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Fresh prince

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Everything posted by Fresh prince

  1. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Orc's Memory //===== By: ================================================== //= L0ne_W0lf //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Official Conversion] //= Relive the memory of an orc. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.1 First round of bugfixes. (bugreport:3928) [L0ne_W0lf] //= Fixed some npcs calling wrong events. //= Fixed Depraved Orc Spirit spawn point //= Fixed an NPC that was never being enabled. //= 1.1a Second round from bugreport. (bugreport:3928) [L0ne_W0lf] //= Fixed first warp never enabling, issue not seen //= because of a local source mod. //= Corrected the IDs for the Vengeful Orc Spirit and //= Shaman Cargalache, copy/paste fail. //= Changed spawn point for dungeon according to spawn //= point on iRO. //= 1.2 More bugfixes, mostly typos. (bugreport:3944) [L0ne_W0lf] //= Fixed some varaibles (types/values) as well. //= 1.3 Disabled an exploit related to the orc hero spawn. [L0ne_W0lf] //= Corrected the variable type for party leader name. //= 1.4 Fixed donpcevent calling non-existant npc. (bugreport:4039) [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.5 Fixed a checkquest condition never setting quest. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.6 Added 'instance_check_party' command to the script for proper checking if //= the invoking party meets the requirements to join the Memorial Dungeon. //============================================================ // Entrance //============================================================ gef_fild10,242,202,0 script Dimensional Gorge Piece 406,{ set .@party_id,getcharid(1); set .@ins_mas,getpartyleader(.@party_id,1); set .@p_name$,getpartyname(.@party_id); set .@p_leader$,rid2name(.@ins_mas); set .@md_name$,"Orc's Memory"; if(!instance_check_party(.@party_id,2,30,80)){ mes "I'm sorry but your Party does not meet the requirements to join the Memorial Dungeon."; close; } set .@orctime,checkquest(12059,PLAYTIME); if (.@orctime == -1) { if (.@ins_mas == getcharid(3)) { mes "Party status confirmed. Would you like to book entrance to the "+.@md_name$+"?"; next; switch(select("Reserve the "+.@md_name$+":Enter the Dungeon:Cancel")) { case 1: set .@instance,instance_create(.@md_name$,.@party_id); if (.@instance < 0) { mes "Party Name: "+.@p_name$+""; mes "Party Leader: "+.@p_leader$+""; mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed."; close; } else { mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+"^000000- Attempting to book an entrance"; mes "After making a reservation, you have to select 'Enter the Dungeon' from the menu if you wish to enter the "+.@md_name$+"."; for( set .@i, 1; .@i <= 2; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( instance_attachmap(.@i + "@orcs", .@instance) == "" ) break; } if( .@i < 2 ) { instance_destroy(.@instance); close; } instance_attach(.@instance); instance_set_timeout 7200,300,.@instance; instance_init(.@instance); // First Floor donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 1", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; disablenpc instance_npcname("Kurger#1-2", instance_id()); // Second Floor donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-1", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-4", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-1", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-2", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-3", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Boss Control", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Orc Dun", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Kruger#", instance_id())+"::OnInstanceInit"; disablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#2-2", instance_id()); close; } case 2: if (has_instance("1@orcs") == "") { mes "Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The party leader has not reserved entrance to the dungeon yet."; next; mes "Once the reservation is complete, the dungeon will be generated."; mes "If your dungeon has been destroyed you must wait 7 days before re-entering."; close; } if((party_instance_id3 != 0) && (party_instance_id3 != getcharid(1))) { mes "The Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; } mapannounce "gef_fild10", .@p_leader$ + " of the party, " + .@p_name$ + " is entering the "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; if (checkquest(12059)== -1) setquest 12059; set party_instance_id3,getcharid(1); warp "1@orcs",179,15; end; case 3: close; } } switch(select(.@md_name$ + " Enter the Memorial Dungeon:Cancel")) { case 1: if (has_instance("1@orcs") == "") { mes "The Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; } if((party_instance_id3 != 0) && (party_instance_id3 != getcharid(1))) { mes "The Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; } mapannounce "gef_fild10",.@p_name$+" Party's member "+.@p_leader$+" has entered the "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; set party_instance_id3,getcharid(1); if (checkquest(12059)== -1) setquest 12059; warp "1@orcs",179,15; end; case 2: close; } } else if (.@orctime == 0 || .@orctime == 1) { mes "You can enter the Dungeon if it has been generated."; next; switch(select("Enter the Dungeon "+.@md_name$+":Cancel")) { case 1: if (has_instance("1@orcs") == "") { mes "The Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; } if((party_instance_id3 != 0) && (party_instance_id3 != getcharid(1))) { mes "The Memorial Dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours."; close; } mapannounce "gef_fild10",.