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Fai T.Flowright

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Everything posted by Fai T.Flowright

  1. sir i found itemInfo.lub , but im having difference format, like this: --[[ Format: [itemID] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "read the table name", unidentifiedResourceName = "sprite/act/texture filename when unidentified", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "read", "the", "table", "name", } identifiedDisplayName = "read the table name", identifiedResourceName = "sprite/act/texture filename when identified", identifiedDescriptionName = { "read", "the", "table", "name", } slotCount = 0~4, ClassNum = viewID if headgear/weapon/robes(garment) put 0 if not for headgear's viewID see accessoryid.lua for weapon's viewID see weapontable.lua for garment's viewID see spriterobeid.lua } --]] is it same? or u mention other itemInfo.lub? can tell the location?
  2. i tried to follow this guide http://rathena.org/b...-wscreen-shots/ everything working fine till i log in game n i use commands @item, i got the item but its seems "unknown" with apple looks when i wear it, its become error, n now i cant log in admin ID LOL!!! accessoryid.txt ACCESSORY_Arch_Angel_Wings = 874, accname.txt [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Arch_Angel_Wings] = "Arch_Angel_Wings", idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt 15397#Arch_Angel_Wings# idnum2itemresnametable.txt 15397#Arch_Angel_Wings# itemslotcounttable.txt 15397#1# num2itemdesctable.txt 15397# An Unidentified pair of wings. You know they are wings, but aren't sure what kind they are. # num2itemdisplaynametable.txt 15397#Unidentified_Wings# num2itemresnametable.txt 15397#Arch_Angel_Wings# idnum2itemdesctable.txt 15397#Arch_Angel_Wings# 15397,Arch_Angel_Wings,Arch Angel Wing,5,,100000,3,,3,,2,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,001,,50,1,874,{ skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; bonus bSpeedRate,35; bonus bDefEle,6; },{ },{ } anyone can help me with this?
  3. hey, is there anyone know how to chg loading screen n screen log on?
  4. yer, saya menggunakan window 7 tetapi tidak cuba pada windows lain, server side menggunakan windows xp *update: masalah ini hanya berlaku pada server saya sendiri, tpi saya mencuba pada server lain sy tidak mengalami masalah seperti ini
  5. hey, is there anyone got mall for third job? such as weapon for mechanic and ingredients to cook. TQ, all respond is greatly appreciated
  6. hey, saya ada masalah untuk tetapan kekunci yang alt+m seperti dlm gambar di bawah: masalah saya ialah pada shortcut itu, apabila saya menetapkan alt+1 daripada /i kepada @go 0, dan bila saya menutupnya semula, ia menjadi tetapan lalai dan bukan seperti yang saya tetapkan. seterusnya, semasa setiap kali saya login ke dlm game saya perlu disable /fog, manakala server lain hanya sekali buat sahaja dan ia terus kekal sehingga kita enable balik. selepas itu, bagaimana hendak mengubah background pada logon screen kepada gambar yang lain seperti ini: TQ, segala maklum balas amat dihargai
  7. errr sir, u mean like this? http://pastebin.com/cwcgJWTS
  8. hey, i'm requesting script for coin to coin example: 5bronze -> 1gold 5gold -> 1 platinum 5platinum -> 1poring coin
  9. ok tq guys, btw is there any tutorial adding sprite? i tried to follow some tutorial but its seems failed, maybe the tutorial makers missed something.. TQ UPDATE*: Thx to Mootie i found adding custom guide
  10. heya guys, i got alot of eathena sprite, n its really great, but can we use it for rAthena?
  11. kenapa bila saya click http://pvp.asia redirect ke superhero.asia?
  12. ohh, ok done, btw, OnNPlay ada sprite yg bgos2 x?
  13. I had look up ur sprite, nice, i like it

  14. berlainan, saya menggunakan computer lama berfungsi sebagai server
  15. ok sekarang msalah ini sudah selesai, tpi failed to connect to server pulak, sy ingin build client ikut tutorial ini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtDRZki3Hpo , tapi tetap gagal, rasenye dalam tutorial ini ada tertinggal sesuatu contoh tetapan IP, n mungkin benda lain lagi menyebabkan saya gagal untuk membina client dengan sempurna, ada tutorial full x untuk build client?
  16. Heya guys, im having problem here. The error name Gravity Error Handler n also failed to connect to server . First im try to follow tutorial made by Sharpienero in youtube here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtDRZki3Hpo, but its seems failed, I think he left something important, coz in that tutorial didnt teach how to connect such as setting IP server n so soon, So is there any full tutorial making client?
  17. Ada sesiapa yang boleh bantu saya dengan error ini?
  18. wisp_server_name: SuperMassiveRO // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip:> bkn spatutnya kena tukar jdi own IP ke? // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip:
  19. minta maaf ats kesilapan dlm penulisan sy, tetapi sy ingin tahu bolehkah saya menbangunkan RO yg mempunyai 3rd job tpi base rAthena?
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