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Everything posted by Eross

  1. Thankyou for your response sir .. I tried using it but theres a problem , I cant connect to the character select Im trying to disable packet encryption but nemo refuses to.
  2. Hi ! Im planning to create a renewal server may I ask what is the most stable client for renewal ? I mean exact client version please ..Thankyou !
  3. src/map/clif.c FIND: void clif_parse_BankCheck(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd) { nullpo_retv(sd); if( !battle_config.feature_banking ) { clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl,color_table[COLOR_RED],msg_txt(sd,1496),false,SELF); //Banking is disabled return; } ADD BELOW: // Account Protection - [Orce brAthena] if( sd->state.protection_acc ) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, msg_txt(sd,4000)); return; }
  4. Hi ! Just figured it out last day .. I just want to share it so others can use it On your Patcher Config, add these lines [Button:Repair] Default='images/repair.png' OnHover='images/repair-hover.png' OnDown='images/repair-down.png' Left=300 Top=565 Mode=2 Action='repair.bat' Create a repair.bat file and add it on RO Folder @echo off del /q <.dat file>*.* taskkill /IM "<Patcher.exe>" /F start "Patcher.exe" "Patcher.exe"
  5. @Mabuhay can you help me with this small problem
  6. @Rynbef you know what man ? I think you're my hero .. You always saving my ass .. Man I found it on commands "readbook <book id>, page; . Thankyou for your response I really appreciate it man
  7. Hi guys ! Does anyone know how to create this kind of cutin below? It has next previous bookmark and close ... its useful for guides .Thanks
  8. yay its working fine sir thanks .. I also created a battleconf settings to adjust it on live server
  9. Good day ! Does anyone know how to add REPAIR button on a thor patcher?? So players dont need to delete the ".dat" folder manually .theyll just have to click the repair button from patcher .. I just need to know the right codes on config file .. thankyou !
  10. Hi sir havent tried yet but I think after you added the conditional statement this should work ..how about for miniboss what condition do I need?
  11. Hi ! its also changing normal mob stats sir ..
  12. Hi its working now sir ! Is it posible to apply only on MVP sir ???
  13. Thankyou thankyou @Rynbef I thought no ones gonna notice my post ... I'll try this when I got home ~ Sir theres no line like that on my mob.cpp ... Im using rathena 2018 // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include "mob.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include "../common/cbasetypes.hpp" #include "../common/db.hpp" #include "../common/ers.hpp" #include "../common/malloc.hpp" #include "../common/nullpo.hpp" #include "../common/random.hpp" #include "../common/showmsg.hpp" #include "../common/socket.hpp" #include "../common/strlib.hpp" #include "../common/timer.hpp" #include "../common/utilities.hpp" #include "../common/utils.hpp" #include "achievement.hpp" #include "battle.hpp" #include "clif.hpp" #include "elemental.hpp" #include "guild.hpp" #include "homunculus.hpp" #include "intif.hpp" #include "log.hpp" #include "map.hpp" #include "mercenary.hpp" #include "npc.hpp" #include "party.hpp" #include "path.hpp" #include "pc.hpp" #include "pet.hpp" #include "quest.hpp" using namespace rathena; #define ACTIVE_AI_RANGE 2 //Distance added on top of 'AREA_SIZE' at which mobs enter active AI mode. #define IDLE_SKILL_INTERVAL 10 //Active idle skills should be triggered every 1 second (1000/MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) // Probability for mobs far from players from doing their IDLE skill. (rate of 1000 minute) // in Aegis, this is 100% for mobs that have been activated by players and none otherwise. #define MOB_LAZYSKILLPERC(md) (mob_is_spotted(md)?1000:0) // Move probability for mobs away from players (rate of 1000 minute) // in Aegis, this is 100% for mobs that have been activated by players and none otherwise. #define MOB_LAZYMOVEPERC(md) (mob_is_spotted(md)?1000:0) const t_tick MOB_MAX_DELAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000; #define MAX_MINCHASE 30 //Max minimum chase value to use for mobs. #define RUDE_ATTACKED_COUNT 1 //After how many rude-attacks should the skill be used? // On official servers, monsters will only seek targets that are closer to walk to than their // search range. The search range is affected depending on if the monster is walking or not. // On some maps there can be a quite long path for just walking two cells in a direction and // the client does not support displaying walk paths that are longer than 14 cells, so this // option reduces position lag in such situation. But doing a complex search for every possible // target, might be CPU intensive. // Disable this to make monsters not do any path search when looking for a target (old behavior). #define ACTIVEPATHSEARCH // Limits for the monster database #define MIN_MOB_DB 1000 #define MAX_MOB_DB 3999 #define MIN_MOB_DB2 20020 #define MAX_MOB_DB2 31999 // These define the range of available IDs for clones. [Valaris] #define MOB_CLONE_START MAX_MOB_DB #define MOB_CLONE_END MIN_MOB_DB2 //Dynamic mob database std::map<uint16, struct mob_db> mob_db_data; struct mob_db *mob_db( int mob_id ){ return util::map_find( mob_db_data, (uint16)mob_id ); } // holds Monster Spawn informations std::unordered_map<uint16, std::vector<spawn_info>> mob_spawn_data; //Dynamic mob chat database std::map<short,struct mob_chat> mob_chat_db; struct mob_chat *mob_chat(short id) { return util::map_find( mob_chat_db, id ); } //Dynamic item drop ratio database for per-item drop ratio modifiers overriding global drop ratios. #define MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS 10 struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio { unsigned short nameid; int drop_ratio; unsigned short mob_id[MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS]; }; static DBMap *mob_item_drop_ratio; /// Mob skill struct for temporary storage struct s_mob_skill { int16 mob_id; ///< Monster ID. -1 boss types, -2 normal types, -3 all monsters struct mob_skill skill[MAX_MOBSKILL]; ///< Skills uint8 count; ///< Number of skills }; static DBMap *mob_skill_db; /// Monster skill temporary db. s_mob_skill -> mobid static struct eri *item_drop_ers; //For loot drops delay structures. static struct eri *item_drop_list_ers; struct s_randomsummon_entry { uint16 mob_id; uint32 rate; }; struct s_randomsummon_group { uint8 random_id; struct s_randomsummon_entry *list; uint16 count; }; static DBMap *mob_summon_db; /// Random Summon DB. struct s_randomsummon_group -> group_id /*========================================== * Local prototype declaration (only required thing) *------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_FUNC(mob_spawn_guardian_sub); int mob_skill_id2skill_idx(int mob_id,uint16 skill_id); /*========================================== [Playtester] * Removes all characters that spotted the monster but are no longer online * @param md: Monster whose spotted log should be cleaned *------------------------------------------*/ void mob_clean_spotted(struct mob_data *md) { int i; for (i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++) { if (md->spotted_log[i] && !map_charid2sd(md->spotted_log[i])) md->spotted_log[i] = 0; } } /*========================================== [Playtester] * Adds a char_id to the spotted log of a monster * @param md: Monster to whose spotted log char_id should be added * @param char_id: Char_id to add to the spotted log *------------------------------------------*/ void mob_add_spotted(struct mob_data *md, uint32 char_id) { int i; //Check if char_id is already logged for (i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++) { if (md->spotted_log[i] == char_id) return; } //Not logged, add char_id to first empty slot for (i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++) { if (md->spotted_log[i] == 0) { md->spotted_log[i] = char_id; return; } } } /*========================================== [Playtester] * Checks if a monster was spotted * @param md: Monster to check * @return Returns true if the monster is spotted, otherwise 0 *------------------------------------------*/ bool mob_is_spotted(struct mob_data *md) { int i; //Check if monster is spotted for (i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++) { if (md->spotted_log[i] != 0) return true; //Spotted } return false; //Not spotted } /** * Tomb spawn time calculations * @param nd: NPC data */ int mvptomb_setdelayspawn(struct npc_data *nd) { if (nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer, mvptomb_delayspawn); nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = add_timer(gettick() + battle_config.mvp_tomb_delay, mvptomb_delayspawn, nd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } /** * Tomb spawn with delay (timer function) * @param tid: Timer ID * @param tick: Time * @param id: Block list ID * @param data: Used for add_timer_func_list */ TIMER_FUNC(mvptomb_delayspawn){ struct npc_data *nd = BL_CAST(BL_NPC, map_id2bl(id)); if (nd) { if (nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer != tid) { ShowError("mvptomb_delayspawn: Timer mismatch: %d != %d\n", tid, nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer); return 0; } nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; clif_spawn(&nd->bl); } return 0; } /** * Create and display a tombstone on the map * @param md: the mob to create a tombstone for * @param killer: name of player who killed the mob * @param time: time of mob's death * @author [GreenBox] */ void mvptomb_create(struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t time) { struct npc_data *nd; if ( md->tomb_nid ) mvptomb_destroy(md); CREATE(nd, struct npc_data, 1); nd->bl.id = md->tomb_nid = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd->ud.dir = md->ud.dir; nd->bl.m = md->bl.m; nd->bl.x = md->bl.x; nd->bl.y = md->bl.y; nd->bl.type = BL_NPC; safestrncpy(nd->name, msg_txt(NULL,656), sizeof(nd->name)); nd->class_ = 565; nd->speed = 200; nd->subtype = NPCTYPE_TOMB; nd->u.tomb.md = md; nd->u.tomb.kill_time = time; nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; if (killer) safestrncpy(nd->u.tomb.killer_name, killer, NAME_LENGTH); else nd->u.tomb.killer_name[0] = '\0'; map_addnpc(nd->bl.m, nd); if(map_addblock(&nd->bl)) return; status_set_viewdata(&nd->bl, nd->class_); status_change_init(&nd->bl); unit_dataset(&nd->bl); mvptomb_setdelayspawn(nd); } /** * Destroys MVP Tomb * @param md: Mob data */ void mvptomb_destroy(struct mob_data *md) { struct npc_data *nd; if ( (nd = map_id2nd(md->tomb_nid)) ) { int16 i; struct map_data *mapdata = map_getmapdata(nd->bl.m); clif_clearunit_area(&nd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); map_delblock(&nd->bl); ARR_FIND( 0, mapdata->npc_num, i, mapdata->npc[i] == nd ); if( !(i == mapdata->npc_num) ) { mapdata->npc_num--; mapdata->npc[i] = mapdata->npc[mapdata->npc_num]; mapdata->npc[mapdata->npc_num] = NULL; } map_deliddb(&nd->bl); aFree(nd); } md->tomb_nid = 0; } /** * Sub function for mob namesearch. Here is defined which are accepted. */ static bool mobdb_searchname_sub(uint16 mob_id, const char * const str, bool full_cmp) { const struct mob_db * const mob = mob_db(mob_id); if( mobdb_checkid(mob_id) <= 0 ) return false; // invalid mob_id (includes clone check) if(!mob->base_exp && !mob->job_exp && !mob_has_spawn(mob_id)) return false; // Monsters with no base/job exp and no spawn point are, by this criteria, considered "slave mobs" and excluded from search results if( full_cmp ) { // str must equal the db value if( strcmpi(mob->name, str) == 0 || strcmpi(mob->jname, str) == 0 || strcmpi(mob->sprite, str) == 0 ) return true; } else { // str must be in the db value if( stristr(mob->name, str) != NULL || stristr(mob->jname, str) != NULL || stristr(mob->sprite, str) != NULL ) return true; } return false; } /** * Searches for the Mobname */ uint16 mobdb_searchname_(const char * const str, bool full_cmp) { for( auto const &mobdb_pair : mob_db_data ) { const uint16 mob_id = mobdb_pair.first; if( mobdb_searchname_sub(mob_id, str, full_cmp) ) return mob_id; } return 0; } uint16 mobdb_searchname(const char * const str) { return mobdb_searchname_(str, true); } struct mob_db* mobdb_search_aegisname( const char* str ){ for( auto &mobdb_pair : mob_db_data ){ if( strcmpi( str, mobdb_pair.second.sprite ) == 0 ){ return &mobdb_pair.second; } } return nullptr; } /*========================================== * Founds up to N matches. Returns number of matches [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ int mobdb_searchname_array_(const char *str, uint16 * out, int size, bool full_cmp) { unsigned short count = 0; for( auto const &mobdb_pair : mob_db_data ) { const uint16 mob_id = mobdb_pair.first; if( mobdb_searchname_sub(mob_id, str, full_cmp) ) { if( count < size ) out[count] = mob_id; count++; } } return count; } int mobdb_searchname_array(const char *str, uint16 * out, int size) { return mobdb_searchname_array_(str, out, size, false); } /*========================================== * Id Mob is checked. *------------------------------------------*/ int mobdb_checkid(const int id) { if (mob_db(id) == NULL) return 0; if (mob_is_clone(id)) //checkid is used mostly for random ID based code, therefore clone mobs are out of the question. return 0; return id; } /*========================================== * Returns the view data associated to this mob class. *------------------------------------------*/ struct view_data * mob_get_viewdata(int mob_id) { struct mob_db* db = mob_db(mob_id); if( !db ) return nullptr; return &db->vd; } /** * Create unique view data associated to a spawned monster. * @param md: Mob to adjust */ void mob_set_dynamic_viewdata( struct mob_data* md ){ // If it is a valid monster and it has not already been created if( md && !md->vd_changed ){ // Allocate a dynamic entry struct view_data* vd = (struct view_data*)aMalloc( sizeof( struct view_data ) ); // Copy the current values memcpy( vd, md->vd, sizeof( struct view_data ) ); // Update the pointer to the new entry md->vd = vd; // Flag it as changed so it is freed later on md->vd_changed = true; } } /** * Free any view data associated to a spawned monster. * @param md: Mob to free */ void mob_free_dynamic_viewdata( struct mob_data* md ){ // If it is a valid monster and it has already been allocated if( md && md->vd_changed ){ // Free it aFree( md->vd ); // Remove the reference md->vd = NULL; // Unflag it as changed md->vd_changed = false; } } /*========================================== * Cleans up mob-spawn data to make it "valid" *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_parse_dataset(struct spawn_data *data) { size_t len; if ((!mobdb_checkid(data->id) && !mob_is_clone(data->id)) || !data->num) return 0; if( ( len = strlen(data->eventname) ) > 0 ) { if( data->eventname[len-1] == '"' ) data->eventname[len-1] = '\0'; //Remove trailing quote. if( data->eventname[0] == '"' ) //Strip leading quotes memmove(data->eventname, data->eventname+1, len-1); } if(strcmp(data->name,"--en--")==0) safestrncpy(data->name, mob_db(data->id)->name, sizeof(data->name)); else if(strcmp(data->name,"--ja--")==0) safestrncpy(data->name, mob_db(data->id)->jname, sizeof(data->name)); return 1; } /*========================================== * Generates the basic mob data using the spawn_data provided. *------------------------------------------*/ struct mob_data* mob_spawn_dataset(struct spawn_data *data) { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct mob_data)); md->bl.id= npc_get_new_npc_id(); md->bl.type = BL_MOB; md->bl.m = data->m; md->bl.x = data->x; md->bl.y = data->y; md->mob_id = data->id; md->state.boss = data->state.boss; md->db = mob_db(md->mob_id); if (data->level > 0 && data->level <= MAX_LEVEL) md->level = data->level; memcpy(md->name, data->name, NAME_LENGTH); if (data->state.ai) md->special_state.ai = data->state.ai; if (data->state.size) md->special_state.size = data->state.size; if (data->eventname[0] && strlen(data->eventname) >= 4) safestrncpy(md->npc_event, data->eventname, EVENT_NAME_LENGTH); if(status_has_mode(&md->db->status,MD_LOOTER)) md->lootitems = (struct s_mob_lootitem *)aCalloc(LOOTITEM_SIZE,sizeof(struct s_mob_lootitem)); md->spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; md->deletetimer = INVALID_TIMER; md->skill_idx = -1; status_set_viewdata(&md->bl, md->mob_id); status_change_init(&md->bl); unit_dataset(&md->bl); map_addiddb(&md->bl); return md; } /*========================================== * Fetches a random mob_id [Skotlex] * type: Where to fetch from (see enum e_random_monster) * flag: Type of checks to apply (see enum e_random_monster_flags) * lv: Mob level to check against *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_get_random_id(int type, enum e_random_monster_flags flag, int lv) { struct mob_db *mob; int i = 0, mob_id = 0, rand = 0; struct s_randomsummon_group *msummon = (struct s_randomsummon_group *)idb_get(mob_summon_db, type); struct s_randomsummon_entry *entry = nullptr; if (type == MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch && flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS) flag = static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(flag&~RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS); if (!msummon) { ShowError("mob_get_random_id: Invalid type (%d) of random monster.\n", type); return 0; } if (!msummon->count) { ShowError("mob_get_random_id: Random monster type %d is not defined.\n", type); return 0; } do { rand = rnd()%msummon->count; entry = &msummon->list[rand]; mob_id = entry->mob_id; mob = mob_db(mob_id); } while ((rand == 0 || // Skip default first mob == nullptr || mob_is_clone(mob_id) || (flag&RMF_DB_RATE && (entry->rate < 1000000 && entry->rate <= rnd() % 1000000)) || (flag&RMF_CHECK_MOB_LV && lv < mob->lv) || (flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS && status_has_mode(&mob->status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE) ) || (flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_SPAWN && !mob_has_spawn(mob_id)) || (flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_PLANT && status_has_mode(&mob->status,MD_IGNOREMELEE|MD_IGNOREMAGIC|MD_IGNORERANGED|MD_IGNOREMISC) ) ) && (i++) < MAX_MOB_DB && msummon->count > 1); if (i >= MAX_MOB_DB && &msummon->list[0]) { ShowError("mob_get_random_id: no suitable monster found, use fallback for given list. Last_MobID: %d\n", mob_id); mob_id = msummon->list[0].mob_id; } return mob_id; } /*========================================== * Kill Steal Protection [Zephyrus] *------------------------------------------*/ bool mob_ksprotected (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target) { struct block_list *s_bl, *t_bl; struct map_session_data *sd, // Source *t_sd; // Mob Target struct mob_data *md; t_tick tick = gettick(); if( !battle_config.ksprotection ) return false; // KS Protection Disabled if( !(md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB,target)) ) return false; // Tarjet is not MOB if( (s_bl = battle_get_master(src)) == nullptr ) s_bl = src; if( !(sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC,s_bl)) ) return false; // Master is not PC t_bl = map_id2bl(md->target_id); if( !t_bl || (s_bl = battle_get_master(t_bl)) == nullptr ) s_bl = t_bl; t_sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC,s_bl); do { struct status_change_entry *sce; struct map_session_data *pl_sd; // Owner struct map_data *mapdata = map_getmapdata(md->bl.m); char output[128]; if( mapdata->flag[MF_ALLOWKS] || mapdata_flag_ks(mapdata) ) return false; // Ignores GVG, PVP and AllowKS map flags if( md->db->mexp || md->master_id ) return false; // MVP, Slaves mobs ignores KS if( (sce = md->sc.data[SC_KSPROTECTED]) == nullptr ) break; // No KS Protected if( sd->bl.id == sce->val1 || // Same Owner (sce->val2 == 2 && sd->status.party_id && sd->status.party_id == sce->val3) || // Party KS allowed (sce->val2 == 3 && sd->status.guild_id && sd->status.guild_id == sce->val4) ) // Guild KS allowed break; if( t_sd && ( (sce->val2 == 1 && sce->val1 != t_sd->bl.id) || (sce->val2 == 2 && sce->val3 && sce->val3 != t_sd->status.party_id) || (sce->val2 == 3 && sce->val4 && sce->val4 != t_sd->status.guild_id)) ) break; if( (pl_sd = map_id2sd(sce->val1)) == NULL || pl_sd->bl.m != md->bl.m ) break; if( !pl_sd->state.noks ) return false; // No KS Protected, but normal players should be protected too // Message to KS if( DIFF_TICK(sd->ks_floodprotect_tick, tick) <= 0 ) { sprintf(output, "[KS Warning!! - Owner : %s]", pl_sd->status.name); clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN], output, false, SELF); sd->ks_floodprotect_tick = tick + 2000; } // Message to Owner if( DIFF_TICK(pl_sd->ks_floodprotect_tick, tick) <= 0 ) { sprintf(output, "[Watch out! %s is trying to KS you!]", sd->status.name); clif_messagecolor(&pl_sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN], output, false, SELF); pl_sd->ks_floodprotect_tick = tick + 2000; } return true; } while(0); status_change_start(src, target, SC_KSPROTECTED, 10000, sd->bl.id, sd->state.noks, sd->status.party_id, sd->status.guild_id, battle_config.ksprotection, SCSTART_NOAVOID); return false; } struct mob_data *mob_once_spawn_sub(struct block_list *bl, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *mobname, int mob_id, const char *event, unsigned int size, enum mob_ai ai) { struct spawn_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct spawn_data)); //why ? this might screw attribute object and cause leak.. data.m = m; data.num = 1; data.id = mob_id; data.state.size = size; data.state.ai = ai; if (mobname) safestrncpy(data.name, mobname, sizeof(data.name)); else if (battle_config.override_mob_names == 1) strcpy(data.name, "--en--"); else strcpy(data.name, "--ja--"); if (event) safestrncpy(data.eventname, event, sizeof(data.eventname)); // Locate spot next to player. if (bl && (x < 0 || y < 0)) map_search_freecell(bl, m, &x, &y, 1, 1, 0); struct map_data *mapdata = map_getmapdata(m); // if none found, pick random position on map if (x <= 0 || x >= mapdata->xs || y <= 0 || y >= mapdata->ys) map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, -1, -1, 1); data.x = x; data.y = y; if (!mob_parse_dataset(&data)) return nullptr; return mob_spawn_dataset(&data); } /*========================================== * Spawn a single mob on the specified coordinates. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_once_spawn(struct map_session_data* sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char* mobname, int mob_id, int amount, const char* event, unsigned int size, enum mob_ai ai) { struct mob_data* md = nullptr; int count, lv; if (m < 0 || amount <= 0) return 0; // invalid input lv = (sd) ? sd->status.base_level : 255; for (count = 0; count < amount; count++) { int c = (mob_id >= 0) ? mob_id : mob_get_random_id(-mob_id - 1, (battle_config.random_monster_checklv) ? static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(RMF_DB_RATE|RMF_CHECK_MOB_LV) : RMF_DB_RATE, lv); md = mob_once_spawn_sub((sd) ? &sd->bl : NULL, m, x, y, mobname, c, event, size, ai); if (!md) continue; if (mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM) { struct guild_castle* gc = guild_mapindex2gc(map_getmapdata(m)->index); struct guild* g = (gc) ? guild_search(gc->guild_id) : nullptr; if (gc) { md->guardian_data = (struct guardian_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct guardian_data)); md->guardian_data->castle = gc; md->guardian_data->number = MAX_GUARDIANS; md->guardian_data->guild_id = gc->guild_id; if (g) { md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id; memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH); } else if (gc->guild_id) //Guild not yet available, retry in 5. add_timer(gettick()+5000,mob_spawn_guardian_sub,md->bl.id,md->guardian_data->guild_id); } } // end addition [Valaris] mob_spawn(md); if (mob_id < 0 && battle_config.dead_branch_active) //Behold Aegis's masterful decisions yet again... //"I understand the "Aggressive" part, but the "Can Move" and "Can Attack" is just stupid" - Poki#3 sc_start4(NULL,&md->bl, SC_MODECHANGE, 100, 1, 0, MD_AGGRESSIVE|MD_CANATTACK|MD_CANMOVE|MD_ANGRY, 0, 60000); } return (md) ? md->bl.id : 0; // id of last spawned mob } /*========================================== * Spawn mobs in the specified area. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_once_spawn_area(struct map_session_data* sd, int16 m, int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, const char* mobname, int mob_id, int amount, const char* event, unsigned int size, enum mob_ai ai) { int i, max, id = 0; int lx = -1, ly = -1; if (m < 0 || amount <= 0) return 0; // invalid input // normalize x/y coordinates if (x0 > x1) SWAP(x0, x1); if (y0 > y1) SWAP(y0, y1); // choose a suitable max. number of attempts max = (y1 - y0 + 1)*(x1 - x0 + 1)*3; if (max > 1000) max = 1000; // spawn mobs, one by one for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) { int x, y; int j = 0; // find a suitable map cell do { x = rnd()%(x1-x0+1)+x0; y = rnd()%(y1-y0+1)+y0; j++; } while (map_getcell(m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && j < max); if (j == max) {// attempt to find an available cell failed if (lx == -1 && ly == -1) return 0; // total failure // fallback to last good x/y pair x = lx; y = ly; } // record last successful coordinates lx = x; ly = y; id = mob_once_spawn(sd, m, x, y, mobname, mob_id, 1, event, size, ai); } return id; // id of last spawned mob } /*========================================== * Set a Guardian's guild data [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_FUNC(mob_spawn_guardian_sub){ //Needed because the guild_data may not be available at guardian spawn time. struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(id); struct mob_data* md; struct guild* g; int guardup_lv; if (bl == nullptr) //It is possible mob was already removed from map when the castle has no owner. [Skotlex] return 0; if (bl->type != BL_MOB) { ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian_sub: Block error!\n"); return 0; } md = (struct mob_data*)bl; nullpo_ret(md->guardian_data); g = guild_search((int)data); if (g == nullptr) { //Liberate castle, if the guild is not found this is an error! [Skotlex] ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian_sub: Couldn't load guild %d!\n", (int)data); if (md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM) { //Not sure this is the best way, but otherwise we'd be invoking this for ALL guardians spawned later on. md->guardian_data->guild_id = 0; if (md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id) //Free castle up. { ShowNotice("Clearing ownership of castle %d (%s)\n", md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, md->guardian_data->castle->castle_name); guild_castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, CD_GUILD_ID, 0); } } else { if (md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS && md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].visible) guild_castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, CD_ENABLED_GUARDIAN00 + md->guardian_data->number,0); unit_free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); //Remove guardian. } return 0; } guardup_lv = guild_checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP); md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id; memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH); md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guardup_lv; if( guardup_lv ) status_calc_mob(md, SCO_NONE); //Give bonuses. return 0; } /*========================================== * Summoning Guardians [Valaris] *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_spawn_guardian(const char* mapname, int16 x, int16 y, const char* mobname, int mob_id, const char* event, int guardian, bool has_index) { struct mob_data *md=nullptr; struct spawn_data data; struct guild *g=nullptr; struct guild_castle *gc; int16 m; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct spawn_data)); //fixme data.num = 1; m=map_mapname2mapid(mapname); if(m<0) { ShowWarning("mob_spawn_guardian: Map [%s] not found.\n", mapname); return 0; } data.m = m; data.num = 1; if(mob_id<=0) { mob_id = mob_get_random_id(-mob_id-1, RMF_DB_RATE, 0); if (!mob_id) return 0; } data.id = mob_id; if( !has_index ) { guardian = -1; } else if( guardian < 0 || guardian >= MAX_GUARDIANS ) { ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian: Invalid guardian index %d for guardian %d (castle map %s)\n", guardian, mob_id, mapname); return 0; } if((x<=0 || y<=0) && !map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, -1,-1, 1)) { ShowWarning("mob_spawn_guardian: Couldn't locate a spawn cell for guardian class %d (index %d) at castle map %s\n",mob_id, guardian, mapname); return 0; } data.x = x; data.y = y; safestrncpy(data.name, mobname, sizeof(data.name)); safestrncpy(data.eventname, event, sizeof(data.eventname)); if (!mob_parse_dataset(&data)) return 0; gc=guild_mapname2gc(mapname); if (gc == NULL) { ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian: No castle set at map %s\n", mapname); return 0; } if (!gc->guild_id) ShowWarning("mob_spawn_guardian: Spawning guardian %d on a castle with no guild (castle map %s)\n", mob_id, mapname); else g = guild_search(gc->guild_id); if( has_index && gc->guardian[guardian].id ) { //Check if guardian already exists, refuse to spawn if so. struct mob_data *md2 = (TBL_MOB*)map_id2bl(gc->guardian[guardian].id); if (md2 && md2->bl.type == BL_MOB && md2->guardian_data && md2->guardian_data->number == guardian) { ShowError("mob_spawn_guardian: Attempted to spawn guardian in position %d which already has a guardian (castle map %s)\n", guardian, mapname); return 0; } } md = mob_spawn_dataset(&data); md->guardian_data = (struct guardian_data*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(struct guardian_data)); md->guardian_data->number = guardian; md->guardian_data->guild_id = gc->guild_id; md->guardian_data->castle = gc; if( has_index ) {// permanent guardian gc->guardian[guardian].id = md->bl.id; } else {// temporary guardian int i; ARR_FIND(0, gc->temp_guardians_max, i, gc->temp_guardians[i] == 0); if( i == gc->temp_guardians_max ) { ++(gc->temp_guardians_max); RECREATE(gc->temp_guardians, int, gc->temp_guardians_max); } gc->temp_guardians[i] = md->bl.id; } if (g) { md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id; memcpy (md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH); md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guild_checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP); } else if (md->guardian_data->guild_id) add_timer(gettick()+5000,mob_spawn_guardian_sub,md->bl.id,md->guardian_data->guild_id); mob_spawn(md); return md->bl.id; } /*========================================== * Summoning BattleGround [Zephyrus] *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_spawn_bg(const char* mapname, int16 x, int16 y, const char* mobname, int mob_id, const char* event, unsigned int bg_id) { struct mob_data *md = nullptr; struct spawn_data data; int16 m; if( (m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0 ) { ShowWarning("mob_spawn_bg: Map [%s] not found.\n", mapname); return 0; } memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct spawn_data)); data.m = m; data.num = 1; if( mob_id <= 0 ) { mob_id = mob_get_random_id(-mob_id-1, RMF_DB_RATE, 0); if( !mob_id ) return 0; } data.id = mob_id; if( (x <= 0 || y <= 0) && !map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, -1,-1, 1) ) { ShowWarning("mob_spawn_bg: Couldn't locate a spawn cell for guardian class %d (bg_id %d) at map %s\n",mob_id, bg_id, mapname); return 0; } data.x = x; data.y = y; safestrncpy(data.name, mobname, sizeof(data.name)); safestrncpy(data.eventname, event, sizeof(data.eventname)); if( !mob_parse_dataset(&data) ) return 0; md = mob_spawn_dataset(&data); mob_spawn(md); md->bg_id = bg_id; // BG Team ID return md->bl.id; } /*========================================== * Reachability to a Specification ID existence place * state indicates type of 'seek' mob should do: * - MSS_LOOT: Looking for item, path must be easy. * - MSS_RUSH: Chasing attacking player, path is complex * - MSS_FOLLOW: Initiative/support seek, path is complex *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_can_reach(struct mob_data *md,struct block_list *bl,int range, int state) { int easy = 0; nullpo_ret(md); nullpo_ret(bl); switch (state) { case MSS_RUSH: case MSS_FOLLOW: easy = 0; //(battle_config.mob_ai&0x1?0:1); break; case MSS_LOOT: default: easy = 1; break; } return unit_can_reach_bl(&md->bl, bl, range, easy, NULL, NULL); } /*========================================== * Links nearby mobs (supportive mobs) *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_linksearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md; int mob_id; struct block_list *target; t_tick tick; nullpo_ret(bl); md=(struct mob_data *)bl; mob_id = va_arg(ap, int); target = va_arg(ap, struct block_list *); tick=va_arg(ap, t_tick); if (md->mob_id == mob_id && DIFF_TICK(md->last_linktime, tick) < MIN_MOBLINKTIME && !md->target_id) { md->last_linktime = tick; if( mob_can_reach(md,target,md->db->range2, MSS_FOLLOW) ){ // Reachability judging md->target_id = target->id; md->min_chase=md->db->range3; return 1; } } return 0; } /*========================================== * mob spawn with delay (timer function) *------------------------------------------*/ TIMER_FUNC(mob_delayspawn){ struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(id); struct mob_data* md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if( md ) { if( md->spawn_timer != tid ) { ShowError("mob_delayspawn: Timer mismatch: %d != %d\n", tid, md->spawn_timer); return 0; } md->spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; mob_spawn(md); } return 0; } /*========================================== * spawn timing calculation *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_setdelayspawn(struct mob_data *md) { unsigned int spawntime; struct mob_db *db; if (!md->spawn) //Doesn't has respawn data! return unit_free(&md->bl,CLR_DEAD); spawntime = md->spawn->delay1; //Base respawn time if (md->spawn->delay2) //random variance spawntime+= rnd()%md->spawn->delay2; //Apply the spawn delay fix [Skotlex] db = mob_db(md->spawn->id); if (status_has_mode(&db->status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) { // Status Immune if (battle_config.boss_spawn_delay != 100) { // Divide by 100 first to prevent overflows //(precision loss is minimal as duration is in ms already) spawntime = spawntime/100*battle_config.boss_spawn_delay; } } else if (status_has_mode(&db->status,MD_IGNOREMELEE|MD_IGNOREMAGIC|MD_IGNORERANGED|MD_IGNOREMISC)) { // Plant type if (battle_config.plant_spawn_delay != 100) { spawntime = spawntime/100*battle_config.plant_spawn_delay; } } else if (battle_config.mob_spawn_delay != 100) { //Normal mobs spawntime = spawntime/100*battle_config.mob_spawn_delay; } if (spawntime < 5000) //Monsters should never respawn faster than within 5 seconds spawntime = 5000; if( md->spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(md->spawn_timer, mob_delayspawn); md->spawn_timer = add_timer(gettick()+spawntime, mob_delayspawn, md->bl.id, 0); return 0; } int mob_count_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int mobid[10], i; ARR_FIND(0, 10, i, (mobid[i] = va_arg(ap, int)) == 0); //fetch till 0 if (mobid[0]) { //if there one let's check it otherwise go backward TBL_MOB *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); ARR_FIND(0, 10, i, md->mob_id == mobid[i]); return (i < 10) ? 1 : 0; } return 1; //backward compatibility } /** * Mob spawning. Initialization is also variously here. (Spawn a mob in a map) * @param md : mob data to spawn * @return 0:spawned, 1:delayed, 2:error */ int mob_spawn (struct mob_data *md) { int i=0; t_tick tick = gettick(); md->last_thinktime = tick; if (md->bl.prev != NULL) unit_remove_map(&md->bl,CLR_RESPAWN); else if (md->spawn && md->mob_id != md->spawn->id) { md->mob_id = md->spawn->id; status_set_viewdata(&md->bl, md->mob_id); md->db = mob_db(md->mob_id); memcpy(md->name,md->spawn->name,NAME_LENGTH); } if (md->spawn) { //Respawn data md->bl.m = md->spawn->m; md->bl.x = md->spawn->x; md->bl.y = md->spawn->y; if( (md->bl.x == 0 && md->bl.y == 0) || md->spawn->xs || md->spawn->ys ) { //Monster can be spawned on an area. if( !map_search_freecell(&md->bl, -1, &md->bl.x, &md->bl.y, md->spawn->xs, md->spawn->ys, battle_config.no_spawn_on_player?4:0) ) { // retry again later if( md->spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(md->spawn_timer, mob_delayspawn); md->spawn_timer = add_timer(tick+5000,mob_delayspawn,md->bl.id,0); return 1; } } else if( battle_config.no_spawn_on_player > 99 && map_foreachinallrange(mob_count_sub, &md->bl, AREA_SIZE, BL_PC) ) { // retry again later (players on sight) if( md->spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(md->spawn_timer, mob_delayspawn); md->spawn_timer = add_timer(tick+5000,mob_delayspawn,md->bl.id,0); return 1; } } memset(&md->state, 0, sizeof(md->state)); status_calc_mob(md, SCO_FIRST); md->attacked_id = 0; md->norm_attacked_id = 0; md->target_id = 0; md->move_fail_count = 0; md->ud.state.attack_continue = 0; md->ud.target_to = 0; md->ud.dir = 0; if( md->spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) { delete_timer(md->spawn_timer, mob_delayspawn); md->spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } // md->master_id = 0; md->master_dist = 0; md->state.aggressive = status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_ANGRY)?1:0; md->state.skillstate = MSS_IDLE; md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000+MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME; md->last_linktime = tick; md->dmgtick = tick - 5000; md->last_pcneartime = 0; t_tick c = tick - MOB_MAX_DELAY; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOBSKILL; i++) md->skilldelay[i] = c; for (i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++) md->spotted_log[i] = 0; memset(md->dmglog, 0, sizeof(md->dmglog)); md->tdmg = 0; if (md->lootitems) memset(md->lootitems, 0, sizeof(*md->lootitems)); md->lootitem_count = 0; if(md->db->option) // Added for carts, falcons and pecos for cloned monsters. [Valaris] md->sc.option = md->db->option; // MvP tomb [GreenBox] if ( md->tomb_nid ) mvptomb_destroy(md); if(map_addblock(&md->bl)) return 2; if( map_getmapdata(md->bl.m)->users ) clif_spawn(&md->bl); skill_unit_move(&md->bl,tick,1); mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_SPAWN); return 0; } /*========================================== * Determines if the mob can change target. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_can_changetarget(struct mob_data* md, struct block_list* target, enum e_mode mode) { // Special feature that makes monsters always attack the person that provoked them if(battle_config.mob_ai&0x800 && md->state.provoke_flag) { if (md->state.provoke_flag == target->id) return 1; else if (!(battle_config.mob_ai&0x4)) return 0; } switch (md->state.skillstate) { case MSS_BERSERK: if (!(mode&MD_CHANGETARGET_MELEE)) return 0; if (!(battle_config.mob_ai&0x80) && md->norm_attacked_id != target->id) return 0; return (battle_config.mob_ai&0x4 || check_distance_bl(&md->bl, target, md->status.rhw.range+1)); case MSS_RUSH: return (mode&MD_CHANGETARGET_CHASE); case MSS_FOLLOW: case MSS_ANGRY: case MSS_IDLE: case MSS_WALK: case MSS_LOOT: return 1; default: return 0; } } /*========================================== * Determination for an attack of a monster *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_target(struct mob_data *md,struct block_list *bl,int dist) { nullpo_ret(md); nullpo_ret(bl); // Nothing will be carried out if there is no mind of changing TAGE by TAGE ending. if(md->target_id && !mob_can_changetarget(md, bl, status_get_mode(&md->bl))) return 0; if(!status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, bl, 0, 0)) return 0; md->target_id = bl->id; // Since there was no disturbance, it locks on to target. if (md->state.provoke_flag && bl->id != md->state.provoke_flag) md->state.provoke_flag = 0; // When an angry monster is provoked, it will switch to retaliate AI if (md->state.provoke_flag && md->state.aggressive) md->state.aggressive = 0; md->min_chase=dist+md->db->range3; if(md->min_chase>MAX_MINCHASE) md->min_chase=MAX_MINCHASE; return 0; } /*========================================== * The ?? routine of an active monster *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md; struct block_list **target; enum e_mode mode; int dist; nullpo_ret(bl); md=va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *); target= va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); mode= static_cast<enum e_mode>(va_arg(ap, int)); //If can't seek yet, not an enemy, or you can't attack it, skip. if ((*target) == bl || !status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, bl, 0, 0)) return 0; if ((mode&MD_TARGETWEAK) && status_get_lv(bl) >= md->level-5) return 0; if(battle_check_target(&md->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY)<=0) return 0; switch (bl->type) { case BL_PC: if (((TBL_PC*)bl)->state.gangsterparadise && !status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) return 0; //Gangster paradise protection. default: if (battle_config.hom_setting&HOMSET_FIRST_TARGET && (*target) && (*target)->type == BL_HOM && bl->type != BL_HOM) return 0; //For some reason Homun targets are never overriden. dist = distance_bl(&md->bl, bl); if( ((*target) == NULL || !check_distance_bl(&md->bl, *target, dist)) && battle_check_range(&md->bl,bl,md->db->range2) ) { //Pick closest target? #ifdef ACTIVEPATHSEARCH struct walkpath_data wpd; if (!path_search(&wpd, md->bl.m, md->bl.x, md->bl.y, bl->x, bl->y, 0, CELL_CHKWALL)) // Count walk path cells return 0; //Standing monsters use range2, walking monsters use range3 if ((md->ud.walktimer == INVALID_TIMER && wpd.path_len > md->db->range2) || (md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && wpd.path_len > md->db->range3)) return 0; #endif (*target) = bl; md->target_id=bl->id; md->min_chase= dist + md->db->range3; if(md->min_chase>MAX_MINCHASE) md->min_chase=MAX_MINCHASE; return 1; } break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * chase target-change routine. *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md; struct block_list **target; nullpo_ret(bl); md=va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *); target= va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); //If can't seek yet, not an enemy, or you can't attack it, skip. if ((*target) == bl || battle_check_target(&md->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY)<=0 || !status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, bl, 0, 0)) return 0; if(battle_check_range (&md->bl, bl, md->status.rhw.range)) { (*target) = bl; md->target_id=bl->id; md->min_chase= md->db->range3; } return 1; } /*========================================== * finds nearby bg ally for guardians looking for users to follow. *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md; struct block_list **target; nullpo_ret(bl); md=va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *); target= va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); if( status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, bl, 0, 0) && battle_check_target(&md->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY)<=0 ) { (*target) = bl; } return 1; } /*========================================== * loot monster item search *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data* md; struct block_list **target; int dist; md = va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *); target = va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); dist = distance_bl(&md->bl, bl); if (mob_can_reach(md,bl,dist+1, MSS_LOOT) && ( (*target) == nullptr || (battle_config.monster_loot_search_type && md->target_id > bl->id) || (!battle_config.monster_loot_search_type && !check_distance_bl(&md->bl, *target, dist)) // New target closer than previous one. )) { (*target) = bl; md->target_id = bl->id; md->min_chase = md->db->range3; } else if (!battle_config.monster_loot_search_type) mob_stop_walking(md, 1); // Stop walking immediately if item is no longer on the ground. return 0; } static int mob_warpchase_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct block_list *target; struct npc_data **target_nd; struct npc_data *nd; int *min_distance; int cur_distance; target= va_arg(ap, struct block_list*); target_nd= va_arg(ap, struct npc_data**); min_distance= va_arg(ap, int*); nd = (TBL_NPC*) bl; if(nd->subtype != NPCTYPE_WARP) return 0; //Not a warp if(nd->u.warp.mapindex != map_getmapdata(target->m)->index) return 0; //Does not lead to the same map. cur_distance = distance_blxy(target, nd->u.warp.x, nd->u.warp.y); if (cur_distance < *min_distance) { //Pick warp that leads closest to target. *target_nd = nd; *min_distance = cur_distance; return 1; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Processing of slave monsters *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob(struct mob_data *md,t_tick tick) { struct block_list *bl; bl=map_id2bl(md->master_id); if (!bl || status_isdead(bl)) { status_kill(&md->bl); return 1; } if (bl->prev == nullptr) return 0; //Master not on a map? Could be warping, do not process. if(status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_CANMOVE)) { //If the mob can move, follow around. [Check by Skotlex] int old_dist; // Distance with between slave and master is measured. old_dist=md->master_dist; md->master_dist=distance_bl(&md->bl, bl); // Since the master was in near immediately before, teleport is carried out and it pursues. if(bl->m != md->bl.m || (old_dist<10 && md->master_dist>18) || md->master_dist > MAX_MINCHASE ){ md->master_dist = 0; unit_warp(&md->bl,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 1; } if(md->target_id) //Slave is busy with a target. return 0; // Approach master if within view range, chase back to Master's area also if standing on top of the master. if((md->master_dist>MOB_SLAVEDISTANCE || md->master_dist == 0) && unit_can_move(&md->bl)) { short x = bl->x, y = bl->y; mob_stop_attack(md); if(map_search_freecell(&md->bl, bl->m, &x, &y, MOB_SLAVEDISTANCE, MOB_SLAVEDISTANCE, 1) && unit_walktoxy(&md->bl, x, y, 0)) return 1; } } else if (bl->m != md->bl.m && map_flag_gvg2(md->bl.m)) { //Delete the summoned mob if it's in a gvg ground and the master is elsewhere. [Skotlex] status_kill(&md->bl); return 1; } //Avoid attempting to lock the master's target too often to avoid unnecessary overload. [Skotlex] if (DIFF_TICK(md->last_linktime, tick) < MIN_MOBLINKTIME && !md->target_id) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); md->last_linktime = tick; if (ud) { struct block_list *tbl=nullptr; if (ud->target && ud->state.attack_continue) tbl = map_id2bl(ud->target); else if (ud->target_to && ud->state.attack_continue) tbl = map_id2bl(ud->target_to); else if (ud->skilltarget) { tbl = map_id2bl(ud->skilltarget); //Required check as skilltarget is not always an enemy. [Skotlex] if (tbl && battle_check_target(&md->bl, tbl, BCT_ENEMY) <= 0) tbl = nullptr; } if (tbl && status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, tbl, 0, 0)) { md->target_id=tbl->id; md->min_chase=md->db->range3+distance_bl(&md->bl, tbl); if(md->min_chase>MAX_MINCHASE) md->min_chase=MAX_MINCHASE; return 1; } } } return 0; } /*========================================== * A lock of target is stopped and mob moves to a standby state. * This also triggers idle skill/movement since the AI can get stuck * when trying to pick new targets when the current chosen target is * unreachable. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_unlocktarget(struct mob_data *md, t_tick tick) { nullpo_ret(md); switch (md->state.skillstate) { case MSS_WALK: if (md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) break; //Because it is not unset when the mob finishes walking. md->state.skillstate = MSS_IDLE; case MSS_IDLE: // Idle skill. if (!(++md->ud.walk_count%IDLE_SKILL_INTERVAL) && mobskill_use(md, tick, -1)) break; //Random walk. if (!md->master_id && DIFF_TICK(md->next_walktime, tick) <= 0 && !mob_randomwalk(md,tick)) //Delay next random walk when this one failed. md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000; break; default: mob_stop_attack(md); mob_stop_walking(md,1); //Stop chasing. if (status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_ANGRY) && !md->state.aggressive) md->state.aggressive = 1; //Restore angry state when switching to idle md->state.skillstate = MSS_IDLE; if(battle_config.mob_ai&0x8) //Walk instantly after dropping target md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000; else md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000+MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME; break; } if (md->target_id) { md->target_id=0; md->ud.target_to = 0; unit_set_target(&md->ud, 0); } if (battle_config.official_cell_stack_limit > 0 && (md->min_chase == md->db->range3 || battle_config.mob_ai & 0x8) && map_count_oncell(md->bl.m, md->bl.x, md->bl.y, BL_CHAR | BL_NPC, 1) > battle_config.official_cell_stack_limit) { unit_walktoxy(&md->bl, md->bl.x, md->bl.y, 8); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Random walk *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_randomwalk(struct mob_data *md,t_tick tick) { const int d=7; int i,c,r,rdir,dx,dy,max; int speed; nullpo_ret(md); if(DIFF_TICK(md->next_walktime,tick)>0 || status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_NORANDOM_WALK) || !unit_can_move(&md->bl) || !status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_CANMOVE)) return 0; r=rnd(); rdir=rnd()%4; // Randomize direction in which we iterate to prevent monster cluttering up in one corner dx=r%(d*2+1)-d; dy=r/(d*2+1)%(d*2+1)-d; max=(d*2+1)*(d*2+1); for(i=0;i<max;i++){ // Search of a movable place int x = dx + md->bl.x; int y = dy + md->bl.y; if(((x != md->bl.x) || (y != md->bl.y)) && map_getcell(md->bl.m,x,y,CELL_CHKPASS) && unit_walktoxy(&md->bl,x,y,0)){ break; } // Could not move to cell, try the 7th cell in direction randomly decided by rdir // We don't move step-by-step because this will make monster stick to the walls switch(rdir) { case 0: dx += d; if (dx > d) { dx -= d*2+1; dy += d; if (dy > d) { dy -= d*2+1; } } break; case 1: dx -= d; if (dx < -d) { dx += d*2+1; dy -= d; if (dy < -d) { dy += d*2+1; } } break; case 2: dy += d; if (dy > d) { dy -= d*2+1; dx += d; if (dx > d) { dx -= d*2+1; } } break; case 3: dy -= d; if (dy < -d) { dy += d*2+1; dx -= d; if (dx < -d) { dx += d*2+1; } } break; } } if(i==max){ // None of the available cells worked, try again next interval if(battle_config.mob_stuck_warning) { md->move_fail_count++; if(md->move_fail_count>1000){ ShowWarning("MOB can't move. random spawn %d, class = %d, at %s (%d,%d)\n",md->bl.id,md->mob_id,map_getmapdata(md->bl.m)->name, md->bl.x, md->bl.y); md->move_fail_count=0; mob_spawn(md); } } return 0; } speed=status_get_speed(&md->bl); for(i=c=0;i<md->ud.walkpath.path_len;i++){ // The next walk start time is calculated. if( direction_diagonal( md->ud.walkpath.path[i] ) ) c+=speed*MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST/MOVE_COST; else c+=speed; } md->state.skillstate=MSS_WALK; md->move_fail_count=0; md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000+MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME+c; return 1; } int mob_warpchase(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *target) { struct npc_data *warp = nullptr; int distance = AREA_SIZE; if (!(target && battle_config.mob_ai&0x40 && battle_config.mob_warp&1)) return 0; //Can't warp chase. if (target->m == md->bl.m && check_distance_bl(&md->bl, target, AREA_SIZE)) return 0; //No need to do a warp chase. if (md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && map_getcell(md->bl.m,md->ud.to_x,md->ud.to_y,CELL_CHKNPC)) return 1; //Already walking to a warp. //Search for warps within mob's viewing range. map_foreachinallrange(mob_warpchase_sub, &md->bl, md->db->range2, BL_NPC, target, &warp, &distance); if (warp && unit_walktobl(&md->bl, &warp->bl, 1, 1)) return 1; return 0; } /*========================================== * AI of MOB whose is near a Player *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_ai_sub_hard(struct mob_data *md, t_tick tick) { struct block_list *tbl = nullptr, *abl = nullptr; enum e_mode mode; int view_range, can_move; if(md->bl.prev == nullptr || md->status.hp == 0) return false; if (DIFF_TICK(tick, md->last_thinktime) < MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) return false; md->last_thinktime = tick; if (md->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER) return false; // Abnormalities if(( md->sc.opt1 > 0 && md->sc.opt1 != OPT1_STONEWAIT && md->sc.opt1 != OPT1_BURNING ) || md->sc.data[SC_BLADESTOP] || md->sc.data[SC__MANHOLE] || md->sc.data[SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_TARGET]) {//Should reset targets. md->target_id = md->attacked_id = md->norm_attacked_id = 0; return false; } if (md->sc.count && md->sc.data[SC_BLIND]) view_range = 3; else view_range = md->db->range2; mode = status_get_mode(&md->bl); can_move = (mode&MD_CANMOVE) && unit_can_move(&md->bl); if (md->target_id) { //Check validity of current target. [Skotlex] tbl = map_id2bl(md->target_id); if (!tbl || tbl->m != md->bl.m || (md->ud.attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER && !status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, tbl, 0, 0)) || (md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && !(battle_config.mob_ai&0x1) && !check_distance_bl(&md->bl, tbl, md->min_chase)) || ( tbl->type == BL_PC && ((((TBL_PC*)tbl)->state.gangsterparadise && !(mode&MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) || ((TBL_PC*)tbl)->invincible_timer != INVALID_TIMER) )) { //No valid target if (mob_warpchase(md, tbl)) return true; //Chasing this target. if(md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && (!can_move || md->ud.walkpath.path_pos <= battle_config.mob_chase_refresh) && (tbl || md->ud.walkpath.path_pos == 0)) return true; //Walk at least "mob_chase_refresh" cells before dropping the target unless target is non-existent mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); //Unlock target tbl = NULL; } } // Check for target change. if( md->attacked_id && mode&MD_CANATTACK ) { if( md->attacked_id == md->target_id ) { //Rude attacked check. if( !battle_check_range(&md->bl, tbl, md->status.rhw.range) && ( //Can't attack back and can't reach back. (!can_move && DIFF_TICK(tick, md->ud.canmove_tick) > 0 && (battle_config.mob_ai&0x2 || md->sc.data[SC_SPIDERWEB] || md->sc.data[SC_BITE] || md->sc.data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME] || md->sc.data[SC_THORNSTRAP] || md->sc.data[SC__MANHOLE] // Not yet confirmed if boss will teleport once it can't reach target. || md->walktoxy_fail_count > 0) ) || !mob_can_reach(md, tbl, md->min_chase, MSS_RUSH) ) && md->state.attacked_count++ >= RUDE_ATTACKED_COUNT && !mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_RUDEATTACKED) // If can't rude Attack && can_move && unit_escape(&md->bl, tbl, rnd()%10 +1)) // Attempt escape { //Escaped md->attacked_id = md->norm_attacked_id = 0; return true; } } else if( (abl = map_id2bl(md->attacked_id)) && (!tbl || mob_can_changetarget(md, abl, mode)) ) { int dist; if( md->bl.m != abl->m || abl->prev == NULL || (dist = distance_bl(&md->bl, abl)) >= MAX_MINCHASE // Attacker longer than visual area || battle_check_target(&md->bl, abl, BCT_ENEMY) <= 0 // Attacker is not enemy of mob || (battle_config.mob_ai&0x2 && !status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, abl, 0, 0)) // Cannot normal attack back to Attacker || (!battle_check_range(&md->bl, abl, md->status.rhw.range) // Not on Melee Range and ... && ( // Reach check (!can_move && DIFF_TICK(tick, md->ud.canmove_tick) > 0 && (battle_config.mob_ai&0x2 || md->sc.data[SC_SPIDERWEB] || md->sc.data[SC_BITE] || md->sc.data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME] || md->sc.data[SC_THORNSTRAP] || md->sc.data[SC__MANHOLE] // Not yet confirmed if boss will teleport once it can't reach target. || md->walktoxy_fail_count > 0) ) || !mob_can_reach(md, abl, dist+md->db->range3, MSS_RUSH) ) ) ) { // Rude attacked if (abl->id != md->bl.id //Self damage does not cause rude attack && md->state.attacked_count++ >= RUDE_ATTACKED_COUNT && !mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_RUDEATTACKED) && can_move && !tbl && unit_escape(&md->bl, abl, rnd()%10 +1)) { //Escaped. //TODO: Maybe it shouldn't attempt to run if it has another, valid target? md->attacked_id = md->norm_attacked_id = 0; return true; } } else if (!(battle_config.mob_ai&0x2) && !status_check_skilluse(&md->bl, abl, 0, 0)) { //Can't attack back, but didn't invoke a rude attacked skill... } else { //Attackable //If a monster can change the target to the attacker, it will change the target md->target_id = md->attacked_id; // set target if (md->state.attacked_count) md->state.attacked_count--; //Should we reset rude attack count? md->min_chase = dist+md->db->range3; if(md->min_chase>MAX_MINCHASE) md->min_chase=MAX_MINCHASE; tbl = abl; //Set the new target } } //Clear it since it's been checked for already. md->attacked_id = md->norm_attacked_id = 0; } // Processing of slave monster if (md->master_id > 0 && mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob(md, tick)) return true; // Scan area for targets if (!tbl && can_move && mode&MD_LOOTER && md->lootitems && DIFF_TICK(tick, md->ud.canact_tick) > 0 && (md->lootitem_count < LOOTITEM_SIZE || battle_config.monster_loot_type != 1)) { // Scan area for items to loot, avoid trying to loot if the mob is full and can't consume the items. map_foreachinshootrange (mob_ai_sub_hard_lootsearch, &md->bl, view_range, BL_ITEM, md, &tbl); } if ((!tbl && mode&MD_AGGRESSIVE) || md->state.skillstate == MSS_FOLLOW) { map_foreachinallrange (mob_ai_sub_hard_activesearch, &md->bl, view_range, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), md, &tbl, mode); } else if (mode&MD_CHANGECHASE && (md->state.skillstate == MSS_RUSH || md->state.skillstate == MSS_FOLLOW)) { int search_size; search_size = view_range<md->status.rhw.range ? view_range:md->status.rhw.range; map_foreachinallrange (mob_ai_sub_hard_changechase, &md->bl, search_size, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), md, &tbl); } if (!tbl) { //No targets available. /* bg guardians follow allies when no targets nearby */ if( md->bg_id && mode&MD_CANATTACK ) { if( md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return true;/* we are already moving */ map_foreachinallrange (mob_ai_sub_hard_bg_ally, &md->bl, view_range, BL_PC, md, &tbl, mode); if( tbl ) { if( distance_blxy(&md->bl, tbl->x, tbl->y) <= 3 || unit_walktobl(&md->bl, tbl, 1, 1) ) return true;/* we're moving or close enough don't unlock the target. */ } } //This handles triggering idle/walk skill. mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); return true; } //Target exists, attack or loot as applicable. if (tbl->type == BL_ITEM) { //Loot time. struct flooritem_data *fitem; if (md->ud.target == tbl->id && md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) return true; //Already locked. if (md->lootitems == NULL) { //Can't loot... mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); return true; } if (!check_distance_bl(&md->bl, tbl, 0)) { //Still not within loot range. if (!(mode&MD_CANMOVE)) { //A looter that can't move? Real smart. mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); return true; } if (!can_move) //Stuck. Wait before walking. return true; md->state.skillstate = MSS_LOOT; if (!unit_walktobl(&md->bl, tbl, 0, 1)) mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); //Can't loot... return true; } //Within looting range. if (md->ud.attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER) return true; //Busy attacking? fitem = (struct flooritem_data *)tbl; //Logs items, taken by (L)ooter Mobs [Lupus] log_pick_mob(md, LOG_TYPE_LOOT, fitem->item.amount, &fitem->item); if (md->lootitem_count < LOOTITEM_SIZE) { memcpy (&md->lootitems[md->lootitem_count].item, &fitem->item, sizeof(md->lootitems[0].item)); md->lootitems[md->lootitem_count].mob_id = fitem->mob_id; md->lootitem_count++; } else { //Destroy first looted item... if (md->lootitems[0].item.card[0] == CARD0_PET) intif_delete_petdata(MakeDWord(md->lootitems[0].item.card[1],md->lootitems[0].item.card[2])); memmove(&md->lootitems[0], &md->lootitems[1], (LOOTITEM_SIZE-1)*sizeof(md->lootitems[0])); memcpy (&md->lootitems[LOOTITEM_SIZE-1].item, &fitem->item, sizeof(md->lootitems[0].item)); md->lootitems[LOOTITEM_SIZE-1].mob_id = fitem->mob_id; } if (pcdb_checkid(md->vd->class_)) { //Give them walk act/delay to properly mimic players. [Skotlex] clif_takeitem(&md->bl,tbl); md->ud.canact_tick = tick + md->status.amotion; unit_set_walkdelay(&md->bl, tick, md->status.amotion, 1); } //Clear item. map_clearflooritem(tbl); mob_unlocktarget(md, tick); return true; } //Attempt to attack. //At this point we know the target is attackable, we just gotta check if the range matches. if (battle_check_range(&md->bl, tbl, md->status.rhw.range) && !(md->sc.option&OPTION_HIDE)) { //Target within range and able to use normal attack, engage if (md->ud.target != tbl->id || md->ud.attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER) { //Only attack if no more attack delay left if(tbl->type == BL_PC) mob_log_damage(md, tbl, 0); //Log interaction (counts as 'attacker' for the exp bonus) if( !(mode&MD_RANDOMTARGET) ) unit_attack(&md->bl,tbl->id,1); else { // Attack once and find a new random target int search_size = (view_range < md->status.rhw.range) ? view_range : md->status.rhw.range; unit_attack(&md->bl, tbl->id, 0); if ((tbl = battle_getenemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), search_size))) { md->target_id = tbl->id; md->min_chase = md->db->range3; } } } return true; } //Monsters in berserk state, unable to use normal attacks, will always attempt a skill if(md->ud.walktimer == INVALID_TIMER && (md->state.skillstate == MSS_BERSERK || md->state.skillstate == MSS_ANGRY)) { if (DIFF_TICK(md->ud.canmove_tick, tick) <= MIN_MOBTHINKTIME && DIFF_TICK(md->ud.canact_tick, tick) < -MIN_MOBTHINKTIME*IDLE_SKILL_INTERVAL) { //Only use skill if able to walk on next tick and not used a skill the last second if (mobskill_use(md, tick, -1)) return true; } } //Target still in attack range, no need to chase the target if(battle_check_range(&md->bl, tbl, md->status.rhw.range)) return true; //Only update target cell / drop target after having moved at least "mob_chase_refresh" cells if(md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && (!can_move || md->ud.walkpath.path_pos <= battle_config.mob_chase_refresh)) return true; //Out of range... if (!(mode&MD_CANMOVE) || (!can_move && DIFF_TICK(tick, md->ud.canmove_tick) > 0)) { //Can't chase. Immobile and trapped mobs should unlock target and use an idle skill. if (md->ud.attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER) { //Only unlock target if no more attack delay left //This handles triggering idle/walk skill. mob_unlocktarget(md,tick); } return true; } if (md->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && md->ud.target == tbl->id && ( !