@p_name$+" Party's member "+.@p_leader$+" has entered the "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; if (checkquest(12059)== -1) setquest 12059; set party_instance_id3,getcharid(1); warp "1@orcs",179,15; end; case 2: close; } } else if (.@orctime == 2) { mes "^0000ffAll records and after-effects related to the Orc's Memory Dungeon are deleted. You can now regenerate or re-enter the dungeon.^000000"; set party_instance_id3,0; erasequest 12059; close; } mes "In order to generate a dungeon you must be the Party Leader and have at least 2 members in the party."; close; } gef_fild10,238,202,6 script Mad Scientist#orc 865,{ if (BaseLevel < 50) { mes "The Mad Scientist doesn't seem to notice you and keeps mumbling to himself..."; close; } if (mad > 1) { set mad,1; } else if (mad < 1) { mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Haha, no Orcs are coming near me!"; mes "The power of the Dimensional Gorge is undefeatable!!"; next; switch(select("Orcs don't attack you?:You wish!")) { case 1: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Yeah, yeah.. I know it's hard to belive. I don't blame ya."; mes "I used to study the Dimensional Gorge discovered near Morroc."; mes "According to my research, the minerals found there have enormous power inside them!"; next; break; case 2: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "You are a pretty distrustful person, huh?"; next; break; } switch(select("Oh? Like what, travel to alternate space?")) { case 1: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Very smart! I have actually just done that! See that statue over there? It's not your normal Monolith!"; next; mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "I have created it with a combination of our technology and the unlimited energy I discovered from the Gorge! Want to try it?"; next; break; } switch(select("... Um, that doesn't sound legal?")) { case 1: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Hey, since when did something so interesting have to be legal!? How about it! You can talk to the Orcs! C'mon!"; next; mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Chances are they'll just give you lots of instructions once they see you, so just wing it! They're always saying the same thing, to the point where I memorized them!"; next; break; } switch(select("Alright... What do I do?:Umm, maybe not.")) { case 1: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Very good! Just sit in the hands of this statue! And try to act natural when you're in there!"; set mad,1; break; case 2: mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Oh fine, be that way!"; break; } } else { mes "[Mad Scientist]"; mes "Hmm? Put your hand on that Monemus Statue if you want to experience traveling through dimensions!"; } close; } // Orc's Memory Floor 1 //============================================================ 1@orcs,180,30,0 script #Resurrect Monsters1 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id()); end; OnDisable: killmonster "1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id()); monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,30; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { set .@mob_ran,rand(1,30); if (.@mob_ran > 29) { monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Warrior",1023,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } else if ((.@mob_ran > 28) && (.@mob_ran < 30)) { monster "1@orcs",0,0,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,10) == 9) { instance_announce 0, "High Orc: We need more defenses! Get more people here!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } } else if ((.@mob_ran > 26) && (.@mob_ran < 29)) { areamonster "1@orcs",41,91,51,81,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,10) == 9) { instance_announce 0, "Where are the High Orcs!? Get them to stop the enemies!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } } else { areamonster "1@orcs",17,187,27,177,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,5) == 3) { instance_announce 0, "Caution: The army's starting to concentrate at Zone No. 4.",bc_map,"0x77ff77"; } if (rand(1,100) == 50) { initnpctimer; } } } end; OnTimer10: instance_announce 0, "Shouts of the Chief Orc of Safeguards: Looks like this will take longer than expected. Summon the Stalactic Golems!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; end; OnTimer4010: instance_announce 0, "Stalactic Golems are digging out of the deep underground.",bc_map,"0x77ff77"; areamonster "1@orcs",17,187,27,177,"Stalactic Golem",1278,20,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; stopnpctimer; end; } 1@orcs,180,30,0 script #Resurrect Monsters2 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id()); end; OnDisable: killmonster "1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id()); monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,15; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; if (rand(1,30) > 15) { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Trained Wolf",1106,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } else { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { areamonster "1@orcs",17,187,27,177,"Trained Wolf",1106,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } end; } 1@orcs,180,30,0 script #Resurrect Monsters3 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id()); end; OnDisable: killmonster "1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id()); monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,15; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; set .