "DB Room Helper" ); warp "06guild_0"+ .@room, 0,0; killmonsterall "06guild_0"+ .@room; donpcevent "Private DB Room Helper#"+ .@room +"::OnEnterMap"; close; case 3: close2; callshop "DB_Room#branch", 1; end; case 4: close; } OnInit: .color$[1] = "^EE8800"; // party color .color$[2] = "^70CC11"; // guild color .color$[3] = "^0000FF"; // account color end; } - script DB Room Helper -1,{ if (.renttime[ atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ) ]) npctalk "Time left: " + callfunc( "Time2Str", .renttime[ atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ) ] + .timeout * 60 ),strnpcinfo(0),bc_self; switch ( select(.menu$ + "Leave this room:" + (compare(strnpcinfo(1),"Private")?"Give up this room":"") ) ) { case 1: if ( mobcount( "this","" ) ) { npctalk "I cannot offer heal service when there are monsters around.",strnpcinfo(0),bc_self; end; } sc_end SC_STONE; sc_end SC_SLOWDOWN; sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; sc_end SC_DECREASEAGI; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_HALLUCINATION; sc_end SC_STRIPWEAPON; sc_end SC_STRIPARMOR; sc_end SC_STRIPHELM; sc_end SC_STRIPSHIELD; sc_end SC_CHANGEUNDEAD; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_BERSERK; sc_end SC_SKE; sc_end SC_SWOO; sc_end SC_SKA; percentheal 100,100; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; npctalk "You are completely healed.",strnpcinfo(0),bc_self; end; case 2: npctalk "Are you sure you want to leave this room?",strnpcinfo(0),bc_self; if ( select( "No, stay here","Yes, leave now") == 2 ) warp .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny; end; case 3: if ( getmapusers( strcharinfo(3) ) > 1 ) { npctalk "There are still some players in this room. Make sure you are the last member in this room to use this option.",strnpcinfo(0),bc_self; end; } mes "[DB Room Helper]"; mes "Are you sure you want to give up this room?"; if ( .rentcost ) mes "You will need to pay again to enter this room."; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; awake strnpcinfo(0); end; } close; OnEnterMap: .@id = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); .renttime[.@id] = gettimetick(2); sleep .timeout * 60000; mapwarp strnpcinfo(4), .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny; .renttime[.@id] = 0; killmonsterall strnpcinfo(4); end; OnInit: if ( !getstrlen( strnpcinfo(2) ) ) { // Config --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Room rental time, in minutes. // When time runs out, all players inside the room will be kicked out. // Do NOT set this to zero! .timeout = 60; .rentcost = 100000; // Zeny cost for renting a room (0 = free) // Options setting inside the room .@menu[1] = 1; // Turn Heal option On/Off // Respawn point when players leave the room set .respawnmap$, "prontera"; set .respawnx, 150; set .respawny, 174; // Config Ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( !.timeout ) set .timeout, 60; .menu$ = ( .@menu[1] ? "Heal" : "" ) +":" ; } else { mapannounce strnpcinfo(4), "An administrator has refreshed the server. Please re-register this room.", bc_map; mapwarp strnpcinfo(4), .respawnmap$, .respawnx, .respawny; } end; } - shop DB_Room#branch -1,604:100000,12103:10000000 06guild_01,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) DB Room Helper#1 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_02,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) DB Room Helper#2 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_03,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) DB Room Helper#3 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_04,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) DB Room Helper#4 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_05,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) Private DB Room Helper#5 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_06,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) Private DB Room Helper#6 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_07,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) Private DB Room Helper#7 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_08,49,49,4 duplicate(DB Room Helper) Private DB Room Helper#8 4_F_RUSGREEN 06guild_01 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_02 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_03 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_04 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_05 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_06 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_07 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_08 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_01 mapflag nomemo 06guild_02 mapflag nomemo 06guild_03 mapflag nomemo 06guild_04 mapflag nomemo 06guild_05 mapflag nomemo 06guild_06 mapflag nomemo 06guild_07 mapflag nomemo 06guild_08 mapflag nomemo 06guild_01 mapflag noteleport 06guild_02 mapflag noteleport 06guild_03 mapflag noteleport 06guild_04 mapflag noteleport 06guild_05 mapflag noteleport 06guild_06 mapflag noteleport 06guild_07 mapflag noteleport 06guild_08 mapflag noteleport 06guild_01 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_02 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_03 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_04 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_05 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_06 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_07 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_08 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_01 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_02 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_03 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_04 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_05 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_06 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_07 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_08 mapflag nopenalty
  16. I'm trying to add a chatroom in an invisible to stay "inside" the portal I already tried with FAKE_NPC and -1 and this is my full script:
