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Everything posted by Patskie

  1. Fixed @ http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/15629/rathena/trunk/conf/char_athena.conf
  2. Did you import the sql files?
  3. Did you restart your server? It's not the server_name. It's the commented lines. --, and this is already fixed -> http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-2656-guild-emblems-not-showing-up/
  4. setarray .cost, 7227,300; to : setarray .cost, 7179,1;
  5. Search mo lang lua files for 2012 04 10 client
  6. Use GRF builder. How to download? Use google
  7. This is fixed -> http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/15629/rathena/trunk/conf/char_athena.conf
  8. 1. Just import the SQL files located on schemas folder on your database. 2. Go to voteforpoints/modules/voteforpoins/index.php Replace the code with this : <?php //A login is required include ('function.php');$this->loginRequired(); //This will list the sites $vp = Flux::config('FluxTables.Sites'); $vp_voter = Flux::config('FluxTables.Voters'); $serverLogDB = $server->loginDatabase; $vp_voter = Flux::config('FluxTables.Voters'); $vp_logs = Flux::config('FluxTables.Logs'); $serverObj = $server->connection;$sql = "SELECT site_id,site_name,address,points,blocking_time,banner,banner_url FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.{$vp}"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $vp = $sth->fetchAll(); $account_idz = $session->account->account_id; $current_time= date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time()); $ip_address = 0;if(Flux::config('IP_BLOCKING')) $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sql = "SELECT points FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.{$vp_voter} WHERE account_id=?"; $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);$sth->execute(array($session->account->account_id)); $vp_voter = $sth->fetch(); $curr_points = $vp_voter->points; function isBlock($account_idz,$site_id,$current_time,$ip_address,$serverLogDB,$vp_logs,$serverObj){ if($ip_address!=0) { $sql = "SELECT `rtid`,`unblock_time`,`ip_address` FROM {$serverLogDB}.{$vp_logs} WHERE f_site_id=? AND unblock_time>? AND ip_address=? ORDER BY unblock_time ASC LIMIT 1"; $sth = $serverObj->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($site_id,$current_time,$ip_address)); $ip_check = $sth->fetchAll(); $diff_time = strtotime($ip_check[0]->unblock_time)-strtotime(date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time())); if(!empty($ip_check)) return strtotime($ip_check[0]->unblock_time); } $sql = "SELECT `unblock_time` FROM {$serverLogDB}.{$vp_logs} WHERE account_id=? AND f_site_id=?"; $sth = $serverObj->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(array($session->account->account_id,$site_id)); $account_check = $sth->fetch(); if(!empty($account_check)) $diff_time = strtotime($account_check->unblock_time)-strtotime(date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time())); else $diff_time = 0; if($diff_time>0) return strtotime($account_check->unblock_time); else return 0; return strtotime($account_check->unblock_time);} ?>
  9. Check src/common/mmo.h kung same sya sa client date mo. #define PACKETVER 20120410
  10. Learning is a continuous process

  11. 1. No Question : How did you register through your SQL? You specify the account id by yourself? account_id in the login table are in auto increment. so meaning even you leave blank the account_id column when inserting through SQL. It will give an account id. Did you get my point? Sorry for my bad english. What is the vote for points you are using also? YES I SPECIFIED THE ACCOUNT ID by myself. I used the default starting account ID: 2000000 yes i get ur point. I'm using Feefty vote for points.. No need to specify the account_id when inserting manually in log in table because it is auto-increment. I haven't used feefty vote for points addons. Have you tried jaypee's vote for points?
  12. 1. No Question : How did you register through your SQL? You specify the account id by yourself? account_id in the login table are in auto increment. so meaning even you leave blank the account_id column when inserting through SQL. It will give an account id. Did you get my point? Sorry for my bad english. What is the vote for points you are using also?
  13. 1. Your client date must be the same as the client date indicate on src/common/mmo.h. 2. db/packet_db.txt : // Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version) // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version. // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients) //packet_db_ver: 25 packet_db_ver: default
  14. Alternative vote for points : http://rathena.org/board/topic/60640-fluxcp-addon-vote-for-points/
  15. What item will you insert on the storage?
  16. 432000 seconds = 5 days. set .@timer, 432000; Change to : set .@timer, 2592000;
  17. Try this //-- AS_SONICBLOW 136,0,1500,1500,0,5000,1000
  18. Elaborate your ideas on PVP ladder npc.
  19. The script says everytime you kill a player it will add up to PVP kills and when the PVP kills reaches 30 you will gain 1 fame. Meaning 30 kills = 1 fame. set PvPkills, PvPkills+1; if (PvPkills == 30) goto L_PKGetFame; end; L_PKGetFame: set Fame, Fame+1;
  20. Just set the map name, x coordinate and y coordinate. Don't know if there is a script that will warp you on the entrance. prontera,150,150,5 script Warper 100,{ mes "Would you like to go to <map name>?"; next; menu "YES",L_Yes,"NO",L_NO; L_Yes: mes "Enjoy playing!"; next; warp <map name>,<x coordinate>,<y coordinate>; close; L_NO: mes "Bye!"; close; }
  21. Someone correct me if i am wrong. I guess this would not happen because you can only set 1 starting point on your char_athena.conf. // Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y) start_point: prontera,155,185 but i guess you can change the save point by making a script that will update the save point on your database.
  22. Via SQL : query_sql "SELECT `str` , `agi` , `vit` , `int` , `dex` , `luk` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'",@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk; Edit : getcharid(3) will get the current stats of the current account. If you intend to do this on GM side you must put a way for a GM to input other's account id. For example : input @account_id; query_sql "SELECT `str` , `agi` , `vit` , `int` , `dex` , `luk` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = '"+@account_id+"'",@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk;
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