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Everything posted by Winz

  1. Are you using a 2013 client and using a launcher? (to be exact, is it loki launcher (sorry))? (nvm, you are, indeed) If yes, then the problem is the same as mine. mine even worse. I'll try to get an answer. check my post on Client Support. I'm going to ask one.
  2. Are you using a 2013 client and using a launcher? (to be exact, is it loki launcher (sorry))? If yes, then the problem is the same as mine. mine even worse. I'll try to get an answer. check my post on Client Support. I'm going to ask one.
  3. please just post how you solved the problem so others can solve the same problem easier
  4. misconfiguration in conf/map_athena.conf and char_athena.conf and login_athena.conf (not really) WAN playing? char_athena.conf: login_ip: //bind_ip: char_ip: your wan IP map_athena.conf: char_ip: //bind_ip: map_ip: your wan IP
  5. there's no such complicated difference between SVN and GIT for (sorry) noobs normal users. The differences when normal users browse the Version Control repository: 1. GIT allows normal users to read the developers' notes about what they have changed through normal web browsers while SVN don't (need to use the SVN client itself) 2. GIT allows normal users to compare each versions with another through web browsers, easily. SVN needs users to use their command line commands to do that
  6. why don't you just post your error message (that was generated by compiler) here?
  7. Winz


    is it a GM account? use 80. server owner account (that has full control of the server)? use 99 normal (player) account? use 0 or 1 everything is on SQL, open your ragnarok database, then go to the "login" table. check: groupid
  8. If you are asking your clients to use 2011-05-31 client (which was built for your server) and you do NOT explicitly add the cash shop system, then this message shall not appear. seems like he modifies (he uses his own client) to connect to your server and tried to do the cash shop purchasing. the best way I suggest is to ignore it, or if he's doing something terrible to your server, then it could be he's trying to hack your server.
  9. http://rathena.org/board/topic/81062-2012-04-10a-client-your-games-exe-file-is-not-the-latest-version/ http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
  10. modify the access.php that's either on /config/ or /addons/sth/config. have you read how to implement that thing?
  11. try running this setup.exe as administrator: http://www.mediafire.com/download/km2an325s8vxpsx/Setup.exe or http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/rel/opensetup/2014-06-29opensetup-
  12. eKoh, I appreciate your willing to help others. Otherwise, I would like you to recommend you to read and spread new guides, that are available on the Wiki. Even though they're pretty outdated, but they're the latest available yet compatible with the client mentioned by the Thread Starter. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#Modifications make sure you did good on accessoryid and accessoryname lua lub
  13. Assuming it's WAN: char_athena.conf: login_ip: char_ip: your.wan.ip.address map_athena.conf: char_ip: map_ip: your.wan.ip.address reset subnet_athena.conf. just leave it unmodified. make sure your firewall are not blocking those programs. to check, start the server, then use canyouseeme.org wait, is this LAN playing? assign a static LAN IP for your PC. (set it from your router) then change the "WAN" thing to LAN (your.lan.ip.address) ask your friend's clientinfo.xml to connect to your PC's LAN IP most importantly, make sure you're using rA's GIT, not SVN (even if the guide you followed asked you to get it from rA SVN)
  14. rightclick secure grf exe, properties, compatibility: windows XP service pack 2 (or 3. I suggest 2). TAAA-DAAAA!!! =.=
  15. solution: forward this problem and chat with harmony
  16. google. GIT/SVN? (I say as X) WINdows / LINUX? Windows: find "runserver_sql.bat" go back up 1 step right click X (GIT / SVN) > Update linux: find "athena-start" go back up 1 step enter this command: GIT? GIT: git pull (folder name) e.g: git pull rAthena SVN? svn update (folder name) e.g: svn update rAthena seriously, people. seriously =.=
  17. could be there's something wrong with your script, file, or others that leads to infinite loop, makes server re-calculates, therefore CPU usage -> 100%, and the rest thing. not only the script, others as well
  18. are you aware of the Renewal system? I don't. so, I don't understand what this is. if you think this is a bug, you may try to report on the bug report. the dev team will give you a more satisfying answer
  19. start the setup.exe thing. get the blueghostsetup.exe that's for 2013 clients. search on my posts. I've posted it for thousand times
  20. 1. Make sure you get the client from rAthena's GIT, not SVN even though the guide you followed says you need to get it from SVN. (get from GIT, the rest are the same). 2. If you would like to, you can configure AZTECH to put your DLINK on DMZ (100% open to public). remember to chage the default login passwords (admin/admin) 3. you can stop forwarding port 3306 if you're running the SQL, RO server, and CP on the same machine. 4. this should do the magic: char_athena.conf: login_ip: char_ip: your.wan.IP.address (not sth.*.*.sth) map_athena.conf: char_ip: map_ip: your.wan.IP.address (not sth.*.*.sth) 5. revert subnet_athena.conf (many problems comes from here. just reset it.) default: subnet: kindly reply this here and PM me. I don't think I can stick around here so often
  21. use 2012 client not 2013. 2012 client read from data folder No. reading from data folder is based on the diff configuration while diffing the client, NOT the client year. features like booking, navigation, the cash shop button are.
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