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  1. @Soulman : Gravity has already "officialy" threatened many french private servers, even before they started to think about creating an official french server. Dunno if he's still around here, but MagicalTux (developer of Yare, Freya, and Nezumi emulators) is the best guy to talk 'bout that. I started playing RO in 2003, on a french pserv running on Aegis. It closed because of Gravity (a real threat, not a fake or a fucking joke written by a kid).
  2. It's up to you, maybe they'll send another pooch to warn you, or they'll contact your host to get your address/name and send you a real mise en demeure... Nobody really tried to ignore 'em in 2007, except one Belgian guy (the one that developped the triad patcher) and they sent him a mise en demeure (a formal letter). Concerning the instances in the past, yup, I can't remember the date but some private servers running on Aegis went into troubles with Gravity Us . You might find some posts relative to these facts on the aegis support board (dunno if it's still up).
  3. Hi Zeon. As I'm (well, was*) implicated in the french community, I guess I can tell you what is really happening. A guy (former admin of an old private server (which was closed a long time ago)) recently became (few months ago) a community manager (or maybe an admin... Well nevermind, lol) and is hunting private servers on Facebook (that's not a fucking joke, even if it's pittyful ). Gravity uses him as a mercenary, he's scarying private servers, warning them, to avoid tribunal & lawyer problems [=> to save money, I guess]. This message has no legal value, but is a real warn sent to many french pserv admins. Back in my time (2007) when French RO (official french server) was launched, Gravity started to hunt french private servers (the big ones) with formal emails. Only one (maybe twice, don't remember) admin received a REAL letter ("mise en demeure").
  4. What a surprise to see one of my old soft here . I'm happy to learn that it still helps people ! Miss ya'all eathena/RO people <3.
  5. Vince


    In my humble opinion, the good question is : is eAthena/rAthena stable/up-to-date enough to ask players for money ;< ? Once upon a time, eAthena dev team launched a "bug tracking session" (it was about the PR1, a bit old I know xD) and tried to fix as much bugs as they could. Maybe a "code cleaning session" could be better than a pay2play system, in a first time ... (I could help, I'm really used to C language, but not really to the code of eA/rA :/). And to answer to the initial topic : Imo, Yare, eAthena, oAthena, jAthena... were all made to allow people to play for free.... It would be really sad if people were able to use (free) contributions (customs, etc) of the community to earn money. (Well it's already the case with cash shops, but players are free to play without any fee ^^).
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