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Everything posted by Patskie

  1. You have to code it. If you need help bump me up
  2. I already fixed this. Thanks just workaround with annie's single strip source. anyway thanks
  3. Pneuma is correct you can also use this http://pastebin.com/P5c1suYU
  4. Hello rAthena, I am using r17026 and seems like my emergency call guild skill is not working. It always says "Skill has failed" even the time is more than 5 minutes. Any idea why this is happening? Thanks for advance help.
  5. Hello rAthena, I have problem with this piece of codes. It's working though and you can strip a player even he/she is in fcp. But the chance is 100%. Can anyone edit this code to 20% chance. //Special message when trying to use strip on FCP [Jobbie] if( sd && skillid == ST_FULLSTRIP && tsc && tsc->data[sC_CP_WEAPON] && tsc->data[sC_CP_HELM] && tsc->data[sC_CP_ARMOR] && tsc->data[sC_CP_SHIELD]) { clif_gospel_info(sd, 0x28); break; } if ( sd && tsc && sd->sc.data[sC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE && ( skillid == RG_STRIPWEAPON && tsc->data[sC_CP_WEAPON] || skillid == RG_STRIPSHIELD && tsc->data[sC_CP_SHIELD] || skillid == RG_STRIPARMOR && tsc->data[sC_CP_ARMOR] || skillid == RG_STRIPHELM && tsc->data[sC_CP_HELM] ) ) { int item_id = 7139; // Glistening Coat int ii; ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, ii, sd->status.inventory[ii].nameid == item_id ); if ( ii < MAX_INVENTORY ) { pc_delitem( sd, ii, 1, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); switch ( skillid ) { case RG_STRIPWEAPON: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_WEAPON, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( bl, SC_STRIPWEAPON, 100, skilllv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPSHIELD: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_SHIELD, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( bl, SC_STRIPSHIELD, 100, skilllv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPARMOR: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_ARMOR, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( bl, SC_STRIPARMOR, 100, skilllv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPHELM: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_HELM, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( bl, SC_STRIPHELM, 100, skilllv, d ); break; } clif_skill_nodamage( src, bl, skillid, skilllv, i ); break; } }
  6. bump Nevermind. Fixed this for those people having SVN 17020+ and you encounter this problem. Kindly revert your svn to r17020. Enjoy!
  7. is there any script on this title itself? and what are the things that i should remove on my server files. thanks in advance
  8. Patskie

    Devotion skill

    on your trunk/src/map/skill.c Remove these lines of codes clif_damage(d_bl, d_bl, gettick(), 0, 0, damage, 0, 0, 0); status_fix_damage(NULL, d_bl, damage, 0); And add these line of codes bool devo_flag = false; /* false = paladin devoing; true = player */ if ( src ) { struct status_change *tsc; tsc = status_get_sc(src); /* Per official standards, following skills should reflect at the bl */ if( (tsc->data[sC_KAITE] && attack_type == BF_MAGIC) || (tsc->data[sC_REFLECTDAMAGE] && attack_type != BF_MAGIC) ) devo_flag = true; } clif_damage( ( (devo_flag) ? bl:d_bl), ( (devo_flag) ? bl:d_bl), gettick(), 0, 0, damage, 0, 0, 0); status_fix_damage( ( (devo_flag) ? bl:NULL), ( (devo_flag) ? bl:d_bl), damage, 0, 0); Recompile your server. I never tested it. Try for yourself. DON'T FORGET TO BACK UP YOUR FILES.
  9. I need help regarding the source because i don't know how to modify the following, i am using r17026 and the following are my concern : 1. Every time the clown / gypsy cast slow grace or please don't forget me everything is affected even the guild mates / party mates and also the caster. 2. Regarding the union skill how can i remove the hp formula? 3. How to add lord of vermilion and parrying level 10 when star gladiator is linked? I saw lots of posts regarding my concern yet it doesn't fix my concern. Anyone here who's willing to help me? :l
  10. I am using 17026 i really don't know what to say mr mysterious coz i am not that knowledgable. but i know that the caster is affected by the please dont forget me skill when linked.
  11. When i link my clown / gypsy then i use please don't forget me skill it affects all people including the caster. Is there any way i can do to prevent this instead when the caster use please don't forget me. The only people who will receive the slow effect are the enemies? Sorry for my bad english. And i don't know if this is the right section. Please correct me if i am wrong. More power rAthena.
  12. I know that the official behavior of the union skill is to drain hp everytime they hit. Can i revised those formula which is responsible for the hp drain to sp drain? So that every time the star gladiator hit an enemy hp will not be drained from them instead sp will do drain. Sorry for my bad english. Anyone can help me with this stuff? Thanks in advance. More power rAthena
  13. Then how my players can claim their prizes?
  14. I have a dice script here. Works fine, the only problem is when there is a winner. NPC didn't show. Anyone who can give or help me out with this script? Here's my script : //########################################################################## //By: ____ _ __ __ ____ _____ # // | \ ___ __ __ _ | | \ \ / /_ _ _ / ___\ / ____| # // | || | / _ \\ \ / /| || | \ \ / /| || \ | || | ___ | (___ # // | || || __/ \ \/ / | || |__ \ \/\/ / | || \| || |___|\ \___ \ # // __|____/__\___|__\__/__|_||____|_____\_/\_/__|_||_|\__|_\_____/_____) | # //|_____________________________________________________________________/ # // # //########################################################################## // # //== Dice Event # // # //########################################################################## // # //== Automatically starts a dice event every 30 minutes of every hour # // # //== Prize- Change 13723 to any item ID you want the winner to recieved # // # //########################################################################## - script Dice#announcer -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "prtevent"; hideonnpc "Dice#evnt1"; end; OnMinute30: announce "Dice: We are going to have a Dice event.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: For those who wants to join, Please proceed to the center of Prontera and enter the Warp Portal.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: After 1 Minute the Portal will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: So please go to the middle of Prontera and enter the Warp Portal now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "prtevent"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Dice: Last 30 seconds.",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Dice: If you want to join please enter the Warp Portal beside me here in Prontera.",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "Dice: Last 10 seconds.",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Dice: 5.",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Dice: 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Dice: 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Dice: 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Dice: 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Dice: Time's up.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "prtevent"; donpcevent "Dice#evnt1::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer62000: announce "Dice: The next Dice event will begin after 30 minutes.",0; end; } //-------------------------------------------------- prontera,155,182,0 warp prtevent 2,2,quiz_01,204,90 //-------------------------------------------------- quiz_01,204,93,6 script Dice#evnt1 715,{ //-------------------------------------------------- mes "[Dice]"; mes "Please tell me your name"; next; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes "[Dice]"; mes "Are you sure thats your character name?"; close; } mes "[Dice]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; close2; announce "Dice: We have a winner, "+.@name$+".",0; getitem 7227,10; warp "prontera",155,185; disablenpc "Dice#evnt1"; end; OnEnable: mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: We are about to start the Dice event.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: But before we start the event here's how to play the game. . .",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: I'm only gonna say this once so read carefully.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: I'm going to pick a number, 1 to 4. Then I'll do a count down from 5 to 0.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: All you have to do is go to the box of the number you want.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: Example, If I get the number of 4, All the players standing on numbers 1 to 3 will be warped back to town.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: We will do it again and again until we only have 1 player left on the map.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: Oh yeah! Before I forget you MUST GO INSIDE THE BOX, because if you're caught standing on the stairs you'll be automatically disqualified.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: That's that.. Now let's play...",0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1) goto L_Champ; if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 0) goto L_None; if(getmapusers("quiz_01") > 1) { announce "Dice: . . . . .",0; set $@number, rand(1,4); sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: I have a number now. Please go to the box of the number you want.... GO!",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: 5",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Dice: 4",0; sleep2 4000; announce "Dice: 3",0; sleep2 3000; announce "Dice: 2",0; sleep2 2000; announce "Dice: 1",0; sleep2 1000; announce "Dice: Time's up.",0; donpcevent "evnt#1::OnEnable"; announce "Dice: Winning number "+$@number+".",0; if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 2) && ($@number != 3)) goto L_Lose1; if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 2) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose2; if(($@number != 1) && ($@number != 3) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose3; if(($@number != 2) && ($@number != 3) && ($@number != 4)) goto L_Lose4; end; } L_Lose1: areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,60,"prontera",155,182; goto L_Start; end; L_Lose2: areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,60,"prontera",155,182;; goto L_Start; end; L_Lose3: areawarp "quiz_01",183,81,191,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,60,"prontera",155,182; goto L_Start; end; L_Lose4: areawarp "quiz_01",195,81,203,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",207,81,215,60,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",219,81,227,60,"prontera",155,182; goto L_Start; end; L_Champ: mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: Come to me and tell me your name.",0; hideoffnpc "Dice#evnt1"; end; L_None: disablenpc "Dice#evnt1"; end; } - script evnt#1 -1,{ OnEnable: areawarp "quiz_01",182,94,228,88,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",185,87,188,82,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",197,87,200,82,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",209,87,212,82,"prontera",155,182; areawarp "quiz_01",221,87,224,82,"prontera",155,182; end; }
  15. Yea Euphy! Works fine already. Thanks for the help! Now i already know that those guides are old script version of thanatos quest
  16. Blue key doesn't work. Do i look like going here with full of jokes? lol ^^, And i think the one that warps you into the thana_boss is not working.
