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Poring (1/15)



  1. Is there a text file where I can add universal character variables such as base level, job level, HP, SP, etc.?
  2. How do I change where new characters start depending on a variable? For example: A person whose name starts with a vowel starts in town X while another person whose name starts with a consonant starts in town Y? I tried using (#part>1)?prontera,156,191:morocc,156,93 but it didn't work.
  3. Could you explain how its done through instancing then? The purpose for this is that I want to make it where after you finish speaking to the NPC, it is invisible to you only, but not others who have not yet spoken to the NPC.
  4. I remember doing some quests where the NPC was invisible until doing the prequests. So it only appeared for each person after they finished the prequests.
  5. How do I make a single NPC visible for one character but invisible for another? Through script of course.
  6. I can't seem to add NPC sprites. I added them to the luas, but when I do @disguise "NPC ID", I error. I already turned my lua files into lub as well. This is what my npcidentity.lua looks like ["JT_4_F_SWORDMAN"] = 645, ["JT_4_HEALER_NURSE"] = 658, and this is what my jobname.lua looks like [jobtbl.JT_RUNAWAY_BOOK] = "RIDEWORD", [jobtbl.JT_HEALER_NURSE] = "HEALER_NURSE",
  7. So if I change web design, I just have to code the web design and not have to integrate flux again?
  8. If my website already has flux integrated, and I just want to just change the web design, do I have to integrate flux again?
  9. I was wondering if anybody could help me out with the issues I'm having on my server. I was wondering if anybody knew how to fix the hair color nose smudges, or know how to remove the hair colors in general. My server partner and I have recently purchased a hair color package, and I'd like to use those hair colors only since the original iRO hair colors seem to give the weird face smudge issue. If anybody could help me, please drop a comment below. Thank you.
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