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Fai T.Flowright

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Everything posted by Fai T.Flowright

  1. can you provide more information? like any errors shown? or screen shot?
  2. here sir http://code.google.com/p/rathena/source/browse/trunk/npc/custom/eAAC_Scripts/DonationGirl/donate.txt?spec=svn15262&r=15262
  3. I cant share that, but i can show u this, this video will be helpful, Creadit to Sharpiene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LTOOEjRtUo
  4. check it out here sir: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  5. thx for calculation dear Ok sorry.. but this didnt happened before, but don know why it suddenly my player got error. P/S , alrady changed. it gives out reward, but some players still errors if they still got error, im pretty sure their kro folder out of date, pls get the latest kro released on 01/01/2013 here http://www.nickyzai.com/?p=kro p/s: if u dont mind can u give me the link to ur server?
  6. sir its simply u just need to read. almost all guide here http://rathena.org/wiki/Main_Page including setup server,client,adding item,mob,custom weapon, scripting and many more. Here link for data folder version 3.0: http://www.mediafire.com/?d00rfaqfbelfcb2 Good Luck
  7. Try this script sir, this version 1.2a maybe some bug has been fixed. Btw the reward chance really low, u nid to keep trying //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Cluck! Cluck! Boom! //===== By: ================================================== //= Keale //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Click the chicken and try retrieve the item at a low //= chance. If you fail he will nuke, freeze, stone, //= stun, or make you fall asleep. //= The prize is configurable and triggered by the NPC. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First release. //= 1.1 Using 'switch rand' instead. //= 1.2 Cleaned and standardized. [Euphy] //= 1.2a Switched 'atcommand' to 'unitskilluseid'. //============================================================ prontera,156,219,4 script Cluckers 800,{ set .@GMAccess,80; // GM level required to access NPC if (.startcluck) { specialeffect2 2; switch(rand(15)) { case 0: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion 23; break; case 1: npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~"; break; case 2: unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; break; case 3: sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0; break; case 4: npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion 23; break; case 5: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 6: sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; emotion 29; break; case 7: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion 23; break; case 8: npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; emotion 23; break; case 9: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 10: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; emotion 29; break; case 11: npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!"; break; case 12: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 13: unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; break; default: if (rand(50) < 4) { npctalk "WOOF!..........."; specialeffect2 72; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] " + strcharinfo(0) + " squeezed out the prize! Well done!",0; getitem $cluck_item_id,$cluck_item_amount; set .startcluck,0; } else { npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; } break; } end; } mes "[Cluckers]"; if (getgmlevel() >= .@GMAccess) { mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000"; mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000"; next; while(1) switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) { case 1: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000"; emotion 33; close2; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in Prontera!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; case 2: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000"; next; break; case 3: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $cluck_item_id; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $cluck_item_amount; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; emotion 33; next; break; case 4: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck cluck..."; close; } } mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?"; mes "Cluck...."; close; OnTimer10000: announce "Please hurry behind the fountain if you want to play with the crazy chicken!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer20000: announce "Cluckers has eaten one of my items! I'm too scared to retrieve it!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Click the insane chicken and try squeeze out the item, if you're lucky you'll win! Are you ready?",bc_blue; end; OnTimer40000: announce "GO! Click the chicken to get the prize!",bc_blue; if (!$cluck_item_id) set $cluck_item_id,512; if (!$cluck_item_amount) set $cluck_item_amount,1; set .startcluck,1; end; } P/S: Please use codebox for long script
  8. yes i agreed with u mootie, but 1 more problem if using mac address some other user might be had same mac addresses its really rare but this phenomenan encountered by me last year not only on ro but also other games
  9. u mean limited time items? Just change the npc script rentitem (ItemID),(timeminutes); example: rentitem 5022,604800;
  10. lol, make sure #define PACKETVER same with ur client
  11. ayat nih membuatkan aku tidak sabar menunggu
  12. Ohhh, normal player. Just add if(BaseLevel > 90) if you don't get it i can edit the script for u.
  13. here sir set .@GMAccess,90; // GM level 90 required to access NPC
  14. try check it here sir, http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items im sure it will be some help
  15. Calm Down Guys Gandalf here ur script 4359,B_Eremes_Card,Assassin Cross Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{if(BaseJob == Job_Knight||BaseJob == Job_Wizard||BaseJob==Job_Alchemist||Class == Job_Ninja || Class == Job_Rogue || Class == Job_Stalker||BaseJob == Job_Dancer||BaseJob == Job_Sage||BaseJob == Job_Hunter||BaseJob == Job_Bard||BaseJob == Job_Priest||Class==Job_Thief||Class==Job_Acolyte||Class==Job_Archer||Class==Job_Swordman||Class==Job_Merchant||Class==Job_Mage||BaseJob==Job_Blacksmith||BaseJob==Job_Crusader||Class==Job_Gunslinger||JobBase==Job_TaeKwon_Kid) skill "AS_CLOAKING",3;},{},{ sc_end SC_CLOAKING; } tell me if something went wrong
  16. aww. Sory didnt noticed about champ class. i dont had intention to spread my post, i answered base on ur title. n im not mean to be rude TQ
  17. find this script inside rAthena/db/re or pre-re/item_db.txt 4359,B_Eremes_Card,Assassin Cross Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{ skill "AS_CLOAKING",3; },{},{ sc_end SC_CLOAKING; } chg it too this 4359,B_Eremes_Card,Assassin Cross Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{},{},{} so that assasin card will become useless
  18. Thx for noticed it today

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