  17. Seem's like i am not satisfied in the scripting support for my thanatos quest so i am begging to someone here who's willing to help me. I want a thanatos quest script that run like these http://write.ratemyserver.net/ragnoark-online-quest-guides/thanatos-tower-quest-guide/. I have thanatos quest script but the blue key doesn't work .. Thanks in advance for those who will help. more power rAthena
  18. @Euphy : Are these line of codes fix? I just wanna ensure so that no problem will occur. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Thanatos Tower Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= Muad_Dib //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Official Conversion] //= Episode 13.1 Thanatos Tower quest. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Adapted from official release. [Euphy] //============================================================ hu_fild01,140,163,5 script Tower Keeper 852,3,3,{ mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Greetings, adventurer."; mes "I am Gatei Knumm, keeper"; mes "of this Thanatos Tower."; mes "How may I help you?"; next; switch(select("Thanatos Tower?:Entrance Fee?:Enter the tower:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Yes, the tower in front"; mes "of you was an ancient ruins"; mes "that got its name from a word"; mes "written on a stone plate found"; mes "inside. Today, this place is"; mes "a popular tourist attraction."; next; mes "[Gatei]"; mes "This tower grew in popularity"; mes "for adventurers when the"; mes "Rekenber Corporation began"; mes "tower reconstruction efforts."; mes "The 1st and 2nd floors are now"; mes "repaired and free of monsters."; next; mes "[Gatei]"; mes "However, reconstruction of"; mes "the 3rd and higher floors is"; mes "incomplete. Those levels are"; mes "still infested with monsters, so we're contracting temp workers"; mes "to exterminate all of them."; next; mes "[Gatei]"; mes "If you're interested in"; mes "temporary contract work,"; mes "or would like to know about"; mes "this place in detail, please"; mes "ask one of the guides inside."; mes "Thank you and enjoy your visit~"; close; case 2: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Everyone is welcome to"; mes "enjoy Thanatos Tower."; mes "Only the 1st and 2nd floors"; mes "are open to the public at"; mes "this time. The entrance fee"; mes "is 5,000 zeny per person."; next; mes "[Gatei]"; mes "5,000 zeny may seem a little"; mes "steep for a tourist attraction,"; mes "but trust me, this tower provides a very unique experience. Also,"; mes "our loyal customers and contract workers get a special discount~"; close; case 3: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Would you like to"; mes "enter Thanatos Tower?"; mes "The entry fee is ^FF00005,000 zeny^000000."; next; switch(select("Enter:Maybe next time.")) { case 1: if (thana_tower > 0) { mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Oh, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Welcome back! Since you've"; mes "got a temporary Rekenber"; mes "work contract, your entrance"; mes "fee is only 3,000 zeny."; next; switch(select("Enter:No, thanks.")) { case 1: if (Zeny > 2999) { mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Thank you, and"; mes "please keep up the"; mes "good work. Ah, and don't"; mes "forget: safety first when"; mes "you fight those monsters!"; set Zeny, Zeny - 3000; close2; warp "tha_scene01",131,220; end; } mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Oh, I'm sorry..."; mes "But you don't seem to"; mes "have enough zeny. Oh well,"; mes "just come back again later~"; close; case 2: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "You must be busy, then."; mes "Well, not to worry, we'll"; mes "always be here. Farewell~"; close; } } if (Zeny > 4999) { mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Ah, I've received your"; mes "entrance fee. Thank you"; mes "very much. Now, I hope"; mes "you enjoy your visit"; mes "to Thanatos Tower~"; close2; set Zeny, Zeny - 5000; warp "tha_scene01",131,220; end; } mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Well..."; mes "Hm. I'm sorry, but you"; mes "don't seem to have enough"; mes "zeny for the entrance fee."; mes "Please come back later..."; close; case 2: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Very well. Please come"; mes "and visit us again here"; mes "in Thanatos Tower."; close; } case 4: mes "[Gatei]"; mes "Hmm? Very well."; mes "But if you wish to visit"; mes "this Thanatos Tower, please"; mes "do not hesitate to ask me."; mes "Thank you and have a nice day."; close; } OnTouch: mes "[Tower Keeper]"; mes "Excuse me, but you cannot"; mes "enter. This place is under"; mes "the Rekenber Corporation's"; mes "administration, and this area"; mes "is restricted to all those"; mes "without authorization."; close; } tha_t01,149,78,4 script Guide 90,{ if (thana_tower == 0) { mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Welcome to Thanatos Tower."; mes "The tower's reconstruction is"; mes "a Rekenber Corporation project,"; mes "and the 1st and 2nd floors are"; mes "now open to the public. So"; mes "how may I help you today?"; next; switch(select("Tower Information:Temporary Work Contract:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "When this tower was built,"; mes "who built it, and its purpose"; mes "are all mysteries. There are"; mes "many rumors about it being a"; mes "Mage lab, a hero's momunent,"; mes "or a demon fortress..."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "The Rekenber Corporation has"; mes "been researching the origin of"; mes "this tower, but has not yet been able to confirm anything. Although"; mes "we've lost many researchers to the tower monsters, we won't give up!"; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Rekenber is convinced that this"; mes "tower holds many secrets, and"; mes "successfully reconstructed the"; mes "first 2 floors of this tower in"; mes "the pursuit of this knowledge."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Currently, we are focused on"; mes "reconstructing the tower's 3rd"; mes "and 4th floors. Luckily, many"; mes "adventurers are exterminating"; mes "the monsters on those floors, working under temporary contracts."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "At this rate, we expect"; mes "to complete reconstruction"; mes "of the 3rd and 4th floors in"; mes "the near future, bringing us"; mes "closer to our goal of opening all 12 floors of Thanatos Tower."; next; switch(select("Tower Monsters?:Temp Contract Work?:......")) { case 1: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Yes, when we began"; mes "reconstruction of the"; mes "Thanatos Tower, these"; mes "monsters that look like angels"; mes "just appeared out of nowhere"; mes "to attack all the workers."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "At first, witnesses thought"; mes "that these monsters might"; mes "be, you know, actual angels."; mes "But if they were, why were they"; mes "attacking for no reason?"; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Anyway, we asked the Juno "; mes "Sage Academy to investigate"; mes "them, and they confirmed that"; mes "these angelic creatures are true monsters--their resemblance to"; mes "angels is merely coincidence."; close; case 2: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "You may have already heard"; mes "from the Tower Keeper, but"; mes "we're contracting adventurers to exterminate the tower monsters"; mes "in the 3rd and higher levels on"; mes "a temporary employee basis."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "I'm in charge of hiring"; mes "temp contract workers, so"; mes "talk to me if you're interested. Only temp workers are allowed"; mes "to access the higher levels"; mes "here in Thanatos Tower."; next; goto L_Contract; case 3: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "To develop the floors above"; mes "the 2nd floor, we're going to"; mes "need as many temp contract"; mes "workers as we can hire. Why"; mes "don't you consider working"; mes "for us under a temp contract?"; close; } case 2: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "You may have already heard"; mes "from the Tower Keeper, but"; mes "we're contracting adventurers to exterminate the tower monsters"; mes "in the 3rd and higher levels on"; mes "a temporary employee basis."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "I'm in charge of hiring"; mes "temp contract workers, so"; mes "talk to me if you're interested. Only temp workers are allowed"; mes "to access the higher levels"; mes "here in Thanatos Tower."; next; goto L_Contract; case 3: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Well, if you have any"; mes "questions, feel free to"; mes "ask me later. My name is"; mes "Ditze Lappa. Have a good day!"; close; } } mes "[Ditze]"; mes "For more detailed information"; mes "about monster exterminations,"; mes "please ask the 2nd Floor Guide"; mes "and the Guide next to me. Well,"; mes "we hope you enjoy your experience working with Rekenber Corporation~"; close; L_Contract: switch(select("Maybe next time:Sure, I'd like to work for you.")) { case 1: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Well, alright."; mes "But come and talk to"; mes "me as soon as you decide"; mes "that you want to help with"; mes "the tower reconstruction by"; mes "working for Rekenber."; close; case 2: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "That's great!"; mes "Would you please fill"; mes "out this employment"; mes "agreement first? Let's"; mes "see. Your name is..."; mes strcharinfo(0) + ", right?"; next; select("Yes"); mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Alright, please read"; mes "this agreement carefully."; mes "If you agree with all of"; mes "the conditions, go ahead"; mes "and just sign the bottom."; next; mes "^3355FFDitze hands you the"; mes "Employment Agreement"; mes "document for you to read.