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Posts posted by Arcenciel

  1. Oh so this is where those reports came from.

    The ones you reported as Client Tools are indeed client tools however our Client Tools section is dedicated to Client Tools uploaded via the Download System. So...yeah...

  2. - Relocate the flags you want to the specific town you want.

    - Duplicate the flags in the location where you want them to go when WoE Starts.

    - Then utilize OnInit, OnAgitStart, OnAgitEnd, and enablenpc/disablenpc or hideonnpc/hideoffnpc

  3. Try this in combination with OnPCLoadMap

    *autobonus <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>{,<flag>,{<other script>}};
    *autobonus2 <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>{,<flag>,{<other script>}};
    *autobonus3 <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>,<skill id>,{<other script>};
    *autobonus3 <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>,"<skill name>",{<other script>};
    These commands are meant to be used in item scripts. They will probably work
    outside item scripts, but the bonus will not persist for long. They, as
    expected, refer only to an invoking character.
    What these commands do is 'attach' a script to the player which will get
    executed on attack (or when attacked in the case of autobonus2).
    Rate is the trigger rate of the script (1000 = 100%).
    Duration is the time that the bonus will last for since the script has triggered.
    The optional argument 'flag' is used to classify the type of attack where the script
    can trigger (it shares the same flags as the bAutoSpell bonus script):
    Range criteria:
    BF_SHORT:  Trigger on melee attack
    BF_LONG:   Trigger on ranged attack
    Default:   BF_SHORT+BF_LONG
    Attack type criteria:
    BF_WEAPON: Trigger on weapon skills
    BF_MAGIC:  Trigger on magic skills
    BF_MISC:   Trigger on misc skills
    Default:   BF_WEAPON
    Skill criteria:
    BF_NORMAL: Trigger on normal attacks
    BF_SKILL:  Trigger on skills
    default:   If the attack type is BF_WEAPON (only) BF_NORMAL is used,
     otherwise BF_SKILL+BF_NORMAL is used.
    The difference between the optional argument 'other script' and the 'bonus script' is that,
    the former one triggers only when attacking(or attacked) and the latter one runs on
    status calculation as well, which makes sure, within the duration, the "bonus" that get
    lost on status calculation is restored. So, 'bonus script' is technically supposed to accept
    "bonus" command only. And we usually use 'other script' to show visual effects.
    In all cases, when the script triggers, the attached player will be the one
    who holds the bonus. There is currently no way of knowing within this script
    who was the other character (the attacker in autobonus2, or the target in
    autobonus and autobonus3).
    //Grants a 1% chance of starting the state "all stats +10" for 10 seconds when
    //using weapon or misc attacks (both melee and ranged skills) and shows a special
    //effect when the bonus is active.
    autobonus "{ bonus bAllStats,10; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MISC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_FIRESPLASHHIT; }";

  4. I'm trying to make a mob not be affected by my server drop rates or have items not changed? Make any sense?

    All mobs will be affected by your server drop rate. Your only option is to properly set up the rates in the mob_db entry to match how often you want it to drop.

  5. do you mean that when the player equips an item, he can able to manually type @afk?

    im sorry if im the only one using eathena in rathena... but if you are, then use @adjgmlvl and change your @afk level.


    ..............,{},{ atcommand "@Adjgmlvl 1"; },{ atcommand "@adjgmlvl 0"; }

    then in conf/atcommand_eathena.conf

    change your afk lvl to 1,1

    That would adjust everything globally, meaning everyone would be allowed to use that command.


    donkeyg, use Emistry's method. It involves less work than the method you want. What you want requires creating two different groups with the only difference being the @afk command and then making the item switch a player's group when they equip/unequip the item.

  6. Didn't look at the script but this is how it would be done

    *setmapflag "<map name>",<flag>{,<zone>};
    This command marks a specified map with a map flag given. Map flags alter the 
    behavior of the map, you can see the list of the available ones in 
    'db/const.txt' under 'mf_'.
    The map flags alter the behavior of the map regarding teleporting (mf_nomemo, 
    mf_noteleport, mf_nowarp, mf_nogo), storing location when disconnected 
    (mf_nosave), dead branch usage (mf_nobranch), penalties upon death 
    (mf_nopenalty, mf_nozenypenalty), PVP behavior (mf_pvp, mf_pvp_noparty, 
    mf_pvp_noguild), WoE behavior (mf_gvg,mf_gvg_noparty), ability to use 
    skills or open up trade deals (mf_notrade, mf_novending, mf_noskill, mf_noicewall),
    current weather effects (mf_snow, mf_fog, mf_sakura, mf_leaves, mf_rain, mf_clouds, 
    mf_fireworks) and whether night will be in effect on this map (mf_nightenabled).
    The zone optional parameter is used to set the zone for restricted mapflags.

  7. The thing is... we've already got custom scripts. And they're really bad. So I feel obligated to at least supply some good ones, or we should be getting rid of these altogether.

    Instead of removing all of them, just remove the non-essential ones and serve them up via the Download System.

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