@mob_ran,rand(1,30); if (.@mob_ran > 29) { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } else if ((.@mob_ran > 26) && (.@mob_ran < 30)) { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { areamonster "1@orcs",43,155,47,159,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,3) == 3) { instance_announce 0, "High Orc: Attack them from behind! Cut off their support!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } } } else { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { areamonster "1@orcs",17,187,27,177,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } end; } 1@orcs,180,30,0 script #Resurrect Monsters4 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id()); areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@orcs",98,35,178,115,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,10; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { monster "1@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } end; OnDisable: killmonster "1@orcs",instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; } 1@orcs,180,29,4 script Kurger#1-1 433,{ donpcevent instance_npcname("Kurger#1-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; end; } 1@orcs,180,29,4 script Kurger#1-2 433,{ end; OnEnable: disablenpc instance_npcname("Kurger#1-1", instance_id()); enablenpc instance_npcname("Kurger#1-2", instance_id()); initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: Damn... What took you so long!! I don't have all day!!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer5710: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: My plan was to let our comrades open the gate, but it's all ruined since I got busted by the Orc Shaman.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer14610: instance_announce 0, "Shouts of the Chief Orc of Safeguards: I smell a rat.. Send some patrols to the entrance!!",bc_map,"0xff4444"; end; OnTimer20210: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: Darn it.. They'll be here any minute. Ok. Listen to me now.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer24910: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: The Orc Shaman has sealed the 1st basement by dividing it into 4 zones. Each zone has one Enchanted Orc who has the power to unseal the next zone.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer34310: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: Find those Enchanted Orcs and get rid of them to move to the next zone.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer39710: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: Try to avoid encountering Orcs other then the Enchanted ones. Everytime you kill a normal Orc, High Orcs will gather at the last path to the 2nd floor.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer49210: instance_announce 0, "Kruger: In the worst case, the path to the 2nd floor could be completely blocked. For your own sake, you should be as sneaky as possible.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer56310: instance_announce 0, "Mission: Sneak in and get rid of the 'Enchanted Orcs'. Avoiding battles with other Orcs is the best way of getting into the 2nd floor.",bc_map,"0x44ffff"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; disablenpc instance_npcname("Kurger#1-2", instance_id()); end; OnTimer60000: areamonster "1@orcs",137,83,143,89,"Enchanted Orc",1023,1,instance_npcname("B1 Area Mobs", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; stopnpctimer; end; } 1@orcs,168,125,0 script B1 Area 1 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 1", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 1", instance_id()); areamonster "1@orcs",103,105,109,111,"Enchanted Orc",1023,1,instance_npcname("B1 Area Mobs", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead1"; end; OnTouch: warp "1@orcs",168,130; end; OnContinue: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10300: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: The Orcs here used to be my companions. They just lost their will ever since the Orc Shaman started to control them with her magic.",bc_map,"0xff4499"; end; OnTimer18700: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: There's nothing we can do but to defeat the Orc Shaman if we want to save the remaining tribes.",bc_map,"0xff4499"; stopnpctimer; end; } 1@orcs,89,94,0 script B1 Area 2 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 2", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 2", instance_id()); areamonster "1@orcs",32,40,38,46,"Enchanted Orc",1023,1,instance_npcname("B1 Area Mobs", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead2"; end; OnTouch: warp "1@orcs",85,85; end; OnContinue: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30300: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: I saw the bodies of our tribe. It seems that the Orc Shaman used those Orcs for her rituals.",bc_map,"0xff4499"; end; OnTimer37600: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: ... It all has to do with me. I am responsible for this evil.",bc_map,"0xff4499"; stopnpctimer; end; } 1@orcs,38,105,0 script B1 Area 3 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 3", instance_id()); areamonster "1@orcs",19,177,25,183,"Enchanted Orc",1023,1,instance_npcname("B1 Area Mobs", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead3"; end; OnTouch: warp "1@orcs",38,110; end; OnContinue: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 4", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30300: instance_announce 0, "Please, hang in