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Posts posted by AnnieRuru

  1. 2 hours ago, Rolf said:

    i'm trying to make an event script where you are suposed to kill monsters, after all monsters die the event ends and the top 3 killers are announced to the map

    just a few days ago, I just show off did shuffle algorithm

    now its time to use sorting algorithm ~ /gg



    have fun learning from it ~


    and this script has been tested and can be use on live server


    • Love 1
  2. @pajodex

    I read some of your scripts, and I think your script still has some room for improvements

    maybe you should learn how to streamline your conditions, so others can also read your script easily

    example in this script

    poring_w01,100,100,5    script    Race-To-99    100,{
        if (BaseLevel < 99) {
            npctalk "Sorry, Only Lvl 99 can claim the reward!";
        if ($ItemGive == 100) {
            npctalk "Sorry, all rewards has been taken!";
        if (getreward) {
            npctalk "Sorry, Nothing for you!";
        announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has claimed his reward for Race to 99 Event", bc_all;
        getitem 501, 100;
        getreward = 1;
        sleep 2000;
        announce "There are "+(100 - $ItemGive)+" rewards left to give!", bc_all;

    put all the false condition before executing the true condition

  3. @llchrisll <3

    yup ~ that's the way


    sometimes using freeloop doesn't fix the problem ... sometimes ... well ... have to go learn advance SQL commands ~



    also, I saw that instance script (made by Emistry), and by reading your script too, I finally understand everything what he actually wants

    I admit if you didn't make this script, I might forever never understand his request XD  ... give you a rep  ~


    since I completely rewrite the script, I believe there shouldn't be any ... bug ?

    well, now I go implement this on the script made by Emistry

    • Upvote 1
  4. @llchrisll

    query_sql "SELECT `char_name` , `mvp_points` FROM `mvp_rank` ORDER BY `mvp_points` DESC LIMIT 10",.@c_name$,.@mvp_pts;

    please index your `mvp_points` field when creating the table, this query will perform full table search if you don't index the field properly


    line 56

    for ( set .@r,0; .@r < getarraysize(.@c_name$); set .@r,.@r + 1)
    	        mes (.@r+1)+". "+.@c_name$+" - "+.@mvp_pts+" Points";

    yup missing .@c_name$[.@r] and .@mvp_pts[.@r]

    • Upvote 1
  5. I remember I made this script



    curious ... why not just use the new rodex mail ? that also save my time .... very simple to convert into rodex_mail script command

    EDIT: oops ~ only hercules has *rodex_mail, rathena doesn't have this script command


    also this script is to be use monthly ... if wanna change into weekly it needs lots of tweaking ...


    a claim reward option so player can claim the prize whenever they want ??

    that needs another SQL table ...


    conclusion ... there are 3 heavy modification that you are asking ...

  6. hmm ... the default value for .eventlasting is 20 minutes

    so you mean like ... at the last 5 min, (after 15 mins has passed), a warp suddenly appear on the map to help player end the game quickly

    something like this ?


    however I am sure adding a warp portal isn't too hard to do, unless you have ... more unique idea that you like to share ?

  7. 1st script ... oh that member @pajodex is still active

    query_sql("SELECT char_id, CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'MVPKills' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 20",.@cid,.@value);

    this line ... is not optimized, for the reason ... read the topic I linked below


    that 2nd script ... makes me laugh ...

    in short, even Euphy himself said don't use this script


    so remember ... when you write a SQL script that has WHERE clause, make sure that field is indexed

    otherwise the SQL will perform full table search


    23 hours ago, Radian said:

    Yeah your right about the one who last hit the MVP will only get the points, but In my server (still on progress) I removed all MVP monsters from the maps where they re-spawned. and replace it with a special event where they can enter the room when MVP is alive.

    I don't really understand this part ... do you mean your server has MVP room like this one ?


  8. @Radianisn't this simple enough ?

    bat_a01,151,338,5    script    bg_emp_red_portal    45,2,2,{
        if ( getcharid(4) != getvariableofnpc( .red, "bg_emp#control" ) ) {
            message strcharinfo(0), "This portal only works for Red team members";
    //    warp "Random", 0,0; // I wonder why "Random" doesn't work ?
        warp strcharinfo(3), 0,0;

    make a portal on the map and just warp it randomly, shouldn't be very hard to do

  9. this script is known to be very buggy ...

