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Fresh prince

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Everything posted by Fresh prince

  1. I need this too! Champion with end game items and max level 1.Asura on novice no items=999,999 with cap should be 500k 2.Asura on lord knight with immune=550k with cap should be 500k same output as #1 even its different reducers.
  2. Hello, I need a simple costume refiner that has the same rate of success like the official rates(hollgrenn in prt_in) Thanks
  3. Skill damage will also vary depending on the max levels of your server. This means mo stats and bonuses againts the stock feature
  4. Comment out agit controller and use woe controller by euphy. That should fix it
  5. http://rathena.org/board/topic/91855-autotrade-persistence-live-vendor-data/ Could someone please separate the autotrade persistence to the live vendor data codes? I only need the autotrade persistence please. Thanks very much!
  6. Hello Rathena, On Mr. Euphy's Item rewards script, How can I increase the number of players that can receive rewards (Unclaimed rewards)? Currently it's 64. Thank you!!! //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Item Rewards NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.8 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Useful for event rewards, when a player is not necessarily online. //= Logging is available, if needed (holds 128 names). //= Note: Unclaimed rewards are limited to 64 at a time. //============================================================ prontera,156,195,6 script Item Rewards 836,{ // --------------------- Config --------------------- // Package format is "ID1,Count1,ID2,Count2,..." // GM Access: Level required to open the GM menu. // GM Delete: Level required to erase entries. // GM Logging: Level required to manage logs. set .GMAccess,60; set .GMDelete,80; set .GMLogging,99; set .PackageCount,3; setarray .Package1[0],501,1,502,2,503,3; setarray .Package2[0],601,5,602,10; setarray .Package3[0],607,10; // -------------------------------------------------- if (getgmlevel() >= .GMAccess) goto GM_Menu; mes "[Item Rewards]"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == $itemreward$[.@i]) goto GetReward; set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "You have no rewards pending."; close; GetReward: if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) > 49) { mes "You are over the weight limit."; close; } if (!checkweight(5055,getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1])))) { mes "Clear space in your inventory."; close; } set .@j,0; while (.@j < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]))) { getitem getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+.@j+"]"),getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); set .@j, .@j+2; } specialeffect2 248; deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Here you go!"; close; OnMinute00: OnMinute30: if (!getarraysize($itemreward$)) end; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { message $itemreward$[.@i],"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; sleep 10; set .@i, .@i+2; } end; GM_Menu: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^FF55FFPackage information^000000: ~ ^FF55FFList unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ ^00D900Give a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete all unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMLogging)?"^777777":"^55AAFF")+"Manage logs^000000: ~ [Close]")) { case 1: mes "[Item Rewards]"; set .@j,1; while (getd(".Package"+.@j)) { mes "^660099Package " + .@j + ":^000000"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+.@j))) { mes " ~ " + getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i+1)+"]") + "x " + getitemname(getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i)+"]")); set .@i, .@i+2; } set .@j, .@j+1; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 2: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemreward$)/2) + "^000000/64"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemreward$[.@i] + "^000000: package #" + $itemreward$[.@i+1]; set .@i, .@i+2; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 3: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getarraysize($itemreward$) > 127) { mes "No more names can be stored."; mes "Delete some values and try again."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name, then a package number."; input .@name$; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+.@name$+"'",.@charid; if (!.@charid) { mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; } else set .@charid,0; input .@package,1,.PackageCount; next; mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Player: ^B041FF" + .@name$ + "^000000"; mes "Package: ^B041FF#" + .@package + "^000000"; mes " "; mes "Are you sure?