there!",bc_map,"0xff4499"; end; OnTimer32700: instance_announce 0, "We'll get some rest when we get to the 2nd basement after passing through here.",bc_map,"0xff4499"; stopnpctimer; end; } 1@orcs,21,189,0 script B1 Area 4 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 4", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("B1 Area 4", instance_id()); donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters2", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; end; OnTouch: warp "2@orcs",32,171; end; } 1@orcs,1,1,0 script B1 Area Mobs -1,{ end; OnMyMobDead: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 1", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; end; OnMyMobDead1: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 1", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; OnMyMobDead2: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 2", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; OnMyMobDead3: donpcevent instance_npcname("B1 Area 3", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; } // Orc's Memory Floor 2 //============================================================ 2@orcs,36,171,0 script #2Resurrect Monsters1 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id()); monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnDisable: killmonster "2@orcs",instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,30; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("2@orcs",instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { set .@mob_ran,rand(1,30); if (.@mob_ran > 29) { monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Vengeful Orc",1152,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } else if ((.@mob_ran > 28) && (.@mob_ran < 30)) { monster "2@orcs",0,0,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; set mob_ran2,rand(1,10); } else if ((.@mob_ran > 26) && (.@mob_ran < 29)) { areamonster "2@orcs",157,112,167,122,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,10) == 9) { instance_announce 0, "Warning: High Orcs are gathering near area 3.",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } } else { areamonster "2@orcs",173,13,183,23,"High Orc",1213,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,5) == 3) { instance_announce 0, "Caution: The Forces have started to concentrate at the Shaman's Altar.",bc_map,"0x77ff77"; } if (rand(1,70) == 50) { initnpctimer; } } } end; OnTimer10: instance_announce 0, "Voice from somewhere: Foolish... Do you really think the altar would fall like that?",bc_map,"0xff4444"; end; OnTimer4010: instance_announce 0, "[ Wraiths were summoned by an unknown power ]",bc_map,"0x77ff77"; areamonster "2@orcs",167,25,177,35,"Wraith",1475,30,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,36,171,0 script #2Resurrect Monsters3 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id()); monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Zombie",1153,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,15; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("2@orcs",instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; set .@mob_ran,rand(1,30); if (.@mob_ran > 29) { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } else if ((.@mob_ran > 6) && (.@mob_ran < 30)) { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { areamonster "2@orcs",168,10,184,26,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; if (rand(1,15) == 3) { instance_announce 0, "Warning: Orc Archer teams are gathering near the altar.",bc_map,"0xff4444"; } } } else { if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { areamonster "2@orcs",168,21,184,21,"Orc Archer",1189,.@mob_dead_num,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } } end; OnDisable: killmonster "2@orcs",instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; } 2@orcs,180,30,0 script #2Resurrect Monsters4 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: enablenpc instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id()); monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@callnum,10; set .@c_mob_num,mobcount("2@orcs",instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); set .@mob_dead_num,.@callnum - .@c_mob_num; if (.@mob_dead_num > 0) { monster "2@orcs",0,0,"Anopheles",1627,1,instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters4", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; } end; } 2@orcs,35,169,4 script Kruger#2-1 433,{ donpcevent instance_npcname("Kruger#2-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; end; } 2@orcs,35,169,4 script Kruger#2-2 433,{ end; OnEnable: disablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#2-1", instance_id()); enablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#2-2", instance_id()); initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: I'll tell you how to get to the Shaman's altar.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer3510: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: Do you see the braziers that light the path? Unseal the next zone by strengthening their flames.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer10710: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: Of course those monsters won't let you touch the braziers that easily.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer16310: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: But still, try keep the battles not too noticable so the Shaman won't guard the altar with her army squad.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer21910: instance_announce 0, "Kruger's Whisper: Only the Party Leader can strengthen the flames, so protect your leader.