(battle_config.mob_ai&0x1) || check_distance_blxy(tbl, md->ud.to_x, md->ud.to_y, md->status.rhw.range) )) //Current target tile is still within attack range. return true; //Follow up if possible. //Hint: Chase skills are handled in the walktobl routine if(!mob_can_reach(md, tbl, md->min_chase, MSS_RUSH) || !unit_walktobl(&md->bl, tbl, md->status.rhw.range, 2)) mob_unlocktarget(md,tick); return true; } static int mob_ai_sub_hard_timer(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)bl; uint32 char_id = va_arg(ap, uint32); t_tick tick = va_arg(ap, t_tick); if (mob_ai_sub_hard(md, tick)) { //Hard AI triggered. mob_add_spotted(md, char_id); md->last_pcneartime = tick; } return 0; } /*========================================== * Serious processing for mob in PC field of view (foreachclient) *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd,va_list ap) { t_tick tick=va_arg(ap,t_tick); map_foreachinallrange(mob_ai_sub_hard_timer,&sd->bl, AREA_SIZE+ACTIVE_AI_RANGE, BL_MOB, sd->status.char_id, tick); return 0; } /*========================================== * Negligent mode MOB AI (PC is not in near) *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_ai_sub_lazy(struct mob_data *md, va_list args) { nullpo_ret(md); if(md->bl.prev == NULL) return 0; t_tick tick = va_arg(args,t_tick); if (battle_config.mob_ai&0x20 && map_getmapdata(md->bl.m)->users>0) return (int)mob_ai_sub_hard(md, tick); if (md->bl.prev==NULL || md->status.hp == 0) return 1; if(battle_config.mob_active_time && md->last_pcneartime && !status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE) && DIFF_TICK(tick,md->last_thinktime) > MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) { if (DIFF_TICK(tick,md->last_pcneartime) < battle_config.mob_active_time) return (int)mob_ai_sub_hard(md, tick); md->last_pcneartime = 0; } if(battle_config.boss_active_time && md->last_pcneartime && status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE) && DIFF_TICK(tick,md->last_thinktime) > MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) { if (DIFF_TICK(tick,md->last_pcneartime) < battle_config.boss_active_time) return (int)mob_ai_sub_hard(md, tick); md->last_pcneartime = 0; } //Clean the spotted log mob_clean_spotted(md); if(DIFF_TICK(tick,md->last_thinktime)< 10*MIN_MOBTHINKTIME) return 0; md->last_thinktime=tick; if (md->master_id) { mob_ai_sub_hard_slavemob (md,tick); return 0; } if( DIFF_TICK(md->next_walktime,tick) < 0 && status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_CANMOVE) && unit_can_move(&md->bl) ) { if( rnd()%1000 < MOB_LAZYMOVEPERC(md) ) mob_randomwalk(md, tick); } else if( md->ud.walktimer == INVALID_TIMER ) { //Because it is not unset when the mob finishes walking. md->state.skillstate = MSS_IDLE; if( rnd()%1000 < MOB_LAZYSKILLPERC(md) ) //Chance to do a mob's idle skill. mobskill_use(md, tick, -1); } return 0; } /*========================================== * Negligent processing for mob outside PC field of view (interval timer function) *------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_FUNC(mob_ai_lazy){ map_foreachmob(mob_ai_sub_lazy,tick); return 0; } /*========================================== * Serious processing for mob in PC field of view (interval timer function) *------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_FUNC(mob_ai_hard){ if (battle_config.mob_ai&0x20) map_foreachmob(mob_ai_sub_lazy,tick); else map_foreachpc(mob_ai_sub_foreachclient,tick); return 0; } /** * Set random option for item when dropped from monster * @param itm Item data * @param mobdrop Drop data * @author [Cydh] **/ void mob_setdropitem_option(struct item *itm, struct s_mob_drop *mobdrop) { struct s_random_opt_group *g = NULL; if (!itm || !mobdrop || mobdrop->randomopt_group == RDMOPTG_None) return; if ((g = itemdb_randomopt_group_exists(mobdrop->randomopt_group)) && g->total) { int r = rnd()%g->total; if (&g->entries[r]) { memcpy(&itm->option, &g->entries , sizeof(itm->option)); return; } } } /*========================================== * Initializes the delay drop structure for mob-dropped items. *------------------------------------------*/ static struct item_drop* mob_setdropitem(struct s_mob_drop *mobdrop, int qty, unsigned short mob_id) { struct item_drop *drop = ers_alloc(item_drop_ers, struct item_drop); memset(&drop->item_data, 0, sizeof(struct item)); drop->item_data.nameid = mobdrop->nameid; drop->item_data.amount = qty; drop->item_data.identify = itemdb_isidentified(mobdrop->nameid); mob_setdropitem_option(&drop->item_data, mobdrop); drop->mob_id = mob_id; drop->next = NULL; return drop; } /*========================================== * Initializes the delay drop structure for mob-looted items. *------------------------------------------*/ static struct item_drop* mob_setlootitem(struct s_mob_lootitem *item, unsigned short mob_id) { struct item_drop *drop = ers_alloc(item_drop_ers, struct item_drop); memcpy(&drop->item_data, item, sizeof(struct item)); /** * Conditions for lotted item, so it can be announced when player pick it up * 1. Not-dropped other than monster. (This will be done later on pc_takeitem/party_share_loot) * 2. The mob_id is become the last lootter, instead of the real monster who drop it. **/ drop->mob_id = item->mob_id; drop->next = NULL; return drop; } /*========================================== * item drop with delay (timer function) *------------------------------------------*/ static TIMER_FUNC(mob_delay_item_drop){ struct item_drop_list *list; struct item_drop *ditem; list = (struct item_drop_list *)data; ditem = list->item; while (ditem) { struct item_drop *ditem_prev; map_addflooritem(&ditem->item_data,ditem->item_data.amount, list->m,list->x,list->y, list->first_charid,list->second_charid,list->third_charid,4,ditem->mob_id,true); ditem_prev = ditem; ditem = ditem->next; ers_free(item_drop_ers, ditem_prev); } ers_free(item_drop_list_ers, list); return 0; } /*========================================== * Sets the item_drop into the item_drop_list. * Also performs logging and autoloot if enabled. * rate is the drop-rate of the item, required for autoloot. * flag : Killed only by homunculus? *------------------------------------------*/ static void mob_item_drop(struct mob_data *md, struct item_drop_list *dlist, struct item_drop *ditem, int loot, int drop_rate, unsigned short flag) { TBL_PC* sd; bool test_autoloot; //Logs items, dropped by mobs [Lupus] log_pick_mob(md, loot?LOG_TYPE_LOOT:LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_MONSTER, -ditem->item_data.amount, &ditem->item_data); sd = map_charid2sd(dlist->first_charid); if( sd == NULL ) sd = map_charid2sd(dlist->second_charid); if( sd == NULL ) sd = map_charid2sd(dlist->third_charid); test_autoloot = sd && (drop_rate <= sd->state.autoloot || pc_isautolooting(sd, ditem->item_data.nameid)) && (battle_config.idle_no_autoloot == 0 || DIFF_TICK(last_tick, sd->idletime) < battle_config.idle_no_autoloot) && (battle_config.homunculus_autoloot?1:!flag); #ifdef AUTOLOOT_DISTANCE test_autoloot = test_autoloot && sd->bl.m == md->bl.m && check_distance_blxy(&sd->bl, dlist->x, dlist->y, AUTOLOOT_DISTANCE); #endif if( test_autoloot ) { //Autoloot. struct party_data *p = party_search(sd->status.party_id); if ((itemdb_search(ditem->item_data.nameid))->flag.broadcast && (!p || !(p->party.item & 2)) // Somehow, if party's pickup distribution is 'Even Share', no announcemet ) intif_broadcast_obtain_special_item(sd, ditem->item_data.nameid, md->mob_id, ITEMOBTAIN_TYPE_MONSTER_ITEM); if (party_share_loot(party_search(sd->status.party_id), sd, &ditem->item_data, sd->status.char_id) == 0 ) { ers_free(item_drop_ers, ditem); return; } } ditem->next = dlist->item; dlist->item = ditem; } TIMER_FUNC(mob_timer_delete){ struct block_list* bl = map_id2bl(id); struct mob_data* md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if( md ) { if( md->deletetimer != tid ) { ShowError("mob_timer_delete: Timer mismatch: %d != %d\n", tid, md->deletetimer); return 0; } //for Alchemist CANNIBALIZE [Lupus] md->deletetimer = INVALID_TIMER; unit_free(bl, CLR_TELEPORT); } return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_deleteslave_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md; int id; nullpo_ret(bl); nullpo_ret(md = (struct mob_data *)bl); id=va_arg(ap,int); if(md->master_id > 0 && md->master_id == id ) status_kill(bl); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_deleteslave(struct mob_data *md) { nullpo_ret(md); map_foreachinmap(mob_deleteslave_sub, md->bl.m, BL_MOB,md->bl.id); return 0; } // Mob respawning through KAIZEL or NPC_REBIRTH [Skotlex] TIMER_FUNC(mob_respawn){ struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(id); if(!bl) return 0; status_revive(bl, (uint8)data, 0); return 1; } void mob_log_damage(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage) { uint32 char_id = 0; int flag = MDLF_NORMAL; if( damage < 0 ) return; //Do nothing for absorbed damage. if( !damage && !(src->type&DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md)) ) return; //Do not log non-damaging effects from non-enemies. switch( src->type ) { case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *sd = (TBL_PC*)src; char_id = sd->status.char_id; if( damage ) md->attacked_id = src->id; break; } case BL_HOM: { struct homun_data *hd = (TBL_HOM*)src; flag = MDLF_HOMUN; if( hd->master ) char_id = hd->master->status.char_id; if( damage ) md->attacked_id = src->id; break; } case BL_MER: { struct mercenary_data *mer = (TBL_MER*)src; if( mer->master ) char_id = mer->master->status.char_id; if( damage ) md->attacked_id = src->id; break; } case BL_PET: { struct pet_data *pd = (TBL_PET*)src; flag = MDLF_PET; if( pd->master ) { char_id = pd->master->status.char_id; if( damage ) //Let mobs retaliate against the pet's master [Skotlex] md->attacked_id = pd->master->bl.id; } break; } case BL_MOB: { struct mob_data* md2 = (TBL_MOB*)src; if( md2->special_state.ai && md2->master_id ) { struct map_session_data* msd = map_id2sd(md2->master_id); if( msd ) char_id = msd->status.char_id; } if( !damage ) break; //Let players decide whether to retaliate versus the master or the mob. [Skotlex] if( md2->master_id && battle_config.retaliate_to_master ) md->attacked_id = md2->master_id; else md->attacked_id = src->id; break; } case BL_ELEM: { struct elemental_data *ele = (TBL_ELEM*)src; if( ele->master ) char_id = ele->master->status.char_id; if( damage ) md->attacked_id = src->id; break; } default: //For all unhandled types. md->attacked_id = src->id; } //Self damage increases tap bonus if (!char_id && src->id == md->bl.id && damage > 0) { char_id = src->id; flag = MDLF_SELF; } if( char_id ) { //Log damage... int i,minpos; unsigned int mindmg; for(i=0,minpos=DAMAGELOG_SIZE-1,mindmg=UINT_MAX;i<DAMAGELOG_SIZE;i++){ if(md->dmglog[i].id==char_id && md->dmglog[i].flag==flag) break; if(md->dmglog[i].id==0) { //Store data in first empty slot. md->dmglog[i].id = char_id; md->dmglog[i].flag= flag; if(md->db->mexp) pc_damage_log_add(map_charid2sd(char_id),md->bl.id); break; } if(md->dmglog[i].dmg<mindmg && i) { //Never overwrite first hit slot (he gets double exp bonus) minpos=i; mindmg=md->dmglog[i].dmg; } } if(i<DAMAGELOG_SIZE) md->dmglog[i].dmg+=damage; else { md->dmglog[minpos].id = char_id; md->dmglog[minpos].flag= flag; md->dmglog[minpos].dmg = damage; if(md->db->mexp) pc_damage_log_add(map_charid2sd(char_id),md->bl.id); } } return; } //Call when a mob has received damage. void mob_damage(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int damage) { if (src && damage > 0) { //Store total damage... if (UINT_MAX - (unsigned int)damage > md->tdmg) md->tdmg += damage; else if (md->tdmg == UINT_MAX) damage = 0; //Stop recording damage once the cap has been reached. else { //Cap damage log... damage = (int)(UINT_MAX - md->tdmg); md->tdmg = UINT_MAX; } if ((src != &md->bl) && md->state.aggressive) //No longer aggressive, change to retaliate AI. md->state.aggressive = 0; //Log damage mob_log_damage(md, src, damage); md->dmgtick = gettick(); } if (battle_config.show_mob_info&3) clif_name_area(&md->bl); #if PACKETVER >= 20120404 if (battle_config.monster_hp_bars_info && !map_getmapflag(md->bl.m, MF_HIDEMOBHPBAR)) { int i; for(i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++){ // must show hp bar to all char who already hit the mob. struct map_session_data *sd = map_charid2sd(md->dmglog[i].id); if( sd && check_distance_bl(&md->bl, &sd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) // check if in range clif_monster_hp_bar(md, sd->fd); } } #endif if (!src) return; if( md->special_state.ai == AI_SPHERE ) {//LOne WOlf explained that ANYONE can trigger the marine countdown skill. [Skotlex] md->state.alchemist = 1; mobskill_use(md, gettick(), MSC_ALCHEMIST); } } /*========================================== * Signals death of mob. * type&1 -> no drops, type&2 -> no exp *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_dead(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, int type) { struct status_data *status; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL, *tmpsd[DAMAGELOG_SIZE]; struct map_session_data *mvp_sd = NULL, *second_sd = NULL, *third_sd = NULL; struct { struct party_data *p; int id,zeny; unsigned int base_exp,job_exp; } pt[DAMAGELOG_SIZE]; int i, temp, count, m = md->bl.m; int dmgbltypes = 0; // bitfield of all bl types, that caused damage to the mob and are elligible for exp distribution unsigned int mvp_damage; t_tick tick = gettick(); bool rebirth, homkillonly; status = &md->status; if( src && src->type == BL_PC ) { sd = (struct map_session_data *)src; mvp_sd = sd; } if( md->guardian_data && md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS ) guild_castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, CD_ENABLED_GUARDIAN00 + md->guardian_data->number,0); if( src ) { // Use Dead skill only if not killed by Script or Command md->status.hp = 1; md->state.skillstate = MSS_DEAD; mobskill_use(md,tick,-1); md->status.hp = 0; } map_freeblock_lock(); memset(pt,0,sizeof(pt)); if(src && src->type == BL_MOB) mob_unlocktarget((struct mob_data *)src,tick); // filter out entries not eligible for exp distribution memset(tmpsd,0,sizeof(tmpsd)); for(i = 0, count = 0, mvp_damage = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE && md->dmglog[i].id; i++) { struct map_session_data* tsd = NULL; if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_SELF) { //Self damage counts as exp tap count++; continue; } tsd = map_charid2sd(md->dmglog[i].id); if (tsd == NULL) continue; // skip empty entries if (tsd->bl.m != m) continue; // skip players not on this map count++; //Only logged into same map chars are counted for the total. if (pc_isdead(tsd)) continue; // skip dead players if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN && !hom_is_active(tsd->hd)) continue; // skip homunc's share if inactive if (md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_PET && (!tsd->status.pet_id || !tsd->pd)) continue; // skip pet's share if inactive if(md->dmglog[i].dmg > mvp_damage) { third_sd = second_sd; second_sd = mvp_sd; mvp_sd = tsd; mvp_damage = md->dmglog[i].dmg; } tmpsd[i] = tsd; // record as valid damage-log entry switch( md->dmglog[i].flag ) { case MDLF_NORMAL: dmgbltypes|= BL_PC; break; case MDLF_HOMUN: dmgbltypes|= BL_HOM; break; case MDLF_PET: dmgbltypes|= BL_PET; break; } } // determines, if the monster was killed by homunculus' damage only homkillonly = (bool)( ( dmgbltypes&BL_HOM ) && !( dmgbltypes&~BL_HOM ) ); if(!battle_config.exp_calc_type && count > 1) { //Apply first-attacker 200% exp share bonus //TODO: Determine if this should go before calculating the MVP player instead of after. if (UINT_MAX - md->dmglog[0].dmg > md->tdmg) { md->tdmg += md->dmglog[0].dmg; md->dmglog[0].dmg<<=1; } else { md->dmglog[0].dmg+= UINT_MAX - md->tdmg; md->tdmg = UINT_MAX; } } if(!(type&2) && //No exp (!map_getmapflag(m, MF_PVP) || battle_config.pvp_exp) && //Pvp no exp rule [MouseJstr] (!md->master_id || !md->special_state.ai) && //Only player-summoned mobs do not give exp. [Skotlex] (!map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOBASEEXP) || !map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOJOBEXP)) //Gives Exp ) { //Experience calculation. int bonus = 100; //Bonus on top of your share (common to all attackers). int pnum = 0; if (md->sc.data[SC_RICHMANKIM]) bonus += md->sc.data[SC_RICHMANKIM]->val2; if(sd) { temp = status_get_class(&md->bl); if(sd->sc.data[SC_MIRACLE]) i = 2; //All mobs are Star Targets else ARR_FIND(0, MAX_PC_FEELHATE, i, temp == sd->hate_mob[i] && (battle_config.allow_skill_without_day || sg_info[i].day_func())); if(i<MAX_PC_FEELHATE && (temp=pc_checkskill(sd,sg_info[i].bless_id))) bonus += (i==2?20:10)*temp; } if(battle_config.mobs_level_up && md->level > md->db->lv) // [Valaris] bonus += (md->level-md->db->lv)*battle_config.mobs_level_up_exp_rate; for(i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE && md->dmglog[i].id; i++) { int flag=1,zeny=0; unsigned int base_exp, job_exp; double per; //Your share of the mob's exp if (!tmpsd[i]) continue; if (!battle_config.exp_calc_type && md->tdmg) //jAthena's exp formula based on total damage. per = (double)md->dmglog[i].dmg/(double)md->tdmg; else { //eAthena's exp formula based on max hp. per = (double)md->dmglog[i].dmg/(double)status->max_hp; if (per > 2) per = 2; // prevents unlimited exp gain } if (count>1 && battle_config.exp_bonus_attacker) { //Exp bonus per additional attacker. if (count > battle_config.exp_bonus_max_attacker) count = battle_config.exp_bonus_max_attacker; per += per*((count-1)*battle_config.exp_bonus_attacker)/100.; } // change experience for different sized monsters [Valaris] if (battle_config.mob_size_influence) { switch( md->special_state.size ) { case SZ_MEDIUM: per /= 2.; break; case SZ_BIG: per *= 2.; break; } } if( md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_PET ) per *= battle_config.pet_attack_exp_rate/100.; if(battle_config.zeny_from_mobs && md->level) { // zeny calculation moblv + random moblv [Valaris] zeny=(int) ((md->level+rnd()%md->level)*per*bonus/100.); if(md->db->mexp > 0) zeny*=rnd()%250; } if (map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOBASEEXP) || !md->db->base_exp) base_exp = 0; else { double exp = apply_rate2(md->db->base_exp, per, 1); exp = apply_rate(exp, bonus); exp = apply_rate(exp, map_getmapflag(m, MF_BEXP)); base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 1, UINT_MAX); } if (map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOJOBEXP) || !md->db->job_exp || md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN) //Homun earned job-exp is always lost. job_exp = 0; else { double exp = apply_rate2(md->db->job_exp, per, 1); exp = apply_rate(exp, bonus); exp = apply_rate(exp, map_getmapflag(m, MF_JEXP)); job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 1, UINT_MAX); } if ( ( temp = tmpsd[i]->status.party_id)>0 ) { int j; for( j = 0; j < pnum && pt[j].id != temp; j++ ); //Locate party. if( j == pnum ) { //Possibly add party. pt[pnum].p = party_search(temp); if(pt[pnum].p && pt[pnum].p->party.exp) { pt[pnum].id = temp; pt[pnum].base_exp = base_exp; pt[pnum].job_exp = job_exp; pt[pnum].zeny = zeny; // zeny share [Valaris] pnum++; flag = 0; } } else { //Add to total if (pt[j].base_exp > UINT_MAX - base_exp) pt[j].base_exp = UINT_MAX; else pt[j].base_exp += base_exp; if (pt[j].job_exp > UINT_MAX - job_exp) pt[j].job_exp = UINT_MAX; else pt[j].job_exp += job_exp; pt[j].zeny += zeny; // zeny share [Valaris] flag = 0; } } if(base_exp && md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN) //tmpsd[i] is null if it has no homunc. hom_gainexp(tmpsd[i]->hd, base_exp); if(flag) { if(base_exp || job_exp) { if( md->dmglog[i].flag != MDLF_PET || battle_config.pet_attack_exp_to_master ) { #ifdef RENEWAL_EXP int rate = pc_level_penalty_mod(md->level - tmpsd[i]->status.base_level, md->status.class_, md->status.mode, 1); if (rate != 100) { if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(apply_rate(base_exp, rate), 1, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(apply_rate(job_exp, rate), 1, UINT_MAX); } #endif pc_gainexp(tmpsd[i], &md->bl, base_exp, job_exp, 0); } } if(zeny) // zeny from mobs [Valaris] pc_getzeny(tmpsd[i], zeny, LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_MONSTER, NULL); } if( md->db->mexp ) pc_damage_log_clear(tmpsd[i],md->bl.id); } for( i = 0; i < pnum; i++ ) //Party share. party_exp_share(pt[i].p, &md->bl, pt[i].base_exp,pt[i].job_exp,pt[i].zeny); } //End EXP giving. if( !(type&1) && !map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOMOBLOOT) && !md->state.rebirth && ( !md->special_state.ai || //Non special mob battle_config.alchemist_summon_reward == 2 || //All summoned give drops (md->special_state.ai==AI_SPHERE && battle_config.alchemist_summon_reward == 1) //Marine Sphere Drops items. ) ) { // Item Drop struct item_drop_list *dlist = ers_alloc(item_drop_list_ers, struct item_drop_list); struct item_drop *ditem; struct item_data* it = NULL; int drop_rate; #ifdef RENEWAL_DROP int drop_modifier = mvp_sd ? pc_level_penalty_mod(md->level - mvp_sd->status.base_level, md->status.class_, md->status.mode, 2) : second_sd ? pc_level_penalty_mod(md->level - second_sd->status.base_level, md->status.class_, md->status.mode, 2): third_sd ? pc_level_penalty_mod(md->level - third_sd->status.base_level, md->status.class_, md->status.mode, 2) : 100; // No player was attached, we don't use any modifier (100 = rates are not touched) #endif dlist->m = md->bl.m; dlist->x = md->bl.x; dlist->y = md->bl.y; dlist->first_charid = (mvp_sd ? mvp_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->second_charid = (second_sd ? second_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->third_charid = (third_sd ? third_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->item = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP_TOTAL; i++) { if (md->db->dropitem[i].nameid <= 0) continue; if ( !