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } setarray $itemreward$[getarraysize($itemreward$)],.@name$,.@package; message .@name$,"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; if ($itemlog) { if (getarraysize($itemlog1$) > 127) { deletearray $itemlog1$[0],1; deletearray $itemlog2$[0],1; } setarray $itemlog1$[getarraysize($itemlog1$)],strcharinfo(0); setarray $itemlog2$[getarraysize($itemlog2$)],.@name$; } mes "Reward added."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 4: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name to cancel a reward."; input .@name$; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if ($itemreward$[.@i] == .@name$) { deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Name cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; } set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 5: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } deletearray $itemreward$[0],getarraysize($itemreward$); mes "All entries cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 6: Log_Menu: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMLogging) { mes "You are not permitted to manage logs."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Logs are currently "+(($itemlog)?"^00D900enabled^000000":"^FF0000disabled^000000")+"."; next; switch(select(" ~ ^55AAFFView Logs^000000: ~ "+((!$itemlog)?"^00D900Enable":"^777777Disable")+" logging^000000: ~ ^DE0000Delete all logs^000000: ~ [Go back]")) { case 1: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemlog1$)) + "^000000/128"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemlog1$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemlog1$[.@i] + "^000000: sent to ^55AAFF" + $itemlog2$[.@i] + "^000000"; set .@i, .@i+1; } next; goto Log_Menu; case 2: set $itemlog, ((!$itemlog)?1:0); goto Log_Menu; case 3: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto Log_Menu; } deletearray $itemlog1$[0],getarraysize($itemlog1$); deletearray $itemlog2$[0],getarraysize($itemlog2$); mes "Logs cleared."; next; goto Log_Menu; case 4: next; goto GM_Menu; } case 7: close; } } Bump
  7. - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; if ( .@map$ == "guild_vs1" ) { query_sql "SELECT `guild_lv` FROM `guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '" +getcharid(2)+ "'",.@c; if ( .@c > 30 ) { message strcharinfo(0),"Your guild members are over the limit"; sleep2 2000; warp "prontera",150,150; } } end; } guild_vs1 mapflag loadevent Help to make this work on multiple castles
  8. Heres it is Sir, -<tab>script<tab>test<tab>-1,{ OnInit: // map list setarray .map$, "prtg_cas01", "prtg_cas02", "prtg_cas03", "prtg_cas04"; // item list setarray .item,20171,20172,20173,20174,20175,20176,20261,20262,20263,20264,20107,20104,20220,20223,20215,20168,20169,20170,20265,20266,20203,20204,20205,20206,20214,20226,20216,20229,20236,20359,20380,20057,20056,20124,20179,20180,20181,20182,20977,20978,20979,20980; .map_size = getarraysize( .map$ ); .item_size = getarraysize( .item ); .map_list$ = "|"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .item_size; .@i++ ){ setmapflag .map$[.@i],mf_loadevent; .map_list$ = .map_list$ + .map$[.@i] + "|"; } end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( compare( .map_list$,"|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|") ) while( .@i < .item_size ){ if( countitem( .item[.@i] ) ){ mes "You cant bring "+getitemname( .item[.@i] ); close2; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } .@i++; } end; }
  9. Hello, is there a limit on the item list? when i put around 100 items to restrict, it flooded the console with [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! Thanks! Looks like it's limited
  10. Thanks Mr. Capuche, these are prontera castles. What if i want to include payg_cas04? payg_cas04,prtg_cas05, and aldeg_cas02? Thank you so much!
  11. Hello, what about if i want to exclude 3 castles? Should i do = "prtg_cas01", "prtg_cas02", "prtg_cas03") ?
  12. Those are not bosses but "True Boss" + boss named mobs. Check npc/re/mobs/lhz dun
  13. Thanks but didnt workout for some reason. The mob had like little bubbles only unlike the poripori's it has glowing light on the ground.
  14. How can I make a mob have an aura like #1502 pori pori' aura?
  15. How to decrease the damage of summon fire ball + release on woes only? Liliths doesnt work. Thanks!
  16. As the title says, how can you disable this mod on a certain map, meaning you are always going to be on pk mode ON if you are in a certain map. For example pvp maps. http://rathena.org/board/topic/65606-pk-mode-onoff/
  17. Omg!, just omg! So speechless!!! Amazing!!!!!
  18. Whats the best ragnarok host that you guys can recommend with zero lag and 99.9% uptime? Budget about 50-60 dollars a mo, thanks
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