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer23910: instance_announce 0, "Mission: Unseal the zone by lighting the braziers. They can only be lit in a certain order, so be careful.",bc_map,"0x4444ff"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-1", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; disablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#2-2", instance_id()); end; } 2@orcs,26,164,0 script Torch#1-1 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-1", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-1", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-1", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,55,155,0 script Torch#1-2 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-2", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-2", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-2", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,108,146,0 script Torch#1-3 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#1-4", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-3", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-3", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,98,171,0 script Torch#1-4 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-1", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-4", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-4", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#1-4", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,48,100,0 script #Warp2-1 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-1", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: monster "2@orcs",109,156,"Safeguard Chief",1981,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead1"; instance_announce 0, "The Chief Orc of Safeguards: Oh!! Looks like I have company. Defeat me if you can!!",bc_map,"0xff8888"; end; OnContinue: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-1", instance_id()); initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: areamonster "2@orcs",28,158,40,170,"Safeguard Chief",1981,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead1"; stopnpctimer; end; OnTouch: warp "2@orcs",47,93; end; } 2@orcs,35,92,0 script Torch#2-1 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-1", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,32,70,0 script Torch#2-2 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-2", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-2", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-2", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,70,31,0 script Torch#2-3 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#2-4", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-3", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-3", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,84,51,0 script Torch#2-4 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-4", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-4", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#2-4", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,101,55,0 script #Warp2-2 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-2", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: monster "2@orcs",67,64,"Orc Sniper",1982,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead2"; instance_announce 0, "Orc Sniper: Hah! Pretty impressive that you made it this far, but your foolish little trip ends here...",bc_map,"0xff8888"; end; OnContinue: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-2", instance_id()); initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: areamonster "2@orcs",40,91,52,103,"Orc Sniper",1982,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead2"; stopnpctimer; end; OnTouch: warp "2@orcs",107,55; end; } 2@orcs,142,145,0 script Torch#3-1 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-2", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-1", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,162,134,0 script Torch#3-2 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-2", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-2", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-2", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,144,117,0 script Torch#3-3 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("Torch#3-4", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-3", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-3", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,136,98,0 script Torch#3-4 844,{ if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) end; progressbar "ffff00",5; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-3", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; initnpctimer; disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-4", instance_id()); end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-4", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Torch#3-4", instance_id()); end; OnTimer100: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLAR; end; OnTimer2000: specialeffect EF_FIREPILLARBOMB; stopnpctimer; end; } 2@orcs,167,104,0 script #Warp2-3 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-3", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: monster "2@orcs",152,147,"Depraved Orc Spirit",1983,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead3"; instance_announce 0, "Depraved Orc Spirit: I smell flesh! Hungry! Wanna try some human meat!!",bc_map,"0xff8888"; end; OnContinue: //areamonster "2@orcs",117,61,129,73,"Depraved Orc Spirit",1983,1,instance_npcname("#Mobs Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead3"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Boss Control", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; enablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp2-3", instance_id()); initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10: instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: Hahaha!! So, you finally made it here. The assassin you sent was just terrible. That stupid Orc is getting cold under my feet.