  17. Hello, Can someone help me to edit this script to only count 1 hour and 20 minutes then refresh again to 1 hour and 20 minutes: because I have an event that starts every 1 hour and 20 minutes. prontera,150,150,5 script HourTimer 111,{ OnInit: while( .@a != 1 ){ delwaitingroom; waitingroom ""+gettimestr( "%H:%M:%S %p",15),0; sleep 1000; } end; }
  18. hello everyone can anyone help me to put proper bubble script here everytime a player buy or use this features the bubbles are gone
  19. you can use my old battleground scripts as reference. Most of them doesn't require waiting room limits
  20. I just wanted to stop in to say thanks to the Dev team for continuing to support this great game after all these years. RO was a very important game to me in my youth and to see that the community is still active after all this time is amazing. Back in the old days, I always considered running my own server, but I only finally bit the bullet on it recently. I never suspected that the entire server backend would be open-source! As such, I modded the bejeezus out of it. For starters, my server is PRE-RE, however, I backported almost all of the new content from Renewal into it. Here is my Doram character in Malangdo. It's actually pretty easy to pull renewal content into PRE-RE, since they use the same server backend. To pull renewal enemies into pre-re is as simple as grabbing them from db/re's mob-db and mob-skill-db and pulling them into pre-re's mob-db / mob-skill-db. Of course, renewal enemies have slightly different stats, in particular their "max attack" is their "matk" value and their def and mdef values are usually way too high, but that's easily fixed with SDE. Ditto for items and cards, using item-db. As far as the maps are concerned, they're already all in the game, they just don't have warps, so you just need to grab the npc/warps files from renewal and pull them into pre-re. Many renewal dungeons are instances, so you can either pull the instance into pre-re, or do what I did and turn the instance dungeons into normal dungeon floors by adding warps and recreating their mob tables. As for the Doram, it's fairly easy to add them too, I'll probably make a post explaining how to do it at some point. The main thing you have to do is remove your service_korea folder from your prere grf file, which will allow the one from renewal that allows the creation of Doram to be used instead. Then there's a flag in the server settings somewhere that you have to modify so the server won't reject character creation requests for Doram. I'll write up something on this later. The biggest thing I added by far is the ability to rebirth as Super Novice, Star Gladiator, Soul Linker, Ninja, Gunslinger, and Summoner. It always annoyed me that the classes added after the first 12 never got the ability to rebirth, so I did it myself. It's not possible (or at least I can't figure out how to do it) to add new classes to the game since class sprites are hardcoded in the client file, so instead the way I did this is that when you rebirth as one of the new classes, it unlocks a new "quest skill" which is a pre-requisite for their transcendent abilities. The game also checks to see if you have this skill when it determines if you are transcendent (say, for equipping transcendent only armor or getting the 25% max hp / sp bonuses), and it also uses it to force you to the transcendent exp tables. I'd love to share the code for this, but there's so many code changes that it probably can't be done without me just zipping up my entire codebase, which is also somewhat out of date. By I encourage other intrepid coders to experiment! A reborn Ninja's new skill tree. Note the presence of a few Kagerou skills, despite the fact that he is a still a Ninja. The "reborn" skill in the bottom left is the new quest skill that makes this possible. For Ninja / Gunslinger / Star Gladiator / Soul Linker, they get a few skills from their next job as transcendent skills, with many alterations (for example, Soul Linker gains Espa and Eswhoo, but they don't require spirit energy to use, since it's not available. In exchange they have much less power). Summoner gets his post level 100 skills as transcendent skills, since the max level cap is 99. Super Novice gets to become Expanded Super Novice. I also added the ability for Novices to use bows, which required me to make a custom animation for this. The dream of Bow Super Novice is finally real! Beyond this, I also added like a hundred new pets. They all have custom portraits and speech lines. I put up a guide on how to add custom pets elsewhere on the forum if you want to do this. This poor Lunatic is NOT ready for what's about to happen. And then I manually rebalanced the effect of every card in the game and manually tweaked the exp and drop rates of almost every monster in the game. My server is technically 10x, but the beginning feels like 5x or so, while the late game feels more like 20x, because lategame monsters give more exp. I also fixed a ton of bugs and made a number of enhancements, for example if you use the whodrops command, it now shows exact matches first, so if you do "whodrops boots" you actually see slotted boots now! At this point, there's probably some room for debate as to whether or not this game is still Ragnarok Online or something else entirely, but I'm having fun with it. The only problem is that now my regular job seems boring by comparison. Having complete control over the codebase for one of the best games of all time is pretty much impossible to top. Oh well. Everyone reaches the pinnacle of their career sooner or later. I'm sorry if this sounded like a giant advertisement. Actually, my server will probably never be open to the general public. However, where my code is easily distributable I'll probably make some of it available. I've already put up a couple topics sharing some of the files I've written, and I'll probably try to put up a few more once everything is adequately tested (I've also crashed my server about a hundred times already).
