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Everything posted by simplemhan

  1. your error is the spr and act files of your custom items. the male and female spr and act.
  2. use search button, i post the script of what you needed.
  3. your using 3ceam? find the diff file here, someone post it here.
  4. make a 3 item, the 2nd post is only for the 3rd item, make sure you have the 1st and 2nd item script.
  5. I just follow your script, i just change it.
  6. i dont know how to do that, cause when im using codebox its not appearing. i just type .[ code ] [ /code ] still not working, heres the map error: [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnGreen] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnGreen] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnGreen] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnRed] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnRed] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnGreen] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnBlue] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [PoporingPoporing::OnRed]
  7. show more proof, see your map if there is an error there.
  8. yes, nope the error show when i killed the red and green poring.
  9. [Error] npc_event: event not found [Poporing::OnRed] [Error] npc_event: event not found [Poporing::OnGreen] //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= RGB Event //===== By: ================================================== //= Katazui/WanMan/Ghost //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 First Release //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= SVNr Version 14362 //===== Description: ========================================= //= GM Actived Event, and Get Points by killing Porings > //===== Editing: ============================================= - script settings#rgbevent -1,{ OnInit: set $RGBItem,501; //Prize goes here. Make it Small set $RGBGM,80; //Input what GM Level that can Active the Event. end; } //============================================================ Hyrule,127,47,1 script Marin 1857,{ mes "[Marin]"; mes "Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!"; next; mes "[Marin]"; mes "You have ^FF0000"+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^008800"+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^0000FF"+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points^000000"; close2; getitem $RGBItem,#RPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#GPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#BPoring; set #RPoring,0; set #GPoring,0; set #BPoring,0; end; } Hyrule,140,47,1 script Poring 1002,{ mes "[Poring]"; mes "Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!"; next; mes "[Poring]"; mes "You have ^FF0000"+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^008800"+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^0000FF"+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points^000000"; close2; getitem $RGBItem,#RPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#GPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#BPoring; set #RPoring,0; set #GPoring,0; set #BPoring,0; end; } //$RGBGM Hyrule,140,50,6 script Poporing 1031,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 80) goto L_admin; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!"; next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "You have ^FF0000"+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^008800"+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points^000000"; mes "You have ^0000FF"+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points^000000"; next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "There are ^FF0000"+.Red1+" Red Poring^000000"; mes "There are ^008800"+.Green1+" Green Poring^000000"; mes "There are ^0000FF"+.Blue1+" Blue Poring^000000"; mes "There all at "+.Map$+""; close2; getitem $RGBItem,#RPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#GPoring; getitem $RGBItem,#BPoring; set #RPoring,0; set #GPoring,0; set #BPoring,0; end; L_admin: mes "Hello! Please edit the Settings to start the Event"; mes "^FF0000Red Poring Points^000000 is 10 Points"; mes "^008800Green Poring Points^000000 is 5 Points"; mes "^0000FFBlue Poring Points^000000 is 1 Points"; menu "^777777Map^000000 ["+.Map$+"]",map,"^FF0000Red Porings^000000 ["+.@RPoring+"]",red,"^008800Green Porings^000000 ["+.@GPoring+"]",green,"^0000FFBlue Porings^000000 ["+.@BPoring+"]",blue,"Start Event",sevent,"End Event",ajdhfs; sevent: if (.1Event >= 1) goto lolol; close2; set .1Event,1; monster .Map$,0,0,"Red Poring",1002,.@RPoring,"Poporing::OnRed"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Green Poring",1031,.