(it = itemdb_exists(md->db->dropitem[i].nameid)) ) continue; drop_rate = md->db->dropitem[i].p; if (drop_rate <= 0) { if (battle_config.drop_rate0item) continue; drop_rate = 1; } // change drops depending on monsters size [Valaris] if (battle_config.mob_size_influence) { if (md->special_state.size == SZ_MEDIUM && drop_rate >= 2) drop_rate /= 2; else if( md->special_state.size == SZ_BIG) drop_rate *= 2; } if (src) { //Drops affected by luk as a fixed increase [Valaris] if (battle_config.drops_by_luk) drop_rate += status_get_luk(src)*battle_config.drops_by_luk/100; //Drops affected by luk as a % increase [Skotlex] if (battle_config.drops_by_luk2) drop_rate += (int)(0.5+drop_rate*status_get_luk(src)*battle_config.drops_by_luk2/10000.); } // Player specific drop rate adjustments if( sd ){ int drop_rate_bonus = 0; // pk_mode increase drops if 20 level difference [Valaris] if( battle_config.pk_mode && (int)(md->level - sd->status.base_level) >= 20 ) drop_rate = (int)(drop_rate*1.25); // Add class and race specific bonuses drop_rate_bonus += sd->dropaddclass[md->status.class_] + sd->dropaddclass[CLASS_ALL]; drop_rate_bonus += sd->dropaddrace[md->status.race] + sd->dropaddrace[RC_ALL]; // Increase drop rate if user has SC_ITEMBOOST if (sd->sc.data[SC_ITEMBOOST]) drop_rate_bonus += sd->sc.data[SC_ITEMBOOST]->val1; drop_rate_bonus = (int)(0.5 + drop_rate * drop_rate_bonus / 100.); // Now rig the drop rate to never be over 90% unless it is originally >90%. drop_rate = i32max(drop_rate, cap_value(drop_rate_bonus, 0, 9000)); if (pc_isvip(sd)) { // Increase item drop rate for VIP. drop_rate += (int)(0.5 + drop_rate * battle_config.vip_drop_increase / 100.); drop_rate = min(drop_rate,10000); //cap it to 100% } } #ifdef RENEWAL_DROP if( drop_modifier != 100 ) { drop_rate = apply_rate(drop_rate, drop_modifier); if( drop_rate < 1 ) drop_rate = 1; } #endif // attempt to drop the item if (rnd() % 10000 >= drop_rate) continue; if( mvp_sd && it->type == IT_PETEGG ) { pet_create_egg(mvp_sd, md->db->dropitem[i].nameid); continue; } ditem = mob_setdropitem(&md->db->dropitem[i], 1, md->mob_id); //A Rare Drop Global Announce by Lupus if( mvp_sd && drop_rate <= battle_config.rare_drop_announce ) { char message[128]; sprintf (message, msg_txt(NULL,541), mvp_sd->status.name, md->name, it->jname, (float)drop_rate/100); //MSG: "'%s' won %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%)" intif_broadcast(message,strlen(message)+1,BC_DEFAULT); } // Announce first, or else ditem will be freed. [Lance] // By popular demand, use base drop rate for autoloot code. [Skotlex] mob_item_drop(md, dlist, ditem, 0, battle_config.autoloot_adjust ? drop_rate : md->db->dropitem[i].p, homkillonly); } // Ore Discovery [Celest] if (sd == mvp_sd && pc_checkskill(sd,BS_FINDINGORE)>0 && battle_config.finding_ore_rate/10 >= rnd()%10000) { struct s_mob_drop mobdrop; memset(&mobdrop, 0, sizeof(struct s_mob_drop)); mobdrop.nameid = itemdb_searchrandomid(IG_FINDINGORE,1); ditem = mob_setdropitem(&mobdrop, 1, md->mob_id); mob_item_drop(md, dlist, ditem, 0, battle_config.finding_ore_rate/10, homkillonly); } if(sd) { // process script-granted extra drop bonuses uint16 dropid = 0; for (const auto &it : sd->add_drop) { struct s_mob_drop mobdrop; if (!&it || (!it.nameid && !it.group)) continue; if ((it.race < RC_NONE_ && it.race == -md->mob_id) || //Race < RC_NONE_, use mob_id (it.race == RC_ALL || it.race == status->race) || //Matched race (it.class_ == CLASS_ALL || it.class_ == status->class_)) //Matched class { //Check if the bonus item drop rate should be multiplied with mob level/10 [Lupus] if (it.rate < 0) { //It's negative, then it should be multiplied. with mob_level/10 //rate = base_rate * (mob_level/10) + 1 drop_rate = (-it.rate) * md->level / 10 + 1; drop_rate = cap_value(drop_rate, max(battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_min,1), min(battle_config.item_drop_adddrop_max,10000)); } else //it's positive, then it goes as it is drop_rate = it.rate; if (rnd()%10000 >= drop_rate) continue; dropid = (it.nameid > 0) ? it.nameid : itemdb_searchrandomid(it.group,1); memset(&mobdrop, 0, sizeof(struct s_mob_drop)); mobdrop.nameid = dropid; mob_item_drop(md, dlist, mob_setdropitem(&mobdrop,1,md->mob_id), 0, drop_rate, homkillonly); } } // process script-granted zeny bonus (get_zeny_num) [Skotlex] if( sd->bonus.get_zeny_num && rnd()%100 < sd->bonus.get_zeny_rate ) { i = sd->bonus.get_zeny_num > 0 ? sd->bonus.get_zeny_num : -md->level * sd->bonus.get_zeny_num; if (!i) i = 1; pc_getzeny(sd, 1+rnd()%i, LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_MONSTER, NULL); } } // process items looted by the mob if (md->lootitems) { for (i = 0; i < md->lootitem_count; i++) mob_item_drop(md, dlist, mob_setlootitem(&md->lootitems[i], md->mob_id), 1, 10000, homkillonly); } if (dlist->item) //There are drop items. add_timer(tick + (!battle_config.delay_battle_damage?500:0), mob_delay_item_drop, 0, (intptr_t)dlist); else //No drops ers_free(item_drop_list_ers, dlist); } else if (md->lootitems && md->lootitem_count) { //Loot MUST drop! struct item_drop_list *dlist = ers_alloc(item_drop_list_ers, struct item_drop_list); dlist->m = md->bl.m; dlist->x = md->bl.x; dlist->y = md->bl.y; dlist->first_charid = (mvp_sd ? mvp_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->second_charid = (second_sd ? second_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->third_charid = (third_sd ? third_sd->status.char_id : 0); dlist->item = NULL; for (i = 0; i < md->lootitem_count; i++) mob_item_drop(md, dlist, mob_setlootitem(&md->lootitems[i], md->mob_id), 1, 10000, homkillonly); add_timer(tick + (!battle_config.delay_battle_damage?500:0), mob_delay_item_drop, 0, (intptr_t)dlist); } if(mvp_sd && md->db->mexp > 0 && !md->special_state.ai) { unsigned int log_mvp[2] = {0}; unsigned int mexp; struct item item; double exp; //mapflag: noexp check [Lorky] if (map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOBASEEXP) || type&2) exp =1; else { exp = md->db->mexp; if (count > 1) exp += exp*(battle_config.exp_bonus_attacker*(count-1))/100.; //[Gengar] } mexp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 1, UINT_MAX); clif_mvp_effect(mvp_sd); clif_mvp_exp(mvp_sd,mexp); pc_gainexp(mvp_sd, &md->bl, mexp,0, 0); log_mvp[1] = mexp; if( !(map_getmapflag(m, MF_NOMVPLOOT) || type&1) ) { //Order might be random depending on item_drop_mvp_mode config setting struct s_mob_drop mdrop[MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL]; memset(&mdrop,0,sizeof(mdrop)); if(battle_config.item_drop_mvp_mode == 1) { //Random order for(i = 0; i < MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL; i++) { while( 1 ) { uint8 va = rnd()%MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL; if (mdrop[va].nameid == 0) { if (md->db->mvpitem[i].nameid > 0) memcpy(&mdrop[va],&md->db->mvpitem[i],sizeof(mdrop[va])); break; } } } } else { //Normal order for(i = 0; i < MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL; i++) { if (md->db->mvpitem[i].nameid > 0) memcpy(&mdrop[i],&md->db->mvpitem[i],sizeof(mdrop[i])); } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL; i++) { struct item_data *i_data; if(mdrop[i].nameid <= 0 || !(i_data = itemdb_exists(mdrop[i].nameid))) continue; temp = mdrop[i].p; if (temp != 10000) { if(temp <= 0 && !battle_config.drop_rate0item) temp = 1; if(rnd()%10000 >= temp) //if ==0, then it doesn't drop continue; } memset(&item,0,sizeof(item)); item.nameid=mdrop[i].nameid; item.identify= itemdb_isidentified(item.nameid); clif_mvp_item(mvp_sd,item.nameid); log_mvp[0] = item.nameid; //A Rare MVP Drop Global Announce by Lupus if(temp<=battle_config.rare_drop_announce) { char message[128]; sprintf (message, msg_txt(NULL,541), mvp_sd->status.name, md->name, i_data->jname, temp/100.); //MSG: "'%s' won %s's %s (chance: %0.02f%%)" intif_broadcast(message,strlen(message)+1,BC_DEFAULT); } mob_setdropitem_option(&item, &mdrop[i]); if((temp = pc_additem(mvp_sd,&item,1,LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_PLAYER)) != 0) { clif_additem(mvp_sd,0,0,temp); map_addflooritem(&item,1,mvp_sd->bl.m,mvp_sd->bl.x,mvp_sd->bl.y,mvp_sd->status.char_id,(second_sd?second_sd->status.char_id:0),(third_sd?third_sd->status.char_id:0),1,0,true); } if (i_data->flag.broadcast) intif_broadcast_obtain_special_item(mvp_sd, item.nameid, md->mob_id, ITEMOBTAIN_TYPE_MONSTER_ITEM); //Logs items, MVP prizes [Lupus] log_pick_mob(md, LOG_TYPE_MVP, -1, &item); //If item_drop_mvp_mode is not 2, then only one item should be granted if(battle_config.item_drop_mvp_mode != 2) { break; } } } log_mvpdrop(mvp_sd, md->mob_id, log_mvp); } if (type&2 && !sd && md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM) //Emperium destroyed by script. Discard mvp character. [Skotlex] mvp_sd = NULL; rebirth = ( md->sc.data[SC_KAIZEL] || (md->sc.data[SC_REBIRTH] && !md->state.rebirth) ); if( !rebirth ) { // Only trigger event on final kill if( src ) { switch( src->type ) { //allowed type case BL_PET: case BL_HOM: case BL_MER: case BL_ELEM: case BL_MOB: sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC,battle_get_master(src)); } } if (sd) { struct mob_db *mission_mdb = mob_db(sd->mission_mobid); if ((sd->mission_mobid == md->mob_id) || (mission_mdb != nullptr && ((battle_config.taekwon_mission_mobname == 1 && status_get_race2(&md->bl) == RC2_GOBLIN && mission_mdb->race2 == RC2_GOBLIN) || (battle_config.taekwon_mission_mobname == 2 && strcmp(mob_db(md->mob_id)->jname, mission_mdb->jname) == 0)))) { //TK_MISSION [Skotlex] if (++(sd->mission_count) >= 100 && (temp = mob_get_random_id(MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree, static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(RMF_CHECK_MOB_LV|RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS|RMF_MOB_NOT_SPAWN), sd->status.base_level))) { pc_addfame(sd, battle_config.fame_taekwon_mission); sd->mission_mobid = temp; pc_setglobalreg(sd, add_str(TKMISSIONID_VAR), temp); sd->mission_count = 0; clif_mission_info(sd, temp, 0); } pc_setglobalreg(sd, add_str(TKMISSIONCOUNT_VAR), sd->mission_count); } if (sd->status.party_id) map_foreachinallrange(quest_update_objective_sub, &md->bl, AREA_SIZE, BL_PC, sd->status.party_id, md->mob_id); else if (sd->avail_quests) quest_update_objective(sd, md->mob_id); if (achievement_db.mobexists(md->mob_id)) achievement_update_objective(sd, AG_BATTLE, 1, md->mob_id); if (sd->md && src && src->type == BL_MER && mob_db(md->mob_id)->lv > sd->status.base_level / 2) mercenary_kills(sd->md); } if( md->npc_event[0] && !md->state.npc_killmonster ) { if( sd && battle_config.mob_npc_event_type ) { pc_setparam(sd, SP_KILLEDGID, md->bl.id); pc_setparam(sd, SP_KILLEDRID, md->mob_id); pc_setparam(sd, SP_KILLERRID, sd->bl.id); npc_event(sd,md->npc_event,0); } else if( mvp_sd ) { pc_setparam(mvp_sd, SP_KILLEDGID, md->bl.id); pc_setparam(mvp_sd, SP_KILLEDRID, md->mob_id); pc_setparam(mvp_sd, SP_KILLERRID, sd?sd->bl.id:0); npc_event(mvp_sd,md->npc_event,0); } else npc_event_do(md->npc_event); } else if( mvp_sd && !md->state.npc_killmonster ) { pc_setparam(mvp_sd, SP_KILLEDGID, md->bl.id); pc_setparam(mvp_sd, SP_KILLEDRID, md->mob_id); npc_script_event(mvp_sd, NPCE_KILLNPC); // PCKillNPC [Lance] } } if(md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER) { delete_timer(md->deletetimer,mob_timer_delete); md->deletetimer = INVALID_TIMER; } /** * Only loops if necessary (e.g. a poring would never need to loop) **/ if( md->can_summon ) mob_deleteslave(md); map_freeblock_unlock(); if( !rebirth ) { if( pcdb_checkid(md->vd->class_) ) {//Player mobs are not removed automatically by the client. /* first we set them dead, then we delay the outsight effect */ clif_clearunit_area(&md->bl,CLR_DEAD); clif_clearunit_delayed(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT,tick+3000); } else /** * We give the client some time to breath and this allows it to display anything it'd like with the dead corpose * For example, this delay allows it to display soul drain effect **/ clif_clearunit_delayed(&md->bl, CLR_DEAD, tick+250); } if(!md->spawn){ //Tell status_damage to remove it from memory. struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(&md->bl); // If the unit is currently in a walk script, it will be removed there return ud->state.walk_script ? 3 : 5; // Note: Actually, it's 4. Oh well... } // MvP tomb [GreenBox] if (battle_config.mvp_tomb_enabled && md->spawn->state.boss && map_getmapflag(md->bl.m, MF_NOTOMB) != 1) mvptomb_create(md, mvp_sd ? mvp_sd->status.name : NULL, time(NULL)); if( !rebirth ) mob_setdelayspawn(md); //Set respawning. return 3; //Remove from map. } /** * Resurect a mob with x hp (reset value and respawn on map) * @param md : mob pointer * @param hp : hp to resurect him with, @FIXME unused atm */ void mob_revive(struct mob_data *md, unsigned int hp) { t_tick tick = gettick(); md->state.skillstate = MSS_IDLE; md->last_thinktime = tick; md->next_walktime = tick+rnd()%1000+MIN_RANDOMWALKTIME; md->last_linktime = tick; md->last_pcneartime = 0; memset(md->dmglog, 0, sizeof(md->dmglog)); // Reset the damage done on the rebirthed monster, otherwise will grant full exp + damage done. [Valaris] md->tdmg = 0; if (!md->bl.prev){ if(map_addblock(&md->bl)) return; } clif_spawn(&md->bl); skill_unit_move(&md->bl,tick,1); mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_SPAWN); if (battle_config.show_mob_info&3) clif_name_area(&md->bl); } int mob_guardian_guildchange(struct mob_data *md) { struct guild *g; nullpo_ret(md); if (!md->guardian_data) return 0; if (md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id == 0) { //Castle with no owner? Delete the guardians. if (md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM) { //But don't delete the emperium, just clear it's guild-data md->guardian_data->guild_id = 0; md->guardian_data->emblem_id = 0; md->guardian_data->guild_name[0] = '\0'; } else { if (md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS && md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].visible) guild_castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, CD_ENABLED_GUARDIAN00 + md->guardian_data->number, 0); unit_free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); //Remove guardian. } return 0; } g = guild_search(md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id); if (g == NULL) { //Properly remove guardian info from Castle data. ShowError("mob_guardian_guildchange: New Guild (id %d) does not exists!\n", md->guardian_data->guild_id); if (md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS) guild_castledatasave(md->guardian_data->castle->castle_id, CD_ENABLED_GUARDIAN00 + md->guardian_data->number, 0); unit_free(&md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT); return 0; } md->guardian_data->guild_id = g->guild_id; md->guardian_data->emblem_id = g->emblem_id; md->guardian_data->guardup_lv = guild_checkskill(g,GD_GUARDUP); memcpy(md->guardian_data->guild_name, g->name, NAME_LENGTH); return 1; } /*========================================== * Pick a random class for the mob *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_random_class(int *value, size_t count) { nullpo_ret(value); // no count specified, look into the array manually, but take only max 5 elements if (count < 1) { count = 0; while(count < 5 && mobdb_checkid(value[count])) count++; if(count < 1) // nothing found return 0; } else { // check if at least the first value is valid if(mobdb_checkid(value[0]) == 0) return 0; } //Pick a random value, hoping it exists. [Skotlex] return mobdb_checkid(value[rnd()%count]); } /** * Returns the SpawnInfos of the mob_db entry (mob_spawn_data[mobid]) * if mobid is not in mob_spawn_data returns empty spawn_info vector * @param mob_id - Looking for spawns of this Monster ID */ const std::vector<spawn_info> mob_get_spawns(uint16 mob_id) { auto mob_spawn_it = mob_spawn_data.find(mob_id); if ( mob_spawn_it != mob_spawn_data.end() ) return mob_spawn_it->second; return std::vector<spawn_info>(); } /** * Checks if a monster is spawned. Returns true if yes, false otherwise. * @param mob_id - Monster ID which is checked */ bool mob_has_spawn(uint16 mob_id) { // It's enough to check if the monster is in mob_spawn_data, because // none or empty spawns are ignored. Thus the monster is spawned. return mob_spawn_data.find(mob_id) != mob_spawn_data.end(); } /** * Adds a spawn info to the specific mob. (To mob_spawn_data) * @param mob_id - Monster ID spawned * @param new_spawn - spawn_info holding the map and quantity of the spawn */ void mob_add_spawn(uint16 mob_id, const struct spawn_info& new_spawn) { unsigned short m = new_spawn.mapindex; if( new_spawn.qty <= 0 ) return; //ignore empty spawns std::vector<spawn_info>& spawns = mob_spawn_data[mob_id]; // Search if the map is already in spawns auto itSameMap = std::find_if(spawns.begin(), spawns.end(), [&m] (const spawn_info &s) { return (s.mapindex == m); }); if( itSameMap != spawns.end() ) itSameMap->qty += new_spawn.qty; // add quantity, if map is found else spawns.push_back(new_spawn); // else, add the whole spawn info // sort spawns by spawn quantity std::sort(spawns.begin(), spawns.end(), [](const spawn_info & a, const spawn_info & b) -> bool { return a.qty > b.qty; }); /** Note Spawns are sorted after every addition. This makes reloadscript slower, but some spawns may be added directly by loadscript or something similar. */ } /*========================================== * Change mob base class *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_class_change (struct mob_data *md, int mob_id) { t_tick tick = gettick(); int i, hp_rate; nullpo_ret(md); if( md->bl.prev == NULL ) return 0; if (!mob_id || !mobdb_checkid(mob_id)) return 0; //Disable class changing for some targets... if (md->guardian_data) return 0; //Guardians/Emperium if (status_get_race2(&md->bl) == RC2_TREASURE) return 0; //Treasure Boxes if( md->special_state.ai > AI_ATTACK ) return 0; //Marine Spheres and Floras. if( mob_is_clone(md->mob_id) ) return 0; //Clones if( md->mob_id == mob_id ) return 0; //Nothing to change. hp_rate = get_percentage(md->status.hp, md->status.max_hp); md->mob_id = mob_id; md->db = mob_db(mob_id); if (battle_config.override_mob_names==1) memcpy(md->name,md->db->name,NAME_LENGTH); else memcpy(md->name,md->db->jname,NAME_LENGTH); status_change_end(&md->bl,SC_KEEPING,INVALID_TIMER); // End before calling status_calc_mob(). mob_stop_attack(md); mob_stop_walking(md, 0); unit_skillcastcancel(&md->bl, 0); status_set_viewdata(&md->bl, mob_id); clif_mob_class_change(md,md->vd->class_); status_calc_mob(md,SCO_FIRST); md->ud.state.speed_changed = 1; //Speed change update. if (battle_config.monster_class_change_recover) { memset(md->dmglog, 0, sizeof(md->dmglog)); md->tdmg = 0; } else { md->status.hp = md->status.max_hp*hp_rate/100; if(md->status.hp < 1) md->status.hp = 1; } t_tick c = tick - MOB_MAX_DELAY; for(i=0;i<MAX_MOBSKILL;i++) md->skilldelay[i] = c; if (md->lootitems == NULL && status_has_mode(&md->db->status,MD_LOOTER)) md->lootitems = (struct s_mob_lootitem *)aCalloc(LOOTITEM_SIZE,sizeof(struct s_mob_lootitem)); //Targets should be cleared no morph md->target_id = md->attacked_id = md->norm_attacked_id = 0; //Need to update name display. clif_name_area(&md->bl); return 0; } /*========================================== * mob heal, update display hp info of mob for players *------------------------------------------*/ void mob_heal(struct mob_data *md,unsigned int heal) { if (battle_config.show_mob_info&3) clif_name_area(&md->bl); #if PACKETVER >= 20120404 if (battle_config.monster_hp_bars_info && !map_getmapflag(md->bl.m, MF_HIDEMOBHPBAR)) { int i; for(i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++)// must show hp bar to all char who already hit the mob. if( md->dmglog[i].id ) { struct map_session_data *sd = map_charid2sd(md->dmglog[i].id); if( sd && check_distance_bl(&md->bl, &sd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) // check if in range clif_monster_hp_bar(md, sd->fd); } } #endif } /*========================================== * Added by RoVeRT *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_warpslave_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { struct mob_data *md=(struct mob_data *)bl; struct block_list *master; short x,y,range=0; master = va_arg(ap, struct block_list*); range = va_arg(ap, int); if(md->master_id!=master->id) return 0; map_search_freecell(master, 0, &x, &y, range, range, 0); unit_warp(&md->bl, master->m, x, y,CLR_TELEPORT); return 1; } /*========================================== * Added by RoVeRT * Warps slaves. Range is the area around the master that they can * appear in randomly. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_warpslave(struct block_list *bl, int range) { if (range < 1) range = 1; //Min range needed to avoid crashes and stuff. [Skotlex] return map_foreachinmap(mob_warpslave_sub, bl->m, BL_MOB, bl, range); } /*========================================== * Counts slave sub, curently checking if mob master is the given ID. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_countslave_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int id; struct mob_data *md; id=va_arg(ap,int); md = (struct mob_data *)bl; if( md->master_id==id ) return 1; return 0; } /*========================================== * Counts the number of slaves a mob has on the map. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_countslave(struct block_list *bl) { return map_foreachinmap(mob_countslave_sub, bl->m, BL_MOB,bl->id); } /*========================================== * Summons amount slaves contained in the value[5] array using round-robin. [adapted by Skotlex] *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_summonslave(struct mob_data *md2,int *value,int amount,uint16 skill_id) { struct mob_data *md; struct spawn_data data; int count = 0,k=0,hp_rate=0; nullpo_ret(md2); nullpo_ret(value); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct spawn_data)); data.m = md2->bl.m; data.x = md2->bl.x; data.y = md2->bl.y; data.num = 1; data.state.size = md2->special_state.size; data.state.ai = md2->special_state.ai; if(mobdb_checkid(value[0]) == 0) return 0; /** * Flags this monster is able to summon; saves a worth amount of memory upon deletion **/ md2->can_summon = 1; while(count < 5 && mobdb_checkid(value[count])) count++; if(count < 1) return 0; if (amount > 0 && amount < count) { //Do not start on 0, pick some random sub subset [Skotlex] k = rnd()%count; amount+=k; //Increase final value by same amount to preserve total number to summon. } if (!battle_config.monster_class_change_recover && (skill_id == NPC_TRANSFORMATION || skill_id == NPC_METAMORPHOSIS)) hp_rate = get_percentage(md2->status.hp, md2->status.max_hp); for(;k<amount;k++) { short x,y; data.id = value[k%count]; //Summon slaves in round-robin fashion. [Skotlex] if (mobdb_checkid(data.id) == 0) continue; if (skill_id != NPC_DEATHSUMMON && map_search_freecell(&md2->bl, 0, &x, &y, MOB_SLAVEDISTANCE, MOB_SLAVEDISTANCE, 0)) { data.x = x; data.y = y; } else { data.x = md2->bl.x; data.y = md2->bl.y; } //These two need to be loaded from the db for each slave. if(battle_config.override_mob_names==1) strcpy(data.name,"--en--"); else strcpy(data.name,"--ja--"); if (!mob_parse_dataset(&data)) continue; md= mob_spawn_dataset(&data); if(skill_id == NPC_SUMMONSLAVE){ md->master_id=md2->bl.id; md->special_state.ai = md2->special_state.ai; } mob_spawn(md); if (hp_rate) //Scale HP md->status.hp = md->status.max_hp*hp_rate/100; if (skill_id == NPC_SUMMONSLAVE) // Only appies to NPC_SUMMONSLAVE status_calc_slave_mode(md, md2); // Inherit the aggressive mode of the master. if (md2->state.copy_master_mode) md->status.mode = md2->status.mode; clif_skill_nodamage(&md->bl,&md->bl,skill_id,amount,1); } return 0; } /*========================================== * MOBskill lookup (get skillindex through skill_id) * Returns -1 if not found. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_skill_id2skill_idx(int mob_id,uint16 skill_id) { int i, max = mob_db(mob_id)->maxskill; struct mob_skill *ms=mob_db(mob_id)->skill; if(ms==NULL) return -1; ARR_FIND( 0, max, i, ms[i].skill_id == skill_id ); return ( i < max ) ? i : -1; } /*========================================== * Friendly Mob whose HP is decreasing by a nearby MOB is looked for. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_getfriendhprate_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int min_rate, max_rate,rate; struct block_list **fr; struct mob_data *md; md = va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *); min_rate=va_arg(ap,int); max_rate=va_arg(ap,int); fr=va_arg(ap,struct block_list **); if( md->bl.id == bl->id && !(battle_config.mob_ai&0x10)) return 0; if ((*fr) != NULL) //A friend was already found. return 0; if (battle_check_target(&md->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY)>0) return 0; rate = get_percentage(status_get_hp(bl), status_get_max_hp(bl)); if (rate >= min_rate && rate <= max_rate) (*fr) = bl; return 1; } static struct block_list *mob_getfriendhprate(struct mob_data *md,int min_rate,int max_rate) { struct block_list *fr=NULL; int type = BL_MOB; nullpo_retr(NULL, md); if (md->special_state.ai) //Summoned creatures. [Skotlex] type = BL_PC; map_foreachinallrange(mob_getfriendhprate_sub, &md->bl, 8, type,md,min_rate,max_rate,&fr); return fr; } /*========================================== * Check hp rate of its master *------------------------------------------*/ struct block_list *mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate(struct mob_data *md,int rate) { if( md && md->master_id > 0 ) { struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(md->master_id); if( bl && get_percentage(status_get_hp(bl), status_get_max_hp(bl)) < rate ) return bl; } return NULL; } /*========================================== * What a status state suits by nearby MOB is looked for. *------------------------------------------*/ int mob_getfriendstatus_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int cond1,cond2; struct mob_data **fr, *md, *mmd; int flag=0; nullpo_ret(bl); nullpo_ret(md=(struct mob_data *)bl); nullpo_ret(mmd=va_arg(ap,struct mob_data *)); if( mmd->bl.id == bl->id && !(battle_config.mob_ai&0x10) ) return 0; if (battle_check_target(&mmd->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY)>0) return 0; cond1=va_arg(ap,int); cond2=va_arg(ap,int); fr=va_arg(ap,struct mob_data **); if( cond2==-1 ){ int j; for(j=SC_COMMON_MIN;j<=SC_COMMON_MAX && !flag;j++){ if ((flag=(md->sc.data[j] != NULL))) //Once an effect was found, break out. [Skotlex] break; } }else flag=( md->sc.data[cond2] != NULL ); if( flag^( cond1==MSC_FRIENDSTATUSOFF ) ) (*fr)=md; return 0; } struct mob_data *mob_getfriendstatus(struct mob_data *md,int cond1,int cond2) { struct mob_data* fr = NULL; nullpo_ret(md); map_foreachinallrange(mob_getfriendstatus_sub, &md->bl, 8,BL_MOB, md,cond1,cond2,&fr); return fr; } /*========================================== * Skill use judging *------------------------------------------*/ int mobskill_use(struct mob_data *md, t_tick tick, int event) { struct mob_skill *ms; struct block_list *fbl = NULL; //Friend bl, which can either be a BL_PC or BL_MOB depending on the situation. [Skotlex] struct block_list *bl; struct mob_data *fmd = NULL; int i,j,n; short skill_target; nullpo_ret(md); nullpo_ret(ms = md->db->skill); if (!battle_config.mob_skill_rate || md->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER || !md->db->maxskill || status_has_mode(&md->status,MD_NOCAST_SKILL)) return 0; if (event == -1 && DIFF_TICK(md->ud.canact_tick, tick) > 0) return 0; //Skill act delay only affects non-event skills. //Pick a starting position and loop from that. i = battle_config.mob_ai&0x100?rnd()%md->db->maxskill:0; for (n = 0; n < md->db->maxskill; i++, n++) { int c2, flag = 0; if (i == md->db->maxskill) i = 0; if (DIFF_TICK(tick, md->skilldelay[i]) < ms[i].delay) continue; c2 = ms[i].cond2; if (ms[i].state != md->state.skillstate) { if (md->state.skillstate != MSS_DEAD && (ms[i].state == MSS_ANY || (ms[i].state == MSS_ANYTARGET && md->target_id && md->state.skillstate != MSS_LOOT) )) //ANYTARGET works with any state as long as there's a target. [Skotlex] ; else continue; } if (rnd() % 10000 > ms[i].permillage) //Lupus (max value = 10000) continue; if (ms[i].cond1 == event) flag = 1; //Trigger skill. else if (ms[i].cond1 == MSC_SKILLUSED) flag = ((event & 0xffff) == MSC_SKILLUSED && ((event >> 16) == c2 || c2 == 0)); else if(event == -1){ //Avoid entering on defined events to avoid "hyper-active skill use" due to the overflow of calls to this function in battle. switch (ms[i].cond1) { case MSC_ALWAYS: flag = 1; break; case MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE: // HP< maxhp% flag = get_percentage(md->status.hp, md->status.max_hp); flag = (flag <= c2); break; case MSC_MYHPINRATE: flag = get_percentage(md->status.hp, md->status.max_hp); flag = (flag >= c2 && flag <= ms[i].val[0]); break; case MSC_MYSTATUSON: // status[num] on case MSC_MYSTATUSOFF: // status[num] off if (!md->sc.count) { flag = 0; } else if (ms[i].cond2 == -1) { for (j = SC_COMMON_MIN; j <= SC_COMMON_MAX; j++) if ((flag = (md->sc.data[j]!=NULL)) != 0) break; } else { flag = (md->sc.data[ms[i].cond2]!=NULL); } flag ^= (ms[i].cond1 == MSC_MYSTATUSOFF); break; case MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE: // friend HP < maxhp% flag = ((fbl = mob_getfriendhprate(md, 0, ms[i].cond2)) != NULL); break; case MSC_FRIENDHPINRATE : flag = ((fbl = mob_getfriendhprate(md, ms[i].cond2, ms[i].val[0])) != NULL); break; case MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON: // friend status[num] on case MSC_FRIENDSTATUSOFF: // friend status[num] off flag = ((fmd = mob_getfriendstatus(md, ms[i].cond1, ms[i].cond2)) != NULL); break; case MSC_SLAVELT: // slave < num flag = (mob_countslave(&md->bl) < c2 ); break; case MSC_ATTACKPCGT: // attack pc > num flag = (unit_counttargeted(&md->bl) > c2); break; case MSC_SLAVELE: // slave <= num flag = (mob_countslave(&md->bl) <= c2 ); break; case MSC_ATTACKPCGE: // attack pc >= num flag = (unit_counttargeted(&md->bl) >= c2); break; case MSC_AFTERSKILL: flag = (md->ud.skill_id == c2); break; case MSC_RUDEATTACKED: flag = (md->state.attacked_count >= RUDE_ATTACKED_COUNT); if (flag) md->state.attacked_count = 0; //Rude attacked count should be reset after the skill condition is met. Thanks to Komurka [Skotlex] break; case MSC_MASTERHPLTMAXRATE: flag = ((fbl = mob_getmasterhpltmaxrate(md, ms[i].cond2)) != NULL); break; case MSC_MASTERATTACKED: flag = (md->master_id > 0 && (fbl=map_id2bl(md->master_id)) && unit_counttargeted(fbl) > 0); break; case MSC_ALCHEMIST: flag = (md->state.alchemist); break; } } if (!flag) continue; //Skill requisite failed to be fulfilled. //Execute skill skill_target = status_has_mode(&md->db->status,MD_RANDOMTARGET) ? MST_RANDOM : ms[i].target; if (skill_get_casttype(ms[i].skill_id) == CAST_GROUND) { //Ground skill. short x, y; switch (skill_target) { case MST_RANDOM: //Pick a random enemy within skill range. bl = battle_getenemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), skill_get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, true)); break; case MST_TARGET: case MST_AROUND5: case MST_AROUND6: case MST_AROUND7: case MST_AROUND8: bl = map_id2bl(md->target_id); break; case MST_MASTER: bl = &md->bl; if (md->master_id) bl = map_id2bl(md->master_id); if (bl) //Otherwise, fall through. break; case MST_FRIEND: bl = fbl?fbl:(fmd?&fmd->bl:&md->bl); break; default: bl = &md->bl; break; } if (!bl) continue; x = bl->x; y = bl->y; // Look for an area to cast the spell around... if (skill_target >= MST_AROUND5) { j = skill_target >= MST_AROUND1? (skill_target-MST_AROUND1) +1: (skill_target-MST_AROUND5) +1; map_search_freecell(&md->bl, md->bl.m, &x, &y, j, j, 3); } md->skill_idx = i; map_freeblock_lock(); if (!battle_check_range(&md->bl, bl, skill_get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, true)) || !unit_skilluse_pos2(&md->bl, x, y, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, ms[i].casttime, ms[i].cancel)) { map_freeblock_unlock(); continue; } } else { //Targetted skill switch (skill_target) { case MST_RANDOM: //Pick a random enemy within skill range. bl = battle_getenemy(&md->bl, DEFAULT_ENEMY_TYPE(md), skill_get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, true)); break; case MST_TARGET: bl = map_id2bl(md->target_id); break; case MST_MASTER: bl = &md->bl; if (md->master_id) bl = map_id2bl(md->master_id); if (bl) //Otherwise, fall through. break; case MST_FRIEND: if (fbl) { bl = fbl; break; } else if (fmd) { bl = &fmd->bl; break; } // else fall through default: bl = &md->bl; break; } if (!bl) continue; md->skill_idx = i; map_freeblock_lock(); if (!battle_check_range(&md->bl, bl, skill_get_range2(&md->bl, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, true)) || !unit_skilluse_id2(&md->bl, bl->id, ms[i].skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv, ms[i].casttime, ms[i].cancel)) { map_freeblock_unlock(); continue; } } //Skill used. Post-setups... if ( ms[ i ].msg_id ){ //Display color message [SnakeDrak] struct mob_chat *mc = mob_chat(ms[i].msg_id); if (mc) { std::string name = md->name, output; std::size_t unique = name.find("#"); if (unique != std::string::npos) name = name.substr(0, unique); // discard extra name identifier if present [Daegaladh] output = name + " : " + mc->msg; clif_messagecolor(&md->bl, mc->color, output.c_str(), true, AREA_CHAT_WOC); } } if(!(battle_config.mob_ai&0x200)) { //pass on delay to same skill. for (j = 0; j < md->db->maxskill; j++) if (md->db->skill[j].skill_id == ms[i].skill_id) md->skilldelay[j]=tick; } else md->skilldelay[i]=tick; map_freeblock_unlock(); return 1; } //No skill was used. md->skill_idx = -1; return 0; } /*========================================== * Skill use event processing *------------------------------------------*/ int mobskill_event(struct mob_data *md, struct block_list *src, t_tick tick, int flag) { int target_id, res = 0; if(md->bl.prev == NULL || md->status.hp == 0) return 0; target_id = md->target_id; if (!target_id || battle_config.mob_changetarget_byskill) md->target_id = src->id; if (flag == -1) res = mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_CASTTARGETED); else if ((flag&0xffff) == MSC_SKILLUSED) res = mobskill_use(md, tick, flag); else if (flag&BF_SHORT) res = mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_CLOSEDATTACKED); else if (flag&BF_LONG && !(flag&BF_MAGIC)) //Long-attacked should not include magic. res = mobskill_use(md, tick, MSC_LONGRANGEATTACKED); if (!res) //Restore previous target only if skill condition failed to trigger. [Skotlex] md->target_id = target_id; //Otherwise check if the target is an enemy, and unlock if needed. else if (battle_check_target(&md->bl, src, BCT_ENEMY) <= 0) md->target_id = target_id; return res; } // Player cloned mobs. [Valaris] int mob_is_clone(int mob_id) { if(mob_id < MOB_CLONE_START || mob_id > MOB_CLONE_END) return 0; if (mob_db(mob_id) == NULL) return 0; return mob_id; } /** * Previously, using skill_nocast with flag 16 * @param skill_id * @return True:If disabled, False:If enabled * @!TODO : Move this hardcodes! **/ static bool mob_clone_disabled_skills(uint16 skill_id) { switch (skill_id) { case PR_TURNUNDEAD: case PR_MAGNUS: return true; } return false; } //Flag values: //&1: Set special ai (fight mobs, not players) //If mode is not passed, a default aggressive mode is used. //If master_id is passed, clone is attached to him. //Returns: ID of newly crafted copy. int mob_clone_spawn(struct map_session_data *sd, int16 m, int16 x, int16 y, const char *event, int master_id, enum e_mode mode, int flag, unsigned int duration) { int mob_id; int i,j,inf, fd; struct mob_data *md; struct mob_skill *ms; struct mob_db* db; struct status_data *status; nullpo_ret(sd); if(pc_isdead(sd) && master_id && flag&1) return 0; ARR_FIND( MOB_CLONE_START, MOB_CLONE_END, mob_id, mob_db(mob_id) == NULL ); if(mob_id >= MOB_CLONE_END) return 0; try{ db = &mob_db_data[mob_id]; }catch( const std::bad_alloc& ){ ShowError( "mob_clone_spawn: Memory allocation for clone %hu failed.\n", mob_id ); return 0; } status = &db->status; strcpy(db->sprite,sd->status.name); strcpy(db->name,sd->status.name); strcpy(db->jname,sd->status.name); db->lv=status_get_lv(&sd->bl); memcpy(status, &sd->base_status, sizeof(struct status_data)); status->rhw.atk2= status->dex + status->rhw.atk + status->rhw.atk2; //Max ATK status->rhw.atk = status->dex; //Min ATK if (status->lhw.atk) { status->lhw.atk2= status->dex + status->lhw.atk + status->lhw.atk2; //Max ATK status->lhw.atk = status->dex; //Min ATK } if (mode) //User provided mode. status->mode = mode; else if (flag&1) //Friendly Character, remove looting. status->mode = static_cast<enum e_mode>(status->mode&(~MD_LOOTER)); status->hp = status->max_hp; status->sp = status->max_sp; memcpy(&db->vd, &sd->vd, sizeof(struct view_data)); db->base_exp=1; db->job_exp=1; db->range2=AREA_SIZE; //Let them have the same view-range as players. db->range3=AREA_SIZE; //Min chase of a screen. db->option=sd->sc.option; //Skill copy [Skotlex] ms = &db->skill[0]; /** * We temporarily disable sd's fd so it doesn't receive the messages from skill_check_condition_castbegin **/ fd = sd->fd; sd->fd = 0; //Go Backwards to give better priority to advanced skills. for (i=0,j = MAX_SKILL_TREE-1;j>=0 && i< MAX_MOBSKILL ;j--) { uint16 skill_id = skill_tree[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][j].skill_id; uint16 sk_idx = 0; if (!skill_id || !(sk_idx = skill_get_index(skill_id)) || sd->status.skill[sk_idx].lv < 1 || (skill_get_inf2(skill_id)&(INF2_WEDDING_SKILL|INF2_GUILD_SKILL)) || mob_clone_disabled_skills(skill_id) ) continue; //Normal aggressive mob, disable skills that cannot help them fight //against players (those with flags UF_NOMOB and UF_NOPC are specific //to always aid players!) [Skotlex] if (!(flag&1) && skill_get_unit_id(skill_id, 0) && skill_get_unit_flag(skill_id)&(UF_NOMOB|UF_NOPC)) continue; /** * The clone should be able to cast the skill (e.g. have the required weapon) bugreport:5299) **/ if( !skill_check_condition_castbegin(sd,skill_id,sd->status.skill[sk_idx].lv) ) continue; memset (&ms[i], 0, sizeof(struct mob_skill)); ms[i].skill_id = skill_id; ms[i].skill_lv = sd->status.skill[sk_idx].lv; ms[i].state = MSS_ANY; ms[i].permillage = 500*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100; //Default chance of all skills: 5% ms[i].emotion = -1; ms[i].cancel = 0; ms[i].casttime = skill_castfix(&sd->bl,skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv); ms[i].delay = 5000+skill_delayfix(&sd->bl,skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv); ms[i].msg_id = 0; inf = skill_get_inf(skill_id); if (inf&INF_ATTACK_SKILL) { ms[i].target = MST_TARGET; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS; if (skill_get_range(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) > 3) ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET; else ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK; } else if(inf&INF_GROUND_SKILL) { if (skill_get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_TRAP) { //Traps! ms[i].state = MSS_IDLE; ms[i].target = MST_AROUND2; ms[i].delay = 60000; } else if (skill_get_unit_target(skill_id) == BCT_ENEMY) { //Target Enemy ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET; ms[i].target = MST_TARGET; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS; } else { //Target allies ms[i].target = MST_FRIEND; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE; ms[i].cond2 = 95; } } else if (inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) { if (skill_get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF) { //auto-select target skill. ms[i].target = MST_TARGET; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS; if (skill_get_range(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) > 3) { ms[i].state = MSS_ANYTARGET; } else { ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK; } } else { //Self skill ms[i].target = MST_SELF; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE; ms[i].cond2 = 90; ms[i].permillage = 2000; //Delay: Remove the stock 5 secs and add half of the support time. ms[i].delay += -5000 +(skill_get_time(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) + skill_get_time2(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv))/2; if (ms[i].delay < 5000) ms[i].delay = 5000; //With a minimum of 5 secs. } } else if (inf&INF_SUPPORT_SKILL) { ms[i].target = MST_FRIEND; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE; ms[i].cond2 = 90; if (skill_id == AL_HEAL) ms[i].permillage = 5000; //Higher skill rate usage for heal. else if (skill_id == ALL_RESURRECTION) ms[i].cond2 = 1; //Delay: Remove the stock 5 secs and add half of the support time. ms[i].delay += -5000 +(skill_get_time(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv) + skill_get_time2(skill_id, ms[i].skill_lv))/2; if (ms[i].delay < 2000) ms[i].delay = 2000; //With a minimum of 2 secs. if (i+1 < MAX_MOBSKILL) { //duplicate this so it also triggers on self. memcpy(&ms[i+1], &ms[i], sizeof(struct mob_skill)); db->maxskill = ++i; ms[i].target = MST_SELF; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE; } } else { switch (skill_id) { //Certain Special skills that are passive, and thus, never triggered. case MO_TRIPLEATTACK: case TF_DOUBLE: case GS_CHAINACTION: ms[i].state = MSS_BERSERK; ms[i].target = MST_TARGET; ms[i].cond1 = MSC_ALWAYS; ms[i].permillage = skill_id==MO_TRIPLEATTACK?(3000-ms[i].skill_lv*100):(ms[i].skill_lv*500); ms[i].delay -= 5000; //Remove the added delay as these could trigger on "all hits". break; default: //Untreated Skill continue; } } if (battle_config.mob_skill_rate!= 100) ms[i].permillage = ms[i].permillage*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100; if (battle_config.mob_skill_delay != 100) ms[i].delay = ms[i].delay*battle_config.mob_skill_delay/100; db->maxskill = ++i; } /** * We grant the session it's fd value back. **/ sd->fd = fd; //Finally, spawn it. md = mob_once_spawn_sub(&sd->bl, m, x, y, "--en--", mob_id, event, SZ_SMALL, AI_NONE); if (!md) return 0; //Failed? md->special_state.clone = 1; if (master_id || flag || duration) { //Further manipulate crafted char. if (flag&1) //Friendly Character md->special_state.ai = AI_ATTACK; if (master_id) //Attach to Master md->master_id = master_id; if (duration) //Auto Delete after a while. { if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER ) delete_timer(md->deletetimer, mob_timer_delete); md->deletetimer = add_timer (gettick() + duration, mob_timer_delete, md->bl.id, 0); } } mob_spawn(md); return md->bl.id; } int mob_clone_delete(struct mob_data *md){ const int mob_id = md->mob_id; if (mob_id >= MOB_CLONE_START && mob_id < MOB_CLONE_END && mob_db(mob_id)!