^000000"; next; mes "- Employment Agreement -"; mes " "; mes "1. This employment agreement"; mes "is effective between Rekenber"; mes "Corporation (''Employer'') and "+strcharinfo(0)+"(''Employee'')."; mes "1-1. This employment agreement"; mes "is classified as a Mercernary"; mes "contract between both parties."; mes "2. The terms of this contract"; mes "immediately take effect once"; mes "it is signed by both parties"; mes "(Employer and Employee)."; mes "3. When the Employee performs"; mes "a mission, the mission results"; mes "must be verified with acceptible physical proof that must be"; mes "presented to the Employer."; mes "3-1. Please refer to Section"; mes "7A for examples of acceptible"; mes "proof of monster extermination."; mes "3-2. Acceptible proof is"; mes "determined and defined by a"; mes "representative of the Employer."; mes "4. Employer will allot rewards"; mes "to Employees after receiving"; mes "extermination proof."; mes "4-1. Possible rewards for"; mes "monster exterminations may"; mes "include the following."; mes "................................................."; mes "................................................."; mes "................................................."; mes "................................................."; mes "................................................."; mes "13. This contract's terms are"; mes "only applicable witin Thanatos"; mes "Tower."; mes "14. Employees will receive"; mes "a discount on the Entry Fee"; mes "to the Thanatos Tower."; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Employer Signature____________"; mes "Employee Signature____________"; next; switch(select("Sign:Don't Sign")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFYou sign two copies of the"; mes "Employment Agreement.^000000"; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Thank you. Now, you are"; mes "an official employee of the"; mes "Rekenber Corporation! Well,"; mes "within the limits of this tower"; mes "anyway. This contract doesn't"; mes "apply outside of this place."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "From now on, you can talk"; mes "to the 2nd Floor Guide to"; mes "enter the 3rd Floor. If you"; mes "have any mission reward"; mes "questions, please ask ^3355FFLiei^000000."; next; mes "[Ditze]"; mes "If you want to check"; mes "more information about"; mes "your work, please talk"; mes "to the 2nd Floor Guide."; mes "Thank you, and welcome"; mes "to the Rekenber Corporation~"; set thana_tower, 1; close; case 2: mes "[Ditze]"; mes "Oh? Was there an article"; mes "within the contract that you"; mes "disagreed with? Hm. Well,"; mes "that's fine. But if you change"; mes "your mind, please come back"; mes "and ask me anytime. Thank you~"; close; } } } tha_t01,140,78,4 script Guide#reward 831,{ mes "[Liei]"; if (thana_tower == 0) { mes "Good day, I'm"; mes "Liei Kuniziet of the"; mes "Employee Mission"; mes "Reward Department"; mes "here in Thanatos Tower."; next; switch(select("Employee's mission reward?:Keep up the good work.")) { case 1: mes "[Liei]"; mes "Currently, Rekenber Corporation"; mes "is contracting temp employees"; mes "to develop the higher levels"; mes "of Thanatos Tower. If you'd"; mes "like to apply, please ask"; mes "Ditze right next to me."; close; case 2: mes "[Liei]"; mes "Thank you. Ah, and I hope"; mes "that you enjoy your visit"; mes "here to Thanatos Tower."; close; } } mes "Ah, hello~"; mes "How may I help you?"; next; if(select("Reward:Nothing") == 2) { mes "[Liei]"; mes "Alright, then."; mes "Please do your best"; mes "to exterminate the"; mes "monsters that infest"; mes "the higher floors of"; mes "the Thanatos Tower~"; close; } mes "[Liei]"; mes "You're "+strcharinfo(0)+", yes?"; mes "Let me check our temp"; mes "employee records for--ah."; mes "Here it is. Alright, so would"; mes "you please tell me what kind"; mes "of mission proof you brought?"; next; setarray .@Items[1],7435,7440,7441,7442; set .@i, select("Golden Ornament:Red Feather:Blue Feather:Cursed Seal"); mes "[Liei]"; if (!countitem(.@Items[.@i])) { mes "I'm sorry, but you are not"; mes "carrying any "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i])+"s."; mes "Please check your inventory"; mes "one more time, and then come"; mes "to me to redeem your items"; mes "for a reward later, alright?"; close; } mes "The reward for each"; mes getitemname(.@Items[.@i])+" is..."; mes " "; mes "1,000 zeny"; //mes "2,000 EXP"; next; set .@zeny_tt,(countitem(.@Items[.@i]) * 1000); //set .@exp_tt,(countitem(.@Items[.@i]) * 2000); mes "[Liei]"; mes countitem(.@Items[.@i])+" "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i])+"s, then"; mes "you will receive a total of..."; mes " "; mes ""+.@zeny_tt+" zeny"; //mes ""+.@exp_tt+" EXP"; next; mes "[Liei]"; mes "Would you like to exchange"; mes "all of your "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i])+"s"; mes "for your reward right now?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes "[Liei]"; mes "Great! Here is your"; mes .@zeny_tt+" zeny. Thank you,"; //mes .@exp_tt+" EXP. Thank you,"; mes "and please keep up"; mes "the good work~"; delitem .@Items[.@i], countitem(.@Items[.@i]); set Zeny, Zeny + .@zeny_tt; //getexp .@exp_tt,0; close; case 2: mes "[Liei]"; mes "Sure, no problem."; mes "Just come back and"; mes "talk to me whenever"; mes "you want to receive"; mes "your reward, alright?"; close; } } tha_t02,231,161,5 script Entrance Guide 874,{ mes "[burled]"; if (thana_tower == 0) { mes "You are in front of the entrance to the 3rd Floor. Only contracted"; mes "temp employees are authorized"; mes "to enter that area. For Rekenber temp contract information, please"; mes "speak to the 2nd Floor Guide."; close; } mes "This is the path to the 3rd floor."; mes "Only the contracted staff are allowed to enter."; mes "How can I help you?"; next; switch(select("Let me go to 3rd floor.:Tower Information.:Start a conversation.")) { case 1: mes "[burled]"; mes "Oh, alright. Let me"; mes "check and see if you're"; mes "on our temp list. Hmmm..."; mes "Ah, you're "+strcharinfo(0)+", right?"; next; mes "[burled]"; if (getareausers("tha_t02",226,156,236,166) < 5) { mes "First, we need to wait until"; mes "at least 5 temps are gathered"; mes "to form a work group. Right"; mes "now, there are a total of"; mes getareausers("tha_t02",226,156,236,166)+ " temp workers waiting to"; mes "enter the 3rd Floor."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "If you can, try to get"; mes "your friends to help you"; mes "by coming near me. Please"; mes "understand that we have this"; mes "temp worker group requirement"; mes "for various safety reasons."; close; } mes "Great, you're just"; mes "in time. We just met"; mes "the minimum 5 temp group"; mes "requirement, so we'll open"; mes "the gate to the 3rd Floor soon."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "The gate to the 3rd Floor"; mes "will close shortly, so enter it"; mes "as soon as you can. We have"; mes "to close it quickly because we"; mes "can't have the tower monsters"; mes "entering the lower floors..."; if (thana_tower > 3) { next; mes "^4d4dffBurled is smiling lightly so that only I notice."; mes "I nod, then watch him open the gate.^000000"; } close2; donpcevent "3rdf_warp#tt::OnEnable"; end; case 2: mes "[burled]"; mes "This gate is the only passage"; mes "that connects to the 3rd Floor."; mes "After the 4th Floor, passages"; mes "between floors only travel one"; mes "way, meaning you can't exit the"; mes "same way you that you entered."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "You see, there's a strange"; mes "power that affects the 5th"; mes "Floor, and all floors above,"; mes "which doesn't allow people to"; mes "backtrack through the passage in which they entered the floor."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "So if you ascend past the"; mes "4th Floor, please be careful"; mes "and make sure that you find"; mes "a way to get back."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "The top is the 12th floor,"; mes "and the monsters grow more powerful"; mes "as you ascend the tower."; mes "The geographical features also change considerably."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Because the higher levels are"; mes "too dangerous, we only open the"; mes "3rd Floor Gate when 5 or more"; mes "are gathered here. Therefore,"; mes "you may need to wait if less"; mes "than 5 temps have gathered."; close; case 3: if (thana_tower < 3) { mes "[burled]"; mes "...?"; mes "Do you have any questions?"; next; if(select("About the development.:The relationship of Cool Event Corporation and Rekenber Corporation.:Nope.") == 3) { mes "[burled]"; mes "Take care."; close; } mes "[burled]"; mes "...um, you're quite curious."; mes "If you want to know more, would you do me a favor?"; mes "Since you asked for our confidential info..."; next; if(select("Really? Don't make me afraid of it.:Just tell me about it.:I'll listen about it later.") == 3) { mes "[burled]"; mes "As you wish..."; mes "Take care!"; close; } mes "[burled]"; mes "Haha. That's not a big deal."; mes "We, Cool Event, are the corporation that works in many areas of business."; mes "From simple events, guides for dungeons, and trading items."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Though our business started as a small one, we've been getting bigger with assistance from the Rekenber Corporation."; mes "They suggested to develop this tower together."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "The Rekenber Corporation is only digging out the remains for studies."; mes "The rest would be made into sightseeing place, which Cool Event Corporation can manage well."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "It's the biggest business ever."; mes "Also quite profitable as tourist attractions."; mes "But..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Considerably strong monsters spawn inside the tower."; mes "The monsters weren't spawned there before."; mes "The day after that happened..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "...anyway, there were some accidently spawned monsters and some troubles..."; mes "We and the Rekenber Corporation are in shock."; mes "We were influenced economically, but the more serious thing is..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Many staff involved in development are"; mes "sacrificing themselves by coming to 3rd floor."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "While we've pumped our all into the business, that accident happened..."; mes "We eventually merged with the Rekenber Corporation."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "The development is on hold temporarily."; mes "Recruiting adventurers to defeat monsters..."; mes "Isn't this funny?"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "No matter what happened there, they wouldn't be hurt."; mes "Even if they don't get at the root of the accident...."; next; switch(select("Oh...:What accident are you referring to?")) { case 1: mes "[burled]"; mes "Yes, it's not that big of a deal. Haha...."; mes "If we are working here like this...."; mes "we would know about the death of animals."