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer6810: instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: My loyal slave, go get those intruders!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; end; OnTimer10310: instance_announce 0, "Depraved Orc Hero: Whatever you say, my lord.",bc_map,"0xff7777"; end; OnTimer13110: instance_announce 0, "Caution: You have been discovered by Shaman Cargalache. Kruger's plan to assassinate the Shaman has failed. You must defeat Cargalache and find traces of Kruger.",bc_map,"0x8888ff"; stopnpctimer; end; OnTouch: warp "2@orcs",167,95; end; } 2@orcs,36,171,0 script #Boss Control 844,{ end; OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Boss Control", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: monster "2@orcs",185,8,"Shaman Cargalache",1984,1,instance_npcname("#Boss Control", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; monster "2@orcs",179,15,"Depraved Orc Hero",1087,1; enablenpc instance_npcname("#Boss Control", instance_id()); end; OnMyMobDead: donpcevent instance_npcname("Kruger#", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; set .@mob_ran,rand(1,5); if (.@mob_ran == 1) { instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: How... How could this be... How could someone like you...!!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; } else if (.@mob_ran == 2) { instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: How is it that I've been overpowered by mere humans!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; } else if (.@mob_ran == 3) { instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: This... This can't be the end...",bc_map,"0xffff00"; } else if (.@mob_ran == 4) { instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: I... Can't die... Yet...!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; } else { instance_announce 0, "Shaman Cargalache: Defeated by these fools... It can't be happening...!",bc_map,"0xffff00"; } donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters1", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#2Resurrect Monsters3", instance_id())+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Orc Dun", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; end; } 2@orcs,182,8,0 script #Warp Outside Orc Dun 45,3,3,{ OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Orc Dun", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("#Warp Outside Orc Dun", instance_id()); end; OnTouch: warp "gef_fild10",240,197; end; } 2@orcs,172,13,0 script Kruger# 434,{ if (yong_odun < 2) { mes "[Kruger]"; mes "*Coughing*"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", it's you..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] "; mes "Don't move! You are wounded!"; next; mes "[Kruger]"; mes "It's... all right.. I'm dying..."; mes "...."; mes "The Shaman? What about the Shaman?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] "; mes "The Shaman's dead now. Who was that Shaman really?"; next; mes "Kruger seemed to be relieved as he hears of the death of the Shaman, but you notice the bitter expression on his face."; next; mes "[Kruger]"; mes "I.. I just couldn't kill my own daughter..."; mes "Thank you, I'm sure she's finally free from the nightmare that used to choke her soul."; next; mes "Kruger was about to say something more, but he breathed his last breath before he could..."; set yong_odun,2; close; } else { mes "You can see the dead body of Kruger, peacefully lying on the ground."; close; } OnInstanceInit: disablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#", instance_id()); end; OnEnable: enablenpc instance_npcname("Kruger#", instance_id()); end; } 2@orcs,36,171,0 script #Mobs Control 844,{ end; OnMyMobDead1: donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-1", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; OnMyMobDead2: donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-2", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; OnMyMobDead3: donpcevent instance_npcname("#Warp2-3", instance_id())+"::OnContinue"; end; } Hi there guys, can you guys please help me modifying this instance to these. * After The party leader registers with his/her party, He/She cannot invite anyone no more and make that person enter the dungeon.The current setting is, The party leader can invite anyone even the player is no present on the registering process. The leader can actually invite infinite times and make them get in regardless if the instance is finished or not as long as the instance check is met. *In other words, only the party that is present on the registration can get in back and fort the dungeon even if it's finished or still on going. Thank you so much!
  2. Thanks for your help! Its actually working now, my friend walked me through and it's working just fine now. Thank you again!
  3. Haha will smith yes i agree Evelyn that the isequipped only works on compounded weapons and cards that were equipped by players. When it sits on your inv, even if you have countitem, the nlc wont recognize the card's id but the weapon's id only i guess. Im anxious to try your suggestion out, still waiting to get out of here. Thanks again!