=NULL) { mob_db_data.erase(mob_id); //Clear references to the db md->db = NULL; md->vd = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } //Adjusts the drop rate of item according to the criteria given. [Skotlex] static unsigned int mob_drop_adjust(int baserate, int rate_adjust, unsigned short rate_min, unsigned short rate_max) { double rate = baserate; if (battle_config.logarithmic_drops && rate_adjust > 0 && rate_adjust != 100 && baserate > 0) //Logarithmic drops equation by Ishizu-Chan //Equation: Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5)) //x is the normal Droprate, y is the Modificator. rate = rate * pow((5.0 - log10(rate)), (log(rate_adjust/100.) / log(5.0))) + 0.5; else //Classical linear rate adjustment. rate = rate * rate_adjust/100; return (unsigned int)cap_value(rate,rate_min,rate_max); } /** * Check if global item drop rate is overriden for given item * in db/mob_item_ratio.txt * @param nameid ID of the item * @param mob_id ID of the monster * @param rate_adjust pointer to store ratio if found */ static void item_dropratio_adjust(unsigned short nameid, int mob_id, int *rate_adjust) { struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *item_ratio = (struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *)idb_get(mob_item_drop_ratio, nameid); if( item_ratio) { if( item_ratio->mob_id[0] ) { // only for listed mobs int i; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS, i, item_ratio->mob_id[i] == mob_id); if( i < MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS ) // found *rate_adjust = item_ratio->drop_ratio; } else // for all mobs *rate_adjust = item_ratio->drop_ratio; } } /*========================================== * processes one mobdb entry *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_parse_dbrow(char** str) { struct mob_db *db, entry; struct status_data *status; int mob_id, i; double exp, maxhp; struct mob_data data; mob_id = atoi(str[0]); if (!((mob_id > MIN_MOB_DB && mob_id < MAX_MOB_DB) || (mob_id > MIN_MOB_DB2 && mob_id < MAX_MOB_DB2))) { ShowError("mob_parse_dbrow: Invalid monster ID %d, must be in range %d-%d or %d-%d.\n", mob_id, MIN_MOB_DB, MAX_MOB_DB, MIN_MOB_DB2, MAX_MOB_DB2); return false; } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); status = &entry.status; entry.vd.class_ = mob_id; safestrncpy(entry.sprite, str[1], sizeof(entry.sprite)); safestrncpy(entry.jname, str[2], sizeof(entry.jname)); safestrncpy(entry.name, str[3], sizeof(entry.name)); entry.lv = atoi(str[4]); entry.lv = cap_value(entry.lv, 1, USHRT_MAX); status->max_hp = atoi(str[5]); status->max_sp = atoi(str[6]); exp = (double)atoi(str[7]) * (double)battle_config.base_exp_rate / 100.; entry.base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 0, UINT_MAX); exp = (double)atoi(str[8]) * (double)battle_config.job_exp_rate / 100.; entry.job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 0, UINT_MAX); status->rhw.range = atoi(str[9]); #ifdef RENEWAL status->rhw.atk = atoi(str[10]); // BaseATK status->rhw.matk = atoi(str[11]); // BaseMATK #else status->rhw.atk = atoi(str[10]); // MinATK status->rhw.atk2 = atoi(str[11]); // MaxATK #endif status->def = atoi(str[12]); status->mdef = atoi(str[13]); status->str = atoi(str[14]); status->agi = atoi(str[15]); status->vit = atoi(str[16]); status->int_ = atoi(str[17]); status->dex = atoi(str[18]); status->luk = atoi(str[19]); //All status should be min 1 to prevent divisions by zero from some skills. [Skotlex] if (status->str < 1) status->str = 1; if (status->agi < 1) status->agi = 1; if (status->vit < 1) status->vit = 1; if (status->int_< 1) status->int_= 1; if (status->dex < 1) status->dex = 1; if (status->luk < 1) status->luk = 1; entry.range2 = atoi(str[20]); entry.range3 = atoi(str[21]); if (battle_config.view_range_rate != 100) { entry.range2 = entry.range2 * battle_config.view_range_rate / 100; if (entry.range2 < 1) entry.range2 = 1; } if (battle_config.chase_range_rate != 100) { entry.range3 = entry.range3 * battle_config.chase_range_rate / 100; if (entry.range3 < entry.range2) entry.range3 = entry.range2; } //Tests showed that chase range is effectively 2 cells larger than expected [Playtester] entry.range3 += 2; status->size = atoi(str[22]); status->race = atoi(str[23]); i = atoi(str[24]); //Element status->def_ele = i%20; status->ele_lv = (unsigned char)floor(i/20.); if (!CHK_ELEMENT(status->def_ele)) { ShowError("mob_parse_dbrow: Invalid element type %d for monster ID %d (max=%d).\n", status->def_ele, mob_id, ELE_ALL-1); return false; } if (!CHK_ELEMENT_LEVEL(status->ele_lv)) { ShowError("mob_parse_dbrow: Invalid element level %d for monster ID %d, must be in range 1-%d.\n", status->ele_lv, mob_id, MAX_ELE_LEVEL); return false; } status->mode = static_cast<enum e_mode>(strtol(str[25], NULL, 0)); if (!battle_config.monster_active_enable) status->mode = static_cast<enum e_mode>(status->mode&(~MD_AGGRESSIVE)); if (status_has_mode(status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE|MD_KNOCKBACK_IMMUNE|MD_DETECTOR)) status->class_ = CLASS_BOSS; else // Store as Normal and overwrite in mob_race2_db for special Class status->class_ = CLASS_NORMAL; status->speed = atoi(str[26]); status->aspd_rate = 1000; i = atoi(str[27]); status->adelay = cap_value(i, battle_config.monster_max_aspd*2, 4000); i = atoi(str[28]); status->amotion = cap_value(i, battle_config.monster_max_aspd, 2000); //If the attack animation is longer than the delay, the client crops the attack animation! //On aegis there is no real visible effect of having a recharge-time less than amotion anyway. if (status->adelay < status->amotion) status->adelay = status->amotion; status->dmotion = atoi(str[29]); if(battle_config.monster_damage_delay_rate != 100) status->dmotion = status->dmotion * battle_config.monster_damage_delay_rate / 100; // Fill in remaining status data by using a dummy monster. data.bl.type = BL_MOB; data.level = entry.lv; memcpy(&data.status, status, sizeof(struct status_data)); status_calc_misc(&data.bl, status, entry.lv); // MVP EXP Bonus: MEXP // Some new MVP's MEXP multipled by high exp-rate cause overflow. [LuzZza] exp = (double)atoi(str[30]) * (double)battle_config.mvp_exp_rate / 100.; entry.mexp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 0, UINT_MAX); //Now that we know if it is an mvp or not, apply battle_config modifiers [Skotlex] maxhp = (double)status->max_hp; if (entry.mexp > 0) { //Mvp if (battle_config.mvp_hp_rate != 100) maxhp = maxhp * (double)battle_config.mvp_hp_rate / 100.; } else //Normal mob if (battle_config.monster_hp_rate != 100) maxhp = maxhp * (double)battle_config.monster_hp_rate / 100.; status->max_hp = (unsigned int)cap_value(maxhp, 1, UINT_MAX); if(status->max_sp < 1) status->max_sp = 1; //Since mobs always respawn with full life... status->hp = status->max_hp; status->sp = status->max_sp; // MVP Drops: MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per for(i = 0; i < MAX_MVP_DROP; i++) { entry.mvpitem[i].nameid = atoi(str[31+i*2]); if( entry.mvpitem[i].nameid ){ if( itemdb_search(entry.mvpitem[i].nameid) ){ entry.mvpitem[i].p = atoi(str[32+i*2]); continue; }else{ ShowWarning( "Monster \"%s\"(id: %d) is dropping an unknown item \"%s\"(MVP-Drop %d)\n", entry.name, mob_id, str[31+i*2], ( i / 2 ) + 1 ); } } // Delete the item entry.mvpitem[i].nameid = 0; entry.mvpitem[i].p = 0; } for(i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++) { int k = 31 + MAX_MVP_DROP*2 + i*2; entry.dropitem[i].nameid = atoi(str[k]); if( entry.dropitem[i].nameid ){ if( itemdb_search( entry.dropitem[i].nameid ) ){ entry.dropitem[i].p = atoi(str[k+1]); continue; }else{ ShowWarning( "Monster \"%s\"(id: %d) is dropping an unknown item \"%s\"(Drop %d)\n", entry.name, mob_id, str[k], ( i / 2 ) + 1 ); } } // Delete the item entry.dropitem[i].nameid = 0; entry.dropitem[i].p = 0; } db = mob_db(mob_id); // Finally insert monster's data into the database. if (db == NULL) { try{ db = &mob_db_data[mob_id]; }catch( const std::bad_alloc& ){ ShowError( "Memory allocation for monster %hu failed.\n", mob_id ); return false; } } memcpy(db, &entry, sizeof(struct mob_db)); return true; } /*========================================== * mob_db.txt reading *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_readdb_sub(char* fields[], int columns, int current) { return mob_parse_dbrow(fields); } /*========================================== * mob_db table reading *------------------------------------------*/ static int mob_read_sqldb(void) { const char* mob_db_name[] = { mob_table, mob2_table }; int fi; for( fi = 0; fi < ARRAYLENGTH(mob_db_name); ++fi ) { uint32 lines = 0, count = 0; // retrieve all rows from the mob database if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `%s`", mob_db_name[fi]) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); continue; } // process rows one by one while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) ) { // wrap the result into a TXT-compatible format char line[1024]; char* str[31+2*MAX_MVP_DROP+2*MAX_MOB_DROP]; char* p; int i; lines++; for(i = 0, p = line; i < 31+2*MAX_MVP_DROP+2*MAX_MOB_DROP; i++) { char* data; size_t len; Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, i, &data, &len); strcpy(p, data); str[i] = p; p+= len + 1; } if (!mob_parse_dbrow(str)) continue; count++; } // free the query result Sql_FreeResult(mmysql_handle); ShowStatus("Done reading '" CL_WHITE "%u" CL_RESET "' entries in '" CL_WHITE "%s" CL_RESET "'.\n", count, mob_db_name[fi]); } return 0; } /*========================================== * MOB display graphic change data reading *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_readdb_mobavail(char* str[], int columns, int current) { int mob_id, sprite_id; struct mob_db *db; mob_id = atoi(str[0]); if( (db=mob_db(mob_id)) == NULL) // invalid class (probably undefined in db) { ShowWarning("mob_readdb_mobavail: Unknown mob id %d.\n", mob_id); return false; } sprite_id = atoi(str[1]); memset(&db->vd, 0, sizeof(struct view_data)); db->vd.class_ = sprite_id; //Player sprites if(pcdb_checkid(sprite_id) && columns==12) { db->vd.sex=atoi(str[2]); db->vd.hair_style=atoi(str[3]); db->vd.hair_color=atoi(str[4]); db->vd.weapon=atoi(str[5]); db->vd.shield=atoi(str[6]); db->vd.head_top=atoi(str[7]); db->vd.head_mid=atoi(str[8]); db->vd.head_bottom=atoi(str[9]); db->option=atoi(str[10])&~(OPTION_HIDE|OPTION_CLOAK|OPTION_INVISIBLE); db->vd.cloth_color=atoi(str[11]); // Monster player dye option - Valaris #ifdef NEW_CARTS if( db->option & OPTION_CART ){ ShowWarning("mob_readdb_mobavail: You tried to use a cart for mob id %d. This does not work with setting an option anymore.\n", mob_id ); db->option &= ~OPTION_CART; } #endif } else if(columns==3) db->vd.head_bottom=atoi(str[2]); // mob equipment [Valaris] else if( columns != 2 ) return false; return true; } /*========================================== * Reading of random monster data * MobGroup,MobID,DummyName,Rate *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_readdb_group(char* str[], int columns, int current){ struct s_randomsummon_group *msummon = NULL; int mob_id, group = 0; unsigned short i = 0; bool set_default = false; if (ISDIGIT(str[0][0]) && ISDIGIT(str[0][1])) group = atoi(str[0]); else if (!script_get_constant(str[0], &group)) { ShowError("mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group '%s'\n", str[0]); return false; } mob_id = atoi(str[1]); if (mob_id != 0 && mob_db(mob_id) == NULL) { ShowError("mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group '%s'\n", str[0]); return false; } else if (mob_id == 0){ mob_id = atoi(str[3]); if (mob_db(mob_id) == NULL) { ShowError("mob_readdb_group: Invalid random monster group '%s'\n", str[0]); return false; } set_default = true; } if (!(msummon = (struct s_randomsummon_group *)idb_get(mob_summon_db, group))) { CREATE(msummon, struct s_randomsummon_group, 1); CREATE(msummon->list, struct s_randomsummon_entry, (msummon->count = 1)); msummon->list[0].mob_id = mob_id; msummon->list[0].rate = atoi(str[3]); msummon->random_id = group; idb_put(mob_summon_db, group, msummon); } else { ARR_FIND(0, msummon->count, i, set_default || (i > 0 && msummon->list[i].mob_id == mob_id)); if (i >= msummon->count) RECREATE(msummon->list, struct s_randomsummon_entry, ++msummon->count); msummon->list[i].mob_id = mob_id; msummon->list[i].rate = atoi(str[3]); } return true; } //processes one mob_chat_db entry [SnakeDrak] //db struct: Line_ID,Color_Code,Dialog static bool mob_parse_row_chatdb(char* fields[], int columns, int current) { char* msg; struct mob_chat *ms; int msg_id; size_t len; msg_id = atoi(fields[0]); if (msg_id <= 0){ ShowError("mob_parse_row_chatdb: Invalid chat ID '%d' in line %d\n", msg_id, current); return false; } ms = mob_chat(msg_id); if( ms == NULL ){ try{ ms = &mob_chat_db[msg_id]; }catch( const std::bad_alloc& ){ ShowError( "mob_parse_row_chatdb: Memory allocation for chat ID '%d' failed.\n", msg_id ); return false; } } //MSG ID ms->msg_id=msg_id; //Color ms->color=strtoul(fields[1],NULL,0); //Message msg = fields[2]; len = strlen(msg); while( len && ( msg[len-1]=='\r' || msg[len-1]=='\n' ) ) {// find EOL to strip len--; } if(len>(CHAT_SIZE_MAX-1)){ ShowError("mob_parse_row_chatdb: Message too long! Line %d, id: %d\n", current, msg_id); return false; } else if( !len ){ ShowWarning("mob_parse_row_chatdb: Empty message for id %d.\n", msg_id); return false; } msg[len] = 0; // strip previously found EOL safestrncpy(ms->msg, fields[2], CHAT_SIZE_MAX); return true; } /*========================================== * processes one mob_skill_db entry *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_parse_row_mobskilldb(char** str, int columns, int current) { static const struct { char str[32]; enum MobSkillState id; } state[] = { { "any", MSS_ANY }, //All states except Dead { "idle", MSS_IDLE }, { "walk", MSS_WALK }, { "loot", MSS_LOOT }, { "dead", MSS_DEAD }, { "attack", MSS_BERSERK }, //Retaliating attack { "angry", MSS_ANGRY }, //Preemptive attack (aggressive mobs) { "chase", MSS_RUSH }, //Chase escaping target { "follow", MSS_FOLLOW }, //Preemptive chase (aggressive mobs) { "anytarget",MSS_ANYTARGET }, //Berserk+Angry+Rush+Follow }; static const struct { char str[32]; int id; } cond1[] = { // enum e_mob_skill_condition { "always", MSC_ALWAYS }, { "myhpltmaxrate", MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE }, { "myhpinrate", MSC_MYHPINRATE }, { "friendhpltmaxrate", MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE }, { "friendhpinrate", MSC_FRIENDHPINRATE }, { "mystatuson", MSC_MYSTATUSON }, { "mystatusoff", MSC_MYSTATUSOFF }, { "friendstatuson", MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON }, { "friendstatusoff", MSC_FRIENDSTATUSOFF }, { "attackpcgt", MSC_ATTACKPCGT }, { "attackpcge", MSC_ATTACKPCGE }, { "slavelt", MSC_SLAVELT }, { "slavele", MSC_SLAVELE }, { "closedattacked", MSC_CLOSEDATTACKED }, { "longrangeattacked", MSC_LONGRANGEATTACKED }, { "skillused", MSC_SKILLUSED }, { "afterskill", MSC_AFTERSKILL }, { "casttargeted", MSC_CASTTARGETED }, { "rudeattacked", MSC_RUDEATTACKED }, { "masterhpltmaxrate", MSC_MASTERHPLTMAXRATE }, { "masterattacked", MSC_MASTERATTACKED }, { "alchemist", MSC_ALCHEMIST }, { "onspawn", MSC_SPAWN }, }, cond2[] ={ { "anybad", -1 }, { "stone", SC_STONE }, { "freeze", SC_FREEZE }, { "stun", SC_STUN }, { "sleep", SC_SLEEP }, { "poison", SC_POISON }, { "curse", SC_CURSE }, { "silence", SC_SILENCE }, { "confusion", SC_CONFUSION }, { "blind", SC_BLIND }, { "hiding", SC_HIDING }, { "sight", SC_SIGHT }, }, target[] = { // enum e_mob_skill_target { "target", MST_TARGET }, { "randomtarget", MST_RANDOM }, { "self", MST_SELF }, { "friend", MST_FRIEND }, { "master", MST_MASTER }, { "around5", MST_AROUND5 }, { "around6", MST_AROUND6 }, { "around7", MST_AROUND7 }, { "around8", MST_AROUND8 }, { "around1", MST_AROUND1 }, { "around2", MST_AROUND2 }, { "around3", MST_AROUND3 }, { "around4", MST_AROUND4 }, { "around", MST_AROUND }, }; static int last_mob_id = 0; // ensures that only one error message per mob id is printed struct s_mob_skill *skill = NULL; struct mob_skill *ms = NULL; int mob_id; int i = 0, j, tmp; struct mob_db *mob; mob_id = atoi(str[0]); if (mob_id > 0 && (mob = mob_db(mob_id)) == NULL) { if (mob_id != last_mob_id) { ShowError("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id %d\n", mob_id); last_mob_id = mob_id; } return false; } else if (mob_id == 0) return false; // Looking for existing entry if (!(skill = (struct s_mob_skill *)idb_get(mob_skill_db, mob_id))) CREATE(skill, struct s_mob_skill, 1); if( strcmp(str[1],"clear") == 0 && skill->mob_id != 0 ) { idb_remove(mob_skill_db, skill->mob_id); aFree(skill); ShowInfo("Cleared skill for mob id '%d'\n", mob_id); return true; } ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_MOBSKILL, i, skill->skill[i].skill_id == 0 ); if( i == MAX_MOBSKILL ) { if (mob_id != last_mob_id) { ShowError("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Too many skills for monster %d[%s]\n", mob_id, mob->sprite); last_mob_id = mob_id; } return false; } ms = &skill->skill[i]; //State ARR_FIND( 0, ARRAYLENGTH(state), j, strcmp(str[2],state[j].str) == 0 ); if( j < ARRAYLENGTH(state) ) ms->state = state[j].id; else { ShowError("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Unrecognized state '%s' in line %d\n", str[2], current); return false; } //Skill ID j = atoi(str[3]); if (j <= 0 || j > MAX_SKILL_ID || !skill_get_index(j)) //fixed Lupus { if (mob_id < 0) ShowError("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Invalid Skill ID (%d) for all mobs\n", j); else ShowError("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Invalid Skill ID (%d) for mob %d (%s)\n", j, mob_id, mob->sprite); return false; } ms->skill_id = j; //Skill lvl j = atoi(str[4]) <= 0 ? 1 : atoi(str[4]); ms->skill_lv = j > battle_config.mob_max_skilllvl ? battle_config.mob_max_skilllvl : j; //we strip max skill level //Apply battle_config modifiers to rate (permillage) and delay [Skotlex] tmp = atoi(str[5]); if (battle_config.mob_skill_rate != 100) tmp = tmp*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100; if (tmp > 10000) ms->permillage = 10000; else if (!tmp && battle_config.mob_skill_rate) ms->permillage = 1; else ms->permillage = tmp; ms->casttime = atoi(str[6]); ms->delay = atoi(str[7]); if (battle_config.mob_skill_delay != 100) ms->delay = ms->delay*battle_config.mob_skill_delay/100; if (ms->delay < 0 || ms->delay > MOB_MAX_DELAY) //time overflow? ms->delay = MOB_MAX_DELAY; ms->cancel = atoi(str[8]); if( strcmp(str[8],"yes")==0 ) ms->cancel=1; //Target ARR_FIND( 0, ARRAYLENGTH(target), j, strcmp(str[9],target[j].str) == 0 ); if( j < ARRAYLENGTH(target) ) ms->target = target[j].id; else { ShowWarning("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Unrecognized target %s for %d\n", str[9], mob_id); ms->target = MST_TARGET; } //Check that the target condition is right for the skill type. [Skotlex] if (skill_get_casttype(ms->skill_id) == CAST_GROUND) { //Ground skill. if (ms->target > MST_AROUND) { ShowWarning("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Wrong mob skill target for ground skill %d (%s) for %s.\n", ms->skill_id, skill_get_name(ms->skill_id), mob_id < 0 ? "all mobs" : mob->sprite); ms->target = MST_TARGET; } } else if (ms->target > MST_MASTER) { ShowWarning("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Wrong mob skill target 'around' for non-ground skill %d (%s) for %s.\n", ms->skill_id, skill_get_name(ms->skill_id), mob_id < 0 ? "all mobs" : mob->sprite); ms->target = MST_TARGET; } //Cond1 ARR_FIND( 0, ARRAYLENGTH(cond1), j, strcmp(str[10],cond1[j].str) == 0 ); if( j < ARRAYLENGTH(cond1) ) ms->cond1 = cond1[j].id; else { ShowWarning("mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Unrecognized condition 1 %s for %d\n", str[10], mob_id); ms->cond1 = -1; } //Cond2 // numeric value ms->cond2 = atoi(str[11]); // or special constant ARR_FIND( 0, ARRAYLENGTH(cond2), j, strcmp(str[11],cond2[j].str) == 0 ); if( j < ARRAYLENGTH(cond2) ) ms->cond2 = cond2[j].id; ms->val[0] = (int)strtol(str[12],NULL,0); ms->val[1] = (int)strtol(str[13],NULL,0); ms->val[2] = (int)strtol(str[14],NULL,0); ms->val[3] = (int)strtol(str[15],NULL,0); ms->val[4] = (int)strtol(str[16],NULL,0); if(ms->skill_id == NPC_EMOTION && mob_id > 0 && ms->val[1] == mob_db(mob_id)->status.mode) { ms->val[1] = 0; ms->val[4] = 1; //request to return mode to normal. } if(ms->skill_id == NPC_EMOTION_ON && mob_id > 0 && ms->val[1]) { //Adds a mode to the mob. //Remove aggressive mode when the new mob type is passive. if (!(ms->val[1]&MD_AGGRESSIVE)) ms->val[3] |= MD_AGGRESSIVE; ms->val[2] |= ms->val[1]; //Add the new mode. ms->val[1] = 0; //Do not "set" it. } if(*str[17]) ms->emotion = atoi(str[17]); else ms->emotion = -1; if(str[18] != NULL && mob_chat(atoi(str[18]))!=NULL) ms->msg_id = atoi(str[18]); else ms->msg_id = 0; skill->count++; if (!skill->mob_id) { // Insert new entry skill->mob_id = mob_id; idb_put(mob_skill_db, mob_id, skill); } return true; } /*========================================== * mob_skill_db.txt reading *------------------------------------------*/ static void mob_readskilldb(const char* basedir, bool silent) { if( battle_config.mob_skill_rate == 0 ) { ShowStatus("Mob skill use disabled. Not reading mob skills.\n"); return; } sv_readdb(basedir, "mob_skill_db.txt", ',', 19, 19, -1, &mob_parse_row_mobskilldb, silent); } /** * mob_skill_db table reading [CalciumKid] * not overly sure if this is all correct * seems to work though... */ static int mob_read_sqlskilldb(void) { const char* mob_skill_db_name[] = { mob_skill_table, mob_skill2_table }; int fi; if( battle_config.mob_skill_rate == 0 ) { ShowStatus("Mob skill use disabled. Not reading mob skills.\n"); return 0; } for( fi = 0; fi < ARRAYLENGTH(mob_skill_db_name); ++fi ) { uint32 lines = 0, count = 0; // retrieve all rows from the mob skill database if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `%s`", mob_skill_db_name[fi]) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); continue; } // process rows one by one while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) ) { // wrap the result into a TXT-compatible format char* str[19]; char dummy[255] = ""; int i; ++lines; for( i = 0; i < 19; ++i ) { Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, i, &str[i], NULL); if( str[i] == NULL ) str[i] = dummy; // get rid of NULL columns } if (!mob_parse_row_mobskilldb(str, 19, count)) continue; count++; } // free the query result Sql_FreeResult(mmysql_handle); ShowStatus("Done reading '" CL_WHITE "%u" CL_RESET "' entries in '" CL_WHITE "%s" CL_RESET "'.