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Cool Event Corporation is considered the follower..."; mes "They don't clear up how many people"; mes "died or any reasons for it."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Now you're curious about this case."; mes "What do they sacrifice for?"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "I talked a lot."; mes "Sorry, I am not supposed to talk about this case like this..."; mes "I've been quite concerned about it, that's all."; set thana_tower, 3; close; case 2: mes "[burled]"; mes "If you promise me that"; mes "you will do me a favor..."; next; switch(select("Ok! I will.:No, I won't.")) { case 1: callsub L_Request; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "(What's the accident...?"; mes "He might let me know later...)"; close; case 2: mes "[burled]"; mes "...there is no way..."; mes "They request you to explore the internal part."; mes "You're employed for this exploration."; close; } } } else if (thana_tower == 3) { callsub L_Request; close; } else if (thana_tower == 4) { mes "[burled]"; mes "Rekenber Corporation must have another intention,"; mes "since they don't seem interested in the tower much."; mes "I want to know their intention."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "This tower is sealed and separated from the outside."; mes "We need to break those seals, explore inside and develop it."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "We are developing the 3rd and 4th floors now..."; mes "There are still seals there."; mes "You can find out some clues when you search around them."; close; } else if ((thana_tower > 4) && (thana_tower < 9)) { mes "[burled]"; mes "The magical key and messages?"; mes "...we absolutely haven't learned all the tower's secrets..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Who made the seals?"; mes "...can you investigate more?"; mes "There must be definitive evidence..."; close; } else if (thana_tower == 9) { mes "[burled]"; mes "Any new progress?"; next; select("I found Varmunt's Journal..."); mes "- You show him Varmunt's Journal."; mes "Burled reads it. -"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "...I recognize this."; mes "This is the hologragh of the wise man Varmunt."; mes "Regenschirm from Rekenber's huge research institute has..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "...isn't this the one they are looking for now?!"; mes "Isn't their mission to find out Varmunt's research materials...?"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "For assisting uncompleted research..."; mes "Varmunt's research materials are needed..."; mes "...so their mission isn't just an investigation of the tower."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Something to get as an advantage..."; mes "Even they don't know where it is..."; mes "...anyways, this is the one of their main objects."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "It's absolutely great. The wise man Varmunt's belongings. How unbelievable!"; mes "Now, what do we do with this?"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Originally everything we found out in this tower was under control of the Rekenber Corporation."; mes "This is supposed to theirs, but..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "How would you like to keep this, "+strcharinfo(0)+"?"; mes "Definitely this should be a secret."; mes "...um, this is a little revenge for them."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "I can guess that there are several secrets in this tower through this note."; mes "This secret should be disclosed by you, "+strcharinfo(0)+", before Rekenber does."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "No matter how much power they obtain... they won't get to know about this tower..."; mes "Haha..."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "...haha..."; mes "I feel a bit relieved."; mes "Thanks."; mes "This isn't much, but here's a return present."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "I hope that these will be useful for you, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; mes "- Burled gives you the note and an Old Violet Box. -"; mes " "; mes "^4d4dffYou acquire one Old Violet Box,"; mes "as well as a little EXP.^000000"; set thana_tower, 10; completequest 7053; getexp 120000,10000; getitem 617,1; //Old_Violet_Box close; } else { mes "[burled]"; mes "Are you keeping the secrets well?"; mes "Is there a Phantom on the top of this tower?"; if (rand(3) == 1) { mes "You look tired. This isn't a big deal, but it's for you."; // UseSkillToPC 28 10 50 70 percentheal 50,70; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; } close; } } L_Request: mes "[burled]"; mes "Ah, it's not that difficult."; mes "After you explore the tower, let me know in detail anything you learn."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "...I can't believe the Rekenber Corporation. Many colleagues and friends died for them."; mes "But the Rekenber Corporation doesn't expose the reason they are dead."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "The conditions were bad for us from beginning..."; mes "All of the developed places except research materials would be turned into tourist attractions..."; mes "Honestly, all the personnel are from Cool Event Corp."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "They know about it as well."; mes "This business needs much sacrifice as well as personnel who are up for it."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "Now I don't feel victimized anymore, but I just want to know what drives these accidents..."; mes "^4d4dffWhat makes us victimized...?^000000"; mes "That's what I want to know."; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "What's this tower?"; mes "Why did they develop this dangerous place?"; mes "And for what? Should my colleagues be dead for it?"; next; mes "[burled]"; mes "I seriously want to know about it."; mes "Why they must sacrifice themselves..."; mes "Let me know..."; next; mes "He seriously wants to know about it."; mes "His hands are trembling now..."; mes "I nodd without answering."; set thana_tower, 4; setquest 7048; return; } tha_t02,227,163,0 script 3rdf_warp#tt 45,1,1,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "3rdf_warp#tt"; end; OnTouch: if (thana_tower == 0) warp "tha_t02",227,158; else warp "tha_t03",219,159; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "3rdf_warp#tt"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: stopnpctimer; disablenpc "3rdf_warp#tt"; end; } tha_t03,67,70,0 script Rune Device#tt1 111,4,4,{ if ((countitem(7421) == 0) && (countitem(7426) == 0)) { mes "^3355FFA mysterious field of"; mes "energy seems to surround"; mes "the mechanical device and"; mes "its power prevents you from"; mes "approaching the machine.^000000"; next; switch(select("Investigate it.:I don't care about it.")) { case 1: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This seems mysterious..."; mes "Let me investigate."; next; mes "^3355FFAs you follow the magical power, there's something wrapped inside the rune device.^000000"; next; if (Class == Job_Taekwon) { mes "^3355FFYou kick the energy"; mes "field with all of your strength. After absorbing the impact, the"; mes "field fizzles out with a soft,"; mes "gentle ''pzzzzzh'' sound.^000000"; next; goto L_Key; } else if (getequipweaponlv(4) == 4) { mes "^3355FFWith your "+getequipname(4)+" in"; mes "hand, you smash the energy"; mes "field with all of your strength. After absorbing the impact, the"; mes "field fizzles out with a soft,"; mes "gentle ''pzzzzzh'' sound.^000000"; next; goto L_Key; } else { mes "^3355FFYou smash the energy"; mes "field with your weapon"; mes "using all of your strength,"; mes "but you weren't able to"; mes "break down the barrier."; mes "You probably need a more"; mes "powerful weapon...^000000"; close; } case 2: mes "^3355FFYou decide to leave"; mes "the machine alone.^000000"; close; } } mes "You've acquired everything you need from this rune device."; close; OnTouch: if ((countitem(7421) == 0) && (countitem(7426) == 0)) specialeffect EF_LEVEL99_4; end; L_Key: specialeffect EF_BRANDISH2; mes "After breaking the device, the exterior shatters."; mes "The energy field begins to disappear,"; mes "and you see that a red object inside was the origin of the magical power."; next; mes "- You acquired the powerful Red Key. -"; getitem 7421,1; //Key_Red if (thana_tower != 4) close; mes "^4d4dffOnce you hold the key, a shocking feeling passes through your head."; mes "You see an illusion of light...^000000"; next; switch(select("Ignore it.:Concentrate on it.")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFYou decide to leave"; mes "the machine alone.^000000"; close; case 2: mes "You focus on the light."; mes "Some letters begin to appear..."; next; mes "^b22222I've used the Gate Seal"; mes "technology to seal the gate"; mes "and the charm stones. Although"; mes "the seals are in place, I can't"; mes "stop worrying that they might"; mes "break in the future."; next; mes "^b22222I can't relax when a, shall"; mes "I say, particular group covets"; mes "the charm stones and can easily"; mes "break the seals. Since they are"; mes "broken now, are many people hurt?"; next; mes "^b22222This tower contains strong"; mes "magical powers and much evil. It is"; mes "dangerous by itself, but I sealed it"; mes "because of one man's strong desires..."; next; mes "^b22222I wouldn't recommend to go futher."; mes "You would need to challenge that poor"; mes "being, who I've named this tower after."; mes "His soul still rests here..."; next; mes "^b22222Nobody believed me, the crazy scientist."; mes "Though I wanted to keep this a secret, somebody"; mes "must get to know about it. That's way I created"; mes "this rune device, and hid this message."; next; mes "^b22222Please show that my experience"; mes "wasn't just an illusion.^000000"; next; mes "That's all."; mes "The letters fly away in the form of a red key..."; set thana_tower, 5; changequest 7048,7049; specialeffect2 EF_COMBOATTACK1; close; } } tha_t04,195,195,0 script Rune Device#tt2 111,3,3,{ if ((countitem(7422) == 0) && (countitem(7427) == 0)) { mes "^3355FFYou find a screen"; mes "with three tiny panels and"; mes "a numeric keypad underneath."; mes "As you press one of the"; mes "number keys, you hear a"; mes "beep as the screen activates.