  21. Super Stylist (Dress Room Required) View File This' my very first work if any bug contact me and i'll try to fix Submitter kanashiroakira Submitted 01/18/2017 Category Utilities Content Author  
  22. Original idea - Alice Special thanks to Olrox, Doss, Ricky92, Ai4rei, curiosity, Lemongrass, Shinryo, Yommy, Greenbox, Mina-chan, Tokei My thesis on mapping .•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•.•°'°•. x_base The first team starts outside, and the second inside the temple. The first team's task is to destroy the crystal, the second team's task is to save the crystal for a certain time. One of the features of the map is that the main room has one central Y-axis. And the crystal is also located exactly in the center. All doors open simultaneously on both sides if possible. Usually the activation button is only on one side, so you will have to learn the possible paths. The press operates at the touch of a button, just like the doors. There is a little trick that allows you to spam the press on cooldown like in the video. To do this, you need to approach the button again immediately after pressing and wait until the press lowers again. Hydras and Penomena's live in the basement with water. They have a special spawn area to force the player to go around and waste time. All objects were made manually in Blender 2.9 and 3DSMax 7 The map was created entirely in the program BrowEdit 586. There is one src change - you need to add "areakill" command from this thread. Also for optimal performance of the map, the "Visible area size" in client.conf of about 50 is required. Otherwise, it is only possible to check the status of active objects at close range. Taekwondo jumping should also be banned or WoE restrictions should be turned on altogether.
  23. Hi Team, Is there a fix on how to remove invisible wall in Izlude PVP Room? I'm using Pre-renewal server. Thanks!
  24. Hola primeramente He estado intentando agregar unos items custom, seguí las indicaciones de una guía, el ítem en si aparece, pero cuando este se equipa se cierra el juego o simplemente no aparece el ítem en el juego Ya he editado mi data para agregarlos y sigue marcando error También están en sus carpetas correspondientes Espero puedan ayudarme Cliente: 2018-06-20eRagexeRE 1 Use Tilde for Matk 3 Chat Flood Remove Limit 8 Custom Window Title 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 16 Disable Swear Filter 19 Enable Title Bar Menu (legacy) 20 Extend Chat Box 21 Extend Chat Room Box 22 Extend PM Box 23 Enable /who command (Recommended) 24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) 28 Increase Headgear ViewID 31 Increase Zoom Out 75% 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 40 Restore Login Window (Recommended) 43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 45 Use Custom Aura Sprites 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 47 Use Ragnarok Icon 48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) 49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) 50 Skip License Screen 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) 63 Use Official Cloth Palettes 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 69 Extend Npc Dialog Box 71 Ignore Resource Errors 72 Ignore Missing Palette Error 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 76 Enforce Official Login Background 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 86 Only First Login Background 88 Allow space in guild name 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 115 Enable Effect for all Maps [Experimental] 205 Enable Monster Tables 208 Restore Cash Shop Icon 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 219 Always Show Resurrection Button 222 Show Replay Button 225 Show Register Button 229 Enable Emblem hover for BG 230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file (Recommended) 234 Ignore Lua Errors 235 Enable guild while in clan 239 Ignore /account: command line argument 241 Always Load Client Plugins 247 Change new char name field height 248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop 249 Change minimal screen resolution limit 251 Allow close cutin by pressing esc key 253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons 256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop 257 Use Default Web Browser for <URL> 258 Enable Shortcut All Item 277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path 279 Fix item description bug 285 Fix act delay for act files with many frames 286 Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window 287 Change character display deletion time 289 Fix Homunculus attack AI 290 Hide build info in client (Recommended) 291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended) 293 Increase hair style limit for human only in game (old) Saludos
  25. While surfing the web, I found this website that mentions some stuff that got dropped from RO during its development or later as it was running. I found it interesting. It also has a single picture of Zombie Dragon. Was not expecting Zombie Dragon to be a 3D boss. Link: Ragnarok Online - The Cutting Room Floor (tcrf.net)
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