  4. Even if you're not equipped right? It will check if you compounded card and weapon is just sittin on your inventory? Thanks alot!
  5. Thank you so much evelyn for the time and effort explaining and helping me out here. I will try that asap when i get out of work. Master emistry, i thing isequipped works only on equipped item no? It doesn't check if your turtle gen compounded to a bow sitting on your inventory. Ty also!
  6. Hi Rathena, Can you guys please help me with a script that will provide as follow: If I talk to a npc, in order for me to get into a warp or continue to my quest, i need to put away my turtle general card in my inventory completely. •Turtle general compounded with a bow in my inventory = mes "can't allow you to continue"; •Turtle general card only in inventory = mes "can't allow you to continue"; •Turtle general compounded with a bow(equipped) = mes "can't allow you to continue"; Thank you very much.
  7. How about compounded cards and weapons? For example, The NPC checks and won't allow you to go through if you have a Turtle general compounded to any weapon in your inventory? Is this possible? or a compounded turtle general on any weapon or turtle general card alone in you inventory, the NPC will not you get in or continue? Thanks!
  8. Is there a way to restrict this on a certain cell? like prohibiting vending and autotrades on certain cells on a map?
  9. Hello there rathena, Ive been getting warnings like these on my console. All was well until theres a sudden crash. As soon as i boot it up, these start to cmoe out. [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0000, 10 bytes received), disconnecting session #38. client: 2012-04-10aragexe Thank you!
  10. Ragexe Thank you for a quick response, haven't had any crash since i applied all on my num2s. You're awesome thanks!
  11. These are different from idnum2.txts right? Thanks!
  12. You know what, i have not added anything to it. On my understanding, those num2.txts are just for unidentified items. I might be wrong though. Can you please explain why do i have to put them there too? Thank you very much for replying.
  13. Hello rathena, Im using 2012-04-10 and once in a while ive been getting client crashes. It randomly says "myro.exe has encountered a problem. It needs to close. Sorry for inconvinience." It happens when i warp. Does not happen often time but i'd say 3-5 times evry day. It appears more in woe specially when i warp using portals. Yes i have custom items, no custom maps, no custom npc, no custom skill, and no custom pets. Please help. Thank you!
  14. Hi Rathena, I want to request a NPC inside jail map that can be click and will tell the abuser inside his remaining jailtime. I know that there is a @jailtime but i want it on a npc. More powers! thank you!!
  15. Anybody using the same mod and experiencing the same problem?
  16. I'm currently using that version Sir. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Guillotine Cross Job Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= Muad_Dib //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN r16945+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Official Conversion] //= Job change Quest from Assassin / Assassin Cross -> Guillotine Cross. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Adapted from original script. [Euphy] //= 1.0a Added 'npcskill' command. [Euphy] //= 1.0b Moved warps to separate file. [Euphy] //= 1.1 Fixed some minor bugs. [Euphy] //= 1.2 Moved "Girl" NPC off ve_fild05. [Euphy] //= 1.3 Added missing OnMyMobDead labels. [Euphy] //============================================================
  17. On the Guillotine Cross Job Quest, kindly please help me out with these errors. Thank you in advance!
  18. //npc: npc/guild/agit_controller.txt //npc: npc/guild2/agit_start_se.txt both should be disabled.
  19. Look into your map server and post the errors here
  20. Downloads euphy's latest version. Btw, wrong section.
  21. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=w9XktqLG On this mod: If the stalker is linked, he/she can bypass full coat protection using single strip. (helm,armor,shield,weapon). My problem is when you are soul linked and you try stripping an enemy, the icon shows up even if it is not successful. It doesn't give you skill failed either. It consumes glistening coat too. How can I make it the same as you are not linked, where icon of a successful strip will not show up if it's failed? Thanks guys!
  22. NVM, got it working! Thank you Lord Emistry!
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