^000000"; next; mes "[screen]"; mes "Please enter a 3 digit"; mes "number. Do not use a"; mes "single number more than"; mes "once or use the number 0."; next; while (1) { set .@yagu100, rand(1,9); set .@yagu10, rand(1,9); set .@yagu1, rand(1,9); if (((.@yagu100 != .@yagu10) && (.@yagu100 != .@yagu1)) && (.@yagu10 != .@yagu1)) break; } while (1) { while (1) { input .@input; if (.@input < 100 || .@input > 999) { mes "[screen]"; mes "Number input"; mes "requirement has"; mes "not been fulfilled."; mes "Please enter a"; mes "3 digit number."; close; } set .@input100, .@input / 100; set .@input10, (.@input % 100) / 10; if (((.@input100 > 0) && (.@input10 > 0)) && (.@input % 10 > 0)) { if (((.@input100 != .@input10) && (.@input100 != .@input % 10)) && (.@input10 != .@input % 10)) break; mes "[screen]"; mes "Violation of number"; mes "input parameter. The"; mes "number 0 has been input,"; mes "or a number has been"; mes "input more than once."; next; } } set .@retry, .@retry + 1; mes "[screen]"; mes "You have input..."; mes "^0000ff" + .@input100 + "^000000, ^0000ff" + .@input10 + "^000000, ^0000ff" + (.@input % 10) + "^000000"; mes " "; mes "Calculating Results..."; mes "Please wait a moment..."; next; set .@strike, 0; set .@ball, 0; if (.@yagu100 == .@input100) set .@strike, .@strike + 1; if (.@yagu10 == .@input10) set .@strike, .@strike + 1; if (.@yagu1 == .@input % 10) set .@strike, .@strike + 1; if ((.@yagu100 == .@input10) || (.@yagu100 == .@input % 10)) set .@ball, .@ball + 1; if ((.@yagu10 == .@input100) || (.@yagu10 == .@input % 10)) set .@ball, .@ball + 1; if ((.@yagu1 == .@input100) || (.@yagu1 == .@input10)) set .@ball, .@ball + 1; if (.@strike == 3) { mes "[screen]"; mes "Input number accepted."; mes "Access authorized."; next; mes "^3355FFAfter the screen displays"; mes "the access authorization"; mes "notice, magical power condenses"; mes "and appears on the screen's"; mes "surface. An object forms...^000000"; next; mes "^4d4dffThe powerful Yellow Key appears.^000000"; getitem 7422,1; //Key_Yellow if (thana_tower != 5) close; mes "^4d4dffA fierce feeling passes through your head."; mes "You seen an illusion of light, like when you acquired the first key.^000000"; next; switch(select("Ignore it.:Concentrate on it.")) { case 1: mes "You decide to ignore it."; close; case 2: mes "You focus on the light."; mes "Some letters begin to appear..."; next; mes "^b22222Have you found the second key?"; mes "I wish to tell you where the seal is, but I won't unveil it so easily."; mes "Here's a hint. Go to the eagle on the 5th floor."; next; mes "^b22222The reason I came here is..."; mes "to find someone."; mes "We human beings can't understand this..."; next; mes "^b22222When I found her in Juperos, I couldn't relax."; mes "The giant men staying with her in deep side of cave"; mes "made me rush through my investigation..."; next; mes "^b22222After confirming her existence, I became blindly obsessed with finding traces of her."; mes "'Her', you ask? She is shaped like a woman..."; next; mes "^b22222I followed her traces without knowing that she existed 10 years earlier."; mes "Then I came upon this place."; next; mes "^b22222This tower set up for...^000000"; next; mes "It suddenly shakes, then disappears."; set thana_tower, 6; changequest 7049,7050; specialeffect2 EF_COMBOATTACK1; close; } } else { mes "[screen]"; mes "*Beeeeep*"; mes "Unauthorized"; mes "numerical sequence."; next; mes "[screen]"; mes "Correct number"; mes "in correct place"; mes "in sequence total: ^FF0000" + .@strike + "^000000"; mes " "; mes "Correct number total: ^FF0000" + .@ball + "^000000"; next; if (.@retry > 4) { mes "[screen]"; mes "Correct number"; mes "authorization"; mes "sequence was..."; mes "^ff0000" + .@yagu100 + "^000000, ^ff0000" + .@yagu10 + "^000000, ^ff0000" + .@yagu1 + "^000000"; mes "Authorization number"; mes "will change upon retry."; close; } } } } mes "You've acquired everything you need from this rune device."; close; OnTouch: if ((countitem(7422) == 0) && (countitem(7427) == 0)) specialeffect EF_LEVEL99_4; end; } tha_t05,62,179,0 script Brilliant Statue#tt3 111,3,3,{ if ((countitem(7423) == 0) && (countitem(7428) == 0)) { mes "I can feel some magical power from this beautiful stone statue."; mes "There's a little crack between the wings."; next; mes "Red light is shining on a crack in the left wing, and gold light on a crack in the right one."; mes "What will you do?"; next; if(select("Stick the key into the crack...:Ignore it.") == 2) { mes "^3355FFYou decide to leave"; mes "the statue alone.^000000"; close; } if ((countitem(7421) > 0) && (countitem(7422) > 0)) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I'll try the left wing first."; mes "What key should I put in?"; next; input .@inputstr$; if ((.@inputstr$ != "Red Key") && (.@inputstr$ != "red key")) { mes "It doesn't fit into the crack."; close; } mes "The key fits and makes a click."; mes "You feel the magical power growing stronger..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Now the right side..."; next; input .@inputstr$; if ((.@inputstr$ != "Yellow Key") && (.@inputstr$ != "yellow key")) { mes "It doesn't fit into the crack."; close; } mes "The key fits and makes a click."; mes "The beak of the bird suddenly opens, and a strong light comes out."; mes "There's a key-shaped object inside..."; next; mes "^4d4dffThe powerful Blue Key appears.^000000"; getitem 7423,1; //Key_Blue if (thana_tower != 6) close; mes "^4d4dffOnce you hold the key, a shocking feeling passes through your head."; mes "You see an illusion of light...^000000"; next; switch(select("Concentrate on it.:Ignore it.")) { case 1: mes "This part isn't as clear as before."; mes "You try to figure out what it's saying..."; next; mes "^b22222...this tower was built by a magical tribe, not by human beings."; mes "This was quite interesting to me..."; mes "I started to investigate why they built up the tower..."; next; mes "^b22222I found out that this tower was a gate for the magic tribe"; mes "during a millennium war.^000000"; next; mes ".........It's not clearly shown......"; mes "^b22222...Morroc has gone through this gate"; mes "from the magical world into the Midgard continent after the millennium war terminated..."; next; mes "^b22222The question is that when she come up here, the Satan appears at the same time..."; mes "The truth is..........^000000"; next; mes "The illusion shakes, then melts on the surface of the key as light."; set thana_tower, 7; changequest 7050,7051; specialeffect2 EF_COMBOATTACK1; close; case 2: mes "You decide to ignore it."; close; } } mes "You try to fit something in the crack, but to no avail."; close; } mes "You've acquired everything you need from this statue."; close; OnTouch: if ((countitem(7423) == 0) && (countitem(7428) == 0)) specialeffect EF_LEVEL99_4; end; } tha_t06,226,230,0 script Brilliant Statue#tt4 111,3,3,{ if ((countitem(7424) == 0) && (countitem(7429) == 0)) { mes "I can feel some magical power from this brilliant statue."; mes "This must be one of the seals."; next; mes "You see a floating round object with a hole in it."; mes "There're red, yellow, and blue light in a row."; mes "What will you do?"; next; if(select("Investigate.:Ignore it.") == 2) { mes "^3355FFYou don't see the need to"; mes "investigate if nothing seems"; mes "peculiar or out of place...^000000"; close; } if ((countitem(7421) > 0) && (countitem(7422) > 0) && (countitem(7423) > 0)) { mes "When you insert the key into the keyhole of the ornament"; mes "and match them by corresponding color, the Stone Statue will snap open."; mes "You can see small wheels are moving inside."; next; switch(select("Investigate the Machine Chasis:Investigate the Wheels:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFThe key in your inventory"; mes "does not seem to be affecting"; mes "the machine's chasis. The"; mes "screen mounted on the side"; mes "is still blank and deactivated.^000000"; close; case 2: set .@small_1, 0; set .@small_2, 0; set .@big_1, 0; set .@big_2, 0; set .@big_3, 0; mes "^3355FFYou touch the wheels and"; mes "find that they are actually"; mes "moving very slowly. You note"; mes "that there are 2 small wheels"; mes "and 3 larger wheels, totaling"; mes "5 wheels on this machine.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe big wheels are moving"; mes "vertically, up and down, as"; mes "they press against the smaller"; mes "wheels to make them rotate.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFJudging from the machine's"; mes "shaking and jittery noises, the"; mes "wheels may be misaligned."; mes "You might be able to activate"; mes "the machine by properly "; mes "aligning all the wheels.^000000"; while (1) { next; mes "^3355FFWhich wheel do"; mes "you want to shift?^000000"; switch(select("1st Small Wheel:2nd Small Wheel:1st Big Wheel:2nd Big Wheel:3rd Big Wheel:Check Current Wheel Configuration:Reset Wheels to Default Configuration")) { case 1: switch(select("Raise Wheel:Lower Wheel:Press Wheel")) { case 1: mes "^EE0000*Choom*^000000"; set .@small_1, 2; if ((.@small_1 == 2) && (.@small_2 == 2) && (.@big_1 == 2) && (.@big_2 == 2) && (.@big_3 == 2)) break; continue; case 2: mes "^00B2EE*Sneeeep*^000000"; set .@small_1, 1; if ((.@small_1 == 1) && (.@small_2 == 1) && (.@big_1 == 1) && (.@big_2 == 1) && (.@big_3 == 1)) break; continue; case 3: mes "^5C246E*Mrreeem*^000000"; set .@small_1, 3; if ((.@small_1 == 3) && (.@small_2 == 3) && (.@big_1 == 3) && (.@big_2 == 3) && (.@big_3 == 3)) break; continue; } break; case 2: switch(select("Raise Wheel:Lower Wheel:Press Wheel")) { case 1: mes "^5C246E*Mrreeem*^000000"; set .@small_2, 3; if ((.@small_1 == 3) && (.@small_2 == 3) && (.@big_1 == 3) && (.@big_2 == 3) && (.@big_3 == 3)) break; continue; case 2: mes "^EE0000*Choom*^000000"; set .@small_2, 2; if ((.@small_1 == 2) && (.@small_2 == 2) && (.@big_1 == 2) && (.@big_2 == 2) && (.@big_3 == 2)) break; continue; case 3: mes "^00B2EE*Sneeeep*^000000"; set .@small_2, 1; if ((.@small_1 == 1) && (.@small_2 == 1) && (.@big_1 == 1) && (.@big_2 == 1) && (.@big_3 == 1)) break; continue; } break; case 3: switch(select("Raise Wheel:Lower Wheel:Vertically Shift Wheel")) { case 1: mes "^00B2EE*Sneeeep*^000000"; set .@big_1, 1; if ((.@small_1 == 1) && (.@small_2 == 1) && (.@big_1 == 1) && (.@big_2 == 1) && (.@big_3 == 1)) break; continue; case 2: mes "^5C246E*Mrreeem*^000000"; set .