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Everything posted by Hirasu

  1. can you update the script bible for the new instance system please?
  2. it is possible to extract the ragnarok 2 Lots models ? EDIT: I found a .VDK Extract tool :http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=6318 Now my question is how can i import the ( for example ) Ladytanee_01.kfm , Ladytanee_01.nif and Ladytanee_SKILL_MELEEATTACK_01.kf to 3ds max /Cinema 4d ? Hope someone can help me
  3. i think it would be cool becouse the creator of Ragnarok 1 is the projekt leader and he know what the Ro1 Fanboys want
  4. EDIT: Closed beta comes closer! http://blog.treeofsavior.com/en/ Patchnotes : http://toswiki.treeofsaviorgame.com/patch_notes Hey i found a game of the Original Creator and Lead Designer of Ragarok Online 1 (he didnt made Ragnarok 2 ). http://kotaku.com/the-ragnarok-creators-new-game-will-have-80-cltasses-e-1465043617 The name of the game is Tree of savior (Projekt R1 | Projekt Ragnarok 1? ) Tree of Savior will contain 80 classes in total at the launch of its open beta, with 10 "jobs" available to each class. Graphics-wise, the game will be similar to Ragnarok Online, with 2D character sprites moving around in a 3D world—although this time around the monsters you'll fight will also be in 3D, as you can see in the gameplay vid shared by inven above. Kim also shared the fact that there would be 200 unique boss monsters for players to hunt down. THIS IS AWESOME! Gravity failed hard with RO2 , now we have to wait for Tree of savior! SHARE IT! PS: Sorry for my bad english Screenshots:
  5. dont work now the script do nothing but say (player found)
  6. i get error parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')' 25 : if(getarraysize($toNuke)>0) initnpctimer; 26 : end; 27 : 28 : OnTimer10000: 29 : for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($toNuke); set .@i,.@i+1) { * 30 : if( isloggedin( $toNuke[.@i] ) '{' 31 : attachrid($toNuke[.@i]); 32 : atcommand "@nuke "+.@target$; 33 : detachrid; 34 : } 35 : } EDIT: one ")" missing
  7. hi, i need helpp with my script he should perm nuked the target in the list but my script nuked the target one time not more and i get this error in the console : buildin_rid2name: invalid RID can someone fix this for me please ? - script NukeCola -1,{ OnInit: set .masterId,2000133; setarray .permitted[0],2000000; if(getarraysize($toNuke)>0) initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($toNuke); set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@target$,rid2name($toNuke[.@i]); if(.@target$!="(null)") { attachrid($toNuke[.@i]); atcommand "@nuke "+.@target$; detachrid; } } initnpctimer; end; OnWhisperGlobal: callsub isNukePermitted; if(@whispervar0$=="nuke") { callsub addToNukeList,@whispervar1$; dispbottom "The target "+@whispervar1$+" wasn't found."; } else if(@whispervar0$=="nukelist") { if(getarraysize($toNuke)==0) { dispbottom "The nukelist is empty."; end; } for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($toNuke); set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@target$,rid2name($toNuke[.@i]); if(.@target$!="(null)") dispbottom .@target$; } } else if(@whispervar0$=="unnuke") { callsub deleteFromNukeList,@whispervar1$; dispbottom "The target "+@whispervar1$+" wasn't found."; } else if(@whispervar0$=="help") { dispbottom "nuke#username"; dispbottom "nukelist"; dispbottom "unnuke#username"; } else dispbottom @whispervar0$+" is a unknown command."; end; deleteFromNukeList: for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($toNuke); set .@i,.@i+1) { if($toNuke[.@i]==getcharid(3,getarg(0))) { if(getcharid(3)!=.masterId) { for(set .@y,0; .@y < getarraysize(.permitted); set .@y,.@y+1) { if($toNuke[.@i]==.permitted[.@y]) { dispbottom "Nice try again <3"; return 0; } } } set $toNuke[.@i],0; dispbottom @whispervar1$+" deleted from nukelist."; if(getarraysize($toNuke)==0) { stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; } end; } } return 0; end; addToNukeList: set .@target,getcharid(3,getarg(0)); if(.@target==0) return 0; if(.@target==getcharid(3)) { dispbottom "You can't nuke yourself"; end; } if(.@target==.masterId) { dispbottom "Nice try ;D"; set .@target,getcharid(3); } set $toNuke[getarraysize($toNuke)],.@target; dispbottom @whispervar1$+" found."; if(getarraysize($toNuke)>=0) initnpctimer; end; isNukePermitted: for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.permitted); set .@i,.@i+1) if(getcharid(3)==.permitted[.@i]) return 1; end; }
  8. hi rathena community, what do u like more? 1. Low 2. Mid 3. High please post the number
  9. CLOSE THIS TOPIC I found the color code in status.php </div> <div class="time" style="color:rgb(232,254,255);font-weight:bold;font-size: 22px;text-align:center"> <?php echo date('H:i'); ?>
  10. Hi, how i can change the color of that? i have check the flux.css and main.css i found only the color code for the online counter can anyone tell me how i can change this? thanks
  11. how i can setup dreamweaver for Flux CP?
  12. i need a example did do: creation instancing for Party id with maximal 2 player in map "test" and a npc in the instance to delete the instance and warp to prontera can someone help me please? Thanks. PS: sorry for my bad English
  13. ZeusRO Patcher is nice 10/10 keep it up
  14. Hi, i have a request , how to make an npc that recvor HP3% Every second but you can not cancel it until the HP is full To aktiv this system need to use ITEM ID, If monster attack the resting player the effect cancels. can someone make me an example? Thanks
  15. add this http://spritereposit...ill-damage-fix/ i test it and it works great! EDIT: lol sorry wrong Topic
  16. Thanks for all the replays @GmOcean,AnnieRuru wow this is a nice and simple idea thanks!!
  17. its possible to make a script when a player is lvl 150 (max lvl 155) to disable exp gains ?
  18. is the projekt dead? i hope not this Projekt is awesome!
  19. Hab selber schon oft darüber nachgedacht mal einen in diesen fall Englisch/Deutsch server zu machen das man beim ersten einloggen mit dem Acc eine frage bekommt welche sprache die NPCs haben sollen was man auch dann in der Maintown an einem NPC wieder umstellen kann bei bedarf. Ein multi-Server wär geil! ich wär auch dabei mitzuhelfen!
  20. thanks ! (sorry its to late to say "thanks")
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