@GPoring,"Poporing::OnGreen"; monster .Map$,0,0,"Blue Poring",1857,.@BPoring,"Poporing::OnBlue"; announce "The Blue/Red/Green Porings has Attacked "+.Map$+"! Please Clear them away!",0; set .Red1,.@RPoring;; set .Green1,.@GPoring; set .Blue1,.@BPoring; goto PoringCount; end; OnRed: set #RPoring, #RPoring + 10; dispbottom "You have "+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points"; //dispbottom "You have "+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points"; //dispbottom "You have "+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points"; set .Red1, .Red1 - 1; goto PoringCount; end; OnGreen: set #GPoring, #GPoring + 5; //dispbottom "You have "+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points"; dispbottom "You have "+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points"; //dispbottom "You have "+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points"; set .Green1, .Green1 -1; goto PoringCount; end; OnBlue: set #BPoring, #BPoring + 1; //dispbottom "You have "+#RPoring+" Red Poring Points"; //dispbottom "You have "+#GPoring+" Green Poring Points"; dispbottom "You have "+#BPoring+" Blue Poring Points"; set .Blue1, .Blue1 - 1; goto PoringCount; end; PoringCount: if(.Red1 == 0) && (.Green1 == 0) && (.Blue1 == 0) goto ajdhfs; end; ajdhfs: killmonster .Map$,"All"; announce "Thank You! You Clear all the Red/Green/Blue Porings from "+.Map$+"",0; set .1Event,0; close; end; red: next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "Input how many ^0000FFRed Porings^000000"; input .@RPoring; next; goto L_admin; end; green: next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "Input how many ^008800Green Porings^000000"; input .@GPoring; next; goto L_admin; end; blue: next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "Input how many ^FF0000Blue Porings^000000"; input .@BPoring; next; goto L_admin; end; map: next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "Input your Location"; input .Map$; next; goto L_admin; end; lolol: next; mes "[Poporing]"; mes "The Event is still on"; close; end; }
  10. make sure you have the lua before or after the date of your client.
  11. 2nd post, is the same as combo script in valkyrie set.
  12. { id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true /* feature commands */ refresh: true noask: true noks: true main: true autoloot: true alootid: true autotrade: true request: true go: true jump: true } permissions: { } }, edit the id: 1 into id: 80 edit the name, inherit,level and the commands. just add or remove the command you want to use by your gm level 80
  13. go to src/map/map/h #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2 make it higher, for example #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 20 it depends on your event
  14. use lua before or after the clientdate of your client that you are using. some diff files in shins diff patcher is not working.
  15. change the following below set @user, getareausers("new_zone04",168,151,191,128); this one also warp "new_zone04", 180, 140; and last but not the list makeitem 969, 2, "new_zone04", rand(168, 191),rand(128, 151);
  16. place your custom weapon in proper folder and make sure they have the same name the spr and act file.
  17. npc 'Guide#Mini' already has a chatroom, cannot create new one. heres my script: animeresort,170,196,6 script Guide#mini 832,22,22,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Mini - Games Event Room",20,"Guide#mini::OnMiniwarp",1; enablewaitingroomevent; end; OnMiniwarp: warpwaitingpc "turbo_room", 128, 91; disablewaitingroomevent; end; OnStart: enablewaitingroomevent; end; }
  18. search it in script release or client release. i post it somewhere there.
  19. wrong decompile of lua files in your quest.lua proof in your ss.
  20. diff your client. the max headgear view id. or search it here, there is a post like that.
  21. Add this or make it on your own needed. //Item Trading Restrictions File //Specify here special rules for item trading. //Item ID, TradeMask, GM-Level Override //Trading mask values: //1:Item can't be droped //2:Item can't be traded (nor vended) //4:Wedded partner can override restriction 2. //8:Item can't be sold to npcs //16:Item can't be placed in the cart //32:Item can't be placed in the storage //64:Item can't be placed in the guild storage //128:Item can't be attached to mail //256:Item can't be auctioned //Example: //1161,67,50 //Balmung: No drop, No trade, No Guild Store (1+2+64 =67), //only GMs of GM-level 50 and up can override the setting. 2627,35,100
  22. edit your max level in the src file then recompile it. in another problem make a sql files in loginlog or find the sql files in your rathena svn naming loginlog.
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