@big_1, 3; if ((.@small_1 == 3) && (.@small_2 == 3) && (.@big_1 == 3) && (.@big_2 == 3) && (.@big_3 == 3)) break; continue; case 3: mes "^EE0000*Choom*^000000"; set .@big_1, 2; if ((.@small_1 == 2) && (.@small_2 == 2) && (.@big_1 == 2) && (.@big_2 == 2) && (.@big_3 == 2)) break; continue; } break; case 4: switch(select("Raise Wheel:Lower Wheel:Vertically Shift Wheel")) { case 1: mes "^EE0000*Choom*^000000"; set .@big_2, 2; if ((.@small_1 == 2) && (.@small_2 == 2) && (.@big_1 == 2) && (.@big_2 == 2) && (.@big_3 == 2)) break; continue; case 2: mes "^5C246E*Mrreeem*^000000"; set .@big_2, 3; if ((.@small_1 == 3) && (.@small_2 == 3) && (.@big_1 == 3) && (.@big_2 == 3) && (.@big_3 == 3)) break; continue; case 3: mes "^00B2EE*Sneeeep*^000000"; set .@big_2, 1; if ((.@small_1 == 1) && (.@small_2 == 1) && (.@big_1 == 1) && (.@big_2 == 1) && (.@big_3 == 1)) break; continue; } break; case 5: switch(select("Raise Wheel:Lower Wheel:Vertically Shift Wheel")) { case 1: mes "^EE0000*Choom*^000000"; set .@big_3, 2; if ((.@small_1 == 2) && (.@small_2 == 2) && (.@big_1 == 2) && (.@big_2 == 2) && (.@big_3 == 2)) break; continue; case 2: mes "^00B2EE*Sneeeep*^000000"; set .@big_3, 1; if ((.@small_1 == 1) && (.@small_2 == 1) && (.@big_1 == 1) && (.@big_2 == 1) && (.@big_3 == 1)) break; continue; case 3: mes "^5C246E*Mrreeem*^000000"; set .@big_3, 3; if ((.@small_1 == 3) && (.@small_2 == 3) && (.@big_1 == 3) && (.@big_2 == 3) && (.@big_3 == 3)) break; continue; } break; case 6: if (.@small_1 == 0) mes "1st Small Wheel: No Change"; else if (.@small_1 == 1) mes "1st Small Wheel: Down"; else if (.@small_1 == 2) mes "1st Small Wheel: Up"; else mes "1st Small Wheel: Pressed"; if (.@small_2 == 0) mes "2nd Small Wheel: No Change"; else if (.@small_2 == 1) mes "2nd Small Wheel: Pressed"; else if (.@small_2 == 2) mes "2nd Small Wheel: Down"; else mes "2nd Small Wheel: Up"; if (.@big_1 == 0) mes "1st Big Wheel: No Change"; else if (.@big_1 == 1) mes "1st Big Wheel: Up"; else if (.@big_1 == 2) mes "1st Big Wheel: Moved"; else mes "1st Big Wheel: Down"; if (.@big_2 == 0) mes "2nd Big Wheel: No Change"; else if (.@big_2 == 1) mes "2nd Big Wheel: Moved"; else if (.@big_2 == 2) mes "2nd Big Wheel: Up"; else mes "2nd Big Wheel: Down"; if (.@big_3 == 0) mes "3rd Big Wheel: No Change"; else if (.@big_3 == 1) mes "3rd Big Wheel: Down"; else if (.@big_3 == 2) mes "3rd Big Wheel: Up"; else mes "3rd Big Wheel: Moved"; continue; case 7: set .@small_1, 0; set .@small_2, 0; set .@big_1, 0; set .@big_2, 0; set .@big_3, 0; continue; } break; } mes "As you adjust the wheels,"; mes "they suddenly activate"; mes "with a firm click."; next; mes "A part of the ornament in the stone statue starts to spin,"; mes "and a shining light beam climbs up the elegant statue."; mes "A strong cursed power emerges and emits a dazzling green light."; specialeffect EF_DISPELL; specialeffect EF_POTION6; next; mes "^4d4dffAll of a sudden, the Green Key appears and you can feel great power from it.^000000"; getitem 7424,1; //Key_Green if (thana_tower != 7) close; mes "^4d4dffWhen you pick up the key,"; mes "your body trembles"; mes "with an unknown power"; mes "and you see a hallucination with some text.^000000"; next; switch(select("Concentrate on it.:Ignore it.")) { case 1: mes "^b22222...You found 4 keys"; mes "and finally released 4 spells..."; mes "This tower used to be"; mes "a gate to summon demons ages ago."; mes "And the last visitor was"; mes "the infamous Satan Morroc."; next; mes "^b22222As I followed her trail"; mes "I realized that her spells"; mes "were scattered around the tower."; mes "Then, somehow, it vanished into the ground."; next; mes "^b22222The great battle and"; mes "the protracted war..."; mes "But her purpose was..."; mes "that... sealing of the gate..."; mes "so... I tried to seal..."; mes "but it was incomplete..."; mes "the guard of the gate was...^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "It is hard to read."; next; mes "^b22222...So I changed the location"; mes "of the coupling spot..."; mes "I mean, push through to the tower"; mes "to tangle it..."; mes "Anyway, I wanted to respect"; mes "her loyalty and block the gate..."; next; mes "^b22222If I want to... then I have to"; mes "release the last spell..."; mes "He finally came to meet..."; mes "with his pieces..."; mes "...and then...^000000"; next; mes "The hallucination wobbles"; mes "and fades into the key."; set thana_tower, 8; changequest 7051,7052; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL6; specialeffect2 EF_SPELLBREAKER; close; case 2: mes "It was too intense to see the hallucination, so you gave up reading."; close; } case 3: mes "You decide to ignore it."; close; } } mes "You don't have the right key for this keyhole."; close; } mes "The spell is already released. You've acquired everything you need from this statue."; close; OnTouch: if ((countitem(7424) == 0) && (countitem(7429) == 0)) specialeffect EF_LEVEL99_4; end; } tha_t06,204,181,0 script Splendid Sword#tt5 111,3,3,{ if ((countitem(7425) == 0) && (countitem(7430) == 0)) { mes "An old, worn sword hangs above the splendid table."; mes "It emits a gloomy aura."; next; if ((countitem(7421) > 0) && (countitem(7422) > 0) && (countitem(7423) > 0) && (countitem(7424) > 0)) { mes "As you approach, the keys in your pocket"; mes "suddenly respond with a mysterious power."; specialeffect2 EF_ABSORBSPIRITS; next; if(select("Observe it.:Ignore it.") == 2) { mes "^3355FFYou decide to leave"; mes "the sword alone.^000000"; close; } mes "While you get closer and closer, the sword shakes with a loud noise."; mes "Your eyes keep getting drawn to the sword's hilt."; mes "Then you lose control of your hands, and they stretch forth to grasp the handle..."; next; switch(select("Towards the blade of the sword:Towards the hilt of the sword:Towards the table")) { case 1: mes "By an unknown calling you decide to grab the blade of the sword."; mes "Your hands get wounded and begin to bleed."; specialeffect2 EF_HIT1; percentheal -20,0; close; case 2: mes "By an unknown calling you decide to grab the hilt of the sword."; mes "The mysterious power from the keys transfers to the sword, and it falls from the table."; next; mes "At the same time, a little hole appears on the table's surface."; mes "Now, you hold the sword and..."; specialeffect EF_EXIT2; next; switch(select("Strike the table:Insert the sword into the hole:Bring the sword safely")) { case 1: mes "You strike the table with the sword."; mes "Numerous conflicting spells act upon it, and you can tell that you chose incorrectly."; mes "The sword automatically returns to the table, as it was before."; specialeffect EF_HIT1; specialeffect2 EF_HIT1; percentheal -20,0; close; case 2: mes "As you insert the sword, lightning flashes around it and black smoke rises from the hole."; mes "Slowly the smoke clears, and you see an object with a certain shape..."; specialeffect EF_CHANGEDARK; next; mes "^4d4dff All of a sudden, a Black Key appears from the smoke and you feel a great cursed power from it.^000000"; getitem 7425,1; //Key_Black if (thana_tower != 8) close; next; mes "A drawer had snapped open under the table while you picked up the key and observed it."; mes "You can see an old notebook inside the drawer."; next; mes "The notebook definitely looks like it contains an important message."; mes "Maybe this notebook is the one that Rekenber wants to find, even with all the sacrifices."; next; mes "^4d4dffYou decide to show the notebook and the keys to Burled."; mes "You received Varmunt's Journal.^000000"; set thana_tower, 9; changequest 7052,7053; getitem 11011,1; //Barmund_Note close; case 3: mes "When you lift the sword, you feel a shock from numerous conflicting spells."; mes "Right... stealing is the worst."; mes "The sword automatically returns to the table, as it was before."; close; } case 3: mes "You stretch your hands to find something under the table, but there is nothing."; close; } } mes "You strongly feel a cursed, sealed power from here,"; mes "but it is hard to figure out what is causing it."; mes "You cannot approach it."; close; } mes "You have already released a seal using this sword."; mes "You've acquired everything you need from here."; close; OnTouch: if ((countitem(7425) == 0) && (countitem(7430) == 0)) specialeffect EF_LEVEL99_4; end; } tha_t08,1,1,0 script #Charm Stone Admintt01 844,{ end; OnInit: OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r1::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g1::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b1::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y1::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer600000: donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r1::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g1::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b1::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y1::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r2::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g2::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b2::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y2::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer1200000: donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r2::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g2::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b2::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y2::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r3::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g3::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b3::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y3::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer1800000: donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r3::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g3::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b3::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y3::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r4::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g4::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b4::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y4::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer2400000: donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_r4::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_g4::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_b4::OnDisable"; donpcevent "Shining Crystal#tt_y4::OnDisable"; donpcevent "#Charm Stone Admintt01::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t08,90,153,0 script Shining Crystal#tt_r1 844,{ if (countitem(7421) > 0) { mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; next; mes "Beside the crystal ball, you find faded patterns marked on the floor."; mes "Looks like some kind of keyhole that needs to be inserted with something..."; next; mes "The red key suddenly responds once you come close to the keyhole."; mes "You insert the key in the keyhole and it turns out to be a small gem."; next; mes "When you touch the gem which is dazzling red..."; mes "You feel isolated and depressed deep inside your heart..."; next; mes "^4d4dffYou have found a Red Charm Stone that is concentrated with cruel fate and a deep darkness.