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Tio Akima

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Everything posted by Tio Akima

  1. Hello guys I have a doubt in the production of maps .. Doubts related to the shadow produced by the walls. Where walls are placed, it creates an unpleasant shadow. I would like to remove that shadow or soften it. I'm trying to apply various lights (and also ambient light) but it's not working. Does anyone know how to solve it?
  2. I even managed to call, but I'm not hitting the target.
  3. Yes, this is the correct function nodamage_id The skill is being called now, but not on the target I want. She is being called in the player Must be on target. (mob) But it's already a big evolution. From what I can see, the first two arguments of the function define the target
  4. I'm calling inside the case of SC_RUN in the function status_change_end (in the status.c file) when this status in target ends, I want to call a skill (on the same target). But I do not know the function to use a skill this is the doubt It seems very simple, but I do not know hahahaha
  5. I thought I needed to use unit-> for the path of the function to be correct. Yes, the target is correct, including, I change the speed of the target without problems. Yes, it is in the correct function, I made a debug by putting a printf () and issuing a message in the console to know if it was accessing. @EDIT yes, you must use unit-> for the path to be correct.
  6. Hi guys take this doubt from me I'm trying to call a skill through status.c But I do not know which function to use to use a skill on the target. It may be any skill, but I'm testing the NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION What function can I use to call a skill on the target? @EDIT I tried: unit->skilluse_id(bl, bl, NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION,1 ); but it did not work
  7. Thanks for the message, my friend, I'll think about what you said. I'm still in the search for help.
  8. Hello guys I've been trying to do a skill for a few days, but without success. I'm almost giving up .. So if anyone can help me, please ... About the skill: The skill makes a MOB walk on a line ... Then the skill checks cell by cell ... Upon reaching the end of this line, the MOB dies. But ... as this loooping is very fast, the MOB dies before reaching the end of the path .... I have a FOR () looping Walking from cell to cell .. for( i = 1; i <= qnt; i++ ){ sx = md->bl.x - i; sy = md->bl.y; unit->walktoxy(&md->bl,sx,sy,0); if (map->count_oncell(md->bl.m, sx, sy, BL_PC | BL_NPC | BL_MOB, 0) || map->getcell(md->bl.m, &md->bl, sx, sy, CELL_CHKWALL) || map->getcell(md->bl.m, &md->bl, sx, sy, CELL_CHKNOPASS)) { md->deletetimer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv), mob->timer_delete, md->bl.id, 0); break; //end } } In this FOR() I put a condition: If the mob is interrupted during the way (finding a "non-moveable" cell, some wall, or player, or another mob, etc ...) then the mob disappears (or dies) I did the tests and logic is working perfectly ... When encountering an obstacle, the code enters the condition and deletes the mob .. But, the mob disappears before reaching the end of the path ... this is the problem... In counting the cells, collision occurs. But, the mob dies long before it collides the summon mob example: int mob_id = 1102; // mob example struct mob_data *md; md = mob->once_spawn_sub(src, src->m, x, y, clif->get_bl_name(src), mob_id, "", SZ_BIG, AI_SPHERE); mob->spawn (md); //summon the mob I tried using the skill-> addtimerskill () example: skill->addtimerskill(src,timer->gettick() + (140 * i),0,sx,sy,skill_id,skill_lv,dir,flag&2); But it's not right .. What it does is call this function to show a pre-defined layout so, show this layout at set time intervals. So I do not know how to use it within my purpose. I thought about putting the condition (of the obstacles) In unit.c within the unit-> walktoxy But I do not know how to reference the mob there in unit.c And I do not know if it would solve .. Or if the mob would also die before reaching the obstacle. Sorry for the huge text, But I'm almost giving up, I've tried everything. If anyone can help me. Thank you.
  9. yeah, The music of the title is a 01.mp3 Strange, I have a problem related to the BGM folder No music from this folder is playing. What can it be?