    I can't really read this script properly with all these comments in the script ...


    change line 118

        if ( !.@item ) {                     // CHECK IF CODE IS INVALID


        if ( !.@item || .@code$ != .@pc$ ) {                     // CHECK IF CODE IS INVALID


    and this only fix the bug you mentioned


    when I test the script, I also encounter other bugs like, I can't really remove promotional code properly

    and my map-server.exe throw this error too

    [Debug]: at d:\ragnarok\rathena\src\map\script.cpp:16680 - UPDATE `reward_codes`
     SET `pool` = '-1' WHERE `promo` = 'TEST111'
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): LilTrollPCodes (invisible/not on a map)

    lazy to fix all of them

  10. @Radian

    you can always change to map from 'bat_a01' to 'bat_b01' or 'bat_c01' or whatever map that is suitable for battlegrounds

    I do not give support on how to change coordinate though ...

    members are expected to know how to change the map, registration npc location and the respawn coordinate themselves

  11. the reason why I do not immediately answer your question because you are asking a high level scripting question

    I experienced in the past when I misunderstood topic starter, and I posted a very complicated script, they just stop giving any feedback ... makes me feel my effort wasted


    what you need to learn is Fisher-Yates shuffle

    Haru and me perfected the script and it is currently inside Hercules


    here's an example

    poring_w01,100,100,5	script	dfdsfsadfsdf	1_F_MARIA,{
    	// here we declare some array
    	setarray .@tmp, 123,234,345,456,567,678,789;
    	.@size = getarraysize( .@tmp );
    	// just to output the original array
    	.@string$ = .@tmp[0] +"";
    	for ( .@i = 1; .@i < .@size; ++.@i )
    		.@string$ += ","+ .@tmp[.@i];
    	dispbottom "original = "+ .@string$;
    	// randomize the array ~
    	callfunc "F_ShuffleNumbers", 0, .@size -1, .@r;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; ++.@i )
    		.@tmp2[.@i] = .@tmp[ .@r[.@i] ];
    	// output the result ~
    	.@string$ = .@tmp2[0] +"";
    	for ( .@i = 1; .@i < .@size; ++.@i )
    		.@string$ += ","+ .@tmp2[.@i];
    	dispbottom "shuffle = "+ .@string$;



    EDIT : PS: if you wanna learn sorting algorithm script I can always show off a little bit /gg

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  12. are you trying to shuffle array ?

    like 1234 becomes 2134 or 3142 like this ?


    EDIT: I want to make sure I understand what he is saying, or else if I bring up my shuffle algorithm script and sorting algorithm script, this can scare some people away


    EDIT2: you mean something like

    .arr[0] = 123; <-- 1st index

    .arr[1] = 234; <-- 2nd index

    .arr[2] = 345; <-- 3rd index

    to become something like

    .arr2[0] = 345; <-- 3rd index from original array become 1st index

    .arr2[1] = 123; <-- 1st index from original array become 2nd index

    .arr2[2] = 234; <-- 2nd index from original array become 3rd index

  13. just a friendly reminder

    you do know that OnNPCKillEvent only trigger by who land the last hit on the MVP (default), or the most damage depends on battle_config.mob_npc_event_type

    means, only 1 person is recorded in the rank

    it doesn't record those who actually help defeating the MVP, well, playing as priest sux


    in other words, your idea only give points to those DD(damage dealer) or who land the lucky last hit, not as the group effort


    EDIT: nvm, sometimes I forgot the most basic thing

    can just OnNPCKillEvent: and then loop with the *getpartymember, and preferably having battle_config.mob_npc_event_type == 0

    anyways do you have any MVP ranker script atm ? I do made MVP ranker script in hercules forum b4 though ...

  14. I admit during last year when I play that MMORPG, I didn't know about MAC address spoofing

    yeah, although some players might know the way to bypass this system, but it is enough to block most players from abusing it

    me included XD


    ... meh .. I wonder why people still using waitingroom version ... should've use Battleground Queue system already ..

    anyways ..


    well the script was progressing smoothly until ...


    EDIT: nvm stupid me, didn't noticed rathena use another script command *getwaitingroomusers


    ok I'm necro posting ... forget this ...


    and the script is still incomplete btw

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