^000000"; delitem 7421,1; //Key_Red getitem 7426,1; //Magic_Gem_Red close; } mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; mes "Something is definitely there inside... How do I get it to open?"; close; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } tha_t08,90,62,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_r1) Shining Crystal#tt_r2 844 tha_t08,49,59,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_r1) Shining Crystal#tt_r3 844 tha_t08,49,144,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_r1) Shining Crystal#tt_r4 844 tha_t08,49,153,0 script Shining Crystal#tt_y1 844,{ if (countitem(7422) > 0) { mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; next; mes "Beside the crystal ball, you find faded patterns marked on the floor."; mes "Looks like some kind of keyhole that needs to be inserted with something..."; next; mes "The yellow key suddenly responds once you come close to the keyhole."; mes "You insert the key in the keyhole and it turns out to be a small gem."; next; mes "When you touch the gem which is dazzling yellow..."; mes "Your heart begins to throb as though you are suffering from a broken heart."; next; mes "^4d4dffYou have found a Yellow Charm Stone that is concentrated with grief and mysterious power.^000000"; delitem 7422,1; //Key_Yellow getitem 7427,1; //Magic_Gem_Yellow close; } mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; mes "Something is definitely there inside... How do I get it to open?"; close; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } tha_t08,90,150,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_y1) Shining Crystal#tt_y2 844 tha_t08,90,59,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_y1) Shining Crystal#tt_y3 844 tha_t08,49,56,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_y1) Shining Crystal#tt_y4 844 tha_t08,49,65,0 script Shining Crystal#tt_b1 844,{ if (countitem(7423) > 0) { mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; next; mes "Beside the crystal ball, you find faded patterns marked on the floor."; mes "Looks like some kind of keyhole that needs to be inserted with something..."; next; mes "The blue key suddenly responds once you come close to the keyhole."; mes "You insert the key in the keyhole and it turns out to be a small gem."; next; mes "When you touch the gem which is dazzling blue...."; mes "Someone's sobbing comes into your ears as you smell blood on the wind and suddenly you become angry."; next; mes "^4d4dffYou have found a Blue Charm Stone that is concentrated with grudge and mysterious power.^000000"; delitem 7423,1; //Key_Blue getitem 7428,1; //Magic_Gem_Blue close; } mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; mes "Something is definitely there inside... How do I get it to open?"; close; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } tha_t08,49,150,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_b1) Shining Crystal#tt_b2 844 tha_t08,90,147,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_b1) Shining Crystal#tt_b3 844 tha_t08,90,56,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_b1) Shining Crystal#tt_b4 844 tha_t08,90,65,0 script Shining Crystal#tt_g1 844,{ if (countitem(7424) > 0) { mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; next; mes "Beside the crystal ball, you find faded patterns marked on the floor."; mes "Looks like some kind of keyhole that needs to be inserted with something..."; next; mes "The green key suddenly responds once you come close to the keyhole."; mes "You insert the key in the keyhole and it turns out to be a small gem."; next; mes "When you touch the gem which is dazzling green..."; mes "Your head starts to ache and you feel worried and anxious about something."; next; mes "^4d4dffYou have found a Green Charm Stone that is concentrated with deep suffering.^000000"; delitem 7424,1; //Key_Green getitem 7429,1; //Magic_Gem_Green close; } mes "The Crystal ball is emitting mysterious power."; mes "Something is definitely there inside... How do I get it to open?"; close; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } tha_t08,49,62,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_g1) Shining Crystal#tt_g2 844 tha_t08,49,147,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_g1) Shining Crystal#tt_g3 844 tha_t08,90,144,0 duplicate(Shining Crystal#tt_g1) Shining Crystal#tt_g4 844 tha_t12,161,57,0 script Gold Religious Statue#tt 111,{ if ($@thana_summon == 0) { if (countitem(7427) > 0) { mes "It's a statue giving off a golden light."; mes "The sword appears to be missing a gem."; mes "As I draw closer to the statue, the Yellow Charm Stone emits a bright light."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL5; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL5; next; if(select("Insert the Yellow Charm Stone.:Run away.") == 2) close; if ($@thana_summon == 0) { mes "After inserting the Yellow Charm Stone into the sword, the statue begins to react."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL5; delitem 7427,1; //Magic_Gem_Yellow set $@thana_summon, 1; donpcevent "#tteffect01::OnEnable"; mapannounce "tha_t12","The golden magic power has released part of the seal.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 close; } mes "Someone has already inserted a Charm Stone into this statue."; close; } mes "The statue give off mysterious light."; mes "Strange power has blocked your access."; close; } mes "The statue has such a strong light that I can't see or touch it."; close; } tha_t12,154,17,0 script Green Wiseman Statue#tt 111,{ if ($@thana_summon == 1) { if (countitem(7429) > 0) { mes "A statue gives off green light."; mes "The wiseman's wand seems to be missing a gem."; mes "As I draw closer to the statue, the Green Charm Stone emits a bright light."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL4; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL4; next; if(select("Insert the Green Charm Stone.:Run away.") == 2) close; if ($@thana_summon == 1) { mes "After inserting the Green Charm Stone into the wand, the statue begins to react."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL4; delitem 7429,1; //Magic_Gem_Green set $@thana_summon, 2; donpcevent "#tteffect02::OnEnable"; mapannounce "tha_t12","The green magic power has released part of the seal.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 close; } mes "Someone has already inserted a Charm Stone into this statue."; close; } mes "The statue give off mysterious light."; mes "Strange power has blocked your access."; close; } mes "The statue has such a strong light that I can't see or touch it."; close; } tha_t12,103,17,0 script Blue Angel Statue#tt 111,{ if ($@thana_summon == 2) { if (countitem(7428) > 0) { mes "An angel statue is covered with a blue light."; mes "A gem seems to be missing from the statue's belt."; mes "As I draw closer to the statue, the Blue Charm Stone emits a bright light."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL2; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL2; next; if(select("Insert the Blue Charm Stone.:Run away.") == 2) close; if ($@thana_summon == 2) { mes "After inserting the Blue Charm Stone into the belt, the statue begins to react."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL2; delitem 7428,1; //Magic_Gem_Blue set $@thana_summon, 3; donpcevent "#tteffect03::OnEnable"; mapannounce "tha_t12","The blue magic power has released part of the seal.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 close; } mes "Someone has already inserted a Charm Stone into this statue."; close; } mes "The statue give off mysterious light."; mes "Strange power has blocked you to access."; close; } mes "The statue has such a strong light that I can't see or touch it."; close; } tha_t12,96,57,0 script Bloody Knight Statue#tt 111,{ if ($@thana_summon == 3) { if (countitem(7426) > 0) { mes "A statue is shining like blood."; mes "A gem seems to be missing from the heart area of its armor."; mes "As I draw closer to the statue, the Red Charm Stone emits a bright light."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL3; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL3; next; if(select("Insert the Red Charm Stone.:Run away.") == 2) close; if ($@thana_summon == 3) { mes "After inserting the Red Charm Stone into the armor, the statue begins to react."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL3; delitem 7426,1; //Magic_Gem_Red set $@thana_summon, 4; donpcevent "#tteffect04::OnEnable"; mapannounce "tha_t12","The red magic power has released part of the seal.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 close; } mes "Someone has already inserted a Charm Stone into this statue."; close; } mes "The statue give off mysterious light."; mes "Strange power has blocked you to access."; close; } mes "The statue has such a strong light that I can't see or touch it."; close; } tha_t12,129,86,0 script Dark Devil Statue#tt 111,{ if ($@thana_summon == 4) { if (countitem(7430) > 0) { mes "A devil statue emits dark light."; mes "The right eye seems to be missing a gem."; mes "As I draw closer to the statue, the Black Charm Stone emits a bright light."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL7; specialeffect2 EF_BEGINSPELL7; next; if(select("Insert the Black Charm Stone.:Run away.") == 2) close; if ($@thana_summon == 4) { mes "After inserting the Red Charm Stone into the eye socket, the statue begins to react."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL7; delitem 7430,1; //Magic_Gem_Black set $@thana_summon, 5; donpcevent "#gateto_thanatos::OnEnable"; donpcevent "#tteffect01::OnStop"; donpcevent "#tteffect02::OnStop"; donpcevent "#tteffect03::OnStop"; donpcevent "#tteffect04::OnStop"; mapannounce "tha_t12","The Black Charm Stone's magic power has released the final seal.