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Everything posted by Jayz

  1. Hello how to know if the define line on src is renewal and pre-re because i add src code + script when i switch to renewal the config its working the script but when i switch it pre-re settings the script is not working
  2. Jayz

    compile error

    i see ok ill try
  3. Jayz

    again on pc.h

    Hi where can i put this void force_dropitems(struct map_session_data *sd); void announce_lootitems(struct map_session_data *sd, struct flooritem_data *fitem); i want support enable/disable renewal feature because when renewal formulas enable this void is working but when i switch pre-re this void is not working /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas #define RENEWAL
  4. Jayz

    compile error

    uhmm can you give me an example? how to accept the int64 on mapreg_setreg
  5. Jayz

    compile error

    Hello just asking when compile have showing up error like this map.c(1538): warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from 'uint64' to 'int', possible loss of data this like is mapreg_setreg(add_str("$@itemdataunique_id"),fitem->item_data.unique_id); this is correct? oh wait still error sorry
  6. always run as administrator
  7. uhmm any map server error? or sql error.. can you check you map server and try again and check if got error
  8. yup.. parepareho lang nmn ang pag ddiff'' nsasau nalang yun kung ano ang gus2 mo i lgay sa diff's
  9. about sprite/texture just the thing you want to be add on your grf
  10. ok i found a video kaso malabo bsahin mo nlng ung description nya
  11. ayun naman pala eh bakit hindi mo tanungin yung nag sabi
  12. impossible to make .lua once ecrypted na sya ng lub
  13. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/ use tortoise svm to download search google Tortoise SVN and search google how to download using tortoise on windows
  14. try mong run as admin if ayaw prin pki detailed ang exact ng yari bgo ma gnyan
  15. working fine nmn sa akin.. uhmm/..ano OS mo then.. ano exact error na try muna ba with and without grf ecrypt? ano difference paki ano lang kasi na experience kuna yan ang gnwa ko lang is ng ecrypt ako gmit ang windows xp
  16. yes... example idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt make sure include the old item's like starting 501 Red Potion.
  17. you need include your previous custom item before patch
  18. most item is tradable... if ung isang item mo hnd tradable.. check mo dito sa if renewal setting mo rA/db/re/item_trade.txt kung pre-re nmn setting mo rA/db/pre-re/item_trade.txt
  19. Yung Client mo is Corrupt hnd sya na load ng maayos or hnd sya na download.. pakabasahin mo yung message error.. try mo mag rediff or try mo ung working client.. kasi ung problema dyan is nabitin ang pag load or pag generate thanks.. if win7 ka always use run as admin thanks.
  20. portforward po if home base lang gamit mo
  21. edit your data/grf find clientinfo.xml and change the New Chaos to your Server Name
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