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Fresh prince

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Everything posted by Fresh prince

  1. Thank you sir emistry! What about the 2nd image? Do you have an idea whats the prob?
  2. Hello Rathena, can you please help me address this 2 warnings. What are the causes of these and how can I get rid of them. Thank you very much!
  3. Dude, I managed to grab something from a different command to prevent the use of this skill on a certain map! Here! /*========================================== * Auras personalizadas *------------------------------------------*/ int atcommand_aura(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { struct map_session_data *pl_sd = 0; int type = 0; if(sd->bl.m == map_mapname2mapid("payg_cas04")) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "@aura is not allowed on this map."); return 0; } if( !pc_get_group_level(sd) && DIFF_TICK(gettick(),sd->canlog_tick) < 10000 ) { clif_displaymessage(fd,"@aura cannot be issued since you were into battle recently"); return -1; } if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d %[^\n]", &type, atcmd_player_name) < 2) { if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d", &type) < 1) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter at least an option (usage: @aura )."); return -1; } atcmd_player_name[0] = 0; pl_sd = sd; } if( pl_sd != sd ) { if ((pl_sd = map_nick2sd(atcmd_player_name)) == NULL) return -1; } sprintf(atcmd_output, "Current Aura: %d", pl_sd->status.aura); clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); pl_sd->status.aura = type; pc_setglobalreg(pl_sd,"USERAURA",type); pc_setpos(pl_sd, pl_sd->mapindex, pl_sd->bl.x, pl_sd->bl.y, 3); return 0; }
  4. Dude by the way, yes it does work perfectly but say, if before you got hit, and spam the @aura command, theres a delay before the attacker lands an AOE or melee attack on you like 2-3 secs. Where can we adjust that so when you do the @aura command, you can be attacked right away without delays? Thank you!
  5. Thanks icabit!! works perfectly awesome!
  6. If i already have @go and @warp delay, i should just add the one abouve in atcommand.c?
  7. Could you add a delay to it? Is it possible?
  8. Have you encounter any glitch that can be exploit? Like can be spammed to avoid getting hit? Ty
  9. Theres a bug on this thing. You can spam this kn woe and you wont get killed. I have not trried cydh's mod preventing the use of these, other than that, needs to be disable the ise of this command in woe Or a delay on using it please. Like 3 secs delay kn selectjng another aura
  10. In the middle of woe, this appears on map server. "[Error]" script_rid2: fatal error ! player not attached!" then the emperium stop re spawning after a break. I have to reload again for the emperium to re spawn back. Is there a fix for this? Im using Euphy's woe controller. Help please. Thank you very much!
  11. Hello, how can you create an item based, usable item for deep sleep lullaby? I understand that when on that state, you cannot use any usable items. Is there a quick way to enable using usable items so sc_end would work? Thanks. Solved in source.
  12. Though you change the values in attri_fix.txt, seems not to have an effect. Say neutral to ghost, set it all to zero, asura dmg still the same. Anyone? Thanks
  13. On ghostring cards, try changing these: change: {bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost; bonus bHPrecovRate,-25; },{},{} to: {bonus2 bSubEle,0,30; bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost; bonus bHPrecovRate,-25; },{},{} Worked for me
  14. Whats the ideal number for a high rate server?
  15. Theres no effect nor additional buffs but the ability to see your character glow and so as the others. Overall it's an awesome mod to have.
  16. should be @unloadnpcfile <npc path> @loadnpc <npc path>
  17. Thanks for your suggestions! Im planning to get gs3 or gnote2 more power!!
  18. Bump! I can't see blue crits and never activates the whirlwind. Is this a source problem or could be a client? No errors on map btw please help!
  19. Hello Rathenians! I have just given up figuring out why the heck my taekwon kicks doesn't work.. Say, I enabled the following: 1.Prepare Whirlwind 2.Prepare Axe Kick 3.Prepare Round kick 4. Prepare counter kick *Those 4 states if you do auto attack, it will trigger. We'll It doesn't on mine! *With those four skill enabled above, I tried clicking the ff: 1.Whirlwind kick 2.Axe kick 3.Round Kick 4. Counter Kick *Nothing happens! Doesn't work Job: Taekwon #4046 BLevel: 255 JLevel: 150 ___________________________________________ Kindly help me please. Thank you in advance!
  20. Works well with that revision. You should try it first before asking if it does.
  21. You can probably revert it into the old revision where masquerade weakness wont work on full chemical protection. That way shadow chasers main option on stripping will be the strip skills. That's if you have the strip soul link mod. Also, there wasn't really a fix formula for this. The caster's stats will trigger it's success rate based on the traget's stats, level or/and status resistance. On skill.c you can probably play with the traget's stats so you can overide it's success rate.
  22. What current smartphone that can have winscp and putty? (the best if possible) I'd like to manage my server even if I'm not at home, basically wherever I go, I can stop and restart my server if something goes wrong. *don't know if this is the right place to ask but kindly toss me infos please. Thanks!!!
  23. I'm trying to figure out what does this do. kindly explain please
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