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 close; } mes "Someone has already inserted a Charm Stone into this statue."; close; } mes "The statue give off mysterious light."; mes "Strange power has blocked you to access."; close; } mes "The statue has such a strong light that I can't see or touch it."; close; } tha_t12,134,52,0 script #tteffect01 139,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer500: OnTimer1000: OnTimer1500: OnTimer2000: OnTimer2500: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL5; end; OnTimer3000: donpcevent "#tteffect01::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t12,132,47,0 script #tteffect02 139,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer500: OnTimer1000: OnTimer1500: OnTimer2000: OnTimer2500: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL4; end; OnTimer3000: donpcevent "#tteffect02::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t12,127,47,0 script #tteffect03 139,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer500: OnTimer1000: OnTimer1500: OnTimer2000: OnTimer2500: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL2; end; OnTimer3000: donpcevent "#tteffect03::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t12,125,52,0 script #tteffect04 139,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer500: OnTimer1000: OnTimer1500: OnTimer2000: OnTimer2500: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL3; end; OnTimer3000: donpcevent "#tteffect04::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t12,129,56,0 script #tteffect05 139,{ end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer500: OnTimer1000: OnTimer1500: OnTimer2000: OnTimer2500: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL7; end; OnTimer3000: donpcevent "#tteffect05::OnEnable"; end; } tha_t12,130,52,0 script #gateto_thanatos 45,1,1,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "#gateto_thanatos"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#gateto_thanatos"; initnpctimer; end; OnOn2: initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: set .@touch,1; OnTimer6000: set .@boss_tt, $@thana_summon; if ((.@boss_tt == 0) || (.@boss_tt == 6)) { disablenpc "#gateto_thanatos"; stopnpctimer; } else if (.@boss_tt == 5) { if (.@touch) warp "thana_boss",136,116; else donpcevent "#gateto_thanatos::OnOn2"; } end; OnTimer1000: OnTimer5000: set .@pillar,1; OnTimer3000: specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL7,AREA,"#tteffect05"; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL3,AREA,"#tteffect04"; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL2,AREA,"#tteffect03"; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL4,AREA,"#tteffect02"; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL5,AREA,"#tteffect01"; if (.@pillar) specialeffect EF_MAPPILLAR2; end; } thana_boss,217,167,3 script Memory Seal#tt1 1711,3,3,{ end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); set .hide,0; end; OnDisable: hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); set .hide,0; end; OnTouch: set .@seal, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(2),2)); if (.hide & (1<<.@seal)) end; // .@i: ItemID,MobID,MapX,MapY,EffectNum // .@j$: FragmentName switch(.@seal) { case 1: setarray .@i[0],7437,1711,217,167,238; set .@j$,"Sorrow"; break; case 2: setarray .@i[0],7436,1712,202,75,102; set .@j$,"Agony"; break; case 3: setarray .@i[0],7438,1709,80,76,101; set .@j$,"Hatred"; break; case 4: setarray .@i[0],7439,1710,62,171,100; set .@j$,"Despair"; break; } specialeffect EF_GUMGANG; if ($@thana_summon2 > 3) { mes "^3355FFYou cannot approach"; mes "the crest because it is"; mes "generating intense heat.^000000"; close; } mes "The seal seems to be dormant."; mes "There is a fragment missing from the crest of the Seal."; mes "Surely I saw a familiar fragment before..."; next; input .@inputstr$; set .@exact_tt$, "Fragment of "+.@j$; if (countitem(.@i[0]) > 0 && .@exact_tt$ == .@inputstr$) { mes "^3355FFYou insert the"; mes .@exact_tt$; mes "into the crest, causing"; mes "its glow to intensify.^000000"; close2; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); set .hide, .hide | (1<<.@seal); delitem .@i[0],1; specialeffect .@i[4]; monster "thana_boss",.@i[2],.@i[3],.@j$,.@i[1],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMyMobDead"; switch($@thana_summon2) { case 0: set .@str$,"... who... released... the... Memory... of... "+.@j$+"...?"; break; case 1: set .@str$,"... why... did you... release... the... Memory... of... "+.@j$+"...?"; break; case 2: set .@str$,"... ugh... stop it... the Memory of "+.@j$+"..."; break; default: set .@str$,"... finally... you released the last piece of Memory..."; break; } mapannounce "thana_boss",.@str$,bc_map,"0x7b68ee"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; } mes "^3355FFThat action had no"; mes "effect. You'll have to"; mes "try something else.^000000"; close; OnMyMobDead: set $@thana_summon2, $@thana_summon2+1; if ($@thana_summon2 == 4) mapwarp "thana_boss","thana_boss",141,228; end; } thana_boss,202,75,3 duplicate(Memory Seal#tt1) Memory Seal#tt2 1712,3,3 thana_boss,80,76,7 duplicate(Memory Seal#tt1) Memory Seal#tt3 1709,3,3 thana_boss,62,171,5 duplicate(Memory Seal#tt1) Memory Seal#tt4 1710,3,3 thana_boss,141,228,0 script #thanatos_seal 139,3,3,{ end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#thanatos_seal"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#thanatos_seal"; end; OnTouch: if ($@thana_summon2 == 4) { initnpctimer; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt5::OnEnable"; disablenpc "#thanatos_seal"; } end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR!",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : ... crashed... broken... spread... and come back as tears...",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer7000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : I live again to fulfill my ambition!",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer10000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : ... gives off a strong bloody scent... soaked in sorrow...",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer13000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : I will remove all people who invade this continent again!",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer16000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Thanatos : Come, be the first to fall before my might!",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt5::OnDisable"; donpcevent "#sommon_thanatos::OnEnable"; set $@thana_summon2, 5; stopnpctimer; end; } thana_boss,141,235,3 script Memory Seal#tt5 1708,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "Memory Seal#tt5"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "Memory Seal#tt5"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "Memory Seal#tt5"; specialeffect EF_ICECRASH; end; } thana_boss,141,218,0 script #sommon_thanatos -1,{ OnEnable: specialeffect EF_MAPPILLAR2,AREA,"#sommon_thanatos"; specialeffect EF_SEISMICWEAPON,AREA,"#sommon_thanatos"; monster "thana_boss",141,218,"Thanatos Phantom",1708,1,"#sommon_thanatos::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: if (mobcount("thana_boss","#sommon_thanatos::OnMyMobDead") < 1) { mapannounce "thana_boss","RAWWWWWWWWWWR........ This can't be.........................",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 donpcevent "#cooltime_thana::OnEnable"; set $@thana_summon, 6; } end; } thana_boss,1,1,0 script #cooltime_thana 844,{ end; OnInit: set $@thana_summon, 0; set $@thana_summon2, 0; end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Warning!!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer6000: mapannounce "thana_boss","The seal will re-activate in 30 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer16000: mapannounce "thana_boss","20 seconds left...",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer26000: mapannounce "thana_boss","10 seconds left...",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer31000: mapannounce "thana_boss","5 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer32000: mapannounce "thana_boss","4 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer33000: mapannounce "thana_boss","3 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer34000: mapannounce "thana_boss","2 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer35000: mapannounce "thana_boss","Time's up!",bc_map,"0xff0000"; //FW_NORMAL 12 0 0 end; OnTimer36000: OnTimer37000: mapwarp "thana_boss","tha_t12",130,52; end; OnTimer7200000: set $@thana_summon, 0; set $@thana_summon2, 0; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt1::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt2::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt3::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt4::OnEnable"; donpcevent "#thanatos_seal::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } tha_scene01,30,30,0 warp scene 1,1,tha_scene01,131,220 tha_t04,81,36,0 warp to 5th Floor 1,1,tha_t05,62,8 tha_t06,119,120,0 script to 7th Floor 45,1,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (eaclass()&(EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER) || eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD || ((Class == Job_SuperNovice || Class == Job_Taekwon || Class == Job_Star_Gladiator || Class == Job_Soul_Linker || Class == Job_Ninja || Class == Job_Gunslinger) && BaseLevel > 94)) { if (countitem(7425) > 0) { mes "The shadow of a Black Key is gleaming in the center of the portal."; mes "To pass this way, looks like I need something."; next; mes "The Black Key reacts to the portal and floats in the air."; next; mes "The key seems to separate into many particles and suddenly collapses into a ball."; mes "The barricade is removed through the power from newly formed black magic gem."; close2; delitem 7425,1; //Key_Black getitem 7430,1; //Magic_Gem_Black warp "thana_step",69,369; end; } mes "The shadow of a Black Key is gleaming in the center of the portal."; mes "To pass this way, looks like I need something."; close; } mes "A mysterious power is blocking my path."; close; }
  19. Yay, If i do those variables, How will the script determines if the player completes the quest? i mean by means of what? I saw some guides and there is a blue key thing quest. but in my thanatos quest. I think as long as you have the four crest / fragments you can summon thanatos
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