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Status Updates posted by Arcenciel

  1. Yes! Why?! Those were what the cool kids wore back in the days!

    1. Eurydice


      I had one and I only used them once. D: Then one of them stopped working. T_T LOL I feel old. x-x

  2. LMFAO! Wayyyy too much time on your hands writing that analysis. xd

    1. Syouji


      lol. I decided to spice things up a bit. xD

  3. Ind! Don't forget to create that Digest topic for the next 30 day period.

    1. Ind


      right, will create asap. thanks!

  4. Glad to have you back DE!

  5. Read, learn to read.....

  6. Got a couple of friends to play Casual. Think you'll be seeing me around if this goes through.

  7. 1 Rep Point to Ainna!

    1. Wafflebutt


      Oh my thank you ;D

  8. College started for me. Having a difficult time finding time for my responsibilities here...decisions decisions.

    1. Mystery


      Don't leave :<

  9. Is it just me or someone is starting to get horribly annoying? With talks bout me me me me me....

  10. Hey! I know you have cRO on irc.rathena.org. Sorry for any inconveniences. =(

    1. jTynne


      It's okies, we don't really use IRC much anyway. :( ;;

  11. Need to do some massive reorganization of everything I've ever done RO related. One more Finals to go and I can focus on RO things.

  12. Didn't get any RO work done today. Oh well got to hang out with my friends..not feeling so well though..sleeping early.

  13. Freaking frustrating Client Folder.....series of unfortunate events..GAH

  14. Getting a good night's rest for once.

  15. Thanks for vouching for me. <3

  16. Have a Happy and Safe New Year Everyone!

  17. Hate dealing with finances....UGH

  18. Clean up is done. If you're still gonna do the alphabetizing, feel free to do so. Now we need to create rules and what not.

  19. Attempting to learn SQL. Any tips or suggestions?

  20. Reminder: PM ai4rei on revision 15518

  21. Just to get rid of that old status....successfully learned the very basics of incorporating SQL into scripts.

  22. Hai! Welcome to rA!

  23. New HoN Hero looks OPED.

  24. Missing WoE and PvPing in RO. =(

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