\n", count, mob_skill_db_name[fi]); } return 0; } /*========================================== * mob_race2_db.txt reading *------------------------------------------*/ static bool mob_readdb_race2(char* fields[], int columns, int current) { int race, i; if( ISDIGIT(fields[0][0]) ) race = atoi(fields[0]); else if( !script_get_constant( fields[0], &race ) ){ ShowWarning("mob_readdb_race2: Unknown race2 constant \"%s\".\n", fields[0]); return false; } if (!CHK_RACE2(race)) { ShowWarning("mob_readdb_race2: Unknown race2 %d.\n", race); return false; } for(i = 1; i < columns; i++) { int mob_id = atoi(fields[i]); struct mob_db* db = mob_db(mob_id); if (db == NULL) { ShowWarning("mob_readdb_race2: Unknown mob id %d for race2 %d.\n", mob_id, race); continue; } db->race2 = (enum e_race2)race; // Apply Aegis Class if (race == RC2_GUARDIAN) db->status.class_ = CLASS_GUARDIAN; else if (race == RC2_BATTLEFIELD) db->status.class_ = CLASS_BATTLEFIELD; } return true; } /** * Read mob_item_ratio.txt */ static bool mob_readdb_itemratio(char* str[], int columns, int current) { unsigned short nameid; int ratio, i; struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *item_ratio; nameid = atoi(str[0]); if (itemdb_exists(nameid) == NULL) { ShowWarning("mob_readdb_itemratio: Invalid item id %hu.\n", nameid); return false; } ratio = atoi(str[1]); if (!(item_ratio = (struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *)idb_get(mob_item_drop_ratio,nameid))) CREATE(item_ratio, struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio, 1); item_ratio->drop_ratio = ratio; memset(item_ratio->mob_id, 0, sizeof(item_ratio->mob_id)); for (i = 0; i < columns-2; i++) { uint16 mob_id = atoi(str[i+2]); if (mob_db(mob_id) == NULL) ShowError("mob_readdb_itemratio: Invalid monster with ID %hu (Item:%hu Col:%d).\n", mob_id, nameid, columns); else item_ratio->mob_id[i] = atoi(str[i+2]); } if (!item_ratio->nameid) { item_ratio->nameid = nameid; idb_put(mob_item_drop_ratio, nameid, item_ratio); } return true; } /** * Read additional monster drop from db file * @author [Cydh] **/ static bool mob_readdb_drop(char* str[], int columns, int current) { unsigned short mobid, nameid; int rate, i, size, flag = 0; struct mob_db *mob; struct s_mob_drop *drop; mobid = atoi(str[0]); if ((mob = mob_db(mobid)) == NULL) { ShowError("mob_readdb_drop: Invalid monster ID %s.\n", str[0]); return false; } nameid = atoi(str[1]); if (itemdb_exists(nameid) == NULL) { ShowWarning("mob_readdb_drop: Invalid item ID %s.\n", str[1]); return false; } rate = atoi(str[2]); if (columns > 4 && (flag = atoi(str[4])) == 2) { drop = mob->mvpitem; size = ARRAYLENGTH(mob->mvpitem); } else { drop = mob->dropitem; size = ARRAYLENGTH(mob->dropitem); } if (rate == 0) { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (drop[i].nameid == nameid) { memset(&drop[i], 0, sizeof(struct s_mob_drop)); ShowInfo("mob_readdb_drop: Removed item '%hu' from monster '%hu'.\n", nameid, mobid); return true; } } } else { ARR_FIND(0, size, i, drop[i].nameid == nameid); if (i == size) { // Item is not dropped at all (search all item slots) ARR_FIND(0, size, i, drop[i].nameid == 0); if (i == size) { // No empty slots ShowError("mob_readdb_drop: Cannot add item '%hu' to monster '%hu'. Max drop reached (%d).\n", nameid, mobid, size); return true; } } drop[i].nameid = nameid; drop[i].p = rate; drop[i].steal_protected = (flag) ? 1 : 0; drop[i].randomopt_group = 0; if (columns > 3) { int randomopt_group = -1; if (!script_get_constant(trim(str[3]), &randomopt_group)) { ShowError("mob_readdb_drop: Invalid 'randopt_groupid' '%s' for monster '%hu'.\n", str[3], mobid); return false; } if (randomopt_group == RDMOPTG_None) return true; if (!itemdb_randomopt_group_exists(randomopt_group)) { ShowError("mob_readdb_drop: 'randopt_groupid' '%s' cannot be found in DB for monster '%hu'.\n", str[3], mobid); return false; } drop[i].randomopt_group = randomopt_group; } } return true; } /** * Free drop ratio data **/ static int mob_item_drop_ratio_free(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *item_ratio = (struct s_mob_item_drop_ratio *)db_data2ptr(data); aFree(item_ratio); return 0; } /** * Adjust drop ratio for each monster **/ static void mob_drop_ratio_adjust(void){ for( auto &pair : mob_db_data ){ struct mob_db *mob; struct item_data *id; unsigned short nameid; int j, rate, rate_adjust = 0, mob_id; mob_id = pair.first; mob = &pair.second; if( mob_is_clone( mob_id ) ){ continue; } for( j = 0; j < MAX_MVP_DROP_TOTAL; j++ ){ nameid = mob->mvpitem[j].nameid; rate = mob->mvpitem[j].p; if( nameid == 0 || rate == 0 ){ continue; } rate_adjust = battle_config.item_rate_mvp; // Adjust the rate if there is an entry in mob_item_ratio item_dropratio_adjust( nameid, mob_id, &rate_adjust ); // Adjust rate with given algorithms rate = mob_drop_adjust( rate, rate_adjust, battle_config.item_drop_mvp_min, battle_config.item_drop_mvp_max ); // calculate and store Max available drop chance of the MVP item if( rate ){ id = itemdb_search( nameid ); // Item is not known anymore(should never happen) if( !id ){ ShowWarning( "Monster \"%s\"(id:%hu) is dropping an unknown item(id: %d)\n", mob->name, mob_id, nameid ); mob->mvpitem[j].nameid = 0; mob->mvpitem[j].p = 0; continue; } if( id->maxchance == -1 || ( id->maxchance < rate/10 + 1 ) ){ // item has bigger drop chance or sold in shops id->maxchance = rate/10 + 1; // reduce MVP drop info to not spoil common drop rate } } mob->mvpitem[j].p = rate; } for( j = 0; j < MAX_MOB_DROP_TOTAL; j++ ){ unsigned short ratemin, ratemax; bool is_treasurechest; nameid = mob->dropitem[j].nameid; rate = mob->dropitem[j].p; if( nameid == 0 || rate == 0 ){ continue; } id = itemdb_search( nameid ); // Item is not known anymore(should never happen) if( !id ){ ShowWarning( "Monster \"%s\"(id:%hu) is dropping an unknown item(id: %d)\n", mob->name, mob_id, nameid ); mob->dropitem[j].nameid = 0; mob->dropitem[j].p = 0; continue; } if( battle_config.drop_rateincrease && rate < 5000 ){ rate++; } // Treasure box drop rates [Skotlex] if (mob->race2 == RC2_TREASURE) { is_treasurechest = true; rate_adjust = battle_config.item_rate_treasure; ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_treasure_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_treasure_max; } else { bool is_mvp = status_has_mode(&mob->status,MD_MVP); bool is_boss = (mob->status.class_ == CLASS_BOSS); is_treasurechest = false; // Added suport to restrict normal drops of MVP's [Reddozen] switch( id->type ){ case IT_HEALING: rate_adjust = is_mvp ? battle_config.item_rate_heal_mvp : (is_boss ? battle_config.item_rate_heal_boss : battle_config.item_rate_heal); ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_heal_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_heal_max; break; case IT_USABLE: case IT_CASH: rate_adjust = is_mvp ? battle_config.item_rate_use_mvp : (is_boss ? battle_config.item_rate_use_boss : battle_config.item_rate_use); ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_use_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_use_max; break; case IT_WEAPON: case IT_ARMOR: case IT_PETARMOR: rate_adjust = is_mvp ? battle_config.item_rate_equip_mvp : (is_boss ? battle_config.item_rate_equip_boss : battle_config.item_rate_equip); ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_equip_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_equip_max; break; case IT_CARD: rate_adjust = is_mvp ? battle_config.item_rate_card_mvp : (is_boss ? battle_config.item_rate_card_boss : battle_config.item_rate_card); ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_card_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_card_max; break; default: rate_adjust = is_mvp ? battle_config.item_rate_common_mvp : (is_boss ? battle_config.item_rate_common_boss : battle_config.item_rate_common); ratemin = battle_config.item_drop_common_min; ratemax = battle_config.item_drop_common_max; break; } } item_dropratio_adjust( nameid, mob_id, &rate_adjust ); rate = mob_drop_adjust( rate, rate_adjust, ratemin, ratemax ); // calculate and store Max available drop chance of the item // but skip treasure chests. if( rate && !is_treasurechest ){ unsigned short k; if( id->maxchance == -1 || ( id->maxchance < rate ) ){ id->maxchance = rate; // item has bigger drop chance or sold in shops } for( k = 0; k < MAX_SEARCH; k++ ){ if( id->mob[k].chance <= rate ){ break; } } if( k != MAX_SEARCH ){ if( id->mob[k].id != mob_id ){ memmove( &id->mob[k+1], &id->mob[k], (MAX_SEARCH-k-1)*sizeof(id->mob[0]) ); } id->mob[k].chance = rate; id->mob[k].id = mob_id; } } mob->dropitem[j].p = rate; } } // Now that we are done we can delete the stored item ratios mob_item_drop_ratio->clear( mob_item_drop_ratio, mob_item_drop_ratio_free ); } /** * Copy skill from DB to monster * @param mob Monster DB entry * @param skill Monster skill entries **/ static void mob_skill_db_set_single_sub(struct mob_db *mob, struct s_mob_skill *skill) { uint8 i; nullpo_retv(mob); nullpo_retv(skill); for (i = 0; mob->maxskill < MAX_MOBSKILL && i < skill->count; i++) { mob->skill[mob->maxskill++] = skill->skill[i]; } if (i < skill->count) ShowWarning("Monster '%s' (%d, src:%d) reaches max skill limit %d. Ignores '%d' skills left.\n", mob->sprite, mob->vd.class_, skill->mob_id, MAX_MOBSKILL, skill->count-i); } /** * Check the skill & monster id before put the skills * @param skill **/ static void mob_skill_db_set_single(struct s_mob_skill *skill) { nullpo_retv(skill); // Specific monster if (skill->mob_id >= 0) { struct mob_db *mob = mob_db(skill->mob_id); if (mob != NULL) mob_skill_db_set_single_sub(mob, skill); } // Global skill else { uint16 id = skill->mob_id; id *= -1; for( auto &pair : mob_db_data ){ if ( mob_is_clone(pair.first) ){ continue; } if ( (!(id&1) && status_has_mode(&pair.second.status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) // Bosses || (!(id&2) && !status_has_mode(&pair.second.status,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) // Normal monsters ) continue; mob_skill_db_set_single_sub(&pair.second, skill); } } } /** * Free monster skill data **/ static int mob_skill_db_free(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct s_mob_skill *skill = (struct s_mob_skill *)db_data2ptr(data); if (skill) aFree(skill); return 0; } /** * Free random summon data **/ static int mob_summon_db_free(DBKey key, DBData *data, va_list ap) { struct s_randomsummon_group *msummon = (struct s_randomsummon_group *)db_data2ptr(data); if (msummon) { if (msummon->list) { aFree(msummon->list); msummon->list = NULL; msummon->count = 0; } aFree(msummon); msummon = NULL; } return 0; } /** * Set monster skills **/ static void mob_skill_db_set(void) { DBIterator *iter = db_iterator(mob_skill_db); struct s_mob_skill *skill = NULL; for (skill = (struct s_mob_skill *)dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); skill = (struct s_mob_skill *)dbi_next(iter)) { mob_skill_db_set_single(skill); } dbi_destroy(iter); //ShowStatus("Set skills to '%d' monsters.\n", db_size(mob_skill_db)); mob_skill_db->clear(mob_skill_db, mob_skill_db_free); } /** * read all mob-related databases */ static void mob_load(void) { const char* dbsubpath[] = { "", "/" DBIMPORT, }; // First we parse all the possible monsters to add additional data in the second loop if( db_use_sqldbs ){ mob_read_sqldb(); mob_read_sqlskilldb(); }else{ for(int i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(dbsubpath); i++){ int n2 = strlen(db_path)+strlen(DBPATH)+strlen(dbsubpath[i])+1; char* dbsubpath2 = (char*)aMalloc(n2+1); bool silent = i > 0; if( i == 0 ) { safesnprintf(dbsubpath2,n2,"%s/%s%s",db_path,DBPATH,dbsubpath[i]); } else { safesnprintf(dbsubpath2,n2,"%s%s",db_path,dbsubpath[i]); } sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_db.txt", ',', 31+2*MAX_MVP_DROP+2*MAX_MOB_DROP, 31+2*MAX_MVP_DROP+2*MAX_MOB_DROP, -1, &mob_readdb_sub, silent); aFree(dbsubpath2); } } for(int i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(dbsubpath); i++){ int n1 = strlen(db_path)+strlen(dbsubpath[i])+1; int n2 = strlen(db_path)+strlen(DBPATH)+strlen(dbsubpath[i])+1; char* dbsubpath1 = (char*)aMalloc(n1+1); char* dbsubpath2 = (char*)aMalloc(n2+1); bool silent = i > 0; if(i==0) { safesnprintf(dbsubpath1,n1,"%s%s",db_path,dbsubpath[i]); safesnprintf(dbsubpath2,n2,"%s/%s%s",db_path,DBPATH,dbsubpath[i]); } else { safesnprintf(dbsubpath1,n1,"%s%s",db_path,dbsubpath[i]); safesnprintf(dbsubpath2,n1,"%s%s",db_path,dbsubpath[i]); } if( !db_use_sqldbs ){ mob_readskilldb(dbsubpath2, silent); } sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_avail.txt", ',', 2, 12, -1, &mob_readdb_mobavail,silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_race2_db.txt", ',', 2, MAX_RACE2_MOBS, -1, &mob_readdb_race2, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_item_ratio.txt", ',', 2, 2+MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS, -1, &mob_readdb_itemratio, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_chat_db.txt", '#', 3, 3, -1, &mob_parse_row_chatdb, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_random_db.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_branch.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_poring.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_boss.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_pouch.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_mission.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath1, "mob_classchange.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_drop.txt", ',', 3, 5, -1, &mob_readdb_drop, silent); aFree(dbsubpath1); aFree(dbsubpath2); } mob_drop_ratio_adjust(); mob_skill_db_set(); } /** * Initialize monster data */ void mob_db_load(bool is_reload){ if( !is_reload ) { // on mobdbreload it's not neccessary to execute this // item ers needs to be allocated only once item_drop_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct item_drop),"mob.cpp::item_drop_ers",ERS_OPT_CLEAN); item_drop_list_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct item_drop_list),"mob.cpp::item_drop_list_ers",ERS_OPT_NONE); } mob_item_drop_ratio = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); mob_skill_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); mob_summon_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_BASE); mob_load(); } /** * Re-link monster drop data with item data * Fixes the need of a @reloadmobdb after a @reloaditemdb * @author Epoque */ void mob_reload_itemmob_data(void) { for( auto const &pair : mob_db_data ){ int d, k; if( mob_is_clone( pair.first ) ){ continue; } for(d = 0; d < MAX_MOB_DROP_TOTAL; d++) { struct item_data *id; if( !pair.second.dropitem[d].nameid ) continue; id = itemdb_search(pair.second.dropitem[d].nameid); for (k = 0; k < MAX_SEARCH; k++) { if (id->mob[k].chance <= pair.second.dropitem[d].p) break; } if (k == MAX_SEARCH) continue; if (id->mob[k].id != pair.first) memmove(&id->mob[k+1], &id->mob[k], (MAX_SEARCH-k-1)*sizeof(id->mob[0])); id->mob[k].chance = pair.second.dropitem[d].p; id->mob[k].id = pair.first; } } } /** * Apply the proper view data on monsters during mob_db reload. * @param md: Mob to adjust * @param args: va_list of arguments * @return 0 */ static int mob_reload_sub( struct mob_data *md, va_list args ){ // Relink the mob to the new database entry md->db = mob_db(md->mob_id); // Recalculate the monster status based on the new data status_calc_mob(md, SCO_NONE); // If the view data was not overwritten manually if( !md->vd_changed ){ // Get the new view data from the mob database md->vd = mob_get_viewdata(md->mob_id); // If they are spawned right now if( md->bl.prev != NULL ){ // Respawn all mobs on client side so that they are displayed correctly(if their view id changed) clif_clearunit_area(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); clif_spawn(&md->bl); } } return 0; } /** * Apply the proper view data on NPCs during mob_db reload. * @param md: NPC to adjust * @param args: va_list of arguments * @return 0 */ static int mob_reload_sub_npc( struct npc_data *nd, va_list args ){ // If the view data points to a mob if( mobdb_checkid(nd->class_) ){ // Get the new view data from the mob database nd->vd = mob_get_viewdata(nd->class_); // If they are spawned right now if( nd->bl.prev != NULL ){ // Respawn all NPCs on client side so that they are displayed correctly(if their view id changed) clif_clearunit_area(&nd->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); clif_spawn(&nd->bl); } } return 0; } /** * Reload monster data */ void mob_reload(void) { do_final_mob(true); mob_db_load(true); map_foreachmob(mob_reload_sub); map_foreachnpc(mob_reload_sub_npc); } /** * Clear spawn data for all monsters */ void mob_clear_spawninfo() { //Clears spawn related information for a script reload. mob_spawn_data.clear(); } /*========================================== * Circumference initialization of mob *------------------------------------------*/ void do_init_mob(void){ mob_db_load(false); add_timer_func_list(mob_delayspawn,"mob_delayspawn"); add_timer_func_list(mob_delay_item_drop,"mob_delay_item_drop"); add_timer_func_list(mob_ai_hard,"mob_ai_hard"); add_timer_func_list(mob_ai_lazy,"mob_ai_lazy"); add_timer_func_list(mob_timer_delete,"mob_timer_delete"); add_timer_func_list(mob_spawn_guardian_sub,"mob_spawn_guardian_sub"); add_timer_func_list(mob_respawn,"mob_respawn"); add_timer_func_list(mvptomb_delayspawn,"mvptomb_delayspawn"); add_timer_interval(gettick()+MIN_MOBTHINKTIME,mob_ai_hard,0,0,MIN_MOBTHINKTIME); add_timer_interval(gettick()+MIN_MOBTHINKTIME*10,mob_ai_lazy,0,0,MIN_MOBTHINKTIME*10); } /*========================================== * Clean memory usage. *------------------------------------------*/ void do_final_mob(bool is_reload){ mob_db_data.clear(); mob_chat_db.clear(); mob_item_drop_ratio->destroy(mob_item_drop_ratio,mob_item_drop_ratio_free); mob_skill_db->destroy(mob_skill_db, mob_skill_db_free); mob_summon_db->destroy(mob_summon_db, mob_summon_db_free); if( !is_reload ) { ers_destroy(item_drop_ers); ers_destroy(item_drop_list_ers); } }
  14. Hi ! Is it possible to multiple the stats of all monsters?? Im trying to create a 255 server and I need to increase the STR AGI VIT INT DEX and LUK (ATK and DEF if possible) to x6 .. to match up with players stats ... Thanks
  15. Good day ! Is it possible to attach a timer to a certain individual only ? Like instance, but the problem is instance is not an open dungeon for everyone ... I'd like to create a guild dungeon warper that all players inside have their own timer before the map kicks them out .. Example: Player 1 enter the dungeon with 1 hour time limit. then after 5 minutes player 2 enter with same 1 hour time limit but player 1 must end 5 minutes ahead.. The reason for these request is: 1. Allow player to access guild dungeon in a certain time span only 2. Let players encounter other parties or guild inside Please help/enlighten me Thankyou !
  16. Thankyou! I figured out earlier and use sleep2 rand(###,###); on script and works fine ..Thankyou !!!!
  17. Good day ! Recently, we've created an offline server (2010-07-30 version) .Works fine on offline mode .. But after we bought a host (Linux) we suddenly cannot login, it always says rejected to server or failed to login after service selection .. Please help us .thankyou
  18. Thankyou for your time guys ! Ilove you all .. I will try this later when I got home Hi sader! I tried the script but no monster has spawned .Also, how to spawn a monster that has spawn timer ? Like example in gld_dun01 there is an Eddga that respawn on certain time .. How to make it not respawn automatically after killing instead it will respawn afteer certain minutes
  19. Good day sir @Emistry . I tried this one for my guild dungeon .. Im planning to make it instance like dungeon .. I've managed to create and enter the dungeon but the weird part is theres no monster inside .. Also Destroy Instance is not working - Id: 22 Name: Guild Dungeon TimeLimit: 7200 Enter: Map: gld_dun01 X: 32 Y: 36 AdditionalMaps: gld_dun02: true gld_dun03: true gld_dun04: true //prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ brasilis,169,245,3 script Test 860,{ .@instance_name$ = "Guild Dungeon"; if (!is_party_leader()) end; switch(select( "Create", "Enter", "Destroy" )) { case 1: instance_create(.@instance_name$, IM_PARTY); break; case 2: switch(instance_enter(.@instance_name$)) { case IE_NOMEMBER: mes "ERROR: Party not found."; break; case IE_NOINSTANCE: mes "ERROR: Party does not have an instance."; break; case IE_OTHER: mes "ERROR: Unknown error."; break; default: break; } break; case 3: instance_destroy; break; } close; }
  20. Hi ! Does anyone know where to find this texture so I can edit it in photoshop ??? Im using 2010 client thanks
  21. Hi ! those are from the RMS 6316 and 6283. Both are not working ?
  22. Thankyou for your response but its not working on my server ?
  23. Hi ! Im trying to use other token IDs for non tradable one .. The question is how to make them work ??? Only ID 7621 is working on my server . Thankyou !!
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