  10. Hello, after creating a custom sword, how can I associate this custom sword with these attack effects? Has several sprites of sword attack, I wanted to be able to choose one and put in my custom sword. Second doubt: In SRC, where do I find the code that calls these sprites? These sprites happen when you use basic attack, right? In what part of src do I find this? thank you
  11. Hello guys I'm trying to make a course analysis skill. To count how many monsters were found between the player and the cell clicked. The player clicks somewhere on the map, and checks (cell by cell) on that route. If I find any mobs in the cell then it displays on the console for me: example: Printf ("% d Mob found", count); I know that (src-> x,src-> y) are the coordinates of the skill invoker And (x, y) are the coordinates of the clicked cell. Now I need to make a for() to go check cell by cell until it reaches the target cell. But how to do that? I'm having a hard time Can someone help me? Or does anyone know a function to do this? For those who understand the language C, it should be super easy to do that. I think logic is something like this: case TEST: int mob,x,y; int dir = map->calc_dir(src,x,y); //Calculate direction for () { //Looping for traversing cells by cell x += dirx[dir]; y += diry[dir]; if(){ //If you have a Mob in the cell printf(" %d Mob found, mob"); //mensage in console mob++; } } break; Someone can help me, please, I do not know who to ask for help.
  12. Hello akkarin thanks for your message. You helped me to clarify some doubts. And about my error, I had created two users in the database with the same name. Then the conflict was happening. I delete a user and resolved. Thanks for the clarification. solved!
  13. Hi guys I made some edits to the fluxcp layout, but now I have the following error: Does anyone know why you are giving this error while trying to login? FluxCP is complex, I can not solve it.
  14. Hi, I've been looking for the main menu texts for hours. But I do not find it, I even used the windows tool to search. Where are the menu texts? I want to edit them, but I can not find them. It's a lot of function calling function. I'm new to the web.
  15. my operating system is windows! (win10) Now everyone is allowed. but it did not work.
  16. Oh sorry for the problem I went to the folder, right clicked .. and gave full permission. (Or is there any other way to do this?) But .. the same error remains.
  17. Oh my god! It worked! It worked! THANKS CYRO <3 <3 very thanks
  18. this is my.ini ... [mysqldump] quick max_allowed_packet = 16M [mysql] no-auto-rehash ; Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL ;safe-updates [isamchk] key_buffer_size = 20M sort_buffer_size = 20M read_buffer_size = 2M write_buffer_size = 2M [myisamchk] key_buffer_size = 20M sort_buffer_size_size = 20M read_buffer_size = 2M write_buffer_size = 2M [mysqlhotcopy] interactive-timeout [mysqld] port = 3306 I add in the end?
  19. Hi Cyro, thanks for mensage look the error I do not understand php
  20. Hello, I downloaded this flux cp in rA forum : hyvraine-v1-fluxcp And when trying to install, it presents the following error Does anyone know how to solve this? Or why does he present this error? The error appears when I try to install
  21. I am having problems with the installation of FluxCP .. anyone has any idea what can be? When entering user and password, it only imports the first table, after the following error Does anyone know how to solve this error in the FluxCP? I'm using Wampserver 3.0 I already tried to reinstall the Wamp, but nothing worked.
  22. (About quadtree generation) Yes, I'm trying to do this but ... version 586 is breaking the same as version 620. And it's impossible to solve this. So I thought about using 558 to save map. I tried several versions but I do not solve this problem of quadtree broken in custom map.
  23. Does anyone have the stable 558 version of browedit? thanks
  24. hexing the path? sorry... I do not understand Can you talk a little more about?????
  25. Hello, I saw someone with this question, and I'm having the same problem. Does anyone know how to solve it? "Added a custom map texture in browedit and applied it to a map. (Also added in grf with proper path)But when you load it in game it showsResource File not found but the directory is correct.But when i add the data folder in the client folder its being read.anybody know how to add a quickfix for this." Custom texture is not found in GRF Just in the date folder.
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