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iubantot last won the day on March 11 2021

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  1. Found a bug. If you drop the charm from your inventory then relogin the charm will still be present in your inventory
  2. I have a barter shop through barter.yml with 1000 stocks. How to I restock the items? I tried using: npcshopupdate "adventure_shop",713,0,1000; but its returning an error [Warning]: Script command 'npcshopupdate' returned failure.
  3. Hi guys have any fix for the following issue when changing cloth palette? even the official palette is showing this. Here are my WARP patch inputs: $showFailures: data: '' display: "true" type: 10 $newItemInfo: data: '53797374656d2f6974656d696e666f5f454e2e6c756100' display: "System/iteminfo_EN.lua" type: 10 $newFont: data: '5461686f6d6100' display: "Tahoma" type: 10 $newTownInfo: data: '53797374656d2f546f776e696e666f5f454e2e6c756200' display: "System/Towninfo_EN.lub" type: 10 $inpFlag: data: '' display: "Inputs/FlagSpec.yml" type: 10 $maxHairs: data: '3075' display: 30000 type: 2 $customWindowTitle: data: '5261676e61726f6b204f6e6c696e6500' display: "Ragnarok Online" type: 10 $newFontHgt: data: '0c' display: 12 type: 2 $newOngQInfoList: data: '73797374656d5c4f6e676f696e675175657374496e666f4c6973745f547275655f454e00' display: "system\\OngoingQuestInfoList_True_EN" type: 10 $viewIDLimit: data: '50c30000' display: 50000 type: 2 $warpFadeOutDelay: data: '00000000' display: 0 type: 2 $newPrivAirplane: data: '53797374656d5c50726976617465416972706c616e655f545f454e2e6c756200' display: "System\\PrivateAirplane_T_EN.lub" type: 10 $newRcmdQInfoList: data: '73797374656d5c5265636f6d6d656e6465645175657374496e666f4c6973745f547275655f454e00' display: "system\\RecommendedQuestInfoList_True_EN" type: 10 $ssQuality: data: '64' display: 100 type: 2 $newBGMPath: data: '66696c653a2f2f2f473a2f446f776e6c6f6164732f5261676e61726f6b20446566696e6974697665202d20436f70792f42474d2f3139382e6d703300' display: "file:///G:/Downloads/Ragnarok Definitive - Copy/BGM/198.mp3" type: 10 $chatFloodLimit: data: '0a' display: 10 type: 2 $translationFile: data: '' display: "Inputs/Translations_EN.yml" type: 10 $auraSpec: data: '' display: "Inputs/AuraSpec.yml" type: 10 $guildExpLimit: data: '64' display: 100 type: 2 $copyNCDdll: data: '' display: "true" type: 10 $newMapInfo: data: '73797374656d5c6d6170496e666f5f747275655f454e2e6c756200' display: "system\\mapInfo_true_EN.lub" type: 10 $dataINI: data: '444154412e494e4900' display: "DATA.INI" type: 10 $newAchieveList: data: '73797374656d5c616368696576656d656e745f6c6973745f454e2e6c756200' display: "system\\achievement_list_EN.lub" type: 10 $fontHgtOff: data: '03' display: 3 type: 2 $myNewTick: data: '00' display: 0 type: 2 $newTipBox: data: '53797374656d2f746970626f785f454e2e6c756200' display: "System/tipbox_EN.lub" type: 10 $newCheckAtt: data: '53797374656d2f436865636b417474656e64616e63655f454e2e6c756200' display: "System/CheckAttendance_EN.lub" type: 10 $newPetEvoCln: data: '73797374656d5c50657445766f6c7574696f6e436c6e5f747275655f452e6c756200' display: "system\\PetEvolutionCln_true_E.lub" type: 10 patches: - OfficialPal - ShowBGEmblem - CustomQSDelay - AllowSkillSpam - ShowGvGDamage - Allow65kHairs - NoWalkDelay - EnableWho - EnableShowName - DefShopBrowser - PreviewInShop - PreviewInTrader - MediumCamAngle - ZoomMax - UseOldLogin - CustomGuildExpLimit - AlwaysAscii - CustomSSQuality - CallKoreaClientInfo - DataFolderFirst - PlainTextDesc - LoadKrExtSettings - IncrViewID - No3DBoneLimit - IncrMapQuality - EnableEffectTool - HideBuildInfo - FixArrowsCharset - TranslateClient - NoGGuard - MsgStrings - CustomItemInfoLub - CustomAchieveLub - CustomTownInfoLub - CustomPetEvoClnLub - CustomTipboxLub - CustomCheckAttLub - CustomPrivAirplaneLub - CustomMapInfoLub - CustomOngQuestInfoLub - CustomRcmdQuestInfoLub - GRFsFromIni - NoFilenameCheck - EnableSysMenu - CustomWinTitle - No1and1Arg - IgnoreAccArg - RestoreIcon - EnableDnsSupport - NoNagle - NoHardCodedAddr - NoGNJoyLaunch - SendClientFlags - Enable44kHzAudio - RestoreSongsEffect - TildeForMatk - NoSwearFilter - SkipServiceSelect - OpenToServiceSelect - GuildBrackets - FixChatAt - NoHourly - EnableFlagEmotes - NoSerialDisplay - AllowSpaceInGName - DeleteCharWithEmail - NoHelpMsg - HideWorldView - CloseCutinOnEsc - CustomFadeDelay - RelativeDelay4CharDel - RestoreChatFocus - HideZeroDateInGuildWin - InsensitiveStorageSearch - InsensitiveShopSearch - NoGravityAds - NoGravityLogo - CustomFontName - CustomFontHgtOffset - FixLatestNCWin - DisConnToLogin - NoCharnameLimit - NoPasswordLimit - HideLicense
  4. What database editor are you using? like SDE? current SDE gives me error when loading renewal database
  5. View File Byakko Town A remote town in the center of the sea! Good for small scale servers ? Submitter iubantot Submitted 03/11/2021 Category Maps & 3D Resources Video Content Author IUbantot  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    A remote town in the center of the sea! Good for small scale servers ?
  7. ohh thanks that really helps!
  8. So im working with this script that will give an item to all players on a map and i want to apply the unique_id() of gepard does anyone have any idea how to implement this?
  9. Im trying to use this but i get this error whenever i summon my mado. im using 2018-09-19Ragexe
  10. So i was wondering with the recent update of rathena it now supports Star Emperor and Soul Reaper class. What client date are you using? I seem to have a problem with the translation of the job name it is appearing as Korean. I tried using 2018-06-21RagexeRE and 2018-09-19Ragexe Im tried using zack's client translation and asheraf's but its still the same.
  11. i am using the 700 pack but it seems there are still
  12. Im using 2018-06-20 and kamishi palettes and i think the sprite of summoner is not compatible with the palettes. does anyone have a corrected one?
  13. So i have this npc and i need to check if the invoking player is inside ANY instance or not
  14. what is that? is it a patch on nemo?
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