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Everything posted by Arcenciel

  1. Replace all SQL_Query with query_sql Also, it'll only work if you're using SQL.
  2. We cannot read Gravity Errors. Tell us exactly what is happening before you get the error.
  3. fictionworld, Gravity Errors are useless. It doesn't tell us anything. What did you do or are doing that causes the error to show up?
  4. As for the creation on mobs, I recommend you read this http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Mobs
  5. I don't have any clue as how to do this. Didn't even know it was possible to begin with.
  6. If it's a custom map, you need to provide your own caution.bmp. It's a file needed for the minimap. If you don't have that file I suggest you just use a blank BMP. Add this to your resnametable.txt // Caution Map caution.gnd#caution.gnd# caution.gat#caution.gat# caution.rsw#caution.rsw# À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºmapcaution.bmp#À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºmapaldeg_cas01.bmp#
  7. Take this off if ( .Allskills == 1 ){ atcommand "@allskills"; set SkillPoint,0; }
  8. You should change the name of it to something similar, I mean because that's kind of common for a user to have. I'll do so in the next version. Thanks.
  9. Oh, I missed that post. It seems like you have a duplicate. Either you loaded it twice or you have another NPC called #MvP Summoner
  10. Yeah, everything is in there. Did you have any problems?
  11. Slim, I think you typed that in yourself by accident. XD I just double checked and mines is clean.
  12. - script Sample -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" || strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" || strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" || strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" || strcharinfo(3) == "mapname" ){ set #KAFRAPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS + 1; dispbottom "Gained 1 Kafra Points.. Total accumulated Points = "+#KAFRAPOINTS; } end; } That's the simple less complicated way of doing it.
  13. The shape is definitely unique. I'm not quite sure if the solid background is a good thing or not... The animated text needs a different font..if not just make it bold..kinda hard to read with it being so thin. Also they overlap with the image on the side making it even harder to read and a tad tacky.
  14. Website looks nice. One of the best I've seen around here. Just one thing, the words on the navigation makes it look crowded and messy...maybe clean that up a bit and it'll be much better.
  15. I tested this out myself. It works. Your download got corrupted somehow.
  16. http://rathena.org/b...ster-challenge/ ^^ Hope that fulfills your request.
  17. Current Version:1.0 Description This script creates an instance in which a party or an individual is to fight 300 monsters that comes in waves activated by killing monsters and 1 MVP. Upon completion of this tasks, the party is rewarded with treasure chests which are very much like those that you can get from WoE. The script is highly configurable. I suggest you read through the configuration portion in the actual script. The script also requires certain files and it'll be included with the release as well. The script is based off Dragon Nest's 300 Goblin Instance. Creation of the script was largely possible through the use of OrcsMemory.txt as a reference. Support will not be given on details not pertaining to the actual script such as adding the map, updating the mapcache, and etc... Please read INFO.txt for very basic instructions. Documentation Configurations to focus on... Special Thanks , @Brian, L0ne_W0lf Download http://www.mediafire...t19b9b8768oc0n6 http://www.box.com/s/foi5h1p4ajnu3uvg23pk Comments, Concerns, Bug Reports, and Suggestions are welcomed.
  18. If you want to apply for Global Mod, then go for it. But right now for me, the scripting section is quite enough. =D

    1. Sneaky


      Hm.. actually I also wanted the script dev but not sure yet, it's a lot more compromise ...

    2. Arcenciel


      If you feel like you belong somewhere else, then go for it. We can always use more Devs.

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