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Posts posted by Arcenciel

  1. As of recently, you may or may not have noticed that Jman is no longer bears the blue name that he's always carried since rAthena's creation. It bring me great regret that I'd have to announce this but unfortunately due to personal reasons and lack of time for the project, Jman has elected to resign from his position as our Community Administrator.

    On behalf of everyone in the emulator community, I'd like to give Jman a massive thank you for all the time and effort he's dedicated into this project so far. He's been a key player into the creation of this fork and without him we won't have the things that we do have now. I'd also like to invite anyone who desires to do so to post their appreciations below or shoot him a message.

    As per nominations of the current Admins and the Managers, I've been promoted to rAthena's Community Administrator. I know I've just been recently promoted as a Forum Manager but my statement in the previous topic still stands: Let's work together for the betterment and future of rAthena.

    If you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, or inquiry, please feel free to shoot me a message. My inbox is always open.

    I think that is it so far...Please expect to see some changes soon and be on the look out for future announcements. Thank you!

    • Upvote 7
  2. Hey guys!

    I got a chance to look over our International Section this week and I realized that we are in DESPERATE need of moderators for a majority of our sections. The moderators there were assigned for those sections have been inactive for some time now therefore I've moved them into the Community Contributor group.

    I've updated the Staff Applications page with the latest info regarding open positions and what not. If you are fluent in English and in any of these languages: German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish; please consider sending an application in.

    Just a note: If you've submitted an application before prior to today that applies to any mentioned above, please resend your application in and we'll look over it once more.

  3. Wouldn't mkbu's idea ignore certain letter casing?

    Here's an example of how I understand mkbu's idea to work..correct me if I'm wrong.

    Map exists as: aSdfg

    User: @warp asDfg

    Server: Since asDfg doesn't exists, turns it into asdfg, searches for asdfg and since asdfg doesn't exists and outputs "Map not found" thus frustrating the user.

    If casing is ignored, then whatever letter casing is used, as long as it matches letter per letter it would warp you there.

  4. Some small notes on the patch to consider before it is commited:

    Naming like: pc_has_permission(sd,PC_PERM_DISABLE_STORE), is a bit confusing I think. So, has permission to not to have permission to open store, or something like that. I think it is better to avoid unnecessary negations. In my opinion permissions like: pickup, exp, store etc are more expressive than the disable_ prefixed counterparts.

    The default settings should almost always preserve the original behavior. For instance, if gm's were able to pick up items until now, the default for disable_pickup should be false in groups.conf.

    And finaly, if you increased the number of digits of an enum, append the additional 0's to the beginning of the other constants to match the style.

    Other than that, it looks ok for me, nice work :)

    Edit: just noticed, there are already some other disable_ prefixed permissions, however I still do not think, those are the right way to handle them. Alway better to keep it simple.

    I checked with Ind on this but turns out I not allowed to commit them cause my SVN access is only for documentation changes. =/

  5. Would using @mail be covered under the can_trade permission? If not, then a permission to disable mail would be nice.

    Thinking of some new system that can be made for RO that utilizes these permissions and not being to use the mail would be an awesome addition.

    And clydelion, why not have these permissions added in official to the SVN? I don't see the harm in adding more settings to the permission systems. I can actually add your work in myself, if you can give me permission to do.

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