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Everything posted by simplemhan

  1. i cannot download it needed to register, can you give me another link.
  2. Complete English Version of New Set Up in Ragnarok. [MsgString.lua] save it in System folder in your RO Folder and name it MsgString.lua Say Thanks if you use it. Credits : Philip - My Nickname. Customized Ragnarok Online[Coming Soon] SetupMSG = { ["Device"] = "T&L Hardware Acceleration. On/Off", ["Mode"] = "Resolution screen of the game.", ["FullScreen"] = "Fullscreen mode. On/Off", ["MouseExclusive"] = "Cursor won't go off the screen. On/Off", ["Sprite"] = "Sprite quality.", ["Texture"] = "Texture quality", ["Bgm_Volume"] = "Adjust background music volume.", ["Effect_Volume"] = "Adjust sound/effects volume.", ["bgm"] = "Background music. On/Off", ["sound"] = "Sound Effects. On/Off", ["battlemode"] = "Allows the use of skills assigned to Shortcut Window 2 by pressing Q ~ O keys", ["notrade"] = "Automatically rejects incoming trade requests. On/Off", ["noshift"] = "May use 'force heal' ability without the need of pressing Shift key. On/Off", ["noctrl"] = "Automatically attacks without pressing CTRL key. On/Off", ["skillfail"] = "Displays red failure message when using skill. On/Off", ["notalkmsg"] = "Hides chat messages in the chat window. On/Off", ["notalkmsg2"] = "Hides chat messages in the chat window (including guild chats). On/Off", ["showname"] = "Change the name font type.", ["fog"] = "Fog effect. On/Off", ["aura"] = "Simplify aura effects. On/Off", ["window"] = "Display windows will snap/dock together. On/Off", ["miss"] = "Show miss. On/Off", ["q1"] = "Enable the use of skills assigned to the F9 hotkey using Right-click. On/Off", ["q2"] = "Enable the use of skills assigned to the F7 and F8 hotkey using Mouse wheel up and down. On/Off", ["effect"] = "Effect. On/Off", ["loginout"] = "Shows Guildsmen and Friends connection related messages. On/Off", ["shopping"] = "Opens a shop with a single click and Right-click to close. On/Off", ["stateinfo"] = "Shows status icons descriptions. On/Off", ["snap"] = "Automatically lead cursor to the target near it. On/Off", ["itemsnap"] = "Automatically lead cursor to the item near it. On/Off", ["skillsnap"] = "Automatically lead cursor to the target when using skills. On/Off", ["hoai"] = "Use user customized Homunculus AI settings. On/Off", ["merai"] = "Use user customized Mercenary AI settings. On/Off", ["camera"] = "Camera zooming. On/Off", ["lightmap"] = "Toggle minimap. On/Off", ["ISOK"] = "Do you want to save your settings?" } MsgString.txt
  3. where is the changeset and the diff you talking about keikun?
  4. Because you need a complete decompiled lua for 2011-11-02aRagExeRE.exe Also, lua dates should be the same in ragexere date Means, you need 2011-11-02 lua's for 2011-11-02aRagExeRE.exe or 2011-11-22 lua's for 2011-11-22aRagExeRE.exe
  5. okey i will fix that so everyone can convert it to lub, just wait for my post.
  6. make it case 3 not 4 to make it ascending
  7. Say thanks if you use it. by the way i need updated msgstringtable.lua to test it. Special thanks to the following: Philip - thats my nickname, FatalError, Rytech, Chunkspy, Luadec 5.2, see attachment lua files.7z please post your comments if you found an error so that i can fix it. Next Released Decompiled Lua's for 2012-2-14bRagExeRE
  8. http://rathena.org/board/topic/58996-almost-done-new-set-up-in-english/page__fromsearch__1
  9. give me the lua 2011-11-22 and i will decompile it completely
  10. i will decompiled it completely using my tools and i will post it soon as i finish it decompiling.
  11. give me fresh compiled lua for 2011-11-22aRagExeRE, i will decompiled it completely.
  12. try to put it on a script not on equipscript or even unequip script just script.
  13. nope, i think rytech misplaced it. it should be in another folder not in seekparty.
  14. how to make a virtual server aka port forward using globe h5001n, wired dsl
  15. is this what your talking about? i dont know how to config this, can you teach me.
  16. please help me port-forward it, i am using globe lines in the Philippines.
  17. and also failed to patch 2012-02-08aData_sc.gpf
  18. just w8 for my post, i will test it first so that no one can get an error when i post it here.
  19. I will post the latest complete decompiled lua's please wait for my post.
  20. Please see the picture, unexpected argument for 2 how to fix this, thanks for helping
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