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Everything posted by Kyo

  1. File Name: Announce monster spawn permission File Submitter: Kyo File Submitted: 17 Jan 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Kyo What is this feature? This feature is a security addon for your server to avoid corruption. What does it do? When the permission is set and a Gamemaster spawns monsters it will be announced to the server. The Monster name will be announced. The Monster ID will be announced. The amount of monsters will be announced. The coordinates will be announced. Compatibility I tested it with the latest rAthena revision (r17101) -> if you use a different revision and it shouldn't work check the support part. Support Free updates to this are included. If you're using a different rAthena revision and you cannot apply the patch, drop me a private message. Policy You are NOT allowed to remove the credits. You are NOT allowed to use this for commercial purposes. You are NOT allowed to restribute this in any way. Breaking the policy will result in you no longer getting new updates or support anymore. Credits: This code was written by me, Kyo, therefor I receive all the credits. Click here to download this file
  2. Kyo

    PIN Code

    they have it since July 2012 If I recall correct it was introduced in like november and not July, well doesn't matter much, it's in there.
  3. Flux is set to change it to md5 hash, you'll have to remove that if you don't have md5 hash enabled.
  4. Kyo

    PIN Code

    I cannot tell you the version it's available but here's how it works. The first time you log in it asks you to choose a pin, after entering a pin with 4 numbers you'll be asked for a confirmation. Once the pin is set, each time you log in you'll be asked for the pin. You click the numbers and don't type them. The order of them changes each time you press one. You'll be asked to retype if you enter a wrong pin and 3 wrong pins will kick you back to character select. The reset button of course resets your currently typed numbers back to zero. Buttons on the right side - Change Pin - Cancel - Ok.
  5. Kyo

    Coin Script

    This are the scripts I used to use years ago: 671,Silver,Silver Coin,2,,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if((Zeny+(50000000))<(1000000001)){set Zeny,Zeny+(50000000);}else{dispbottom "Your zeny would go above 1,000,000,000 if you use this!"; getitem 671,1; } },{},{} 673,Gold,Gold Coin,2,,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if((Zeny+(100000000))<(1000000001)){set Zeny,Zeny+(100000000);}else{dispbottom "Your zeny would go above 1,000,000,000 if you use this!"; getitem 673,1; } },{},{} 675,Platinum,Platinum Coin,2,,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if((Zeny+(500000000))<(1000000001)){set Zeny,Zeny+(500000000);}else{dispbottom "Your zeny would go above 1,000,000,000 if you use this!"; getitem 675,1; } },{},{} 677,Bronze,Bronze Coin,2,,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if((Zeny+(10000000))<(1000000001)){set Zeny,Zeny+(10000000);}else{dispbottom "Your zeny would go above 1,000,000,000 if you use this!"; getitem 677,1; } },{},{} You might have to change the values to your needs.
  6. https://rathena.svn....files/upgrades/ You should import these upgrade_svn17080.sql upgrade_svn17086.sql
  7. Kyo

    Running & CT

    You must have changed something... I downloaded a fresh rAthena SVN and it works without any troubles.
  8. Kyo

    lhz_dun04 maps

    If you are using kRO and you should be using kRO for rAthena you have to update and you'll have them.
  9. Kyo

    Patching Skill DB

    You have to merge it in manually and eventually change some code after the last revisions.
  10. Kyo

    Patching Skill DB

    Yes, and that is the problem. She made a .patch file and it affects files that were edited in the SVN which means it cannot patch it in properly.
  11. Kyo

    Running & CT

    Do you still have problems with CT? Did you change anything on the Running code? If not it's better to update your SVN, I tested it with the last few revisions and it works fine on all of them.
  12. Kyo

    Skill Storm Gust

    What revision are you using? It works perfectly fine on 17079.
  13. Sorry, I didn't quite get that. You mean you want Meteor Storm to remain once the caster is dead and still hit enemies?
  14. You just have to get english textures. Pretty much just update your data files will solve both your problems.
  15. { sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,100; },{},{}
  16. It looks like your client is missing a diff. Could you post a list of diffs you used for that client?
  17. Kyo

    Running & CT

    case WS_CARTTERMINATION: i = 10 * (16 - skill_lv); if (i < 1) i = 1; //Preserve damage ratio when max cart weight is changed. if(sd && sd->cart_weight) skillratio += sd->cart_weight/i * 80000/battle_config.max_cart_weight - 100; else if (!sd) skillratio += 80000 / i - 100; break; You shouldn't have to change anything, it should acclimatize to the cart weight. To your second problem, what revision are you using? It works perfectly fine to me using the last revision.
  18. // 01. MobID Monster ID of the pet. // 02. Name Name of the monster as defined in the database. // 03. JName The display name of the monster when hatched. // 04. LureID Pet Tame Item ID. // 05. EggID Pet Egg ID. // 06. EquipID Pet Accessory ID. // 07. FoodID Pet Food ID. // 08. Fullness The amount Hunger is decreased every [HungryDelay] seconds. // 09. HungryDelay The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds) // 10. R_Hungry Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed. // 11. R_Full Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed. // 12. Intimate Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with. // 13. Die Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies. // 14. Capture Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%) // 15. Speed Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150) // 16. S_Performance Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0) // 17. talk_convert_class Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote with /!.) // 18. attack_rate Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy). // 19. defence_attack_rate Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy). // 20. change_target_rate Rate of which the pet will change its attack target. // 21. pet_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched. // 22. loyal_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script). On this example it means 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } The last part { bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } is the loyal script bonus.
  19. Are you using the rAthena databases? Did it work before? Try to run this from your servers command line: mysqlcheck --repair --all-databases If that won't work, shut your website and server down temporally (to avoid new connections while the database is being repaired) and run this command: myisamchk -r /DB_NAME/wp_posts // Make sure to use the correct database name
  20. Open themes\default\main\index.php first line should be <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; Add this to your second line $this->redirect($this->url('news','view')) After you did that it should all work properly.
  21. bonus2 bAddRace,7,15; bonus2 bAddRace,1,15; bonus bStr,3; bonus bDex,3; bonus bLuk,3; Here's an example for you, you can do the rest by simply looking it up here. You're in the wrong section, this is supposed to be in the database section.
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